May 1, 2019 * The Amboy Guardian .1 * WWW.AMBOYGUARDIAN.COM * Next Issue COMPLIMENTARY UP TO 10 COPIES/$1 EACH ADDITIONAL May 15, 2019 THE Amboy*Biweekly Newspaper* Guardian • VOL. 9 NO. 4 • 732-896-4446 • P.O. BOX 127 • PERTH AMBOY • NJ • 08862 • WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 2019 • PILOTS (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) 2019 Municipal Budget Come into Play Again Passes; First Responders 4/22/19 Caucus Meeting Honored 4/17/19 Council Meeting (Counter-Clockwise L to R) City Clerk Victoria Kupsch, Attorney B.A. Frederick Carr (L) with Roman B. Himiak, Councilwoman Milady Tejeda, Councilman Joel James Fearon from Gluck Wal- Pabon *Photos by Carolyn Maxwell rah LL9 (R) By: Carolyn Maxwell to 2.5%. The PILOT is for 22 of the City event.” SOUTH AMBOY - First Responder Honorees at the 4/17/19 Coun- PERTH AMBOY – PILOTS years. The two buildings will R-187-4/19 – Authorizing cil Meeting: (L To R) Brian Noble, Recreation, Richard Johnson, have been heavily criticized by be brought online at the same Change Order No. 5 to the con- Fire Department, Elizabeth "Betty" Leveille, First Aid, Christian some residents in the City of time.” tract with Helios Construction Petras, First Aid *Photos by Paul W. Wang Perth Amboy. Their arguments Councilman Fernando Irizarry Inc. increasing the contract for have always been that the City asked, “How much is the Board Waterfront Park Improvements and School System have been of Education not getting?” in an amount not to exceed taken advantage of by com- Fearon answered, “They will $20,900. panies whom they believe PI- get what they need. The tax rate Former B.A. Greg Fehrenbach LOTS should not have been will be higher because there explained that the fence for this awarded to. The latest PILOT will be less buildings to get rev- park had already been moved discussed was for a developer enue from.” and this is a settlement by the of 225 Elm Street (NCP Perth Councilman Helmin Caba contractor to close this case. Amboy Urban Renewal Lease). then stated, “We have to make B.A. Carr then explained James Fearon from Gluck sure this money (from the PI- R-188-4/19 – Affirming the- es Walrah LL9 came up to speak LOT) is used properly. “ tablishment and authority of regarding Ordinance No. 1 Council President Bill Petrick the Community Emergency Re- (First Reading) -Approving the then asked about the annual ser- sponse Team under the author- execution of a financial agree- vice charges. ity of the Office of Emergency ment (with NCP) and other ap- Fearon replied, “A dollar Management. “We had this plicable documents related to amount will need to be negoti- agency 20 years ago and they the authorization and issuance ated. The first year of the -PI were put back together and they SOUTH AMBOY - Councilman Thomas Reilly (C) with Student by the City of Perth Amboy LOT, the City is expected to get were all volunteers.” Fire Department Volunteers and First Aid Cadets not to exceed $2,800,000 rede- $400,000 and the second year it Councilman Irizarry and By: Katherine Massopust lution R-78-2019 (Reading); velopment area bonds (non-re- will be $615,000.” Council President Petrick asked SOUTH AMBOY – After the R-79-2019 (Amending); R-80- course to the full faith and cred- After the discussion about the Carr if he could provide more 4/17/19 Council Meeting be- 2019 (Adopting) the 2019 Bud- it of the City) and determining Elm Street Property, Business information about this. gan, there was a moment of get. Council President Mickey various other matters in connec- Administrator Frederick Carr Carr stated, “This is to aug- silence for deceased First Aid Gross thanked everyone for do- tion therewith. addressed the Council regarding ment the police during special Squad Member Gary Cotrell. ing a good job. There is no tax Mr. Fearon stated, “The bond R-183-4/19 – Amending the CY events, such as using them for The first item to be discussed increase this year on the munic- would be in default if the PI- 2019 Budget. Carr requested traffic control.” was the 2019 Municipal Bud- ipal level.” LOT (funds) are not paid. The that some of the members of the Carr then explained R-192- get. City Auditor Gary Higgins Councilman Tom Reilly wel- City could force the property Council meet with him and the 4/19 – Resolution to override stated, “I’ve been doing this comed everyone who was pres- to do a tax sale. The company City Auditor to discuss topics the Mayor’s Veto of an Ordi- for 38 years. The public hear- ent at the meeting to honor (NCP) must form an entity in regarding personnel that cannot nance entitled “An Ordinance ing is tonight. After the public South Amboy’s First Respond- the State for a tax exemption. be discussed in public. “If there to amend an ordinance entitled hearing, there is a short amend- ers. “Thank you for coming out The developer bears part of the are additions to the Budget, and “Wreckers” adopted August 4, ment. $1.22 - the same rate as for the volunteers. In addition to risk of land tax. They expect the if the Mayor’s Budget is ad- 1992.” He stated, “The Mayor in 2018. There is no increase on Government Week, it’s Volun- land tax to accelerate at 3% in justed by the Council, it will re- said that it would cost the tax- the municipal level. The bond teer Week. The City can’t oper- value per year. If the value of quire four “Yes” votes,” stated payers additional money.” rating is now on an AA level. ate without volunteers. You pro- the taxes increases more than Carr. He continued, “Your addi- Councilman Joel Pabon spoke Our budgeting caps are way un- vide a great example for youth 3%, then the City and developer tions impacted the deductions. up, “The Council should have der. We’re a half million below in the town - starting at a young will split the difference of the You can’t have one without the retracted the ordinance. The cap. There is the same level of age to volunteer in this town.” overestimate. It’s a tax credit. In other. The Mayor can’t veto the wreckers said that information services delivered. The overall Honoree Richard Johnson, the package that was given the Budget. We received your (the was lacking. It doesn’t protect budget is in great condition.” Fire Department thanked every- Council, there is an estimated Council’s) recommendations on the City and what is in the ordi- During the public portion on one. $205,000 debt service charge Thursday midnight (4/18/19). nance can cause us to be sued.” the budget, there were no ques- Honoree Elizabeth “Betty” that was changed to $210,000. We told the Mayor to cut some *Continued on Page 2 tions from the public. The 3% increase was reduced of her expenses from the State The Council passed Reso- *Continued on Page 2 South Amboy City Council Business Meeting 5/1/19 - 6 p.m. 2. The Amboy Guardian * May 1, 2019 PILOTS (Payment in Lieu of Taxes) Come into Play Again 4/22/19 Caucus Meeting up next, “This has been talked disrespectful to the residents for *Continued from Page 1 about before. We need to take Department Heads or their rep- care of every issue. This is ri- resentatives not be here and an- Carr then stated, “The or- diculous. Let’s get this right.” swer questions. The Police, Fire dinance was supposed to be Petrick responded, “We can’t Department, and DPW should amended at a later time.” satisfy everyone.” not have cuts (in their budget). Council President Bill Pet- Pabon spoke up and said, Some of the nonessential em- rick then stated, “The towers ployees are telling people it’s said they needed prices in order “The towers fight amongst themselves. Let’s talk to Chief the Council’s fault for these to get reimbursed by insurance Cattano about this.” cuts.” companies.” City Attorney Roman B. Hir- Council President Petrick Pabon then stated that there made some comments. “It will were two prices in the ordi- niak (from law firm of King & Petracca, LLP sitting in for Pe- facilitate our meetings if the nance. ter King who was on vacation) Department Heads are here to Petrick proceeded to give said, “There are two compo- answer our questions that may more information, “It depended nents (business and legal) for have to be discussed in closed on where they had to tow from. this ordinance to be passed and session. I request that the De- The biggest lawsuit is that it to prevent possible litigation. partment Heads be here for the was from out-of-town towers Councilman Helmin Caba Caucus Meetings.” who sued us.” then spoke up and questioned, There was a lengthy discus- Councilman Pabon then sug- “Where are our Department sion regarding R-197-4/19 – gested, “We should hold this Heads?” Authorizing payment to Mat- over for another meeting. B.A. Carr responded, “The thew W. Petracca Esq. of the There’s no harm in pulling this Mayor said that the Council was resolution out. We just need to law firm of King and Petracca, disrespectful to City Employees LLP for legal services regarding get the correct language.” and said one employee in par- the redemption of properties on Council President Petrick ticular was dead weight.” the in rem tax foreclosure list in spoke up again, “How should Caba continued, “It was un- the amount of $20,000.
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