A Publication of THE PLANET: SOCIETY o o o o o • 0-e Board of Directors FROM THE CARL SAGAN BRUCE MURRAY President Vice President Director. Laboratory tor Planetary Professor of Planetary Studies. Cornell University Science. California Institute of TechnoJogy LOUIS FRIEDMAN Executive Director JOSEPH RYAN Q'Mefveny & Myers MICHAEL COLLI NS Apollo 11 astronaut STEVEN SPIELBERG he political and economic state of the Reagan calls for the international explo­ director and producer THOMAS O. PAINE Tworld is in flux, making the future of ration of space, former Administrator, NASA; HENRY J. TANNER Chairman, National financial consultant planetary exploration uncertain. Still, the Page 18-News & Reviews- Triton, Commission on Space discoveries go on, as you'll read in this Neptune's largest satellite, is the topic of Board of Advisors issue. our faithful columnist. DIANE ACKERMAN JOHN M. LOGSDON Page 3-Members' Dialogue-Clark Page 20-Questions & Answers-What poet and author g:~~o;'~~:fu~;g~C(;~~;:;~~ , ISAAC ASIMOV Chapman's recent critique of exaggerated would happen if a planet blew up? Could author HANS MARK Chancellor, planetary images released by NASA hit an asteroid be used as a spacecraft? What RICHARD BERENDZEN University of Texas System educator and astrophysicist home with a lot of our members, and many three planets rotate backwards? Read this JAMES MICHENER JACOUES BLAMONT author wrote to support his views, (One member, column to find the answers, Chief Scientist. Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, MARVIN MINSKY David Morrison, in a letter published in the -Charlene M, Anderson France Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, Massachusetts American Geophysical Union's Eos, has RAY BRADBURY Institute of Technology poet and author even called for the creation of a "Flat ARTHU R C. CLARKE PH ILIP MORRISON Institute Professor, Massachusetts Venus Society,") author Institute of Technology SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: CORN ELI S DE JAGER Page 4-Titan's Greenhouse and Anti­ PAUL NEWMAN Professor of Space Research, Cassini Crisis Updates The Astronomiea/lnstitute at actor greenhouse Effects-A decade after it Utrecht, the Netherlands JUN NI SH IM URA flew by Titan, Voyager 1 still has some­ As we go to press, the future of FRANK DRAKE Director-General, Institute of Space Professor of Astronomy and and Astronautical Sciences, Japan thing to teach us about this intriguing Cassini, the NASA/European Space Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz BERNARD M. OLIVER moon of Saturn's. Using Voyager data and Chief, SET! Program. Agency mission to investigate Saturn LEE A. DUBRIDGE NASNAmes Research Center computer models, a team of researchers former presidential and its large moon, Titan, is in doubt. science advisor SALLY RIDE Director, California Space Institute, has discovered an anti greenhouse effect There is a possibility that the US JOHN GARDNER University of Califomia, San Diego, founder, Common Cause and former astronaut operating in its atmosphere. Congress will cancel it, and so end the MARC GARNEAU ROALD Z. SAGDEEV Page 8-Through the Fuzzy Boundary: development of scientifically ambitious Canadian astronaut former Director, Institute for Space Research, A New Route to the Moon-"Innovation" and mid-sized robotic missions for the GEORGIY GOLITSYN Academy of Sciences of the USSR Institute of Atmospheric Physics, is a word so casually used in the modem foreseeable future. Academy of Sciences of the USSR HARRI SON H. SCHMID former US Senator, New Mexico, world that its meaning has been diluted. The Planetary Society has taken a THEODORE M. HESBURGH and Apollo 17 astronaut President Emeritus, Really new concepts can be lost in a bliz­ stand for Cassini, and, through the grass­ University of Notre Dame S. ROSS TAYLOR SH IRLEY M. HUFSTEDLER Professorial Fellow, Australian zard of buzzwords and half-baked ideas. roots campaign of our members and the National University, Canberra educator and jurist One recent innovation in celestial mechan­ congressional testimony of our officers, GARRY E. HUNT LEWIS THOMAS space scientist, Chancellor, Memorial Sloan United Kingdom Kettering Cancer Center ics, however, represents a true advance in we are trying to help save the mission, SERGEI KAPITSA JAMES VAN ALLEN space traveL The discoverer of fuzzy As a bimonthly publication, it's im­ Institute for Physical Problems, Professor of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR University of Iowa boundaries describes how this concept possible for The Planetary Report to could make spacecraft missions more af­ keep you up to date on a political situa­ The Planetary Report (ISSN 0736--3680) is published six times yearly at the editorial offices 01 The Planetary Society, 65 North Catalina Avenue, fordable. tion that can change day by day. To Pasadena, CA 9 11 06, (818) 793-5100. II is available to members of The Planetary Society. Annual dues in the US or Canada are $25 US dollars Page ll-Keeping an Eye on Earth: Re­ remedy this, the Society is instituting or $30 Canadian. Dues outside the US or Canada are $35 (US). mote Sensing in Russia- The same tech­ Editor, CHARLENE M. ANDERSON a new service for the duration of this Technical Editor, JAMES D . BURKE nology that ushered in the Space Age and crisis: Assistant Editor, DONNA ESCANDON STEVENS Copy Editor, GLORIA JOYCE enabled spacecraft to explore the planets is You can receive updates on the status Production Editor, MITCHELL BIRD .Art Director, BARBARA S. SMITH also being used to study our home world. of Cassini by calling our events calen­ Viewpoints expressed in columns or editorials are those of the authors and The former Soviet Union was a leader in dar telephone line: (818) 793-4294, do not necessarily represent positions of The Planetary Society. its officers or advisors. © 1992 by The Planetary Society. remote sensing of Earth, and we report As with anything involving a govern­ 'In Canada. Second Class Mail Registration Number 9567 here on its satellite capabilities, ment program, things may change Page 16-Society Notes-The latest So­ hourly or remain stable for weeks. We COVER: Remote sensing is possibly the most powerful scientific tool to mature during the Space Age, These ciety activities are detailed for you here. will update the recorded message as we false-color images of the Moon were compiled from data Page 17-World Watch-Planetary ex­ receive news of developments, returned byGalileo during its 1990 Earth-Moon encounter and later superimposed over an airbrushed map, The ploration by the United States is seriously We hope you will let your represen­ ways surface materials, such as soils, reflect light can tell threatened: The Cassini mission to Saturn tatives and senators know that you sup­ us about their composition, Here the different colors indi­ may be canceled by Congress. But France port Cassini. If we lose this mission, the cate different reflectivities and composition, For example, green and yellow indicate iron- and magnesium-rich reaffirms its commitment to help the Rus­ US planetary program may wither away. minerals, Image: United States Geological Survey sian Mars missions, and former President NEWS BRIEFS Michael Griffm, NASA's associate As administrators of a membership organization, The Planetary Society's Directors and administrator for exploration, told staff care about and are influenced by our members' opinions, suggestions and ideas Congress recently that the space about the future of the space program and of our Society. We encourage members to write agency could send humans back to us and create a dialogue on topics such as a space station, a lunar outpost, the exploration of Mars and the search for extraterrestrial life. the Moon and on to Mars for about Send your letters to: Members' Dialogue, The Planetary Society, 65 N. Catalina Avenue, one-fifth of the huge cost it esti­ Pasadena, CA 91106. mated less than three years ago. During testimony before the House Science, Space and Technol­ ogy space subcommittee, the top Three cheers for Clark Chapman's critique of the false colors used in just about all publicly exploration official rejected the old released NASA planet photos! [See the January/February 1992 issue of The Planetary Re­ $500 billion price tag for the 30- port.] It's about time someone pointed out that 10 is not the same colors as a pizza with dou­ year project that came out of a ble cheese and pepperoni, that the distorted surface of Venus isn't Day-Glo orange and that 1989 NASA study, and agreed to even the Mars we've come to know and love is not a brilliant crimson and peach. Aside from place the effort under tight funding a past issue of Sky & Telescope that had an article showing the "true" colors of the planets, I caps. have seen no other refutations in the news media about all the fake colors that are passing NASA can do the projects for for reality. "on the order of $100 billion," but Would it be possible in some future issue of The Planetary Report to show us what all the detailed numbers will not be ready planets (and at least some of the moons) in our solar system really look like, shorn of false for at least two years, Griffin said. ultraviolet purples (a la Venus and Saturn) and computer enhancement? Is Neptune as blue The hearing marked the start of a as Newsweek crowed in its 1989 cover story on Voyager 2 and "The Blue Planet"? And contentious battle in Congress over what color is Mars, anyway? boosting space agency funding for -JOHN ROUNDS, Hoboken, New Jersey lunar and Mars missions. -from Space News In his News & Reviews. column in the January/February 1992 Planetary Report, Clark R. Chapman is right on the mark in pointing out that the common use of exaggerated and false color in space probe images of other worlds, while useful for specific technical purposes, in .
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