
Amelicau Society for Legal, History -oorøffonz* üffi3 Arurual Meeting U. S. Grant Hotel San Diego, Califomia November T-9, 2002 PROGRAM RegisÍation Thursday, November 7 3:00-6:00 p.m. Friday, November 8 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturday, November 9 8:30 a.m. - noon / l,ar" a¡ttl l-cgisl¿ltiorl ilr Grccce / l'hursday, Novcmber 7'r' V aurt (Ic Ncar East Horlon A 3:00-6:00 pnt Chair': Michael GagariIr, University of Texas l{€gistratiou Pavilion FoYer PaPers; 4:30-5:30 pm "Inscribing Laws in Greece and the Neat East" Graduate student reccption Garden Room Michael Gagarin 5:30-7:00 pm "Solon arìd the Spirit ofEarly Greek Law" ASLH receptio¡r Garden Room Edward M. Hauis, City University of New York 7:30-10:00 ConÌmelìtator: Eva Cautalella, University of Milan Board of Directors meeting Horton A & B Struggles Over Sexual Speech and Friday, November 8'¡' the Regulation ofObscenity in Nineteenth-Century A¡nerica Horton Il 7:30-8:45 am contiuental b¡eakfast Crystal Room Chair: Leslie J. Reagan, University oflllinois Future Projects Conìmittee Executive 1 Papers: "The New York Sporting Press ofthe 1840s and 8:30 am-3:00 pm Obscene Libel" regishation Pavilion FoYer Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz, Smith College in the Session #1 "Obscenity Regulation and Its Consequences 8:45 am - 10:15 am Nineteenth-Cenlury United Slates" TDonna L Deruris, Rutgers University, Newark Civil Liberties in Time of War: A Roundtâble Garden Room Coûmleûtators: Pâtricia Cline Cohen, University of California, Santa Barbam Chair: Sanford Levinson, University ofTexas Leslie J. Reagan Papers: "The Civil War" A Duty of Care: tseing R€sponsible for Michael Kent Curlis, Wake Forest University thc Mentally Incapâble iu the Eighteerrth-Ccntury Atlantic World Holton C "World War I and the Aftemlath" John E. Semonche, University ofNoÍh Carolina Chair: Joanna L. Grossman, Hofstra University "Wo¡ld War II and the Aftermath" Paperst Mary Dudziak, University of Southem Califomia "Capax and Iucapax in the Civil Law ofEighteenth- Century Scotland" Conìmentatori SanfordLevinson Rab Houston, University of St. Andrews = "Gender, I{ights 'Ialk, and Local Knowledge: Non- "Political lìighfs and Ethnic I)uties: Citizeuship Compos Mentis Guatdianships as Legal Process in New Regimes ancl the Nationaliq/ of Mauied Women iu England, 1725- 1830" Germa y, France, and the Uuited States, 1900-1930" Comclia II. Dayton, Uuiversity ofConnecticut lìli Nathans, Albion College Conlnrciltatorsr Lloyd Bonlield, Tulane University Comnlontator: Kenneth Ledford, Case Westeür Joanna L. Grossmau Reserve University Ileligion and Laìv in Sessiou #2 lloman Republicau Society HortonB 10:30 - noon U/ Chair: W. Jeffiey Tatum, Florida State University The Constitution Outside the Courts: HisLory and Theory Ga¡den Room Papers: "Dictator Interregni Caussa" Chair: Laura Kalman, UniveÌsity of Califomia, Santa Cluistoph Konrad, Texas A&M University Ba¡bara "Restrâiûts or Assembly: Religious and Legal Aspects Papers: of Noctumal Conspiracy in Ancient Rome" "The Transformalion of Popular Coustitutionalism" l{ans-Friedrich Muellor, University of Florida Lany Klamcr, New York UniversitY "The Role of the People in the Legislation ofRoman "Constitutional Inragination in Progressive America" Iìeligion" William Forbath, Uuiversity of 'Iexas W. Jeffiey Tatum "Judicial Supremacy? Reflections on Judicial and Conmentator: Peter Oh, Florida State University Popular Constitutionalism iu the Aftermath of Bt'own" Robert Post, University of Califomia, Berkeley Reva Siegel, Yale UniversitY New Perspectives on American Military Legal History, 1950-2000: l'ravails, Trials, Commentator Keith Whittington, PrincetonUniversìty ând Tribulations Horton C Chair; William Eckhardt, University of Missouri- Citizenship in Compârativc Perspective Horton A Kansas City Chai¡: Richard Wetzell, Gemarì llistorical Institute, Papers: Washington, D.C. "Political Manipulation of Military Justice - The Nixon White I{ouse and the Calley Court Maltial,l970-197 4" Michal Papers: Belknap, California Western School of Law "Citizenship in Ììmerging Nation-States: The Practical Definition of Nationality in Europe Around 1800" "Recent Trends in Appellate Military Justice, Civilian Control Andreas Fahrmeir, University of Frankfult of the Military, and Legal Scholarship Why the Deafening Silence?" Jonathan "Citizenship in the ConÍÌontation of Nation-States; Lurie, Rutgers University, Newark Germany and France at the End ofthe l9th Century" Diefer Gosewinkel. Free University Berlin "( lrrrr:; ol ( oltl¡llt¡trl: lio¡ttt' l(r't t ttt l'ritttt¡rlr':; ol lltt ( rrt'rr:;r'lìr'lltltottsltt¡r lrrrtliL'r'lt l(t'lìrlttt:' ill i\lilllirrv llr'yirrl:rf iort. l:urunlissiott. utttl llrt' l,r'g:rl ('rrllrrrr' ()'r () ( 'irttt Nlrtt I l r/ ì" lrritctl ('ttlr¡t .ltr;tir'r' rtttrl t till'!. I ol lìl:rlcrt ir¡ t1¡r' I St:r(t's ltlttl I lor lorr .. Ilr'lll I Illlrulrrr. I(ull,'r:.; I rrrvt.rr;ilt. ( lrrutlc'rr ( lr;¡r: \\'ltllt'r .lolrrsolr. \r'l Yorl. [ ¡lirt'r.,ilr, ('orìirÌ){'r)tlrl()l: I )irtttrr I l. \llrzrrl. I tttvL'lsitv ol lilot itllt l'rlllr't:;: "1.Ìr'lrrr'r'n'lìltr'1" iurrl'Niìtr()n'. lìllrcli Irrililnr ltltnti{r ¡'r \oon 1 :.ì0 l)lrì tllt' i'oLtlltcnt ( ottt1roortl, I',/30 IS'10" Iì Iirlr ( orlnritlr r' lrutr'lt l;lt't:ttlrl t' I .,\riclrr ( itoss. Iituvt'rsilr'ol Sottl]rt'rn ( ¡Iilorrrlt /.¡¡\1' rI I li.stt¡t t' ll, 'i ir'rr ( ottltlttltttt' lttllcll "('oristrrre linl 'lìlllrts' unil 'Iìrrs¡rrrcl': -,\lìit lrr l.rct:trlivt' -l ,,\ rrrr'r ri:lttts rtr 1 irt' Lr'|lit I ( Ltltttt t' () f',,\lttt'lrrl lt¡il1 " I ìri lt tlt tot tr \lrrrtlrt .lottr's. I ttivcrsitl' ol \{it'}rirlln _ = _ _ 1". ll-"'-.ll]ï1::_ï-: "Slirvt'|.ltrr. ('lrtittts-\ilkin¡1. lulrl ( ilizt'nslrrp rn ( 1¡l11¡; \oorr- I :30 I ilc l llrclxtLtttt J )r:lratc Ilcvisrtctl" jlrrrillo ('nlif orrri:r Str¡rt'ctttc ( otrrl I lislolicll Socie tv ltrlrclt '\ lt' rlt' lrr l:rrt'rrte, I uLvcl stt_l' o1' l'rttslrrrr i:lr I'itviliotl ll<¡¡lttl ( onlrìr(ltltrt()r': \\tltllet .loltrtsott (Spcalicl rr'rll bc Iìai'l . \1cl)evitt. l;s11.. itrtlllol ol' ( Ltltlt,t ttitt ( t¡ttt lltr¡u.st's .,ltt llltt.stt'ttlt'r1 //i.slo¡'i. lrlttl l)lìrlllr'Ì irt tlìc Slìlì Iinutctsco l'itrtl ol'llitllsott, Illitlltctt. liocial l,lrtgittcct'irtg irrrtl the Lun: ( Nllut rrs,t Vlllros. lhr'titlLr trl'ltis plesctttutiorr lvilì b.' l'osltr'¿tr ,l:t¡l:ttt lt¡ltl 'lrinlr I lollon I I "('orrrlllotrscs atirl ('otunntntttt's: [ )ttilttt .Ttrsticc. l)ast ¿tttil rLlt ( l u ltr. " ) lllil: Iialr-r' Schcibrl, I llrrvcrsit)' ol'( lrlilìllriu. llt'rkclcv l'lr¡rer Sessirln li-l s: ".luituncsc l.cqal Ilr:1ìrrnr ill llislolic¡l l)t'r'sPce livt"' t:-10 ¡rrrr-- "l:()(ì ¡rnr 'i horn¡s ( iinsbrrlu. I nivclsitv ol'Illirrors 'l'he Nt'u' l)c¡litt'ttu'c: Sociul \lovettte ttls iìll(l 'lrrrlr':; tlrc.\¡nrric¡rIl ('onstitutionrtl ()t'(l(ìt' (i¿tr-tlcrl Iìootlt "\'rsiorrs ol'Sot:ialist I ltopil: ( l)crnal Systcrrr us tlrL' \4oilcl lìrr 'Ncr' ('hila"' (ilcrrn'l (,nivcrsi1I' ( ('llrir': ( ilt:tc:lrrn l{ittcr'. ( ÌnÌr'clsill' o1 'l cxas illclt, ol ¡rIiÍotni¿r. Iìclkclcv ( orrnrre l)apcr.;: rrtlLtot s: Su1'rrli Shirrrizrr. N,'l icIrir_ran St¡tc l,nivt'r'srl_i " illr'\crv l)rrpatturtr in thc ('olìstittltlottal ('¡ttotl" I'lLLl l)rckorl'rcz. I lllir,r'lsrtt' l:1.:l' I!rrlIirr. \'lle I tttt,.rsttr o1'('alitìlnilr, Surr I)ig:o ',,\rnct " l lrc Ncu' l)cpaltule untl the ('()rìsl r ilc1 ron of tcitlt 'l'lrc ('olrstitutiolrll ( rtizt'nshi¡r" a¡t(l l,r'gul tnr¡rlic:rlirtns ol lltc l,{)ng ( ( ir ctclrcrr I{iltt'r' l':u'lianlenl llorton ('lrrrir: .,\llcrr ('orrnscl. ( lorrrrn¡r1iì1or': Iilltrn ('al ol Ì )Lr[ìols. I lni','clsitv ol' l)rlllnl IJovur. Ilial Ncrr' \'olk Strrr:li lrxchlurric. Inc, ('ul i lìrlrrilr. Los r\rr¡:c1es () l'lt¡rr'r:r: Sl f ltr'(l:t\'^ l\ovt,lrrlrt,r' "l)'l rrr's' I)rltt' ol llrr' l.on¡l l'lr lilnrt n( lrrrtl l.rr¡llrslr ('orrstitrrlrolltl itrrtl l,t,llul I Iistorr'" i ì0 S:.1) irrrr \l iclrrrcL \'l cnrllc. I irrivcr sil\' tt f r\lrtlltttut (r()tìltlt('lìlul llcirlilìrsl ('r't'slul Iìooru "lrrr¡r,'lrclrrrrrrlt irr lrlrllv Sltuu t l'ur.li¡nr('lìts. l (r.l l l 6,l l' l)Ltlrlieltiolls ('ollrrriltt'tr lrtculilìrst I...rt'crrlrvc,l Iì,rl'L'rt ,/:rllr'r. I lr,'r, l I Illr, t..ilr llLllst('ornrrulter.ltrclkllrsl \\,irrc('t.ll¿rr ''\\'lritrh l,lri''l ('onìlììolì anil ('ivil I-ari rrr \'1 itl- Scvcrrtccr rtlr'.('r'ntì.lr'\' I :rrglurril" ¡l' ì(l luil - rìoon \llri.l.r .l;tnss,rtt. \,rlr' I rìr\( r\il\ rrrr¡ isl nrlion l)irvtlron l;ot,cr ( onuttcrttltor': .,\llcrr I)illurti Iìovcl' Scssion /l,l tl:.15 ¿ulr - l0:15 :rrr¡ l)lclt:tt't Sessiolt ;\tltlre ss: l,:rw untl Stltebrrilrlirrg in "l,arr.'l llcologv unrl Soci:rl I'l':tcticc: l'lrc Stol'r'ol Nlotlcl'lt ,\tttcl'icu ( ì¡r'ile ¡ 1{g¡r¡ )lcrlicvul ll arliagc La*"' ('lrii¡: (,nivclsilt, ('lrarlcs l)onalluc. .ll'. .l irtt \\'oote rt. Stutc ol'Ncn, \'ot'k at l'lul A. lil'eu¡ltl l'r'r¡lcssor'ol l,a$" II¡l'r'al'tl l,:rw I Ìrrl lirlo Sclrool l'rt¡rt't s: " I l¡live rsity o1 ( ]:¡lilol'ni¿r. S:rn l)icg<r llrc Svnr¡rallrclic Stltc: l)isustcr. lìclir-f in tlte l9tlr lntl ( 'e .l:00 ¡lttt l',ru h .20tlr uttu ics" i\'J iclrclrr Lunrlis I)arrbcr. St¿rnlìl rl I lnivclsitv Iì.ece¡ltiorr lolk¡'rvs "l lre l.csal Oligins (btrscs l'ill ¡lror,irlc tluns¡rol'lrtlion lrctlvccll o1'tllc \lorlclrì .,\lìtcricalì S1alc" tllc tl.
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