Glossary of Terms in Ethiopian Languages This Glossary Lists All

Glossary of Terms in Ethiopian Languages This Glossary Lists All

GL OSSARY OF TERMS IN ETHIOPIAN LANGUAGES T his glossary lists all terms in Ethiopian languages mentioned in the articles of the publication following the spelling of the respective authors. Alternative ways of spelling are mentioned only in so far as they appear in the publication. If no language is mentioned in the explanation, the original language is Amharic. abbaa gada (or abba gadaa), leaders of the Oromo social stratification (gada) system abuna, patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church akako, original members of the Shoa-Oromo, the Guji, the Arsi, the Gedeo and the Yem alaqa, title used in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church for a chief priest, the head of a monastery, as well as a highly educated member of the church awado, hide workers among the Gedeo awrajja, former administrative unit aylé (or ayle), Wolayta term for slave azmari, occupational singers baalle, social stratification system of the Gedeo babi, Aari term for ritual and political leader balabbat, regional governor within the former semi-feudal system balimolla, former king council of the Wolaita barjo, Hamar term for good fortune, well-being baxxe, Gedeo term for moiety boroje (or borojicho), Sidama term for slave bulebula, Gedeo term for honey water buuda, power of the evil eye ch’at, amphetamine-like stimulant native to the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula chinasha, Wolayta term for woodwork craftsmen dalata (or delath), assimilated members of the Shoa-Oromo, the Guji, the Arsi, the Gedeo and the Yem dalla, Gedeo harvest sacrifice degala, Wolayta term for blacksmiths and tanners deraro, harvest ritual of the Gedeo dibayu, commemoration ceremony of the Gedeo ensete (ensete ventricosum), ‘false banana’, Ethiopia’s most important root crop enzatalanquw, secret jargon of azmari children etanta, farmers among the Konso fandaanano, traditional religion of the Hadiyya farenji, Amharic term for foreigner GLSA OS RY 307 felifela, Gedeo term for black magic fiche, Sidama New Year fitawrari, Ethiopian military title fuld’o, Konso term for self-support institution of craftworkers gabar (or gabbar), tenant within the former semi-feudal system gabaro, assimilated members of the Shoa-Oromo, the Guji and the Arsi gada (or gadaa), age grade system of the Oromo goqa, Wolayta term for free peasant gona, original members of the Borana gonfa, traditional cloth of the Sidama grazmach (or grasmadj), Ethiopian military title hadya, assimilated members of the Shoa-Oromo, the Guji and the Arsi harmota, Konso term for people who are skilled in handicrafts hayyuu, Gedeo term for elder jaqa, Konso term for home-made beer kallacha, phallic power symbol of the gada leader k’allu (or kallu, qalluu), ritual leader among the Oromo kati, Basketo and Maale term for ritual and political leader, Wolaita term for king kawo, Wolaita term for king kebelle (or kebele), administrative unit under woreda kebre negest, literally ‘glory of the kings’, Ethiopian national epos kjomesse, Gedeo term for women’s knife lalibela (or hamina), strolling singers who sing, beg and give blessings lem, Sidama term for fertile land lij, Ethiopian aristocratic and court title lommanna, elders in Hadiyya language lubbo, Gedeo term for soul luwa, age grade of the Sidama masenqo, one-string fiddle mesqel, Amharic term for cross, also church festival of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church nakateta, Konso term for traders negusa negast, literally ‘king of kings’, title of Ethiopian emperors poqalla, Konso term for clan and lineage head qännyazmach, Ethiopian military title qeexala, Gedeo ritual and dance conducted for ecological problems ras, Ethiopian aristocratic and court title sabbu, assimilated members of the Borana songo, Gedeo term for ritual and public place taff, Sidama term for bushland, forest and dry land talata, Sidama term for guest tarre, Gedeo magical charm teff, a species of lovegrass native to Ethiopia and Eritrea tessamangu, assimilated members of the Gedeo and the Yem uraga, Sidama term for heroic waka, wooden memorial statue of the Konso wodesha, Gedeo term for mourning ceremony 308 woreda, administrative unit under zone wul’la, Sidama term for mourning ceremony xawd ’a, craftsmen and traders among the Konso xelta, Konso social stratification system zar, possession cult widely spread in the Horn of Africa and the adjunct Middle East index OF peRSONS T his index lists all personal names of authors and historic personalities mentioned in the articles of the publication according to the spelling used by the respective author. Alternative ways of spelling are mentioned only in so far as they appear in the publication. A Bayrle, Alf 13, 125, 138, 147, 265, 286f, 291, Aalen, Lovise 71, 90, 94, 101 293 Aba Jifar II, king of Jimma 241 Bedau, Klaus-Dietrich 186, 206 Abba Gregorius (or Gorgoryos), was an Beer, Bettina 14, 197 Ethiopian priest and lexicographer, who Behailu Abebe 96 co-authored encyclopedias together with Belete Dawit 92, 97f Hiob Ludolf 33 Bender, Marvin L. 268 Abbink, Jon 17, 20, 22, 27, 42, 96, 102, Bieber, Julius Friedrich 12f 155–175, 229, 238, 243, 259 Bieber, Klaus 12 Ahmed Gran, Muslim conqueror of Ethio- Blench, Roger 132 pia 49 Booyyaamo (or Booyye), ancestor of a Hadiyya Almagor, Uri 41 group 69 Almaw Kifle 251 Borgstädt, Johann Albert Meno 229f Ambaye Ogato 7, 17, 20, 22, 251–264, 283 Boru, mythological founder of the Borana 268 Amborn, Hermann 41, 90, 92, 96–99, 102, Bosha Bombe 91f, 96, 99f, 102, 109 109, 111f, 112, 114–117, 138, 170, 287 Braukämper, Ulrich 12, 17–21, 32, 36, 41, Aneesa Kassam 92, 102 57–74, 90, 126, 132, 138, 141, 170, 215, 251, Arthur, Kathryn Weedman 115 255, 259, 283, 287, 291f Asfa-Wossen Asserate 19–21, 47–56, 155, 170, Braukmann, Fabienne 100 283, 286 Breuil, Henri 127, 131f Asmarom Legesse 34, 39f Brøgger, Jan 40f, 251 Assefa Woldemariam 43 Bureau, Jacques 41, 240 Azaïs, François B. 13, 127f, 131f Bustorf, Dirk 17, 20, 22, 68f, 92, 102, 137–156, 229, 238, 257, 284 B Bahru Zewde 29, 48, 53 C Balsvik, Randi R. 31 Cˇ ervícˇek, Pavel 127, 131f Barata, Data Dea 7, 16f, 20, 22, 96, 101, Chambard, Roger 13, 127 237–249, 283 Chekroun, Amélie 127 Bassi, Marco 40, 71 Chiatti, Remo 240 Bauer, Dan F. 40 Clark, John Desmond 128, 132 Conti-Rossini, Carlo 127 310 D Gobe, second last Wolaita king 240–242 Damote, third last Wolaita king 240–242 Goody, Jack 242 Dara, mythological founder of the Hadi- Göseke, Gerhard 186, 206 cho 256 Gujo (or Urago), founder of the Guji-Oro- Da Riva, Rochio 126 mo 268 Deliss, Clémentine 203, 207 Demeulenaere, Elise 76 H Derasso, mythological founder of the Haberland, Eike Friedrich Georg 10, 15–22, Gedeo 268, 272 27, 34, 36–38, 57–66, 91–94, 96–102, 128, Dereje Feyissa 96 131, 138f, 143, 150–152, 155–172, 179, 181, Derg (or Därg), military junta that ruled Ethio- 191, 195, 203, 205, 207–213, 215, 217, 223f, pia 31–33, 35–38, 42, 64–66, 68f, 101, 121, 226–230, 232–235, 237–247, 253, 255, 265f, 159, 267, 269 286–289, 291–293 Dessalegn Rahmato 242 Hafkin, Nancy J. 82 Dinslage, Sabine 11, 20, 22, 130, 179–201, 205, Hagmann, Tobias 90, 101 209, 222, 237, 251, 284 Haile Melekot, father of emperor Menelik Dohrmann, Alke 68, 70 II 48 Donham, Donald 42, 241 Haile Selassie (or Haile Sellassie), last Ethio- pian emperor 18f, 21, 28f, 31, 33, 36, 47–49, E 51–56, 60, 63, 96, 101, 238, 272, 286, 288 Ehl, Sybille 180 Haller, Dieter 156, 238 Elias Awato 7, 240 Hallpike, Christopher Robert 36, 41, 59, 92, Ellison, James 90, 92, 97–99, 102, 109 96, 98, 109f, 112, 116 Epple, Susanne 17, 20, 22, 59, 71, 89–108, 164, Hamer, John 41, 251, 262 244, 260, 272, 284 Hausen, Karin 189 Essner, Cornelia 189 Head, Joanna 76 Heine, Peter 126 F Heintze, Beatrix 189 Fleming, Harold C. 38f, 46, 167, 170, 238, 268 Hoben, Alan 35f, 39f Freeman, Dena 89, 92, 94, 101, 109, 118 Höhne, Markus Virgil 102 Frobenius, Leo 10, 12–15, 20, 58, 92, 125–128, Huntingford, George Wynn Brereton 92, 96 130, 156, 168f, 179f, 286, 288, 290–293 Husmann, Rolf 229 Fukui, Katsuyoshi 41f I G Ivanoff, Hélène 127 Gallot, Edward Freiher Von 12 Iyasu, emperor, grandson of Menelik II 50 Gamst, Frederick C. 40, 92 Gellner, Ernest 59 J Gemeda Hunde Wordoffa 92 Jensen, Adolf Ellegard 10, 13–22, 27, 34, 38, Getachew Senishaw 7, 17, 20, 22, 265–280, 41, 57f, 60, 70, 91–94, 96, 98, 100, 102, 109– 284 112, 114, 116, 119, 125, 127f, 130, 138–145, Gezaghn Petros 92, 96 147–152, 156f, 159, 168, 172, 179f, 181f, Girke, Felix 76, 82 184, 186, 191–197, 203, 205–207, 209–213, Girmame Neway, one of the leaders of the 215, 217f, 222–226, 228–230, 235, 251, 253, 1960 Ethiopian coup 31 255–259, 261f, 265–279, 286–293 Glück, Kim 11, 20, 22, 180, 203–220, 237, 251, Joussaume, Roger 132 284 index OF PERSONS 311 K Meron Awraris 110 Kalicho, mythological founder of the Tigre Messing, Simon D. 29, 36, 38, 40, 160, 170 clan of the Wolaita 240 Michala (or Tigro), first Wolaita king of the Kawachi, Kazuhiro 251 Tigre clan 240 Kawase, Itsushi 20, 22, 75–85, 284 Motolome, last Wolaita king of the Wolaita Kessigo, mythological founder of the Tigre Malla clan 240 clan of the Wolaita 240 Klausberger, Friedrich 240 N Kloos, Helmut 110 Negasso Gidada (or Negaso Gidada), first Knutsson, Karl Eric 40 president of Ethiopia 19, 289f Köhn, Steffen 76, 82 Kok, Ilja 76 O Kopytoff, Igor 93 Olisarali Olibui 76 Kuba, Richard 7, 17, 22, 125–135, 180, 205, Olmstead, Judith 41, 96, 243 285 Orkaydo Ongaye Oda 110 Kuls, Wolfgang 16, 57, 139, 160, 228, 266, 288 Osmond, Thomas 76 L P Lakew Regassa 109f, 112, 117 Pankhurst, Alula 71f, 82, 89–92, 94, 101, 109, Lamarque, Pierre 76 111, 118 Lamoure, Jean-Marc 76 Pankhurst, Rita 36 Lange, Werner Jürgen 17, 41, 62, 92, 138, 170, Pauli, Elisabeth 14–16, 22, 57, 60, 128, 130– 289, 291 132, 138–144, 179, 181f, 185f, 191, 193–198, Le Quellec, Jean-Loïc 131f 203, 205, 207–209, 211–213, 222–226, 228, Levine, Donald N.

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