Menifee traffic circulation improvement projects at-a-glance Newly Added Projects Name of Project Estimated cost Proposed start date Estimated end date Newport Road Widening $4.4 million Completed Winter 2013 Newport Road Widening – West Menifee Moving, the cit y’s traffic Menifee Road “Missing Link” $4 million Completed Spring 2014 Location: Newport Road from Bradley to Haun Roads circulation improvement program, began in 2013 and is moving full speed ahead. Newport Road / Interstate 215 $48.4 million Under construction 2016 This project is similar to the Newport Road Widening Interchange Improvement project completed on the east side of Interstate 215. Improving The road will be widened from two to three lanes in Encanto Road Improvements $350,000 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 each direction to improve traffic flow on this main MENIFEE 2 projects completed Safe Routes to Schools east/west thoroughfare. The project will: MOVING Antelope Road / Romoland $600,000 Fall 2015 Fall 2015 MENIFEE’S • Add one lane, for a total of three lanes in each SNAPSHOT 1 project under construction Newport Road West Widening $5 million 2016 2017 direction 3 projects added to create a 10-project CIP Infrastructure and • Install and landscape a new median. $170 million investment in the community Holland Road Overpass $18 million 2016 2017 Traffic Circulation Cost: Estimated $5 million. Construction is expected to begin in late 2016 and be Scott Road / Interstate 215 $52 million 2017 2019 Interchange Improvement completed in 2017. How are projects prioritized? Projects are prioritized based on a combination of need, funding availability Bradley Road and Salt Creek $8 million 2018 2018 Encanto Road Improvements and readiness to begin. The need priority ranks projects according to impact Improvements between An updated guide to Location: Encanto Road south of McCall Boulevard to traffic circulation improvement. For funding, the city must budget for Rio Vista and Potomac Drives projects and work to secure additional outside funding sources to cover Menifee’s Capital This project includes road repairs to lanes, resurfacing McCall Blvd. / Interstate 215 $35 million 2020 TBD project costs. The readiness criteria depends on where a project is in the and restriping on Encanto Road in both directions. It Interchange Improvement Construction pending funding Improvement Program pre-construction phase, which can last nearly three years, and how well the is part of the city’s Pavement Management Program Estimated project dates are based on available funding. project relates to current and future projects (see the project timeline on (PMP), preventative maintenance to repair and the back panel). preserve the life expectancy of the city’s roadways. Timeline for major traffic circulation improvement projects Preliminary design 9 months Cost: Estimated $350,000. The project will be completed in fall 2015. Please be patient as the City of Menifee works to improve traffic circulation: Environmental review (EIR) 12 months Safe Routes to Schools Developing plans and specifications 12 months • Please avoid construction areas when possible Location: Antelope Road between Highway 74 and Project out to bid/choosing contractor and • Follow posted detours or alternate routes construction to completion 24 months Watson Road in Romoland • Plan ahead for traffic delays Total time from start to finish 4 years, 9 months This project will add additional sidewalk pathway • Drive slowly and safely through construction zones near the Romoland Elementary School, creating a • Get updates by signing up for city notifications on projects or safe walkway for pedestrians near the school, pave emergency notices at www.cityofmenifee/notifyme For construction information, visit the city’s website at a portion of the parking lane and resurface existing www.cityofmenifee.us or call (951) 672-6777. roadway. Menifee Moving construction information is available at www.cityofmenifee.us , under Construction Update. facebook.com/cityofmenifeeus Cost: Estimated $600,000. The project will be completed in fall 2015. twitter.com/cityofmenifee Completed Projects Under Construction Future Projects Newport Road Widening – completed in winter 2013 Holland Road Overpass Bradley Road and Salt Location: Newport Road between Antelope and Menifee Roads Location: Holland Road from Haun to Hanover Roads Creek Improvements Cost: $4.4 million Location: Salt Creek at Bradley Road This project will construct a four-lane bridge over This project widened Newport Road from two to Interstate 215 creating an additional east/west This drainage and flood control three lanes in each direction; installed a signal at connectivity route in Menifee. The new freeway related project will enable Salt Creek Via Corazon and added conduit for future signals; overpass will help reduce congestion on the city’s to act as a flood control facility and added a double left turn lane from westbound other east/west connections, Newport and therefore reduce the frequency of Newport Road to southbound Antelope Road; Scott Roads. Bradley Road closures at Salt Creek installed and landscaped a new median; and due to flooding. The project will: Cost: Estimated between $18 million and is prepared the road for the interchange project. • Construct a bridge across Before partially funded. The project is expected to begin in 2016 with completion in 2017. Salt Creek at Bradley Road to allow vehicles and pedestrians to safely pass during storms. Scott Road / Interstate 215 Cost: $8 million, funding is in development. The project is expected to begin and be completed in 2018. Interstate 215 / Newport Road Interchange rendering Interchange Improvement Location: Scott Road between Haun and Interstate 215 / Newport Road Interchange Antelope Roads Interstate 215 / McCall Boulevard Location: Newport Road between Haun and Antelope Roads Interchange Improvements This freeway interchange project will alleviate traffic Location: McCall Boulevard from Bradley Road New median After This project will reconstruct the interchange to provide easier freeway access and widen the congestion on Scott Road by providing more to Encanto Drive overpass to improve traffic flow on this busy thoroughfare. The project will: through-lanes over the freeway and improving Menifee Road “missing link” – completed in spring 2014 • Reconstruct the existing diamond interchange into a partial cloverleaf interchange design freeway access. The project will: This freeway interchange project will improve freeway access and provide more through-lanes Location: Menifee Road between Aldergate Drive and Simpson Road to ease traffic flow • Reconstruct the highway overcrossing and add over the freeway to help improve traffic circulation Cost: $4 million • Add dedicated right-hand turn lanes for northbound and southbound loop on-ramps to four lanes for a total of six through-lanes eliminate all left turns for freeway access • Build two new loop ramps north of Scott Road to improve entering and exiting on McCall Boulevard. The project will: This project paved the “missing link” on Menifee Road between Aldergate Drive and • Widen the existing bridge to accommodate six through-lanes of traffic, including outside the freeway • Reconstruct the highway overcrossing and add Simpson Road creating a main north/south thoroughfare in eastern Menifee. It included shoulders that will be used as bike lanes and a sidewalk on the north side. • Add five turning lanes for easier freeway access four lanes creating a total of six through-lanes paving, striping and landscaping this new section of Menifee Road. • Widen and realign freeway on- and off-ramps. • Widen and realign freeway on- and off-ramps Cost: The $48.4 million project is funded by the City of Menifee, Transportation Uniform • Add five turning lanes for easier freeway access Before After Mitigation Fees (TUMF), Eastern Municipal Water District, STP and Gas Company. The project Cost: Estimated between $52 million, partially funded. If completely funded, the project • Build two new loop ramps, eliminating all left began in spring 2015 and is expected to be completed in winter 2016. could begin in 2017. turns for freeway access. Cost: Estimated $35 million. The project could begin in 2020 pending complete funding..
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