Professor Helmer Fjellvåg, University of Oslo − Publication list Publication list (Full publications in international journals with referee) 1. On the structural and magnetic properties of Cr1-tVtP, Mn1-tVtP and Mn1-tCrtP Selte, K., Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A33 (1979) 391-395 2. Magnetic structures and properties of Cr1-tFetAs Selte, K., Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A. and Andresen, A.F. Acta Chem. Scand. A33 (1979) 727-731 3. Magnetic properties of transition metal substituted MnP. Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A., Zieba, A. and Foner, S. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 45 (1984) 709-718. 4. Magnetic and structural properties of transition metal substituted MnP. I. Mn1-tCotP (0.00 ≤ t ≤ 0.30). Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A38 (1984) 563-573. 5. On the structural and magnetic properties of Co1-tNitAs and CoAs1-xSbx. Fjellvåg, H., Selte, K. and Stave, F. E. Acta Chem. Scand. A38 (1984) 687-691. 6. Magnetic and structural properties of transition metal substituted MnP. II. Mn1-tVtP (0.00 ≤ t ≤ 0.25). Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A38 (1984) 703-710. 7. Magnetic and structural properties of transition metal substituted MnP. III. Mn1-tFetP (0.00 ≤ t ≤ 0.30). Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A. and Andresen, A. F. Acta Chem. Scand. A38 (1984) 711-717. 8. Magnetic and structural properties of transition metal substituted MnP. IV. Mn1-tNitP. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A38 (1984) 719-724. 9. Structural and magnetic properties of Mn1-tMotAs Fjellvåg, H., Selte, K. and Danihelka, P. Acta Chem. Scand. A38 (1984) 789-794. 10. Neutron diffraction investigation of MnAs under high pressure Andresen. A.F., Fjellvåg, H. and Lebech, B. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 43 (1984) 158-160. 11. On the magnetic and structural properties of the MnAs1-xPx system (x ≤ 0.18) Fjellvåg, H. Andresen, A.F. and Bärner, K.J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 46 (1984) 29-39. 12. Formation and crystal structure of ThNi2Dx. Andresen. A. F., Fjellvåg, H. and Maeland, A. J. J. Less- Common Metals 103 (1984) 27-31 13. Magnetic behaviour of Mn1-tCrtAs (0.20 < t 0.40) Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A38 (1984) 1-13. 14. Structural and magnetic phase diagram for the MnAs-CrAs system. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A39 (1985) 671-680. 15. Pressure induced phase transitions in MnTe2. Fjellvåg, H. Kjekshus, A. Chattopadhyay, T. K., Hochheimer, H. D., Hönle, W. and von Schnering, H. G. Phys. Lett. 112A (1985) 411-413. 16. Magnetic and structural properties of transition metal substituted MnP. V. Mn1-tCrtP (0.00 ≤ t ≤ 0.40). Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A. and Andresen, A. F. Acta Chem. Scand. A39 (1985) 143-151. 17. Magnetic and structural properties of transition metal substituted MnP. VI. Mn1-tMotP and Mn1-tWtP. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A39 (1985) 199-207. 18. Magnetic and structural properties of Cr1-tTitAs. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. J. Solid State Chem. 59 (1985) 9-22. 19. Structural and magnetic properties of Mn1-tTitAs. Zieba, A., Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 46 (1985) 275-286. 20. Effect of magnetic field on MnAs0.88P0.12 below 80 K. Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A. and Andresen, A.F. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 50 (1985) 287-290. 21. On the crystal structure and magnetic properties of MnNiGe. Fjellvåg. H. and Andresen, A. F. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 50 (1985) 291-297. 22. On the properties of Ni2SnP Furuseth, S. and Fjellvåg, H. Acta Chem. Scand. A39 (1985) 537-544. Acta Chem. Scand. A39 (1985) 143-151. 23. Crystal and magnetic structure of MnSb2O4. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A39 (1985) 389-395. 24. Christensen, A. N., Fjellvåg, H. and Lehmann, M. S. "A time resolved powder neutron diffraction investigation of reactions of Portland cement compounds with water." Acta Chem. Scand. A39 (1985) 593-604.. 25. Paramagnetic scattering experiments on MnAs1-xPx with x=0.06, 0.12 and 0.18. Andresen, A. F., Fjellvåg, H., Steinsvoll, O., Kjekshus, A., Stølen, S. and Bärner, K. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 62 (1986) 241-246. 26. Pressure induced transition in MnAs and MnAs0.80Sb0.20. Fjellvåg, H., Hochheimer, H. D. and Hönle, W. Phys. Lett. A118 (1986) 293-296. 27. Structural properties of Ni3+xSn4. Furuseth, S. and Fjellvåg, H. Acta Chem. Scand. A40 (1986) 695-700. 28. Structural properties of HfTe5 and ZrTe5 as seen by powder diffraction. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Solid State Commun. 60 (1986) 91-93. 29. Pressure induced heli- to ferromagnetic transition in Mn0.615Cr0.385As. Andresen, A. F., Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A. and Lebech, B. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 62 (1986) 247-250. 30. Single crystal study of Mn0.8Co0.20P. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A40 (1986) 634- 63630. 31. Structural properties of Mn1-tFetP (0.80 ≤ t ≤ 1.00). Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A. and Andresen, A.F. Acta Chem. Scand. A40 (1986) 227-229. 32. Martensitic-like transformations in CrtMn1-tAs. Andresen, A.F., Bärner, K., Fjellvåg, H., Heinemann, K., Kjekshus, A. and Sondermann, U. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 58 (1986) 287-296. 33. Structural and magnetic properties of MnAs0.90P0.10. Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A. and Stølen, S. J. Solid State Chem. 64 (1986) 123-133. 34. Structural properties of VP1-xAsx. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Mh. Chemie 117 (1986) 773-781. 35. Structural and magnetic properties of Mn1-tNitAs. Fjellvåg, H. Kjekshus, A. Andresen, A. F. and Zieba, A. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 61 (1986) 61-8025. 36. Solid solution phases with MnP type structure: T1-tNitP (T = Ti - Co). Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A40 (1986) 8-16. 37. Structural and magnetic properties of V1-tTitAs. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A40 (1986) 17-22. 38. Structural properties of Co3Sn2, Ni3Sn2 and some ternary derivatives. Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A40 (1986) 23-30. 39. Adiabatic calorimetry and neutron diffraction studies of Ni(ND3)6](NO3)2. Andresen, A. F., Fjellvåg, H., Janik, J. A., Mayer, J., Sciesinski, J., Janik, J. M., Migdal-Mikuli, A., Mikuli, E., Rachwalska, M. and Stanek, T. Physica 138B (1986) 295-304. 40. The effect of additives on the reaction of Portland and alumina cement compounds with water. A time resolved powder neutron diffraction investigation. Christensen, A. N., Fjellvåg, H. and Lehmann, M. S. Acta Chem. Scand. A40 (1986) 126-141. 41. Time resolved powder neutron diffraction investigations of reactions of solids with water. Christensen, A. N., Fjellvåg, H. and Lehmann, M. S. Cem. Concr. Res. 16 (1986) 871-874. 42. On the low-high spin anomaly in the heat capacity of MnAs1-xPx. Fjellvåg, H., Grønvold, F., Kjekshus, A. and Stølen, S. J. Phys. C 20 (1987) 3005-3010. 43. Magnetic ordering in MnSe2. Chattopahyay, T., Rossat-Mignod, J. and Fjellvåg, H. Solid State Commun. 63 (1987) 65-67. 44. Low-temperature oxidative degradation of low-dimensional zirconium and hafnium tellurides. Fjellvåg, H., Furuseth, S., Kjekshus, A. and Rakke, T. Solid State Commun. 63 (1987) 293-297. 45. Magnetic phase transtion in MnTe2. Chattapadhyay, T. and Fjellvåg, H. Phys. Lett. A 120 (1987) 44-46. 46. Heat capacity of MnAs0.88P0.12 from 10 to 500 K. Thermodynamic properties and transitions. Labban, A. K., Westrum, E. F. Jr., Fjellvåg, H., Grønvold, F., Kjekshus, A. and Stølen, S. J. Solid State Chem. 70 (1987) 185-198. 47. Structural properties of Ni1-tRhtBi3. Fjellvåg, H. and Furuseth, S. J. Less-Common metals 128 (1987) 177-183. 48. Effect of external pressure and chemical substitution on the phase transitions in MnAs. Zieba, A., Zach, R., Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 48 (1987) 79-89. 49. Thermal, magnetic and structural aspects of transitions in Mn0.63Cr0.37As. Thermodynamic properties from 10 to 350 K. Komada, N., Westrum, E. F. Jr., Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 65 (1987) 37-52. 50. Transitions between helimagnetic states in Mn1-tCrtAs: Phase diagram and effect of strong magnetic field. Zieba, A., Fjellvåg, H. and Kjekshus, A. J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 68 (1987) 115-132. 51. Change in character of the paramagnetic to helimagnetic phase transtion in CrAs upon MnAs substitution. Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A. and Zieba, A. J. Magn. Magn. mat. 67 (1987) 354-364. 52. Magnetic structure of MnP as probed by 57Fe. Häggström, L. , Sundqvist, T. and Fjellvåg, H. Phys. Rev. B 35 (1987) 6838-6840 53. Structure determination by use of the pattern decomposition and the Rietveld method on synchrotron X-ray and neutron powder data ; the structure of Al2Y4O9 and I2O4. Lehmann, M. S., Christensen, A. N., Fjellvåg, H., Feidenhans´l, R. and Nielsen, M. J. Appl. Cryst. 20 (1987) 123-129 54. Structural properties and phase transitions of Y2BaCuO5 and YBa2Cu3O9-d Fjellvåg, H., Karen, P. and Kjekshus, A. Acta Chem. Scand. A41 (1987) 283-293 55. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study of Y2BaCuO5 and YBa2Cu3O9-d \ Fjellvåg, H., Karen, P., Kjekshus, A. and Grepstad, J. K. Solid State Commun. 64 (1987) 917-921. 56. Crystal structure of Y2Cu2O5 refined from powder neutron diffraction data. Fjellvåg, H., Karen, P. and Kjekshus, A .Acta Chem. Scand. A42 (1988) 144-147. 57. On the properties of the YBa8Cu4O12+d phase Fjellvåg, H., Karen, P., Kjekshus, A. and Grepstad, J. K. Acta Chem. Scand. A42 (1988) 171-177. 58. Carbonatization of YBa2Cu3O6+x. Fjellvåg, H., Karen, P., Kjekshus, A., Kofstad, P. and Norby, T. Acta Chem. Scand. A42 (1988) 178-184. 59. Structural and magnetic properties of Mn1-tCrtAs1-xPX. Fjellvåg, H., Kjekshus, A.
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