EUROPEAN SOCIETY OF PATHOLOGY NEWSLETTER Summer 2020 Editor: Prof. Gordan Vujanić Associate editor: Prof. Metka Volavšek Layout: Dr Christos Poulios Table of Contents MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE ESP ................................... 2 (By Prof. Holger Moch) ............................. EDITOR’S MESSAGE ..................... 3 (By Prof. Gordan Vujanić) ......................... THE ESP MONTHLY WEBINAR: A VIRTUAL GATHERING NOT TO BE MISSED .................................... 4 (By Prof. Aurelio Ariza, ESP Secretary) .... MEMORIAL TRIBUTE: PROFESSOR JUAN ROSAI (1940-2020) ........... 6 (By Prof. Manuel Sobrinho Simões) .......... JUAN ROSAI: THE HERITAGE .......... 8 (By Professors Gianni Bussolati and Vincenzo Eusebi) ....................................... SOME RECENTLY PUBLISHED BOOKS . 9 (By Prof. Metka Volavšek) ........................ GLASGOW 2020 ...................... 15 Summer 2020 Message from the President of completely new virtual and interactive educa- tion environment for the ESP-IAP Congress the ESP 2020 within the next weeks. The exact format (By Prof. Holger Moch) of the virtual ESP-IAP Congress 2020 is cur- rently being confirmed, but we realise that learning in the virtual environment is different Dear ESP Mem- from live meetings. We will shorten the con- bers, Dear Col- gress to 3 days and have reduced the regis- leagues tration fees. In an effort to provide an interac- tive and engaging meeting, we will retain the Over the last basic programme previously agreed, but we months, we have will modify it to reflect experiences gained spent time con- from using virtual delivery platforms in other necting to each recent virtual meetings and in our 2 COVID- other in a way very 19 webinars. We want to create opportunities uncommon to our to interact virtually with colleagues in network- conventional gathering ing for and with industry through dedicated using a smart technology to maintain some symposia. There will be interactive moder- semblance of normality. The current crisis is ated Q&A sessions and keynote lectures and obviously not yet over but we are learning we plan a dedicated Covid-19 pathology ses- how to cope with it efficiently. We are truly sion. We understand that this is a change thankful to our members for their tenacity and from the normal operations, but we hope that aspiration to support and engage with the vir- you will still participate in the virtual meeting tual activities provided or/and planned by the which should be both interesting and engag- ESP. ing. I recently had to communicate to you that the I hope to have you with us for the virtual con- joint XXXIII Congress of the International ference in December. Please visit the ESP Academy of Pathology and 32nd Con- and Congress websites (www.esp-con- gress of the European Society of Pathol- gress.org; www.esp-pathology.org) for up- ogy scheduled for Glasgow will be deliv- dates and FAQs. ered as a virtual event (6th-8th December 2020). This was a result of the non-availability Other activities of the Scottish Event Campus. The current COVID-19 situation demonstrates that this The ESP/UEMS Pathology Progress Test decision will ensure the safety of ESP’s fac- was successfully carried out online between ulty and attendees. However, a huge amount 8th – 19th June. A total of 900 participants (66 of work was already done and the programme Countries) entered the test and all were in- for the congress was almost completed. I vited to leave their feedbacks at the end of the have to thank all people involved in working test. We are delighted to announce that on the programme and have to encourage the ESP/UEMS will organise the second edition Executive and Education Committees of ESP of this progress test in November this year so and the British Division of the IAP to set-up a Summer 2020 please visit the ESP website regularly for the We firmly believe we are delivering what is re- exact date of the test. quired in this time but, as ever, we remain open to your suggestions so please continue Following our successful webinars on to share your thoughts, ideas and feedback COVID-19 in May and June, a new series of with us. ESP webinars will be organised by the ESP Working Groups between September 2020 For now, we continue to stand together while and March 2021, which will address an array we are far apart. of hot topics in particular pathology subspe- cialties. ESP members will be invited to at- All the best, tend and actively participate in these virtual activities at no cost. More information on this Holger Moch, MD will be available soon on the ESP website. President of the European Society of Pathol- ogy In addition, ESP has been invited by USCAP to organise a virtual educational session at the USCAP 2021 Virtual Meeting (13-18 March). ESP will, as ever, be preparing an in- teractive and engaging scientific programme Editor’s Message which will be delivered by renowned ESP (By Prof. Gordan Vujanić) Speakers. We are experi- In our current ESP newsletter, you will also encing some- read an obituary for Juan Rosai, MD, written thing that we by Gianni Bussolati and Vincenzo Eusebi. have never ex- Juan Rosai was an outstanding member of perienced be- the European Society of Pathology. He fore… and passed away in Milan, Italy, on July 7, 2020, hopefully will not after a long illness. Although he worked for have to face any many years in the US, Rosai had a major im- time soon, alt- pact on pathologists in Europe, as you can hough this may read in the obituary. sound a bit over-opti- mistic considering unpredictability of this pan- With all ESP Committees and ESP HQ in demic. We had to re-adjust the ways we live, Brussels, we are putting all our efforts into work, and communicate, and to discover new supporting our members through these chal- ways of doing many things in our private and lenging times and will activate and make use professional lives. Some proved to be rela- of the latest technology and platforms to de- tively easy to adapt to, like online meetings liver information, facilitate knowledge-sharing and seminars, but it will be interesting and and allow the continued development of inter- challenging to organise and ‘attend’ big national collaborations and partnership. events like our joint Congress in December. We all hope and believe it will be successful, Summer 2020 although a very important point of these meet- and, possibly, a highly lethal second wave in ings – a personal contact with colleagues and the autumn. friends - will be impossible to replace with an- ything. Today, however, easy access to the Internet and peace amongst the major powers are a But, as always, life goes on, and we are doing far cry from the shaky telegraph and tele- our best to maintain our professional activities phone communications and suicidal Great within the ESP and wider. You will read about War humankind had to deal with in 1918. these in the President’s and the Secretary’s Now, a few mouse clicks are all required to be messages. transported to a virtual gathering on a screen where knowledge and opinions can be safely A really sad piece of news for all pathologists shared while keeping physically distant. Such worldwide is about the death of one of the gi- has been the case with the two webinars on ants of pathology – Juan Rosai, a truly re- Covid-19 recently held by the ESP for its markable person, pathologist and teacher. membership across Europe. The webinars, sponsored by AstraZeneca Spain and first And finally, you will find a good selection and proposed by the Spanish Society of Pathol- review of recently published books prepared ogy, took place on May 8th and June 25th. by our Associate Editor Prof. Metka Volavšek, but, noticeably, there is no list of forthcoming The broad-perspective first webinar (“Covid- meetings… 19: Unprecedented daily challenges in pathol- ogy departments across Europe”) discussed the various countries’ responses to the many The ESP Monthly Webinar: A organisational issues and biosafety concerns virtual gathering not to be posed by Covid-19, including reorganisation missed of departments (Prof Xavier Matias-Guiu), management of samples (Prof Mattia Bar- (By Prof. Aurelio Ariza, ESP Secretary) bareschi), handling of corpses (Prof Gustavo Baretton) and impact on molecular testing Many analogies (Prof Paul Hofman). Appropriately, the speak- are being drawn ers were representatives of the pathology na- these days be- tional societies of Spain, Italy, Germany and tween Covid-19 France, countries where the Covid-19 and the Great In- scourge has been felt with particular severity. fluenza pan- Profs Holger Moch, Marco Santucci and Xa- demic of 1918 vier Matias-Guiu moderated the event. (so-called “Span- ish Flu” because In contrast, the second webinar (“Methods for the uncensored SARS-CoV-2 detection in tissues and Covid- press of non-belligerent 19 pulmonary and cardiovascular Pathology“) Spain broke the terrible news to a world at focused more specifically on just two topics war). Common features of these two pandem- related to Covid-19. The subjects discussed ics include an overly dramatic cytokine storm Summer 2020 were coronavirus detection techniques in pa- made the recorded material accessible to all thology samples (Prof Zsuzsanna Varga) and members through the ESP channel on the gross and microscopic findings shown by YouTube. Much appreciated assistance from the lung, heart and blood vessels (Profs Fio- a professional IT provider was also available. rella Calabrese and Cristina Basso). Profs Ales Ryska and Aurelio Ariza were the mod- Effective communication of scientific data and erators. their subsequent vivid discussion were deftly achieved in both webinars. Additionally, both After paying the current pandemic its due, experiences provided us all with great oppor- ESP webinars will deal with other issues of tunities to test and hone our virtual communi- current interest when, after the summer cation skills.
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