I( Bringing Afrlc&-6outh- SOc (GSTJnc~) Friday February 9 Namibia set to enter 'NEW ECONO IC"E,RA... INDEPENDENT Namibia will remain a member of the Southern Afric.anCustoms.Union and the common Monetary Area (or at leaSt two years after independence, Swapo's shadow finance minister,. Dr.Otto Herrigel, said in Windhoek last night. Speaking at a business dinoer hosted . mocracyin action anel we will break .by Windhoek' businel1s person, Mr . away from the autocratic syllem we . Harold Pupkewitz, on the topic of . have known in the past."- · 'Public Financ.e and Monetary Pol- Dr Herrigelsaid the incomins icy .options in an Independent Na- government tmvisaged 'a rationalisa~ ' mibia' , Dr HerrigeIsaidit was essen- tion of existing financial in$tiiutiOBl , .. tial for Namibia to establish its own .to ellininate some of the coi';ruption ' .. monetary system as soon as possible and duplication of functions whiCh to be able to cootrolits nntionaIwealth, had ',plagued especially parastatal . but "implementation' of our own institutions in colonial times; .. currency will take under the best of Dr Herrigel. had good. news for circumstances two years .at'least". wom'lln when at question time he said Before a monetary system could there would be separate taxation for be implemented, a central. bank of marriedwomen;buthehadbadnews Namibia would have to be · estab- for parastatals such as the First Na- lished'to plan the implementation of tional' Development . Corporation an own currency and monetary sys- (FNDC), which he said, had "devel- tem. oped out of the old apartheid sys- "Among others, the International tem". AdQing that "a clean break Monetary Fund has offered their as- from its apartheid past is esseDtial", sistance in this matter," Dr Herrigel Dr Herrigel went .on to say that the said. FNDC had fai1~d in its objectives to He added that his speech should give '. development impetus to. the not be int~1preted as -a clear policy . _ economy. A true developmc:nt bank . mESE three friends were pictw:ed croiJiiog tli~ Swakop Riv~r when it bi-oke through to tbe sea last· statement, but as an indication of the' . would be of major importance to an weekend. ~otograph by John Liebenberg. thiDking and discussions goiDg on in' . independent Namibia. ' and . would the shadow cabinet. attract financial resources and w.ould He said that as minister of finance' . ' chilrtnel: ' control and co.:ordinate he would lay great emphasis on goQd . ~ '· firianci!ll ·development aid ~c.eived communication with th~ various . ,by'· Namibi~, but. the .FNDc could economic seetors, which would have ' pe~haps be re-conStituted as a.techPi- a far more important role t~ play caladvisorybodYlinder~neWname. .;, after independence. .' . Further reconunencling rationali- ' HUNDREDS of toyi-toying and placard-waving workers at the Rossing mine yesterday demonstrated . "'The. future government wairts to . sation'in the commercial banking to calla bait to what they descrii;»ed. as.the ~'\ictimisatiori" of union leaders; ~Compromisedon't ensure that new policies' and laws . sector, as well as in ~ ,field oflow­ . victimise', 'Hands off our leaders' and ·'Reconciliation not victimisation' read some Qf the ·placards. develop in consultation with the bodi~ , income housing (National Building , . I. '.' ... • - .. • . and groups most concemed with the . anci Investment COrporation) and. 'IheArandis miners were up in ·.Mr Kesler's office yesterday he was made within a COIl1JJl9D framework, respective policies and laws, arxl wants insurance cornpaniea, Dr·Henigel wem anns over the alleged victimisation': : not there, dCspite being notified iii "otherwise we operate.from differ- to further ensure that these policies on to say that overall ~amibia's fi- ofat least.six union officials, incluil-":: . writing earlier·that the workers would ent perceptions, . and it leaves ·the . and laws will be supported by the nancial system was ~ . robu~ one and ing the Mineworkers' Union' of ; , . approach him. '. /.. dooropenfordete~gvictimisa- , widest possible cro.ss-section of the well,"placed !O .contribute' positively . Namibia (MUN) president ~sser .!" However, he. tu~~d up later and ' . tion", one miiteworker said. population. In this sense we sub- ". Kapere and MUN Rossing branch attempted to explain '. the official .Some officials were relatively happy . .scribe t!> and will ·demonstrat~ de- .cONTINUED ON P,~GE 2 cbJPzperson Wintson Groenewald. position, as well as saying there had - "for the time being'" - with the Mine sources told The Namibian been no intention to victimise, . situation that developed yesterday. thlit 'leaders had been confronted with "But the workers were.very emo- "I think we: got abel!.er agreem.ent alleged 'contlictofinte~st'between tional about ~e issue. It must have whereby we both agreed ·notto·use . B r lli ' 5 ·O n' "'h U 5 h theiiunion positions and theirjobs at been nerve-racking for hini:," amine . temislike conflict of interests.unless .. ...... ...'. ,, ' . • Rossllig. .. SQUlCe s.trld.late IasrDight: . the..,meaning is ckfinCd:;,:one worker . .•t . ,It i,s app~ntly Oneof~y ~~sues The Namibian was told 'that the said. ','We. in.a bCitter PoSition... .. _ . '-onw\iichworker.fCeltliey;Mve.got ", compaily'~dnowcoIrlmitieditselt Yesterdaywo~lcersw~quickto h"'" ,'. h" • " :11 . .. now~riWith the comp!U;ay. ':' -\ to withdrawiDgthe victimisation pointoutthatthey)ladprotested~er . :. s' ,' m' 1'5' :S I 0 ·n· . Thissparbdawaveofange{~"the ' statCl*.nts originally made to some work"aswedidD.'twaDttotire8kthe . y , ..... '.. -, . .;',. ~; ~d,. after. ~nuqi~.Q.fmee,tings union :'l~~ers "su~h as connic.t of ClllU~sof~uiprOce~!lgreem~nt. .. ',. , . " ~Y;~11UlQ4ed,. to . ~: genej'al . ~an- . interests". "'. ,so'we waited until chCcic~off tinic". ' ~. G~T e~itne~~ing' ciooipan~' BritISh Ae~ospace, which destin- : age! Steyc: Kesl~. :,,:,~ ::::,.,... .' .' " . '!he workers havehlso -asked f~r a Mr Kesler could not be rellChed for ': and bull~smilitary an~ clvillan. aircraft,gulded J!1ISsOes and' space : -; .. '.EyeWitnesses said wben.the'700tO ." definitiOn oftenhs.likeconflict of comment at the time of going to . technology, WlI$in Namibia this w.eek on a ''hIghly conftdentlal" v.islt. '.;,l.j.~,~.;,~li.i. ~,;.~. :.-.~,~.•,I,~ . ~.•,~".. ,~ ,,: ..i .'::, ~.·..· ,.t•..; .~. &.'.~. ~.I" N. :~I .... '.. - - _ . _. .. , . _ ~ MrDlrks said iJieBAe t~~ ~~ on~n '~nformation" visit and were ": 4' ,.: .....:., '.. '. ' t , ',,"~: , .. ,.... ';'.' .:,' . ' .: .• '. ' .' '. "_...... _._1 · '-:6A_ested in _1_- L __I." b t '.... sed· t t & • ..6L_ ~. {f:'.. , .... .. :": • ,.~- .. t.'.~- '\..1 .. .. " ,'~";~"~" , •• , • •••• ,.:,::. '. ".-.... • • ~. ff " " •• ~ "'''2"IWIIUIYUlIoU- CO~UJK:I\, u , re.J ~ 'eommen.u.-.....· • :· ..~~?.; .. ~·i·~' ~HE .N~~~~~ ,~o:~~glts~atd~ :tC) · defendItsne~ly.acqul~pteml~s ,!ro',?4.eID01~~~Il ' ';, • Jbe delep~~n's traVelling aDd hotela~rige$ents ,,!,ere made through .*'if; :;.~~:: '. :,: ,;: ~r~~~e(:,!a~~~~~~~J~~~Y ~ wl:tose o~a1dom ~t. pr,esentsee~s set on,a ,course'of~xces~~e spetld~g . ;' . 'Ylndhoek'~ilSed ImpOrtande~p~~t'C~mpa.nr Cas~lee,starratwblch . ::-:i,~':~;"<,:'. ~ , ~;·. W"'~!~~~~~!D~epellaencepenod. ·, ,", " " :, . ...•. '. _.' . : :vereequ~lycagyabouttheB:Aevisi~ "i" " ;' .'; ,.. ... .' : :.. J,. ;. .... .. ." ~ady ' ,muc!dupPort ,rut, been , '. ~~e 'hovsing shortage, the ~unici- , .KuchUc, said ·.that. if the traffic in- .'. , 'W~ have b~eD ~ked by t~: flItur~ . gov~rnme~~ notto: dIscIosea~y " 'forthcomiilg ~m people.and organ- . paIi,ty, wO!l!d ",epme, '~p ' ~th thelle . creased at,the present rate from town' . inf~rmation abOut the visit, , SaId ~~ Casalee .spokesperson. isatioIll!:eager to pie!!eq.e something ····ide.as., SI;te, ho,,!;ever, .did li9f think '; to the western 'Sub)Jrbs then a free- .However, so~rces said the BAe team was lD. N~~ia to explo~e the " . of Windhpek~ s ~eritage , . .... ',' ': the del!loli~o~dvoh1d go ahe~4:;" ' way from Kaise~ Street to Kho~se,tting up a pOot training ~chool for the south~m AfrIcan region, but . '. '. Or -Liber:tine 'Amatliila, 'Swapo' s ' :. .' Asked · abOut ate proposed free-, may become nece~sary, but he. did thIS could not·be conftrmed. Comment from BAe s London headquarters : sfuldQw ' minister for local 'govem- . 'way, foi:~crpurpose ofwhich 'ROck~ . :'not believe this.woUld be.the case for was notrorthcoming by the time of going to press.. .. ment and housing, de!K:ribed the threat . '·stroh House' was to be demolished.... at least 20 years. : " . ,Established in 1977 as a stat~-controne~company, BAe was recently ofdemolitionas'terrible',andfound '. cluiirpersonof the City Council" ' .. sold-offdur4Ig the BrltlshGovernment s controvers~al prlvatisatloD.· it incomprehensible that in a time of . management cominitiee, Mi ,Giintlier , .. C.oN.'l'lNUED,ON .P1\GE.2 , .. ' . , pr~,!~~«:• .. "I < "~':' :/ . ~, .:.~~~,',I:. .I'~< " ... .\-,·~t~:i \··'.. "\\·,//.t".;.':.~.~'; .. \:~ ,' ........'."'-'ool~. ~. "') ~'.~ ~ ... ' ....-- . - ...............~ ..... ~~ ..... ~~~-':'"':'"- ;. --~-----.... , . 'r;, .:' . ., NAMIBIAN SHOT to the economic challenges ahead .. South Africa primarily: ''The benefit Dr Herrigel condemned what he to South Africa of the independence DEAD ON ANGOLAN called the "plunder of the Pension NEW ECONOMIC ERA process of Namibia and possible aid BORDER Fund" which had been termed 'pri­ and loans to independent Namibia is vatisation' and which had led to the CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 so great that one wonders why South I A NAMmlAN citizen was reportedly shot
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