FrIIIaJ, .... 31,' D89 CIIaItra 10, 1911 (SUa) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Thirteenth Session (Eiahtb Lok Sabha) ~ .. ~................. .., --= .. J 'PARLIAMf:l~ 1 Ll13RAltY • I, )10. ~ .........'-1.... ., .. ... • Date .... ,. .JYf?tJ~ .., .. .:' _ ..",- JfI'I'''''' w~ ...,. (Yol. XLYll1 coDtaillS Nos. 21 to 30) Ptlu , b. '.00 (OJuGINAL ENGLISH PJloamDINGS INCLUDBIJ IN BNGLISH VmwOH AND OlUGINAL HINDI PaOCEBDINGS INCLUDBD IN HINDI VBUlON WILL BB TREATED AS AUTBOlUTATIVB AND NOT TBB'l'lUNSLATlONTBBIDJOP.] [Eighth Series, Vol XLVIII, Thirteenth Session, 198911910-11 (SMa)] No. 23, Friday, March 31, 1989/Chaitra 10, 1911 (Saka) COUJMNS Obituary References: 1-2 Oral Answers to Questions: 2-32 *Starred Questions Nos. 431, 432, 435 to 437, 441, 443 and 446 Written Answers to Questions: 32-387 Starred Questions Nos. 433, 434, 438 to 440, 442, 32-42 444, 445 and 447 to 450 Unstarred Questions Nos. 4149 to 4184, 4186 to 4187, 43-373 4189 to 4279, 4281 to 4333, 4335 to 4341, and 4343 to 4382 Papers taid on the Table 388-396 527-528 ' Messages from Rajya Sabha 396-397 527 Cons1itufion (Sixty-First Amendment) Bill 398 As passed and assented to-laid Leave of absence of Members from the sittings of the House 398-399 Grant of leave to certaill Members as recommended in Fifteenth Report Committee on absence of Members from the sittings of the House 399 Minutes - Laid Business of the House 399-405 Motion Re: Report of Commission on Centre-State Relations ../405--472 Shri B.R. Shagat 405-415 Shri N.V.N. Somu 415-422 ·The sign t marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) Dr. G.S. DhDIon 422--427 Shri Dinesh Goswami 427--437 Shri R L. Bhatia 437-441 Shri R Jeevarathinam 441-445 Shri P.R. Kumaramangalam Prof. Saifuddin Soz 451-458 Dr. G.S. Rajhans 458-462 Shri P. Kolandaivelu 462--471 Committee on Private Members' Bills and Resolutions 472--473 Sixty-second Report - Adopted Resolution 1'9: measures to control population explosion 473-526 Dr. Krupasindhu Bhoi 473-486 Shri Virdhi Chander Jain 487--490 Dr. G. Vijaya Rama Rao 490-492 Dr. PhuJrenu Guha 493-496 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 496-502 Shri N. Tombi Singh 502-507 Kumar; Mamata Banerjee 507-511 Shri V. Sobhanadreeswara Rao 511-519 Shri Girdhari Lal Vyas 520-525 Shri Aziz Qureshi 525-526 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA Shn Benoy Krtshna Daschowdhul) passed away on 25 February, 1989 at Cal- cutta at the age of 59. Friday, March 31, 1989lChaitra 10,1911 Dr. P. Srinivasan was a Member of the (Saka) Third Lok Sabha dUring 1962-67 represent- Ing Madras-North constituency. A medical proctltloner by profeSSion, The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock Dr. Srinivasan was a prominent SOCial worker and was assocIated with sever dl [MR. SPEAKER In the Chm~ InstitUtions In various capaCities He took particular Interest II) the protection and wel- [English] tare of orphaned children. He was member of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences OBITUARY REFERENCES In 1962 MR. SPEAKER: Honourable Mem- Dr. Snnlvasa" passed away at Madras bers, with profound sorrow I have to Inform on 12 March. 1989 at the age of 81 the House of the sad demise of two of our former oolleagues, namely. Shn Benoy We deeply mourn the los::, of these Krishna Daschowdhury and Dr P SW)I- It I>:!nds and I am sure the House Will lOin me vasan In conveYinG Ollr condolences to the be- r&clved families Shn Benoy Krishna Daschowdhury was a Member of the Fourth and Fifth Lek S.Jbha The t iouse may now stand In Silence for dUring 1967 77 representing Coach-Behar a short while as a m ark of re5pect to the constituency of West Bengal. deceased. A lawyer by profeSSIOn, Shn Dascho- The Membels then stood in silence for a wdhury was a dedicated SOCial worker. He short while actively participated in soclO-phllanthropic activlties_ A widely travelled person, he was life member of the India Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association ORAL ANSWERS TO 6UESTIONS and was the Indian delegate to the Com mon- wealth Parliamentary Conference heki at [English] Canberra, Australia in 1970. Import of Non-Ferrous Metals by MMTC An able parliamentarian, Shn Dascho- "431. SHRIMATI BASAVARAJES· wdhury took keen interest in the proceed- WARl: Will the M!nister of COMMERCE be ings of the House and made valuable contri- pleased to state: butions thereto. He s.rved as Chairman of the Committee on Government Assurances (a) whether the Minerals and Metals during 1974-76. Trading Corporation (MMTC) proposes in- 3 Oral Answers MARCH 31,1989 Oral Answers .. aeased import of non-ferrous metals dunng a fad that there is a feeling among the the current financial year: varIOus manufacturers and other that there is inordinate delay in reaching the metals at (b) if so, whether Government contem- various ports of the country? Is it aJso a fad plate to provide additional allocation to the that some of the companies and associa- MMTC in this regard; tIons are importing copper under OGL and after the same is arrived in India it is sold as (c) if so,the details thereof; rods and billets? 11 so, what action does Government propose to take against such (d) the countries from where the MMTC people? proposes to import non-ferrous metals; and SHRI P.R. DAS MUNSI: Copper is not (e) the financial benefits to the MMTC to allowed to be imported under OGL. Copper accrue therefrom? is canalised through MMTC. But copper scrap is allowed under OGL. H any specific THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE complaint is given to us, we will certainly MINISTRY OF COMMERCE (SHRI P.R. examine the matter cr~ically again. DAS MUNSI): (a) No, Sir. SHRIMATI BASAVARAJESWARI: (b) to (e). Do not arise. What aoout the complaints that the metal is not reaching the ports in time? SHRIMATI BASAVARAJESWARI: am not happy with the reply given by the hon. SHRI P.R. DAS MUNSI: Hany specific Minister. However, I would like to put my cases are reported to us, certainly we will supplementary. I would like to know the take care of that. amount of foreign exchange sanctioned to MMTC for import of copper and also zinc for Narmada Project 1988-89. I also want to know whether ~ is also a fact that the Indian engineering indus- *432. SHRI DHARAM PAL SINGH try. the Confederation of Engineering Indus- MALlKt: try and Indian Electrical and Electronics SHRI PARKASH CHANDRA: Manufacturers' Association have requested the Government to increase the foreign Will the Minister of WATER RE- exchange allocation in order to see that the SOURCES be pleased to state: MUTC gives allotment as per the demand. (a) whether the construction work on SHRI P.R. DAS MUNSI: The foreign the Narmada Sagar Project is going on as exchange allocations for the adual ap- per schedule; proved projected target for the import of non- ferrous metals could not be made because (b) if so, the present stage of the con- of the critical balance of payment position. struction work of this project; Therefore, we had to reduce import. MMTC, in spite of infrastructural arrangements, (c) the expenditure incurred so far; and could not import for lack of scarce foreign exchange allocation programme. We have (d) the steps being taken for the early received representations from the industry. completion of the project? But the fact remains that in this critical year, in view of the balance of payment situation, [ Translation] we could not do it. But at the same time, it did .II \ not adversely affect the exports. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES SHRIMATf BASAVARAJESWARI: Is it (SHRIMATI KRISHNA SAHI): (a) to (d). The 5 CHAITRA 10,1911 (SAKA) 8 .. on the project has started since No- (English) vember, 1987 and an expenditure of about As. 74 crores has been incurred up to De- SHRI DHARAM PAL SINGH MALIK: cember. 1988. Narmada Valley Develop- Sir. I wanted to know in my first supplemen- ment Authority has been set.up by the State tary wr~ v:as the initial budget estimate for Government for timely execution of the proj- the construction of this dam. That part of the ect. question has not been replied to. (English] [ Translation) SHRI DHARAM PAL SINGH MALIK: SHRIMATI KRISHNA SAHI: Mr. Part (b) and (d) of my question has not Speaker, Sir, its estimated cost is approxi- properly been repUed. Further I want to know mately Rs. 2000 crores. from the hon. Minister whether the execution of work on this project is going on according MR. SPEAKER: Will you ask even the to the original time schedule; if not, what was third question? the initial budget estimate and how much increase in the budget ;s required due to dely [English] in the execution and what is the actual state of construction work at this time? SHRI DHARAM PAL SINGH MALIK: Sir, the Narmada Valley Project is facing a lot [ Translation] of oppositIOn from scientists and environ- ment experts and it is reported that some changes are taking place in the Narmada SHRIMATI KRISHNA SAHI: Mr. Valley which may affed the whole project in Speaker, Sir, hon. Member has thrown sev- the lon91un. It is assessed that once the dam eral questions at a time. He has stated that is cons1ructed, the large amounts of water part (b) and (c) of the question have not been stored will further weaken the geological replied properly. In reply to part (b), I have structure at the origin of the rivei.
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