The original documents are located in Box 10, folder “Congress - New Members” of the Robert T. Hartmann Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Some items in this folder were not digitized because it contains copyrighted materials. Please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library for access to these materials. Digitized from Box 10 of the Robert T. Hartmann Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library .., SENATE I RepuL~ans · Garn, E. J. Utah Laxalt, Paul Nevada Democrats Bumpers, Dale Arkansas Culver, John C. Iowa Ford, Wendell Kentucky Glenn, John H. Ohio Hart, Gary W. Colorado Leahy, Patrick J. Vermont Morgan, Robert B. North Carolina Stone, Richard Florida The New Hampshire race has not been decided. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (REPUBLICANS) David F. Emery Maine Millicent Fenwick New Jersey William F. Goodling Pennsylvania Bill Gradison Ohio Charles E. Grassley Iowa Tom Hagedorn Minnesota George V. Hansen Idaho . Henry J. Hyde Illinois James M. Jeffords Vermont Robert Kasten, Jr. Wisconsin Richard Kelley Florida Tom Kindness Ohio William Henson Moore, III Louisiana Gary A. Myers Pennsylvania Larry Pressler South Dakota Richard T. Schulze Pennsylvania Virginia Smith Nebraska HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NEW DEMOCRATS AMBRO, JEROME, JR. N. Y. LaFALCE, JOHN N. Y. AuCOIN, LES OREG. LLOYD, JIM CALIF. LLOYD, MARILYN TENN. BALDUS, ALVIN WIS. BAUGUS, MAX S. MONT. McDONALD, LARRY GA. BEARD, EDWARD P. R. I. McHUGH, MATTHEW N.Y. BEDELL, BER~_~_]!;Y __ , IOWA -....------~- ·----- -=~J~g;~_~(:;~~R!i::___JA_MES:J. _MC_H.__j MAGUIRE, ANDREW N. J. BLOUIN~ MICHAEL T. IOWA MEYN ER, HELEN S. N. J. BONKER, DON WASH. MIKVA, ABNER, J. ILL. BRODHEAD, WILLIAM J. MICH. MILLER, GEORGE CALIF. MINETA, NORMAN Y. CALIF. CARR, BOB MICH. MOFFETT, ANTHONY CONN. CORNELL, ROBERT J. WIS. MOTTL, RONALD M. OHIO D'AMOURS, NORMAN E. N.H. NEAL, STEPHEN N. C. DERRICK, BUTLER s. c. NOLAN, RICHARD MNN. DODD, CHRISTOPHER J. CONN. NOWAK, HENRY J. N. Y. DOWNEY, THOMAS J. N.Y. DUNCAN, ROBERT OREG. OBERSTAR, JAMES L. MINN. OTTINGER, RICHARD N. Y. EARLY, JOSEPH D. MASS. EDGAR, ROBERT W. PA. PATTERSON, JERRY CALIF. ENGLISH, GLENN OKLA. PATTISON, EDWARD N. Y. EVANS, DAVID W. IND. RICHMOND, FREDERICK W. N. Y. FISHER, JOSEPH L. VA. RISENHOOVER, THEODORE Okla FITHIAN, FLOYD J. IND. RUSSO, MARTIN A. ILL. FLORIO, JAMES J. N. J. SANTINI, JIM NEV. FORD, HAROLD E. TENN. SCHEUER, JAMES N.Y. SHARP, PHILIP R. IND. HALL, TIM L. ILL. SIMON, PAUL ILL. HANNAFORD, MARK W. CALIF. SOLARZ, STEPHEN J. N. Y. HARKIN, TOM IOWA SPELLMAN, GLADYS MD. HARRIS, HERBERT E. II VA. HAYES, PHILIP H. IND. TSONGAS, PAUL MASS. HEFNER, W. G. (BILL) N. C. HIGHTOWER, JACK TEX, WAXMAN, HENRY A. CALIF. HOLLAND, KENNETH L. s. c. WEAVER, JAMES OREG, HOWE, ALLAN T. UTAH WIRTH, TIMOTHY . COLO HUBBARD, CARROLL, JR. KY. HUGHES, WILLIAM J. N. J. ZEFERETTI, LEO N. Y. JACOBS, ANDREW, JR, IND. JENRETTE, JOHN W., JR. s. c. KEYS, MARTHA KANS. KREBS, JOHN CALIF. KRUEGER, ROBERT TEX. .. -.. .. 94th Congress - 5 Biographies and Photos of 91 New Representatives CALIFORNIA Previous Offices: San Jose City Council, 1967-71; mayor, 1971-75 Unsuccessful Campaigns: None Military Record: Army Intelligence, 1954-56; Army Reserves, 1956-67 .Memberships: National Association of · Independent In­ surance Agents, Japanese American Citizens League, Urban Coalition, National League of Cities Family: Married May Hinoki, 1961; 2 children George Miller Career: Mineta, who is the first person of Japanese ancestry (D Calif. - 7th), to represent a district in the continental United States, ran his campaign on a program of political reform. He made a full finan­ cial disclosure, supported public financing of campaigns, and ad­ vocated open meetings of congressional committees. A member of a prominent business family in San Jose, Mineta has been a strong vote-getter since he first ran for the city council in 1969. Even though the district is less than 2 per cent Japanese, Mineta won 52 per cent in a seven-way election for the council, 62 per cent in a 15- way race for mayor in 1971 and more than 55 per cent in his 1974 Election: Succeeded Democratic Rep. Jerome R. Waldie (1966- election in a district that had gone heavily Republican in the past.I 75), who ran for governor Proression: Lawyer Born: May 17, 1945, Richmond, Calif. Home: Martinez, Calif. · Religion: Roman Catholic · Education: San Francisco State College, A.B. 1968; University of California Law School, J.D. 1972 · Previous Offices: Contra Costa County Democratic Central Co?:I:nittee, 1968-74 · Unsuccessful Campaigns: California Senate, 1969 .John H. Krebs ::'tlilitary Record: None (D Calif. - 17th) ::'tlemberships: California Bar Association, Common Cause Family: .Married Cynthia Caccavo, 1963; 2 children Career: .Miller is the son of a prominent California state senator, George Miller Jr., who died in 1969 after 23 years in the legislature. The younger Miller won the Democratic nomination that year to succeed his father, but lost the general election. Only 23 ·at the time, he went to work as legislative counsel to George .Moscone, Democratic floor leader in the senate. During the 1974 congressional campaign, Miller cited his work with .Moscone as valuable training, telling voters that he personally drafted bills to Election: Defeated Republican Rep. Robert B. (Bob) Mathias end conflict of interest among government officials and stimulate a (1967-75) reduction in interest rates for home buyers. Miller will replace Profession: Lawyer Democratic Rep. Jerome R. Waldie, who ran unsuccessfully for Born: Dec. 17, 1926, Berlin, Germany. governor. I Home: Fresno, Calif. Religion: Jewish Education: University of California, A.B. 1950; Hastings College of Law, LL.B. 1957 Previous Offices: Fresno County Planning Commission, 1965- 69; Chairman, Fresno County Democratic Central Committee, 1965-66; chairman, Fresno County Board of Supervisors, 1970-75 . Unsuccessful Campaigns: None Norman Yoshio Mineta Military Uecord: Army, 1952-54 Memberships: American Cancer Society, Fresno Mental (D Calif. - 13th) Health Board · Family: Wife, Hanna; married 1956; 2 children Career: Krebs, a German-Jewish immigrant who lived for a· time in Israel before coming to the Vnited States, was an extremely popular local political figure in Fresno who had little trouble win­ ning election to the Board of Supervisors from a predominantly Republican district. He is considered a moderate, similar in outlook to the Democrats who represent nearby central valley districts, Election: Succeeded Republican Rep. Charles S. Gubser (1953- John J. McFall and B. F. Sisk. While on the board of supen·isors, 75), who retired · Krebs gained considerable attention fighting the uncontrolled Profession: Insurance agent growth of housing subdivisions in the Fresno area. Redistricting Born: No\·. 12, 1931, San Jose, Calif. was a considerable asset to Krebs in his campaign against Mathias; Home: San Jose the 1974 election was fought within the lines of a newly approved Religion: ;,\lethodist district map that removed Republican areas favorable to Mathias Education: University of California, B.S. 1953 in the past. I COP"fA1GHT 1975 CONGRE$S10 ... 4l OVAAr(lltL,V lfC. "-oto.:J!.olction pr~bil.cf tn •l\ol• or "' D.rt ..c_,. bf editorill chrlta Jan. 4. 1975-PAGE 7 94th Congress - 6 Career:. A. str?ng ca!°p~igner, Hannaford· pulled a minor upset l;iY wmnmg m a district that had been O\"erwhelmingly Repubhc~n for. ~he. ret!ring Hosmer. Hannaford showed strong vote-getting ab1hty 1Il h'.s local campaigns and won con\"incingly in a race of 11 _conten?~rs m ~he Democratic primary. In pfr;ate life, Henry Arnold Hannaford is a po!1t1cal science teacher. He taught government in Waxman the Lon~ Beach high schools for 11 years, then switched to Long Beach City C?llege as a P?litieal science professor in 1967. Han­ (D Calif. - 24th) na.ford campaigned on the issue o~ governmental reform, which he said was more urgent and more likely to be achieved than at anv time in his .memory i Election: Chosen to represent new district created by redistricting in 1973 Profession: Lawyer James Frederick Born: Sept. 12, 1939, Los Angeles, Calif. Home: Los Angeles Lloyd Religion: Jewish · Education: University of California at Los Angeles, B.A.1961; (D Calif. - 35th) UCLA Law School, J.D. 1964 Previous Offices: California Assembly, 1969-75 Unsuccessful Campaigns: None :>lilltary Record: None :Memberships: American Jewish Congress American Civil Liberties Union, Sierra Club, NAACP ' Family: Married Janet Kessler, 1971; 2 children Election: Defeated Republican Rep. Victor V. Veysey (1971- 75) .Car~er:. Waxman is the first representative of a new, heavily Jew,sh d1str1ct created for the 1974 election. A well-known and pop­ Profession: Public relations u}a:- ::r.ember of the legislature, he won an overwhelming primary Born: Sept. 27, 1922, Helena, Mont. \-:co:y and had only token Republican opposition in November. Home: West Covina, Calif. Wa_-mian makes no effort to hide his liberal views. "Politicians of Religion: Unspecified Protestant Education: Stanford University, B.A. 1958; University of eve~- description insist they are moderates," he said recently. "I am a proud, self-confessed, unapologetic liberal." While in the Southern California, M.A. in Political Science, 1966 assembly, Waxman chaired the Health Committee and the Com­ Previous Offices: Los Angeles County Democratic Centra! mittee on :Medical Malpractice.
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