US 20180344582A1 ( 19) United States (12 ) Patent Application Publication ( 10) Pub . No. : US 2018 /0344582 A1 Kim et al. ( 43 ) Pub . Date : Dec . 6 , 2018 ( 54 ) PREPARATION FOR ATTACHING TO Publication Classification TEETH OR SURROUNDING PART OF (51 ) Int. Ci. TEETH A61K 8 / 02 (2006 . 01 ) A61K 8 / 73 ( 2006 .01 ) ( 71 ) Applicant: LG Household & Health Care Ltd . , A61K 8 / 25 ( 2006 .01 ) Seoul (KR ) A61K 8 /69 ( 2006 .01 ) A61K 8 /81 (2006 .01 ) ( 72 ) Inventors : Ji - Young Kim , Daejeon (KR ); A610 11 /00 ( 2006 .01 ) Jae - Hyun Ahn , Daejeon (KR ) ; 2) U . S . CI. Jong -Hoon Kim , Daejeon (KR ) ; In - Ho CPC .. .. .. .. .. A61K 8 /02 ( 2013 . 01 ) ; A61K 8 / 736 Lee , Daejeon (KR ) ; Sang- Min Lee , ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K 8 / 25 ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K 9 / 70 Daejeon (KR ) ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K 8 /69 ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K 8 /81 ( 2013. 01 ); A61Q 11/ 00 ( 2013 .01 ) ; A61K 8 / 731 ( 73 ) Assignee : LG Household & Health Care Ltd . , (2013 .01 ) Seoul (KR ) (57 ) ABSTRACT The present invention provides a preparation for attaching to ( 21 ) Appl. No. : 15 / 778, 127 teeth or tooth peripheries, which comprises a malleable oral composition and an active ingredient for intra -oral delivery . ( 22 ) PCT Filed : Nov. 10 , 2016 Further, the present invention provides a preparation for attaching to teeth or tooth peripheries , which comprises an ( 86 ) PCT No. : PCT/ KR2016 /012934 oral composition in a hardening ointment -phase and an $ 371 ( c ) ( 1 ) , active ingredient for intra - oral delivery . The preparation of ( 2 ) Date : May 22 , 2018 the present invention may give high adhesive force to the desired site in spite of gaps between teeth or curves of teeth . (30 ) Foreign Application Priority Data The preparation of the present invention having high adhe sive force increases the time of adhesion to a target site in Nov. 24 , 2015 (KR ) . .. .. .. 10 -2015 -0164928 the oral cavity , and thus may be advantageous in achieving Dec. 3 , 2015 ( KR ) . .. .. .. .. 10 - 2015 - 0171541 an intended effect. tsar that JH heb. com Patent Application Publication Dec . 6 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 4 US 2018 /0344582 A1 FIG . 1 ( a ) . 12. 1911 TL11 - - - - - - ( b ) Patent Application Publication Dec . 6 , 2018 Sheet 2 of 4 US 2018 /0344582 A1 FIG . 2 : : . : . : : : : il ' ii .Vinttiiliopew : : : :: . : : IIIIIII firinin k iinni . ! . i ' Tilisi. iiiiiiii. i . n . 1 1 I . III I . : Iniis rii , , SHI . i i . is riiulisi . i . Ini . iiii . ii . : : : 1 . Nii , ' , AVITY . .I . II i II : : . I . '.. .. : . : . S ! ! ! . : ' ! . .1 . : . ADA ? . Fy - . Showing ?? . Patent Application Publication Dec . 6 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 4 US 2018 /0344582 A1 FIG . 3 Patent Application Publication Dec . 6 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 4 US 2018/ 0344582 A1 FIG . 4 , ," ? . ? - . ? ? ? ? ? ? , , , • • ' ' ' ' . ' .' ,' IT ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' . ' ' . ' ? ? ? ? ' ' ' ' ? ' ' ? . thorn" / US 2018 /0344582 A1 Dec. 6 , 2018 PREPARATION FOR ATTACHING TO SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION TEETH OR SURROUNDING PART OF [0008 ] In order to solve the above problems, the present TEETH invention provides a preparation for delivering an active CROSS -REFERENCE TO RELATED ingredient whose physical properties are changed before attachment to teeth and after a period of time after the APPLICATIONS attachment. [0001 ] The present application claims priority to Korean [ 0009 ] Further , the present invention provides a prepara Patent Application No . 10 - 2015 - 0164928 filed on Nov . 24 , tion in a form that can be freely changed before use , and can 2015 , and Korean Patent Application No . 10 - 2015 -0171541 be adhered well to gaps between teeth or a boundary area filed on Dec . 3 , 2015 in the Republic of Korea , the disclo between gums and teeth . sures of which are incorporated herein by reference . [0010 ) Further, the present invention provides a novel form of an oral preparation having excellent feeling of use , TECHNICAL FIELD which can be conveniently used without any feeling of being [0002 ] The present invention relates to a preparation for stained or sticky in the hands when attached to teeth or tooth delivering a drug into the oral cavity , and more specifically, peripheries . it relates to a novel form of an oral preparation , which can [ 0011] These and other objects and advantages of the effectively deliver an active ingredient to the desired site in present invention may be understood from the following the oral cavity . detailed description and will become more fully apparent from the exemplary embodiments of the present invention . Also , it will be easily understood that the objects and BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION advantages of the present invention may be realized by the [ 0003 ] In order to deliver an oral active ingredient into the means shown in the appended claims and combinations oral cavity , the contact time with an active ingredient and the delivery amount play an important role . thereof. [ 00041 Paste formulations such as toothpaste have a dis Definition advantage that it is difficult to provide sufficient contact time at the target site due to insufficient viscosity and high [0012 ]. The term “ tooth peripheries ' used herein is gener solubility , and mouth trays intended for intraoral drug deliv ally a concept involving a region represented by gums, and ery have a disadvantage that they have a strong sense of may be used to mean including all of the mucosal regions foreign body and difficult to deliver a drug locally due to around teeth . The tooth peripheries can be used to mean their shape characteristics. Patch type or strip type is thin , so covering the region where an active ingredient for intra - oral it is difficult to deliver sufficient amount of an active delivery can be delivered together with the teeth when the ingredient, and flexibility is low , so there is a disadvantage preparation is applied to the teeth in the structure of the that it is difficult to be adhered to gaps between teeth , preparation . Herein , teeth or tooth peripheries ' is used boundary area between gums and teeth , and the like . together with ' teeth ' , and it may be understood herein to 0005 ] In order to solve the adhesion problem to the gaps include both the teeth and the tooth peripheries even if it is between teeth , boundary area between gums and teeth and described only as ' teeth ' . the like , Korean Patent No . 10 - 0623859 developed a deliv [ 0013 ] The term “oral composition in a hardening oint ery system for a tooth whitening component using in situ ment- phase ' used herein means an oral composition that gelling , but there was a disadvantage that it is necessary to does not have a certain shape before adhered to teeth , has an use a separate backing layer because it is highly flowable ointment phase of free - shape transformation , gradually loses when applied to the tooth surface. Further, WO 2003 / 037276 its fluidity , and its shape is fixed . Namely , it means an discloses a preparation to be sprayed in the oral cavity due ointment- type oral composition , which has a characteristic to its low initial viscosity , but there was a problem that the that the preparation of the present invention is ointment type difference between the normal storage temperature ( espe when the preparation is applied to teeth or tooth peripheries , cially in summer ) and the temperature in the oral cavity is after application , its viscosity increases up to the point of small and it is difficult to remove it because the phase adhesion , and it hardens at the point when it is removed from transition does not occur rapidly unless it is applied very teeth after adhesion . thin . [0014 ] The ‘hardening ointment - phase preparation may [0006 ] U . S . Pat . No . 5 , 989, 569 discloses about applying a mean a preparation that is a semi- solid - type ointment such drug to the surface of a strip and delivering the drug by as dough or clay after application , but is molded with pressure , but there were problems that the active ingredient external force such as heat or pressure over time, gradually is temporarily released because the drug is applied on the loses its moldability and hardens, and finally permanently surface of the strip and adhered to teeth as it is , and it may transformed . cause strong stimulus in the gums around the teeth . Further , [0015 ] The term “hardening ' used herein may include not there was a disadvantage that physical properties , in par only hardening by the formation of a network structure such ticular , flexibility , of the drug to be applied are different from as an ionic crosslinked structure like an egg - box model but those of the strip , and therefore , adhesion to gaps between also a decrease in fluidity accompanied by a progress of teeth is difficult . polymerization reaction by light or a catalyst , and may mean [0007 ] The inventors of the present invention have studied a state of hardly hardening due to various factors such as for a long time to develop a novel form of a preparation , degree of absorption of water and degree of exposure to air, which can effectively deliver a drug into the oral cavity with and no further shape transformation . convenience of use , thereby completing the present inven [0016 ] The term “malleability ' used herein may mean that tion . the preparation of the present invention has shape trans US 2018 /0344582 A1 Dec. 6 , 2018 formability or can have moldability by external pressure . It preferably about 1 to 3 min or less after applying the also mean that the preparation is sufficiently flexible and it preparation of the present invention to teeth . is possible to transform to such a degree that when the [0024 ] The term “ timeof removal ofthe preparation ' in the preparation is adhered in the mouth , it can be completely present invention may mean the time that the drug is adhered to gaps between teeth or the fine portion between released from the oral cavity after it is adhered to teeth or a teeth and gums.
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