DOCUMENT RESUME ED 395 857 SO 025 945 AUTHOR Allen, Ray; Groce, Nancy, Ed. TITLE Folk and Traditional Music in New York State. INSTITUTION New York Folklore Society, Newfield. REPORT NO ISSN-0361-204X PUB DATE 88 NOTE 201p.; A special double issue on this theme. AVAILABLE FROMNew York Folklore Society, P.O. Box 130, Newfield, NY 14867 ($6). PUB TYPE Collected Works Serials (022)'-- Historical Materials (060) Viewpoints (Opinion/Position Papers, Essays, etc.)(120) JOURNAL CIT New York Folklore; v14 n3-4 Sum-Fall 1988 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS American Indian Culture; Anthropology; Black Culture; Chinese Americans; Community Education; Community Resources; Cultural Activities; Cultural Maintenance; *Ethnic Groups; *Folk Culture; Greek Americans; Italian Americans; Japanese American Culture; *Music; *Music Education; Musicians; Puerto Rican Culture; Songs; Whites IDENTIFIERS Ethnomusicology; *Folk Music; Haitian Culture; Irish Americans; Musical Performance; Music Ensembles; *New York; Rap Music ABSTRACT This special journal issue is designed to draw attention to the varied musical traditions of cultural groups living in New York State. Recent research by folklorists and musicologists also is examined. Articles include:(1) "Introduction: Folk and Traditional Music in New York State" (Ray Allen; Nancy Groce); (2) "African-American Sacred Quartet Singing in New York City" (Ray Allen);(3) "The Anglo-American Fiddle Tradition in New York State" (Simon Bronner);(4) "Survival of Greek Folk Music in New York (Sotirios Chianis);(5) "Writing While They're Singing: A Conversation About Longhouse Social Dance Songs" (Michael Sam Cronk); (6) "Traditional Japanese Music in New York State" (Linda Fujie);(7) "Country Dancing in Central and Western New York State" (James Kimball);(8) "Music in New York City's Chinese Community" (Audrey R. Mazur) ;(9) "'Our Own Little Isle:' Irish Traditional Music in New York" (Rebbeca S. Miller);(10) "From Eastern Europe to East Broadway: Yiddish Music in Old World and New" (Henry Sapoznik); (11) "Italian Music in New York" (Michael Schlesinger);(12) "Puerto Rican Music in New York City" (Roberta Singer);(13) "'Rock the House:' The Aesthetic Dimensions of Rap Music in New York City" (Madeline Slovenz);(14) "Anglo-American Folksong Collecting and Singing Traditions.in Rural New York State" (Vaughn Ramsey Ward); and (15) "'Haiti Cherie': Journey of an Immigrant Music in New York City" (Lois E. Wilcken). (NP) 7 7****7 Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. *********************************************************************** t. ift a U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office ot Educational Research and improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTEF1 (ERIC) )(This document has been reproduced as received horn the person or organization originating it 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality I Points of ,aeror opinions staled in this document do not necessarily represent lir official OERI position or policy air MIOr. I 1,° PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS (Pa"-- t MATERIAL HAF N L,RANTED BY '44 V aNN TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) a a BEST COPY AVAILABLE The New York FolkloreSociety, Inc. Founded 1944 Executive Board, 1988-89 President: Daniel Franklin Ward (Seneca Falls);Vice President: John Eilertsen (Southamp- (Buffalo); ton); Secretary/Treasurer: Ellen Mc Hale(Esperance); Past President: Lydia Fish Jr. (Buf- Business Administrator: John Suter(Newfield); Journal Editor: Phillips Stevens, Jackie Day falo). Regional Representatives: VarickA. Chittenden (Canton, Northern), Western). Members-at-Large: Ray Allen (New (Syracuse, Eastern), Kate Koperski (Buffalo, Peter 'fork), Mary Bari le (Arkville), Janis Benincasa(Pine Hill), Mitzie Collins (Rochester), \/oorheis (Bath). Annual membership in the Society is $25individual, $35 institutional; foreign, add$5; twice a student (U.S. only) $15. Members receiveNEW YORK FOLKLORE, published the quarterly New "Ibrk FolkloreNewsle 'ter. Address all inquiries year (Spring and Fall), and journal and newsletter concerning membership, subscriptions,and back issues of ft Administrator, PO. Box 130, Newfield, NY 14867.Address inquiries to John Suter, Business P.O. Box concerning items for the Newsletter toDaniel Franklin Ward, Newsletter Editor, Special Issues), 678, Seneca Falls, NY 13148. Backissues of the journal (except certain YORK FOLKLORE, as available, are: NewYarkFolklore Quarterly, Vols. 1-30 (1974), $4; NEW Administrator. Vols. 1-9 (1983), $6; obtain a price list forsubsequent issues from the Business addressed Manuscripts for the journal, and requestsfor editorial information, should be films, recordings. to the Editor; addresscorrespondence concerning reviews of books, exhibitions, etc., to the Reviews Editor.Editors' addresses appear on the opposite page; contributors, appears in- a summary statement ofeditorial policy, and information for side the back cover of this issue. Special Issue: Folk and TraditionalMusic in New YorkState Ray Allen and NancyGroce, Guest Editors Vol. 14, Nos. 3-4 Summer-Fall, 1988 Pro- Publication of this issue is supported in part be a grant frorn the Folk Arts gram, NeN York State Council onthe Arts. NEW YORK FOLKLORE The Journal of the New YorkFolklore Society (succeeds New Thrk Folklore Quarterly,1945-1974) Editor: Phillips Stevens, Jr., Department ofAnthropolou, SUNY at Buffalo, Ellicott Com- plex, Buffalo, NY 14261. Tel (716) 636-2302; messages(716) 636-2414. Reviews Editor: Lydia Fish, Depaitment ofAnthropology, SUNY College at Buffalo, 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14222. Tel (716)878-6110. Editorial Board: Varick A. Chittenden, LydiaFish, Joyce Ice, Bruce Jackson, Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, W. E.1 I. Nicolaisen, Mary ArnoldTwining, Daniel Franklin Ward. Editorial Assistants, this issue: David DiMinni,Crv,4a1 Nla/ur, Michael Zehe. The Editorship of NEW YORK FOLKLORE issponsored by the State University of Net. Thrk at Buffalo. NEW YORK FOLKLORE Is indexed in Art!. Inanandres Citation Mkt:tufa( Indei abstracted in Ihshmeal Abstnrets and America.In-:tory:mil 1.11e. ISSN 036I-204X 1085 by The New Thrk Folklore Cocietv. Inc. Allrights reserved. Note from the Editor New Thrk Folklore aims to publish a Special Issueor Special Section on a topic of currency in folklore studies. or on an aspect of the incredibly rich cultural heritage of our State, at leastonce a Year. The usual first move is to select a specialist in the chosenarea, and to invite that person to act as Guest Editor. But any feelings of having been honored by sucha re- quest rapidly pass, as the Guest Editors realize thenature of the task they have agreed to undertake (and the Editor recalls hismother's advice on the proper way to treat a guest). It's not like editinga book, to which a publisher is not yet committed. The Guest Editor ofa special issue of a journal has to deal not only with authors and theirown agendas, but with the journal's regular.Editor and his (damned) publicationschedule. But always, when everything is in, the Guest Editor plucksout hislier ne; gray hairs, kills off the antacid bottle, and pens 'acknowledgements," graciously thanking all who had a part in the project. But whothanks the Guest Editors? Ray Allen and Nancy Groce are both distinguished enthnomusicologists, current or past members of our Society's Executive Board, andamong the most energetic and imaginative folklori- ts inour State. They have worked patiently and persistently on this project for %yellover a year. They com- bined continual good cheer with a determinedcommitment to excellence Here is the result, and on behalf ofe New York Folklore Society, I thank them deet:ly for it. It is a unique and remarkable'olurrk., and I know that it will be regarded as an important-one. jr. November, 1988 Cover photo: Los Pleneros de la 21, a Puerto Rican ho mbaand plena enscnibh' in New York City (see article by Robe4a Singer,p. 1.39). 7op, 1-r: Francisco Rivera, Salmi/ Tanco, Pablo Ortiz, luan Gutierrez. Bottom, 1-r: AlbertoCepeda, Euxenia Ramos, and Beniamm llores (1935 1988. )Photo but Marlis Mombei; 198b. r. Ii ) NEW YORK FOLKLORE Vol. XIV, Nos. 3-4, 1988 CONTENTS Special Issue: Folk and Traditional Music in New York State Ray Allen and Nancy Groce, Guest Editors Introduction: Folk and Traditional Music in New York State Ray Allen and Nancy Groce African-American Sacred Quartet Singing in New 'fOrk City Ray Allen 7 The Anglo-American Fiddle Tradition in New York State Simon Bronner 23 Survival of Greek Folk Music in New `iiirk Sotirios (Sam) Lhianis Writing While They're Singing: A Conversation about Longhouse Social Dance Songs Michael Sam ( ronk 49 Traditional Japanese Music in New York State Linda Fujie 61 Countr, Dancing in Central and Western New York State lames Kimball 71 Musk in New York City's Chinese Community Audrey R. Maiur 89 "Our Own Little Isle:" Irish Traditional Music in New York Rebecca S. Miller 101 From Eastern Europe to East Broadway: Yiddish Music in Old ' orld and Ne I lenry Sapoinik 117 Italian Music in New Nbrk Michael Schlesinger 129 Puerto Rican Music in New York Cite Roberta Singer 139 "Rock the I louse:" r e Aesthetic Dimensions of Rap Music in New York City Madeline Sloven/ 151 Anglo-American Folksong Collecting and Singing Traditions in Rural New York State Vaughn Ramsey Ward 165 Hath Cht Inc: Journey of an Immigrant Music in New York City I ois E. Wilcken 170 Contributors to this Issue!, PA); Editor's `rear-End Report. 192. iii NEW YORK FOLKLORE
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