---- FABAD J. Pharm. Sci., 27, 13-18, 2002 RESEARCH ARTJCLES /BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMALAR Fatty Acid Composition in the Seed Oils of Papaver somniferum from Different Provinces 0 Şenay KÜSMENOGLU* , Zuhal AKAY*, Bilge ŞENER* Faity Acili Composiiion in the Seed Oi/s of Papaver Farklz Bölgelerden Toplanan Papa ver somniferum somniferumfroın Different Provinces Tohum Yağlarının Yağ Asitleri Bileşimi Sumnıary : Papaver sornniferum l. (Papaveraceae) is cul­ Özet : Papaver somniferum L. (Papaveraceae) Bolvadin'de tivated in Turkey far the production of Opiunı alkaloids in bulunan afyon alkaloitleri fabrikasında afyon alkaloitlerini oils of the seeds Bolvadin Opiunı Alkaloids factory and fixed elde etmek üzere kültürü yapılan ve tohunı yağları yemeklik are consumed as edible oils in Anatolia. yağ olarak Anadolu'da tüketilen bir bitkidir. seeds oils were obtained fronı the seeds of in this study, the Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'nin on farklı bölgesinden toplanan sanıples co/lected fronı ten provinces of Turkey. eighty-three seksen üÇ örneğin tohum yağları elde edilmiştir. Yağ asit­ Methyl esters of fatty acids were prepared using Bo­ lerinin nıetil esterleri Bortriflorür-metanol reaktifi kul­ rontriflııoride-nıethanol reagent. Their analyses were per­ lanılarak hazırlanmış ve kapiler gaz kromatografisi ile ana­ fonned by capillaıy gas chro1natography system with Ultra 1 lizi yapılmıştır. Analizde Ultra I kolon ve taşıyıcı gaz column using Helium as the carrier gas. According to the re­ olarak helyum kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlara göre yağların baş­ sults, the nıain conıponents of the oils have been deternıined linoleik ve oleik asitler olduğu tespit edil­ as linoleic and oleic acids. lıca bileşenlerinin Key Words: Papaver somniferum L., Poppy, Pap­ miştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Papaver sornniferum L., Haşhaş, averaceae, Fatty acids, Seed oil Papaveraceae, Yağ asitleri, Tohum Received 25.5.2001 yağı Revi.l'ed 4.3.2002 Accepted 25.4.2002 IN1RODUCTION The capsule is more globular than !hat of the white poppy and its dehiscences involves pores located Papaver somniferum L. (Opium Poppy) is an annual under the stigmata. TIUs variety is known as nigrum. herb with large, showy, solitary flowers varying in The Asia Minor poppy has purple flowers and a color from white to pink or purple. The color of its wide globular capsule. The seeds are purplish-black. seeds is alsa variable, ranging in color from blue­ TIUs variety is glabrum2. The cultivation of Papaver black or grey to yellow white or rose-brownl. somniferum is controlled internationally by Inter­ national Narcotics Control Board of the United Na­ Opium poppy has three varieties. The poppy with tions. The poppy has been grown in Anatolia since white flowers and seeds is cultivated in India. The 3000 B.C.. Although initially free from any limitation, capsules are ovoid and devoid of pores. This variety restrictions were imposed on poppy cultivation in is traditionally referred to as album. The black poppy 1993, as Turkey became party to the Intemational is traditionally cultivated in Europe for seeds. The Opium Convention. Control of production, purchase, flowers are purplish and the seeds are slate grey. stock, standardization and export of poppy straw, im- * Gazi University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, 06330, Etiler, Ankara, TURKEY. ° Correspondence 13 Küsmenoğlu/ Akay, Şener port and distribution of drugs for domestic medical MATERIAL and METHODS requirements were carried out by the Turkish Grain and Opiates Board {TMO). Material: The seeds of Papaver somniferum L. {Pap­ Since 1974, the newly introduced system provides a averaceae) were obtained from eighty-three cultiva­ control mechanism covering ali the phases of the cul­ tion sites belonged to ten provinces, namely Afyon tivation. Cultivation can only be carried out under li­ (Başmakçı, Bayat, Bolvadin, Center, Çay, Çobanlar, cence in considerably restricted areas using the un­ Dazkırı, Dinar, Emirdağ, Evciler, Hocalar, İhsaniye, lanced method. Cultivation is carried out in 10 prov­ İscehisar, Sandıklı, Sincanlı, Sultandağı(l)-Doğancık, inces of Turkey, harvested straws are separated from Sultandağı(2)-Yakasenek, Şuhut), Amasya (Center, the seeds under inspection and the unlanced cap­ Göynücek, Gümüşhacıköy, sules are brought by the producers to the TM03A. Merzifon), Burdur (Ağ­ lasun, Bucak, Center, Çavdır, Çeltikçi, Gülhisar, Kara­ Oil is extracted from the seeds used lor cooking and manlı, Kemer, Tefenrü, Yeşilova), Denizli (Acıpayam, in paint industry. The seeds are also used in making Baklan, Bekilli, Buldan, Center, Çal, Çardak, Çivril, bread, cakes and pastries and the residue of the Güney, Honaz, Serinhisar), Isparta (Center, Ge­ seeds is used as animal lodder3. lendost, Gönen, Keçiborlu, Şarkikaraağaç, Yalvaç), Konya (Adasız, Papaver somniferum seed oils were also used in Altınova, Derbent, Doğanhisar, Höy• medicine. For example; ioclized poppy seed oil was ük, Ilgın, Kadınhanı, Selçuklu, Seydişehir, Tuzlukçu), used in deficiency of iodine. Hepatic artery injection Kütahya (Alhntaş, Aslanapa, Center, Domaniç, Dum­ of iodized oil mixed with various drugs is widely lupınar, Emet, Gediz, Hisarcık, Pazarlar, Simav, Şa­ used lor the treatment of liver tumors. Iodinated phane, Tavşanlı), Manisa (Kula, Selendi), Tokat (Ar­ ethyl ester of poppy seed oil (Lipiodol Ultra-Fluid) tova, Erbaa, Turhal, Yurt), Uşak (Banaz, Center, was used in hepatocellular carcinoma. More recently, Eşme, Karahallı, Sivaslı, Ulubey). iodinated-131-labeled iodized oil (Lipiocis) has been injected into the hepatic artery lor interstitial radia­ tion therapy. Some clinical success has been reported Method: Methyl esters of fatty acids in the oils were with this method in the treatrnent of hepatocellular deterrnined by capillary gas chromatography. carcinoma with portal vein thrombosis5. Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids: Oils were There have been some studies on poppy seed oils in exh·acted from the dried poppy seeds with petroleum Turkey6,7. Demirbaş et al. used Soxhlet apparahıs and acetone extraction method6. The amount and ether (40-60°C) in Soxhlet apparatus. Thereafter, oils cornposition of the seed oils of the Papaver orientale were saponified with 0.5 N sodiıun hydroxide and which was cultivated in different provinces of Yu­ transesterified according to the method provided by goslavia were analysed by gas chromatography. Lin­ Morrison9. 2 ml borontrifluoride-methanol reagent oleic and oleic acids were foın1d as the major com­ were added to the oils (10-15 mg) in petroleum ether. ponents in this plantS. The arnount and cornposition The mixhıre was heated in the boiling water bath for of the seed oils of the Papaver orientale which was cultivated in different provinces of Yugoslavia were three minutes. The reaction was stopped by adding analysed by gas chromatography. Linoleic and oleic approxiınately 1 ml of water. After separation of the acids were found as the majör components in this two layers, methyl esters of fatty acids (in petroleum 8 plant . ether) were obtained. In this study, we aiıned to investigate the amount and lnstrumentation composition of seed oils frorn this planı. The fatty acid composition of the seed oils extracted from the seeds of eighty three samples collected from different cul­ Methyl esters of fatty acids were analyzed by cap­ tivated regions in Turkey was determined by GC. illary GC Hewlett Packard Model 5890 gas chro- 14 ---- FABADJ. Pharm. Sci .. 27, 13-18, 2002 matograph with flame ionization detector. The cap­ illary column was Ultra 1 (cross linked methyl sil­ Linoleic acid (18:2) and linolenic acid (18:3) are the icone gum phase (50 m x 0.2 mm x 0.33 µm). The tem­ most abundant essential fatty acids in the plants and perature was programmed between 180-230 'C and recently, the oils which contain these fatty acids were rate was 2 °C per minute. Detector and injector tem­ used in the treatment of sorne diseases. Essential fatty peratures were 250 °C, helium was used as carrier acids (EFA) have been acted about cholesterol me­ gas, flow rate was set at 0.9 ml/min. Split ratio was tabolism, transforrnation and change to metabolic 1/50 and chart speed was 0.5 emimin. far the first products. Cholesterol and low density lipoprotein nine minutes and then 1 cm/min. Peaks were iden­ amounts in the persons wl10 are noıırished with too tified by comparing with standard samples and rel­ much EFA were decreased. Polyunsaturated fatty ac­ ative amounts of fatty acids were calculated by In­ ids prevented atherosclerosis10·H When oils which tegrator Hewlett Packard HP 3398-11. have unsaturated fatty acids were hydrogenated, cor­ onary defects were increased12. RESULTS and DISCUSSION Linoleic acid is one of the essential fatty acids (EFA) This is the first study about the seed oils of ali Papa ver and is a precursor of eicosapentanoic acid (20:5) somniferum varieties cultivated in our country. The which causes a diminuation in platelet aggregation seeds of Papaver somniferum L. (Papaveraceae) were and extension of the bleeding time. obtained from eighty-three different cultivation sites belonged to ten provinces. The amount of the seeds The evening primrose (Oenothera biennis L.) is one and oils of these samples are indicated in Table 1. of the rich sources in terms of linoleic acid and y­ linolenic acid used in patients against atopic eczerna Table 1. The seed and flower colors and amount of (13,14). in our study, we found linolenic acid in the seeds and oils in the samples oils obtained from Denizli (Honaz, Serinhisar)
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