NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO: THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE WOODLANDS TOWNSHIP AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PERSONS: Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors will hold a Regular Board Meeting on Thursday, July 19, 2018, at 6:00 p.m., at the office of The Woodlands Township, 2801 Technology Forest Blvd, The Woodlands, Texas, within the boundaries of The Woodlands Township, for the following purposes: STANDARD ITEMS 1. Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance; 2. Call meeting to order; 3. Receive, consider and act upon adoption of the meeting agenda; 4. Recognize public officials; 5. President / General Manager's Report; a. Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) 6. Public comment; CONSENT AGENDA 7. Receive, consider and act upon the Consent Agenda; (This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. One motion with modifications, if applicable, approves for action, all items contained within the Consent Agenda. Items may be moved from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda by any Board Member making such request prior to a motion and vote.) a. Receive, consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the June 5, 2018 Special Board Meeting, the June 21, 2018 Board Planning Session, the June 21, 2018 Regular Board of Directors Meeting, the June 27, 2018 Board Planning Session, and the June 27, 2018 Regular Board of Directors Meeting for the Board of Directors of The Woodlands Township; b. Receive, consider and act upon Administrative Reports for Community Services; c. Receive, consider and act upon Administrative Reports for Law Enforcement and Community Policing; d. Receive, consider and act upon Administrative Reports for Transportation (Park and Ride and Trolley System); e. Receive, consider and act upon Administrative Reports for The Woodlands Fire Department; f. Receive, consider and act upon approving and authorizing execution of an Interlocal Purchasing Agreement with Conroe Independent School District (C-2018-0375); g. Receive, consider and act upon approval of water and sewer line easements with San Jacinto River Authority (P-2018-0474, P-2018-0475, P-2018-0476, P-2018-0477, & P-2018-0478); REGULAR AGENDA 8. Receive, consider and act upon a briefing on The Woodlands Fire Department ISO 1 rating; 9. Receive, consider and act upon an agreement for the 2018 Residential Survey and approval of the survey instrument (C-2018-0479); CLOSED MEETING (if applicable) 10. Recess to Executive Session to discuss matters relating to real property pursuant to §551.072, Texas Government Code; deliberation of economic development negotiations pursuant to §551.087, Texas Government Code; discuss personnel matters pursuant to §551.074, Texas Government Code; discuss IT network or critical infrastructure security pursuant to §551.089, Texas Government Code; and to consult with The Woodlands Township’s attorney pursuant to §551.071, Texas Government Code; 11. Reconvene in public session; DISCUSS FUTURE AGENDA /ANNOUNCEMENTS 12. Consideration of items to be placed on the agenda for next month's meeting; 13. Board announcements; and 14. Adjournment. President/General Manager for The Woodlands Township This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. To request other accommodations, call 281-210-3800 or email [email protected]. Agendas and Board Meetings may be viewed live at http://www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov/index.aspx?NID=778. Board of Directors Meeting Agenda Meeting Date: 07/19/2018 SUBJECT MATTER: Receive, consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the June 5, 2018 Special Board Meeting, the June 21, 2018 Board Planning Session, the June 21, 2018 Regular Board of Directors Meeting, the June 27, 2018 Board Planning Session, and the June 27, 2018 Regular Board of Directors Meeting for the Board of Directors of The Woodlands Township; FISCAL IMPACT: BACKGROUND: RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes as presented. Attachments 6-5-18 Special BOD Minutes VOTE TABS 6-5-18 Special Meeting 6-21-18 Planning Session Minutes VOTE TABS 6-21-18 Planning Session 6-21-18 Regular BOD Minutes VOTE TABS 6-21-18 Regular Meeting 6-27-18 Planning Session Minutes VOTE TABS 6-27-18 Planning Session 6-27-18 Regular BOD Minutes VOTE TABS 6-27-18 Regular Meeting THE WOODLANDS TOWNSHIP Board of Directors Meeting SPECIAL BOARD MEETING June 5, 2018 MINUTES THE STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTIES OF HARRIS & MONTGOMERY § The Board of Directors of The Woodlands Township met in regular session, open to the public, on June 5, 2018, posted to begin at 12:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Board Chambers at the office of The Woodlands Township, 2801 Technology Forest Boulevard, The Woodlands, Texas, within the boundaries of The Woodlands Township. STANDARD ITEMS 1. Invocation / Pledge of Allegiance; Chairman Gordy Bunch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag and Texas State flag. 2. Call meeting to order; Chairman Bunch called the meeting to order at 12:10 P.M. and declared that notice of this meeting was posted 72 hours in advance inside the boundaries of The Woodlands Township at the office building located at 2801 Technology Forest Blvd., The Woodlands, Texas. The roll was then called of the duly elected members with three members absent. As a quorum was present, the Board proceeded with the meeting. Present: Chairman Gordy Bunch; Secretary Ann Snyder; Treasurer John Anthony Brown; Director Carol Stromatt Absent: Vice Chairman John McMullan; Director Brian Boniface; Director Bruce Rieser Staff Don Norrell, Nick Wolda, Monique Sharp, John Powers, Alan Benson, Karen Dempsey, Susan Present: Welbes, Robin Cross 3. Receive, consider and act upon adoption of the meeting agenda; Motion by: Secretary Ann Snyder moved to adopt the meeting agenda. Second by: Director Carol Stromatt Passed: Chairman Gordy Bunch YES Vice Chairman John McMullan ABSENT Secretary Ann Snyder YES Board of Directors Special Board Meeting June 5, 2018 1 Treasurer John Anthony Brown YES Director Brian Boniface ABSENT Director Bruce Rieser ABSENT Director Carol Stromatt YES 4. Recognize public officials; There were no public officials in attendance. 5. Public comment; The following individuals provided public comment: Carlos Wehby- 82 N. Country Gate Circle; asked questions on how The Woodlands Covenants will change, or consolidate once incorporated. Jayland Keeney- 7 Spring Basket Trail; expressed his concerns on a neighboring resident who is renting out their home on a public rental website, and shared that this is affecting his family's privacy and safety. CONSENT AGENDA 6. Receive, consider and act upon the Consent Agenda; (This agenda consists of non-controversial or "housekeeping" items required by law. One motion with modifications, if applicable, approves for action, all items contained within the Consent Agenda. Items may be moved from the Consent Agenda to the Regular Agenda by any Board Member making such request prior to a motion and vote.) There were no items on the Consent Agenda. REGULAR AGENDA 7. Receive, consider and act upon potential recreational activities for the upper channel of The Woodlands Waterway for the summer of 2018 and a budget adjustment in connection therewith; Director of Parks and Recreation, Chris Nunes provided an overview of potential recreational amenities for The Woodlands Waterway recommended by The Woodlands Land Development Company, which included pedal boats, row boats, sail boats, fishing, and a Whitewater Center. Next, Mr. Nunes shared the recommendation of Swan Boats to the upper channel of The Woodlands Waterway, and shared that the boats are approximately $4,700 per boat and carry up to four passengers. Next, Mr. Nunes shared that the Swan Boats would be docked on the south side of the Town Green Turning Basin near The Riva Row Boat House, and shared information on a proposed fee structure for the Swan Boats. Board discussion followed. Motion by: Secretary Ann Snyder moved to approve the staff recommendation of adding Swan Boats to the upper channel of The Woodlands Waterway. Second by: Director Carol Stromatt Passed: Chairman Gordy Bunch YES Vice Chairman John McMullan ABSENT Secretary Ann Snyder YES Board of Directors Special Board Meeting June 5, 2018 2 Treasurer John Anthony Brown YES Director Brian Boniface ABSENT Director Bruce Rieser ABSENT Director Carol Stromatt YES CLOSED MEETING (if applicable) 8. Recess to Executive Session at 12:30 P.M. to discuss matters relating to real property pursuant to §551.072, Texas Government Code; deliberation of economic development negotiations pursuant to §551.087, Texas Government Code; discuss personnel matters pursuant to §551.074, Texas Government Code; discuss IT network or critical infrastructure security pursuant to §551.089, Texas Government Code; and to consult with The Woodlands Township’s attorney pursuant to §551.071, Texas Government Code; Chairman Bunch informed the Board that it would be necessary to recess to executive session. 9. Reconvene in public session at 1:01 P.M.; Chairman Bunch shared that it would be necessary to take action on matters discussed in executive session. 10. Receive, consider and act upon a ground lease agreement with the Westin Hotel for the purpose of enlarging an outdoor dining area adjacent to Waterway Square; Motion by: Secretary Ann Snyder moved to authorize the President/General Manager and Legal Counsel to draft, negotiate, and execute an agreement with The Howard Hughes Corporation and it's affiliates for the use of approximately 470 square feet of space for patio use by The Westin near the Waterway Pedestrian Bridge in exchange for equal value use by The Woodlands Township of one Waterway Kiosk at Waterway Square for a term not to exceed five years, with a single renewal term after notice. Second by: Treasurer John Anthony Brown Passed: Chairman Gordy Bunch YES Vice Chairman John McMullan ABSENT Secretary Ann Snyder YES Treasurer John Anthony Brown YES Director Brian Boniface ABSENT Director Bruce Rieser ABSENT Director Carol Stromatt NO DISCUSS FUTURE AGENDA /ANNOUNCEMENTS 11.
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