PELYNT OVERSEERS RATES, ACCOUNTS AND RECORD 1808-1837 Transcribed by Frances Kenshole from the images available at the FamilySearch website from the original books held at Kresen Kernow, (Cornwall Records Office) Ref: PC/PEL/5/1 FamilySearch Ref: Film 1597031-4476753 Images start at 154-279 The images do include the years from 1797-1900. Anything in Italics and in brackets are added by the transcriber, e.g. (italics) (righthand page) OVERSEERS LIST Jas Puckey } Wm Northcott } 1797 Wm Hill } John Deeble } 1798 Wm May } Jas Algar } 1799 John Tregenna } Wm Dingle } 1800 Isaac Sargent } Geo Coath } 1801 Wm May } 1802 John May } John Vague } 1803 J K Werry? } John Cossentine } 1804 Wm Northcott John Deeble } 1805 Thos Cook } John Rowe } 1806 Geo Coath } John Roskilly } 1807 James Hill } Wm Hocking } 1808 Wm Bunney } Stephen Collings } 1809 Heny Longmaid } Geo Coath } 1810 John Hill } Thos Sargent } 1811 John Clogg } Wm Northcott } 1812 Isaac Sargent } S K Werry } 1813 (?-) Mutton } John Roskilly } 1814 Wm Dingle } Robt Bishop } 1815 Jas Algar } J Rowe } 1816 J Tregenna } Geo Coath } 1817 Chas Deeble } John May } 1818 Rundle Hunking } Jonn. K Werry } 1819 Cornelius Roose } William Northcott } 1820 Richard Parsons } Isaac Sargent } 1821 William Dingle } John Roskilly } 1822 Thomas Bate } John Rowe } 1823 Henry Stephens } John Tregenna } 1824 Thomas Slade } Jonathan Hill } 1825 Henry Harris } William Hill } 1826 John Peake } James Algar Senr. } 1827 Andrew Tregenna } John Rowe } 1828 William Harris } John Rowe } 1829 William Harris } John Clogg } 1830 John Rosevear } John Dingle } 1831 Thos Northcott } John Roskelly } 1832 John Hocken } Thos: Slade } 1833 Robt: Williams } John Philp } 1834 Joseph Leach } Henry Blake } 1835 Richd: Richards } (lefthand page) By Consent of Vestery At the Easter Meeting Jane Conings house rent Di(tt)o Maria Clemence Shoes (and Relief crossed out) April 26th 1807 Jane Coning Shift May 24th Christian Reynolds a Shift Do: Margrat Trebilcock a Shift Do: Elizabeth Libbeys boy two Shirts Do: Mary Potters House rent Do: Peternal Sergeon Shift and Hankershif June 21st Elizh Libbeys boy Coat & Trouzers Do: Elizabeth Harris two Shifts Do: John Roskilly Coat Do: Richard Cundy new Pare of Shoes July 19th Richard Hictkens? A Shert Do: Dorety Jose a Shift Do: Mary Tamblingson a Shift Do: Antony Turner a Pare of Shoes Omitted June 20st Margrett Trebilcock a pare Shoes Do: Elizh: Libbeys boy a pare of Shoes Sept 13 Eliz Stroud a Shift Do: Mary Turner a pare of Shoes Do: Eliz Blight pedecoat Oct 11 Christian Renolds allowed by Vestry 1:6 pr week October 11 Eliz Williams to have a shift Do: Richard Hickings to have a wastcot Do: Ann Puller(?) To have abeadgound Do: George Rundle to have awastett £: S: D Do: Frances Geach in money 10 6 (signed) William May Thomas Cook (righthand page) Cornwall } Monthly Vestry Book To witt } The account of James Hill and Of West } John Roskilly form Easter 1807 Pelynt } to Easter 1808 Parish } James Hills First Month Weekly Pay & Disburstment £ S D Do: Weekly Pay 5 11 4 Do: Disbursments 2 0 0 7 11 4 John Roskillys First Months Weekly 5 6 0 & Disburstments 4 18 10 ½ £10 4 10 ½ James Hills Second months weekly pay 5 11 4 Do: Disburstments 0 18 9 6 10 1 John Roskillys Second months weekly pay 5 18 0 Do: Disburstments 1 0 6 6 18 6 James Hills Third Months weekly pay 5 11 4 Do: Distburstments 1 17 9 7 9 1 John Roskillys Third Monthly pay 5 12 0 Do: Distburstments 1 8 0 7 0 0 James Hills Fourth Months weekly pay 6 11 4 Do: Distburstments 9 19 0 15 10 4 Carried Over £61 4 2 ½ (lefthand page) Overseers List Continued from Page 1 John Tregenna } 1836 William Harding } John Rowe } 1837 John Roskilly Junr } John Jago } 1838 John Hooper } Daniel Bryant } 1839 James Algar } Lewis Triscote } 1840 Benjamin May } James Werry } 1841 Thomas Hooper } Jonathan Triscote } 1842 Thomas Broad } Thomas Penrose } 1843 William Gunn } Jonathan Algar } 1844 William Cock } Robert Mutton } 1845 Simon Dingle } John Cleeve } 1846 Henry Stevens } John Dingle } 1847 John Algar } William Hawken } 1848 Charles Algar } William Dingle } 1849 John Collins } John Hocken } 1850 John Slade? } Nicholas Stephens } 1851 Jonathan Morshead } John Cossentine } 1852 Richard Basset } William Northcote } 1853 Samuel Rundle } John Rosevear } 1854 Thomas Bryant } Henry Whetter } 1855 Mary Philp } Thomas Northcote } 1856 Joseph Stick } Thomas Johns } 1857 Richard Scantlebury } (Exempted) Anne Vague } 1858 Henry Lightfoot } Giles Deeble } Jonathan Blake } 1859 John Philp Junr } Saml: Slade } 1860 Joseph Moreshead } Willm: Northcott } 1861 Willm: Pearce } John Slade } 1862 Ann Vague } John Philp Senr. } 1863 Wm: Dingle } Saml Slade (carpenter)} 1864 Saml: Vague } Wm: Truscott } 1865 Wm Best } Wm Truscott } 1866 Wm: Copp } Wm: Copp } 1867 Geo Wakeham } Geo Wakeham } 1868 John Best } (carried to Page 8) (righthand page) £ S D John Roskillys Fourth month weekly pay 6 4 0 Do: Disburstments 1 18 10 8 2 10 James Hills Fifth Months weekly pay 5 11 4 Do: Distburstments 0 19 5 ½ 6 10 9 ½ John Roskillys Fifth Monthly pay 7 17 4 Do: Distburstments 1 6 3 9 3 7 (signed) Stephen Doble vicar Willam May John Roskilly 6th Month account 6 10 8 Do: Distburstments 9 0 6 19 8 James Hill 6th Month account 5 11 4 Do: Disburstments 12 0 6 3 4 (signed) Stephen Doble vicar Willam May James Hill 7th Month account 5 11 10 Do: Disburstments 3 6 4 8 12 2 John Riskilly 7th Month account 6 10 8 Distburstments 11 18 8? 18 8 ? (signed) William May Thomas Cook (lefthand page) 1807 Nov 15 Maram Tregenna a pare Shoes Do: Mary Turner Shift Margret Trebillcock bead cord Peternal Sargent Gound an apen John Roskilly a pare of Shoes 1807 Dec 6th Richard Conday a Shart Do: Darity Joss apare of Shoes Do: Mary Turner a blankitt Do: Maria Clemence apare of Shoes Eliz Blight a shift January 31st 1808 by Consent of Vestery Georg Rundle a shirt Richd: Hutchons a pare of shoes Ann Potter a pare of shoes Ann Harris a pare of shoes Margrett Trebilcock a pedecoat February 28th 1808 by consent of vestery Elizabeth Stroud a pare of shoes Hanna Symson a Blankett? (righthand page) James Hill 8th Month act: 5 17 4 Of Disbursments 1 11 4 7 8 8 John Roskilly act. 6 10 8 Disbursments 11 6 7 2 2 James Hill 9th Month act. 5 17 4 Disburments 3 11 10 9 9 2 John Roskilly 9th Month act. 6 10 8 Disbursment 1 3 1 7 13 9 James Hill 10th Month weekly Pay 6 3 4 Do: Disburstments 11 4 0 17 7 4 John Roskilly 10th Month Weekly pay 6 0 8 Do: Disburstments 1 17 2 ½ 7 17 10 ½ James Hill 11th Month Weekly pay 6 3 4 Do: Disburstments 1 8 10 7 12 2 John Roskillys 11th Month Weekly pay6 3 6 Do: Disburstments 0 19 6 7 3 0 (lefthand page) Overseers List Continued from Page 4 John Best } 1869 James Algar } James Algar } 1870 Richard Philp } Richard Algar } 1871 Charles Turner } John Slade } 1872 Wm. Yeo } Wm. Yeo } 1873 Wm. Hawken } Wm. Hawken } 1874 ( R crossed out) Richard Hambly } Richard Hambly } 1875 John Philp } John Philp } 1876 Giles Deeble } John Deeble } 1877 Isaac Bettinson } John Deeble } 1878 Thomas Bryant } Thomas Bryant } 1879 J.W. Blake } J.W. Blake } 1880 John Dawe } J.W. Blake } 1881 Wm. Rundle } Frank Honey } 1882 Wm. Rundle (crossed out) John Slade } Frank Honey } 1883 W.H. Cossentine } Wm Maddever } 1884 John Maddever } Wm Maddever } 1885 J. Dingle } John Dingle } 1886 James Algar } James Truscott } 1887 Wm. Gillbard } Rob. Turner } 1888 Wm. Hawken } J.C. Slade } 1889 C. Turner } Jas. Hitchens } 1890 John Broad } George Collings } 1891 Joseph Light } Thos. J. Slade } 1892 John Williams } John Philp } 1894 John Best } Richard Philp } 1894 Thomas Northcote } John Deeble } 1895 Willm. J. Rowe } Jonathan H Blake } 1896 John Liddicoat } Ernest H Philp } 1897 Andrew Bettinson } John H Cossentine } 1898 Frank Honey } James Philp } 1899 James Marshall } John Dingle } 1900 Joshua Blewett } George Philp } 1901 Thomas Crago } James Algar } 1902 William Hambly } Clara Philp } 1903 Richard G Pearce } Thomas Bryant } 1904 Robert D Turner } William Rundle } 1905 Samuel Slade } Richard Philp } 1906 Joseph Matthews } William S. Best } 1907 James Truscott } John Deeble jr } 1908 William Hawken } William J. Hosken } 1909 Charles Turner } John Cock Slade } 1910 Albert Hambly } William Maddever } 1911 John Broad } (righthand page) i £ S D James Hills Twelth Month Weekly pay 6 3 4 Do: Disburstment 3 5 7 £9 8 11 John Roskillys Twelth Month Weekly pay 6 5 4 Do: Distburstments 1 4 6 £7 19 10 James Hills Thirtenth Months Weekly pay 6 3 4 Do: Distburstments 0 7 6 £6 10 10 John Roskillys Thirtenth Month Weekly pay 5 16 4 Do: Distburstments 3 9 10 £9 6 2 James Hills 3 weeks pay in the 14th month 4 12 6 Do: Distburstments 4 10 9 ½ £9 3 3 ½ John Roskillys 3 weeks pay in the 14 month 4 5 0 Do: Distburstments 26 2 2 £30 7 2 Overseers List Continued John Blake } 1912 James Hingston } John Deeble } 1913 William J Rowe } John Liddicoat } 1914 J. K W. Blake } Thomas Crago } 1915 Charles Deeble } William Hosking } 1916 Henry Hambly } James Henwood } 1917 Arthur Lean } Joseph Grose } 1918 Lancelot W Liddicoat} Richard J Philp } 1919 Wilfred P Crapp } Edwin Bettinson } 1920 John Ede } Ernest F Philp } 1921 Albert Best } R. G. Pearce } 1922 F Light } T Job } 1923 S W Maddever } A Snell } 1924 J H Philp } James Marshall } 1925 Albert Geach } (lefthand page) May ye 29th 1808 Margret Trebilcock A pare of Shoes June 12th Darotey Joss Shift Joan Bridgmen 2 6 Eliz.
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