INDEX. .Abrikhll, 171 Daphne, 171 .Ailom, 26 Deidebeh, 181 'Ain el }!udauwereh, 122 Deir Eban, 154 'Ain el Melahah, 167 Dibl, 165 'Ain et T1neh, 122 Dolmens, 121 'Ain ea Serar, 122 Early Christian Churches, 165 Ai, Rock at, 27 -- Abrikha, 171 Alma, 174 Early Christian Sites, 29 Aloth, 22 • Eder, 139 American Explorers, loO Elijah's Fountain, 180 Anath, 29 El Jish, 125 Aphecos, HO El Kheit, 167 Ard el Sauwad, 167 El Khudr, 172 Ascension of our Loru, Trauitioml Site El Maudaseh, 27 Ashnah, 22 [of, 22 El Mejdel, 121 Asochis, 140 En Kushi, 26 Ataroth Adar, 139 Er Rameh, 167 'Athltt, 180 Feast of Shiloh, 180 Avim, The, 138 Ferka, 29 Baalath, 139 Fnru, 181 Barak and Sisera, I 90 Geba, 87 Bekiin, 29 General Committee, Meeting of, 192 BelAt, 166 Gibbethon, 139 Belfort, 170 Gibeah of Saul, 104 Berea, 24 Giloh, 24 Bethabara, 186 Giscala, 125 Bethany beyond Jordan, 184 Gitta, 30 Beth Dagon, 2:l Habakkuk, 'l'omb of, 86 Bethel of Judah, 29 Hachilah, 86 Bether, 28 Hagar's Spring, 28 Beit Rima, 26, 140 Hajr ed DO.m, 124 Bethsaida, 13 Hamthau, 29 Bileam, 182 Harosheth, Site of, l!li Bint umm Jebeil, 167 Haruph, 28 Biri, 181 Hasbany, 171 Birket 'aly edh DhAher, 128 Hawa, 87 Boundaries of Ephraim, .Manasseh, and Razor, Site of, 167 Issachar, 41 Hepha, 187 British Asscciation, Grant of, 7 Hiram, 'L'om b of, 1 i 4 Burjmus, 27 Hirieh, 140 Bussa, 174 Herodium, 27 Byzantine and Crusading Sites, 141 Hittites, The, 138 Capernaum, 123 Hormah, 24 Capharnaum, 123 Hot Springs, 121 Caphrath, 140 Hunin, 169 Carmel, 180 Ibleam, 182 Chasbi, 87 Irbid, 118 Cherethites, The, 138 Issachar, 87 Chilzon, 187 Itineraries of our Lord, 8 Christian and Jewish Traditions, 30 J abneel, 139 Christian Sites, 97 Jacob's Well, 72 Cities of the Midbar, 23. Janoah, 24 Cities of theNecreb, 23 ,Temrftrah, 86 Cities of the Pl;in, 23 Jerusalem, 21 Clermont-Ganneau, M.: Church of Huly , Age of the Temple Wall, Sepulchre, 76; Deir Eb:ln, 154 75, 131 Conder's, Lieut., Notes from Memoir, Discovery at, 160, 20;. 20, 85, 137, 178 , Excavations at, 9 CnJsadingCastleS:: Banias,173; Chateau The Asnerie, 143 deMontfort,l76; ChateauduRoi,177; , The Holy Sepulchre, 76, 123 Keratiya, 138; Chateau Pelerin, 182 Jeshanah, 182, 206 Crusading Forts: Hnnin, 169; KaH1t , Site of, 206 eu Dubbah, Hl8; Kasr 'Atrn, 167; Jeshna, 24 Taiyebeh, 169; Kal'at esh Shliklt~ Jewish Owners of Lanu, 177 170; Tibnin, 169 .Jisr Benat Yilknb, 167 ( 'ydoessa, 30 Jordan, Sunrees of, l i 1 Dau, li1 Joshua's Tomb, IS:! I:\'DEX. Jlllbeo-Grcck Epitaph from .Jalfa, 106 Habbith, 24 Judges iv., Topography of, 190 Ras d Abiad, Inscription at, 175 J ourual of the Survey, 113, 162 Representatives and Lecturers to the Kabr Hebrun, 28 ltobbcrs' Caves, 118 [Fund, 161 Kades, 167 Hoche Taille, 181 Kalau:.on, 71 Saab, 140 Kalaat Jiddin, 178 Safed, 124 Kalat ed Dubbah, 168 Sahyftn, 21 , el Fenish, 138 Samaria, 180 el Kurein, 176 Sarid, 25 , esh Shukif, 170 Saul's Journey to Zuph, 37 es Subeibeh, 173 Scarioth, 183 Ibn Ma'an, 118 Sea of Galilee, 120 Jalud, 205 Sefsaf, 121 Marftn, 173 Sepulchres of David and Kings of Ju­ , Shem'a, 175 Sellem, 86 [dah, 195 Kasr '.A.tru, 167 Shakra, 168 Kefr Likitia, 20 Shalisha, 139 Keisun, 168 Sinjil, 88 Kerak, 120 Sirah, 28 Keruthim, 29 Subeibeh, 172 Khurbet .A.bu Shusheh, 122 Sun Dial in the Haram, 88 , Difnah, 171 Surar, 181 , Hamsin, 175 Survey, Fieldwork continued, il · Kerazeh, 124 Survey completed, 159 Minyeh, 122 Sycaminon, 187 , Slullabun, 167 Sychar and Sychem, 149 , Ureidat, 122 Synagogues, 179 Kings of Judah, 195 Synagogue of lrbiJ, 118 Kitchener's Reports, Lieut., 70, 116, , Nebartein, 124 Kunin, 169 [165 , Sifsaf, 126 Kuru Hattin, 117 Tabighah, 123 Kustul, 181 'l'aiyebeh, 169 Laish, 27 Talmudic Sites, 29 Literary Remains of 0. F. Tyrwhitt 'l'arichrea, 10, 181 Lobnah, 28 [Dmke, 126 'l'el Hum, 123 Magdiel, 181 Tell el Kady, 171 Makaz, 24 'l'ell Haril, 167 1\lahrakah, 173 Temple at Belat, 166 M'aliil, 177 Kades, 167 Mamre,28 , Keisun, 168 Marftn, 166 Tiberias, 121 Megiddo, 13 Tibnin, Hi9 Meiron, 125 Tirzah, 25 JI.Ielloth, 139 Tomb of Habakkuk, 86 llferonoth, 28, 139 , of Jacob's Daughters, 124 Milia, 21 Tombs at Kedesh, 168 Mizpeh, 21 , of Shamai and Hillel, 12·) Moslem Mukams, 89 Tora'n, 181 Mount Heres, 139 Toron, Castle of, 169 , Tabor, 119 Tyre, 173 lllujir ed Din, 17 0 'l'yrwhitt-Drake, C. F., Literary He. llfukams, The Moslem, S9 Umm el '.A.mftd, 175 [mains of, l:!u Naorath, 26 Wady Amud, 122 Nahr Hasbany, 171 , el Hajeir, 173 , Leddftn, 171 Hamam, ll8 Nakurah, 174 J\Iesa'adet Aisa, 22 Nebartein, 124 Habil.diyeh, 122 Nehy Lawih, 180 , Selilkiah, 168 Nob, 51, 204 . ,. Wukkas, 167 Notes and News, 1, 67, 109, 159 Yilufteh, 176 N omenclaturc, 183 Yarftn, 165 of the Survey, 1 H YassJtb, 29 o,he( 86 Zaanaint, 25 Palestine, State of the Country, 1, 163, Zanoah, 26 Patras, 29 [164, 165, 176 Ze1naraim, 26 Pirathon, 139 hercda, 26 Porph yreou, 18 i Zion, 21, liS .
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