THE BENTLEY COMMUNITY & BUGLE CHURCH NEWS The Next Collection Will be at………..? Or is it just hot air? Please mention the Bentley Bugle when responding to Adverts S. A. PRIOR BUILDERS MOT’s - Class 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7 Servicing & Repairs Tel: 01473 730002 or 730033 Fax: 01473 730269 NELSEPTEMBERSON P O2015TTERR QUALITY FENCING & GARDEN BUILDINGS Fence Panels, Trellis, Willow Panels, Post & Rails, Poles, Stakes, Wire Netting, Sheds & Summerhouses Local Deliveries £5 TEL: 01473 311905 Dodnash, Bergholt Road, Bentley IP9 2DQ www.nelsonpotter.co.uk Advertise your business here for only £20 per issue and reach every house in Bentley. Contact Peter Day Tel: 01473 310518 Email: [email protected] PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TRADERS Copy Deadline for Dec 2017 – Jan 2018 issue is Friday 17th Nov. Parish Diary OCTOBER 2017 2. Bentley Footpath Society AGM - Village Hall - 7.30 pm. 3. Tuesday Club - “Suffolk Farmhouse Cheeses” - Jason Salisbury - Village Hall at 2.30 pm. 4. Whist Drive - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 4. Bentley Comrades - Village Hall Committee Room - 7.30 pm. 5. Coffee and Company at 19,The Link - 10.00 am to 11.30 am. 5. Parish Council Monthly Meeting - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 9. Footpath Society walk to Boynton Hall - Meet at Village Hall at 10.30 am. 10. Bentley Comrades - Escorted Tour of Orfordness. 11. W.I. - Wood Carving - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 12. Scrabble Club - Village Hall Committee Room - 2.30 pm. 14. St Marys Annual Quiz Night - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 15. Case Public House - Nicky Moxey talks about her new book - 7.00 pm to 8 00 pm. 16. Horticultural Society - Outing to Sheffield Park Gardens. Coach leaves Village Hall at 8.40 am. 17. Tuesday Club - “An Eccentric Look at Suffolk” by Charlie Haylock - Village Hall at 2.30 pm. 18. Whist Drive - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 19. Link Lunch - Village Hall - Servings at 12 noon and 12.30 pm. 20. Horticultural Society - “The Lost Gardens of Suffolk” - Edward Martin - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 26. Scrabble Club - Village Hall Committee Room - 2.30 pm. 28. Quiz Night at The Case - 8.00 pm. 31. Tuesday Club - “Stranger Aspects of Policing” ( Part 2) Dick Leach - Village Hall at 2.00 PM. NOVEMBER 2017 1. Bentley Comrades - Village Hall Committee Room - 7.30 pm. 1. Whist Drive - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 2. Coffee and Company at 19,The Link - 10.00 am to 11.30 am. 2. Bentley Parish Council Monthly Meeting - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 4. Coffee Morning on behalf of Myeloma UK - Village Hall 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. 8. W.I. - Old Sayings and their Origins - P. Banham - Village Hall at 7.30.pm. 9. Scrabble Club - Village Hall Committee Room - 2.30 pm. 11. Bentley Toddler Group Jumble Sale - Village Hall at 2.00 pm. 12. Service of Remembrance - At War Memorial at 10.50 am. 14. Tuesday Club - Chair Aerobics, Cards and Scrabble - Village Hall at 2.00 PM 15. Whist Drive - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 16. Link Lunch - Village Hall - Servings at 12 noon and 12.30pm. 17. Horticultural Society - AGM - Village Hall at 7.30 pm. 23. Scrabble Club - Village Hall Committee Room - 2.30 pm. 25. Quiz Night at The Case - 8.00 pm. 26. Craft Fair - Case from 4.00 pm. 28. Tuesday Club - Christmas Lunch at Acorn Village - Coach leaves Village Hall at 11.15 am. OTHER ACTIVITIES IN THE VILLAGE. CARPET BOWLS - Every Tuesday 7.30 pm & Wednesday 2.30 pm – Village Hall. AEROBICS CLASS - Tuesday morning at 9.45 am (Term Time only) – Village Hall. PILATES CLASS - Tuesday 11.00 am to noon (Term Time only) – Village Hall. Contact Mrs Jill Sharp for information – 01473 311546. TODDLER GROUP - Monday and Wednesday mornings 9.30 am to 12 noon (Term time only) at Village Hall. Bentley Bugle – Oct 2017 / Nov 2017 Page 2 Bentley Directory PARISH, DISTRICT AND COUNTY COUNCILS Parish Council - Chairman Dr Michael Bamford 01473 730164 Parish Council - Clerk Mrs Joy Scott 01206 298174 Babergh District Councillors Mr John Hinton 01206 298309 Mr Stephen Williams 01206 298877 County Councillor Mr Gordon Jones 01206 262799 Police Community Support Officers Stephen Cooper, Melissa Cohen 101 BENTLEY ORGANISATIONS AND CLUBS Bentley Primary School (Head Teacher) Mrs Jo Austin 01473 310253 (Chair Governors) Mr Dennis Kell 01473 730087 (Chair PTA) Aimee Louis 07906 696454 Bentley Community Pub (The Case) Mrs Kate Spicer 01473 314187 Bentley Comrades Mr Ray Savage 01473 311122 Bentley Community Stores Mr Bob Feltwell 01473 310182 Bowls Club Mrs Lillian Calvert 01473 311756 Carpet Bowls Mrs Jill Mills 01473 311103 Coffee and Company Mrs Sandra Mehen 01473 310383 Computer Clinic Mr John Blackmore 01473 310655 Footpath Society Mr Allan Cribb 01473 310623 Horticultural Society Mr John Blackmore 01473 310655 Link Lunch Group Mrs Veronica Howe 01473 310344 Parent and Toddler Group Mrs Pam Rayment 01473 310283 Recorders Mrs Moira Usher 01473 310322 Scrabble Club Mr Robin Owen 01473 311844 Table Tennis Mr Jim Farrow 01473 730474 Tree Warden Mr Colin Hawes 01473 310678 Tuesday Club Mrs Margaret Blackmore 01473 310655 Village Hall – Bookings Mrs Margaret Blackmore 01473 310655 Village History Recorder Mr John Tombs 01473 310737 Whist Club Mrs Veronica Howe 01473 310344 Womens Institute Mrs Sandra Ford 01473 310072 ST MARY’S CHURCH, BENTLEY Rector Rev Annette Shannon 01473 807674 Benefice Administrator Ms Hayley Purnell 07713 863023 Churchwarden Mr Peter Day 01473 310518 Verger Mr Ray Savage 01473 311122 Assistant Priest Revd Don Mehen 01473 310383 BENTLEY BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. Craig Whale 01473 311976 Mr. Chris Cordle 01206 230923 Bentley Parish Council website is at http://www.bentleypc.onesuffolk.net Further information about Bentley can be found at www.krpa.co.uk Other Village Web sites are listed on page 25 Page 3 Bentley Bugle – Oct 2017 / Nov 2017 Bentley Directory THE BENTLEY BUGLE - COMMUNITY & CHURCH NEWS COORDINATORS The Bentley Bugle is published and distributed bi-monthly on a voluntary basis for the benefit of the local Village and Church community. Information is published in good faith and we reserve the right to edit copy submitted. Errors and exceptions are regretted. Advertising in these pages does not constitute a recommendation. Editor / Production Robin Owen 18 West Mill Green, Bentley, IP9 2BN Tel: 01473 311844 Email: [email protected] Treasurer Michael Anderton 26 West Mill Green, Bentley, IP9 2BN Tel: 01473 310014 Email: [email protected] Advertising Peter Day Greenacres, Capel Road, Bentley, IP9 2BL Tel: 01473 310518 Email: [email protected] Copy / Distribution Adrian Mills 15 West Mill Green, Bentley, IP9 2BN Tel: 01473 311103 Email: [email protected] Church Correspondent Sandra Mehen 19 The Link, Bentley Tel: 01473 310383 Email: [email protected] COPY DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT ISSUE – Copy Deadline for December 2017 – January 2018 issue is Friday 17th November. Copy can be submitted either on paper or electronically (preferred). Please try to ensure that any copy submitted electronically is in a standard format, e.g .DOC, .DOCX, .JPG .PDF or .TXT, and the preferred font is Arial 14 pt. We will always try to include copy that arrives after the published deadline subject to space being available. PLEASE SEND COPY AND INFORMATION DIRECT TO ADRIAN MILLS. A BIG THANK YOU FROM ROY AND KATE SPICER We would like to say a huge thank you to all our friends and neighbours for their love, support, kind wishes, cards and gifts over the last few months during Roy’s operation and ongoing recovery. We have really felt blessed to live in such a friendly, caring community such as Bentley. Once again thank you all so much. FRONT COVER Celebrating A Year Without Our Post Box. Photo by Robin Owen Bentley Bugle – Oct 2017 / Nov 2017 Page 4 ✞ St Mary’s Church News SERVICES INOctober 1st October Family Service 10.00 am 8th October Family Communion 10.00 am 15th October Family Service 10.00 am 22nd October Family Communion 10.00 am 29th October Benefice Communion 11.00 am Sproughton SERVICES IN NOVEMBER 5th November Family Service 10.00 am 12th November Service of Remembrance 10.50 am 19th November Healing Service 10.00 am 26th November Family Communion 10.00 am We will be holding our usual short act of Remembrance for all those who lost their lives in the First and Second World Wars and those who have lost their lives in conflicts since. This year the service will be on November 12th beginning at 10.50 am with two minutes silence at 11.00 am. We very much hope that traffic will be sensitive and respect the memories of those who died for our freedom. Please come along to remember all those who gave and still give their lives in the cause of freedom in the year when we remember the hundredth anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele. There are children’s activities provided for all our services and delicious refreshments served after each service in Bentley. All services advertised are at Bentley Church unless otherwise stated. For services at other churches in the Benefice see ‘In Touch’ HOME COMMUNION - a short service of Holy Communion is held in a home setting once a month on the first Wednesday starting at about 10.15am. There is time afterwards for coffee or tea and a chat If you are interested in joining us please contact Sandra on 310383, Carolyn on 311090 or Doreen 311122. Page 5 Bentley Bugle – Oct 2017 / Nov 2017 St Mary’s Church News LONELY? NEED A LISTENING EAR? NEED SOMEONE TO PRAY WITH YOU OR FOR YOU? Do you know of anyone in the village who would like a visit at home or in hospital? Would you like someone to visit you? Would you like someone to pray with you or for you? Please call Doreen on ℡311122, Carolyn on ℡311090, Jane on ℡310518 or Sandra on ℡310383.
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