Master List of Terms Tested Literary Criticism 2009-2014 The first column details the year and test in which the term found in the second column serves as a correct answer; the remaining four columns offer the distractors used in a particular test item. I do not mind sending as an attachment a Word file that the coach and his or her team can manipulate in a manner that serves them best. Contact me: [email protected] Please contact me when you find a typo, inconsistency, or anything more serious: [email protected] Please note that the variety of distractors and, indeed, the terms themselves follows the editorial decisions that have characterized each succeeding edition of The Handbook to Literature. We are currently using the twelfth edition. Use Control + F to find a term. 2014 S elision apocope caesura hiatus metathesis 2014 S Revolutionary Period Colonial Period Naturalistic Symbolistic Realistic Period Romantic Period 2014 S concrete poetry bouts-rimès collage montage telestich 2014 S Dead Sea Scrolls Apocrypha belles-lettres liturgical drama sesquipedalian 2014 S heroic quatrain ballad stanza common meter englyn short meaure 2014 S koine archaism dialect dialectic Doric 2014 S Geneva School Apocalyptics Ciceronians Cockney School Frankfort School 2014 S liminality aesthetic distance alienation effect epiphany luminism 2014 S tanka haiku kabuki noh senryu 2014 S Jacobean Age Augustan Age Caroline Age Early Tudor Age Edwardian Age 2014 S baroque gazebo gothic rodomontade vatic 2014 S naturalism minimalism postmodernism rationalism vorticism 2014 S repartee barbarism gasconade harangue quibble 2014 S satyr play Menippean satire New Comedy Old Comedy philippic 2014 S Agrarians Hartford Wit Lollards Lost Generations Muckrakers 2014 S fairy tale fabliau masque parable tall tale 2014 S alterity Comstockery diaspora exoticism merism 2014 S pathetic fallacy affective fallacy intentional fallacy logical positivism transferred epithet 2014 S unreliable narrator Angry Young Man intrusive narrator miles gloriosus young man provinces 2014 S Industrial Revolution Celtic Renaissance Luddite Movement Oxford Movement Quarrel of the Ancients 2014 S litotes irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2014 S open couplet closed couplet distich heroic couplet short couplet 2014 S rex ex machina coup de théâtre deus ex machina dolce stil nuovo scène affàire 2014 S pastoral aubade elegy epithalamium requiem 2014 S polyptoton anaphora asyndeton pleonasm polysyndeton 2014 S metonymy apostrophe hyperbole personification rhetorical accent 2014 S zeugma metonymy simile synæsthesia synecdoche 2014 S allusion allegory anachronism eponym exegesis 2014 S allusion flyting hyperbole litotes syllepsis 2014 S anaphora asyndeton epanalepsis sigmatism symploce 2014 S metaphor hyperbole paradox simile tautology 2014 S dactylic anapestic iambic spondaic trochaic 2014 S denotation abridgement ambiguity analogue connotation 2014 S paradox conceit oxymoron tautology volta 2014 S sonnet fourteener pantoum rondeau terza rima 2014 S biblical allusion classical allusion contemporary allusion historical allusion topical allusion 2014 S rhopalic didactic elegiac macabre pyramidal 2014 S iambic pentameter dactylic pentameter dactylic tetrameter iambic tetrameter trochaic pentameter 2014 S Italian sonnet Anglo-Italian sonnet caudate sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet 1 2014 S eye rhyme compound rhyme feminine rhyme half rhyme leonine rhyme 2014 R anthology chrestomathy compendium miscellany omnibus 2014 R mock epic art epic folk epic legend saga 2014 R hoax burlesque farce parody satire 2014 R Early Tudor Period Caroline Age Edwardian Age Georgian Age Jacobean Age 2014 R Naturalistic Symbolistic Colonial Period Federalist Age Realistic Period Romantic Period 2014 R agroikos alazon eiron foil gerontion 2014 R slang colloquialism dialect idiom regionalism 2014 R invocation apostrophe deus ex machina reification rhetorical accenet 2014 R concordance ballad pastoral proverb superstition 2014 R Scriblerus Club Goliardic poets Grub Street poets Literary Club Satanic School 2014 R Nemesis Calliope Erato Melpomene Urania 2014 R nonsense verse Alcaic verse chant royal echo verse macaronic verse 2014 R villanelle cinquain pantoum rondeau terza rima 2014 R Graveyard School Kailyard School Lake School Satanic School Spasmodic School 2014 R bathos ethos logos mythos pathos 2014 R Silver-Fork School Literary Club School of Night Transcendental Club Tribe of Ben 2014 R Pindarism classicism hedonism pantheism vorticism 2014 R malaphorism Grundyism idiotism spoonerism wellerism 2014 R chiaroscuro charade chiasmus chrestomathy sfumato 2014 R figurative language deconstruction hypallage inversion metathesis 2014 R Bildungsroman epistolary novel novel of manners picaresque novel psychological novel 2014 R heteromerous rhyme broken rhyme hyperbole jumping the shark litotes 2014 R metalepsis antithesis heaping figure metaphysical conceit zeugma 2014 R simile anaphora hyperbole metaphor sfumato 2014 R sonnet curtal sonnet fourteener quaternion sestina 2014 R onomatopoeia euphemism euphony hyperbole xenoglossia 2014 R feminine rhyme beginning rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme 2014 R synecdoche hyperbole metaphor personification simile 2014 R existentialism epicureanism historicism humanism stoicism 2014 R anaphora asyndeton epanalepsis pleonasm symploce 2014 R in medias res carpe diem fin de siècle jeu d'espirit ubi sunt 2014 R chiasmus asyndeton paralleleism pyramidal line rhopalic line 2014 2 paradox antiphrasis equivoque oxymoron paraleipsis 2014 2 Caroline Augustan Edwardian Jacobean Victorian 2014 2 pastoral chanson de gest elegy jeremiad madrigal 2014 2 Colonial Period Postmodern Period Realistic Period Rev Early National Period Romantic Period 2014 2 jeremiad arcadian verse bucolic idyll pastoral 2014 2 serenade aubade ballade charm lament 2014 2 Great Awakening Harlem Renaissance philistinism transcendentalism vorticism 2014 2 enjambment boustrophedon fused rhyme run-on line tagline 2014 2 peripety catastrophe climax falling action introduction 2014 2 Saturday Club Sunday Club Thursday Club Tuesday Club Wednesday Club 2014 2 acrostic abecedarius anagram anonym aphorism 2014 2 minimalism aestheticism hermiticism impressionism surrealism 2014 2 fabliau epic fable legend saga 2014 2 allusion influence milieu mimesis résumé 2014 2 Great Chain of Being animism deism hieronymy pantheism 2014 2 revenge tragendy chronicle play comedy Menippean satire tragicomedy 2014 2 rhopalic grotesque macabre proleptic uncial 2014 2 Grub Street Angry Young Men Martian School Spasmodics Young Man Province 2014 2 ballad aubade madrigal requiem rondeau 2014 2 Inkhornists Ciceronians Geneva School Parnassians Pléiade 2014 2 transcendentalism existentialism philistinism pictorialism surrealism 2014 2 metonymy ambiguity hypallage onomatopoeia synecdoche 2 2014 2 synecdoche hyperbole litotes metaphor paradox 2014 2 imagery dramatic irony gallows humor hyperbole syzygy 2014 2 ambiguity hyperbole oxymoron pun symbol 2014 2 liminality kenosis metastasis negative capability open-endedness 2014 2 connotation definition denotation exposition paradox 2014 2 enjambment boustrophedon end-stopped lines metaplasm trunctaikon 2014 2 symbol allegory emblem hyperbole riddle 2014 2 controlling image emblem epigram epiphany objective correlative 2014 2 simile coceit metaphor metonymy pun 2014 2 consonance alliteration assonance dissonance sigmatism 2014 2 personification allegory apostrophe humanism subjectivity 2014 2 chiasmus dieresis elision parallelism zeugma 2014 2 pun cliché double entendre oxymoron understatement 2014 1 onomatopoeia amphigory cacophony consonance melopoeia 2014 1 conceit apologue euphemism kenning simile 2014 1 Grimm's Law Baconian Theory Freytag's Pyramid Ockham Razor scribal error 2014 1 utopian literature dystopian literature ecotopian literature ectopian literature subtopic\an literature 2014 1 dénouement climax débat epiphany peripety 2014 1 Anglo-Norman Period Anglo-Saxon Period Middle English Period Old English Period Renaissance Period 2014 1 dirge aubade blazon epithalamium paean 2014 1 inversion enjambment litotes metathesis parenthesis 2014 1 bowdlerize abridge double bill quibble truncate 2014 1 penny dreadful; dime novel gothic novel potboiler pulp magazine 2014 1 understatement ambiguity amphiboly demotion litotes 2014 1 Frontier Literature Local Color Writing metafiction Native American Lit Popular Literature 2014 1 Federalist Age Naturalistic Symbolistic Postmodern Period realistic Period Romantic Period 2014 1 synecdoche antithesis elision hypallage parenthesis 2014 1 accismus antiphrasis epitrope litotes paraleipsis 2014 1 persona allonym eponym pseudonym putative author 2014 1 psychological novel epistolary novel novel of character novel of sensibility sociological novel 2014 1 Edwardian Age Augustan Age Carolin Age Jacobean Age Victorian Age 2014 1 heteromerous rhyme amphisbaenic rhyme broken rhyme chain rhyme falling rhythm 2014 1 satire didacticism jeremiad repartee travesty 2014 1 Naturalistic Symbolistic Period Confessional Self Postmodern Period Realistic Period Romantic Period 2014 1 foot meter stress syllable sycopation 2014 1 euphemism aphorism epithet hyperbole oxymoron 2014 1 heteromerous rhyme amphisbaenic rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme macaronic rhyme 2014 1 onomatopoeia amphigory hyperbole sigmatism synæsthesia 2014 1 English sonnet caudate sonnet Italian sonnet Petrarchan sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2014 1 transferred epithet idiom incantation kenning volta
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