News at random Objekttyp: Group Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK Band (Jahr): - (1950) Heft 1134 PDF erstellt am: 05.10.2021 Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter, die über dieses Angebot zugänglich sind. Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, www.library.ethz.ch http://www.e-periodica.ch Che Swiss Obseiw Founded by Paul F. Bobhringer. The Official Organ of the Swiss Colony in Great Britain. EDITED BY A. STAUFFER WITH THF. CO-OPERATION OF MEMBERS OF THE SWISS COLONY IN GREAT BRITAIN. lelephone: Clkrkenwell 2321/2. Published Twice Monthly at 23, Leonard Street, E.C.2. Telegrams : Freikinco, London. Vol. 33. No. 1134. FRIDAY, APRIL 28th, 1950. Price 8d. PREPAID SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Professor Edouard Stiefel, painter and for many (Fortnightly issue.) years a teacher at the cantonal " Gymnasium " in UNITED KINGDOM 6 issues, post free 4/6 Zurich, has celebrated his 75th birthday anniversary. AND COLONIES < 12 issues, post free 8/6 [a.t.s.j 24 issues, post free 16/- SWITZERLAND I 12 issues, post free Frs. 7.- 1 24 issues, post free Frs. 13.50 (Swiss sitbsr way be £aid into PosfscJiecfe-A'onio BasZe F 57/5/. SWISS MALE CHOIR and YODLER SEXTETT I ALTE SEKTION ZÜRICH K During the month of February, 1950, FeJera/ the Swiss Federal Railways have car- ried 15.47 million passengers, or JOINT CONCERT 433,000 less than 1949. The during February receipts at from passengers service amount to 17.64 million francs, which is less than half a million francs during the QUEEN MARY same period in 1949. HALL, (foods traffic registered a reduction of 47,000 tons Y.W.C.A., Great Russell Street, and amounted to 1.08 million tons. The receipts reached the amount of 21.18 million francs which is Tottenham Court Road, W.C.l less 1949. 1.20 million francs than in February, on G.uctoms receipts during the month of March 1950, MAY 3rd, 1950 amounted to 43 million francs, or 4.5 million francs WEDNESDAY, more than in March of the previous year. at 7 p.m. During the first quarter of the current year, alto- getlier 112 million francs have been collected against So/oisf; //t/GG£7Vߣ7?G 107.4 million francs during the same period in the pre- Rt/7*// vious year. * « * Tickets at 4/- and 6/- (inc. tax) may be obtained from The accounts of the Federal Tost, Telegraph and Mr. E. 99, Gresham Street, E.C.2. Telephone administration for the year 1949, close with RITZMANN, a credit balance of 40.9 million francs. * * * ear/y fo ai/oû/ <#sappornfmenf. The Federal Council has conferred the title of Consul General on Mr. Walter Schmid, Consul in Los Angeles (U.S.A.) The Council of the Royal Photographic Canfona/ Society of Great Britain has awarded QUEEN'S HOTEL the 38th medal to Society's Progress Unrivalled Position on Promenade Professor, Dr. John Eggert of the Federal Technical s" University in Zurich, in recognition of his classical Generai Manager : Robert Lehner. : Queen's work in latent image theory, particularly on the 7"eZe/>/ione Hastings 4167. Te/eg'rams: Hastings. ; his quantum efficiency carried out with Xoddack for Ideal spot for all holidays. October and November are usually work on the effect of X-rays in photographic emulsion excellent months for Autumn Holidays in Hastings. Central and in evolving methods of standardization of photo- Heating, h. & c. water & 'phones in all bedrooms. .Gloucester' Restauianr — One of the finest on the South Coast. Ballroom, graphic speed and graininess. [a.t.s.] Piccolo Bar. Excellent facilities for Banquets, Conferences, * * * Wedding Receptions, etc. Easy reach Göll, Angling, Riding, Lina and Walter Feusi-Schad, a young married Tennis. Two minutes from .Medicinal Baths and Station. couple of Kiisnacht (Zurich), were drowned when their Write /or Tori// —- £n /tension terms /rom 25/- /er day. canoe turned over during a heavy gale which swept over A.A.**** Rotary Headquarters. R.A.C. tile lake of Zurich, [a.t.s.] 5444 THE SWISS OBSERVER April 28th, 1950. Paul Steinmann (Socialist) born in 1893 in Zurich, lias entered Parliament (National Council) in succès- sion to the late Jakob Kägi, President of the govern- ment of the canton Zurich, [a.t.s.] VINS DU VALAIS K- * * L'Etoile du Valais (Fendant Pétillant) President of the Board of Mr. Erwin Hürlimann, Clos de Montibeux (Fendant) the " Schweizerischen Rückversicherungsgeseilschaft " of Zurich, and a member of the " Bankrat " of the Johannisberg Swiss National Bank, has celebrated his 70th birthday Dôle Clos de Ravaney anniversary in Zurich. [a.t.s.] Origineaux mis en bouteilles par S.A. Alphonse Orsat à Martigny * * * Mr. Max Hamburger, from Buchs (Ct. Zurich), has been elected Manager of the Bellvue Palace Hotel in VINS VAUDOIS Berne, in succession to the late Hermann Schmid. The new Manager had held for nine years a leading Vinzel - Luins position at Shepheards' and the Continental Savoy Mont s Rolle - Fechy Hotel, in Cairo, and for the last twelve years had been Aigle - Yvorne "General Manager of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. [A.T.S.] Origineaux mis en bouteilles par S.A. Hammel à Rolle * During the month of March, 1950, 286 traffic acci- Seuls agents pour La Grande Bretagne dents have occurred in the canton of Berne. 203 were of whom 10 succumbed to their MANETTA'S WINE COMPANY persons injured LIMITED injuries, [a.t.s.] 12b, * * -3» HALF MOON STREET, LONDON, W.I. Mr. Hans Lauterburg, head of the section RND 'Phone : GROSVENOR 2964. of the " Schweizerischen Depeschen Agentur ", has celebrated his 60th birthday anniversary in Berne. Mr. Degustez ces V/ns avec vos repas au Lauterburg is one of the pioneers of Swiss Radio. From 1929-1938 he was in charge of " Radio Bern " and from MANETTA'S RESTAURANT CLARGES STREET, LONDON, W.l. 1931-1937 he was a member of the Central Committee of the " Schweizerischen Rundspruch Gesellschaft " over 'Phone : GROSVENOR 2964. he which presided in 1935/37. [a.t.s.] SS» •X- * * Walter Stftnzi (Socialist). " Armenverwalter " of Thun, has been elected a member of Parliament (National Council) in succession to the late Ernst Berne). Colonel Indermühle, was for 50 years a teacher Jakob, [a.t.s.] at the "Oberschule" and a founder of the "Darlehens- * * * kasse" Thierachern-Lebischi. He was, at one time, in Colonel Fritz Indermühle has been nominated an command of the mountain-infantry regiment 17, and honorary citizen of the community of Thierachern (Ct. the " Landwehrbrigade " 21. [a.t.s.] * * The Federal Council lias appointed Dr. Walter Fischer (Zurich), chief of the commercial service at the XTbe General Management of the Swiss Federal Railways, IRutU Club io the post of Director of the 3rd District of the Swiss Federal Railways, [a.t.s.] will hold a * * * The well-known Swiss painter Maria La Roche, a former pupil of Hans Thomas, has celebrated her 80th DANCE birthday in Basle, [a.t.s.] from 7 p.m. to 11.30 p.m. •3S- * * on Three people were killed when on a skiing excursion SATURDAY, 13th MAY, 1950 in the Bernina district. On crossing a glacier they fell at the into a crevasse. The names of the victims are : Georg VICTORIA HALL, Weber, district engineer in Samaden and his wife, and P. Davoli, office clerk and father of three small children. BLOOMSBURY SQUARE, W.C.I [a.t.s.] Jo/inny Gat'c/a and /its Confinenfa/ Sane/ * 4F *• Mme. Marie Hortense has cele- TICKETS 5/-. Apply early, by LIGHT REFRESHMENTS. Besson-Hediguer post please to Mrs. O. M. brated her 102nd birthday anniversary in Nyon (Ct. Bolla, 74, Carleton Road, N.7 FULLY LICENSED BAR. Vaud). [a.t.s.] NORth Miss (Tel. 4932) or TOMBOLA, Etc. * * * N. Allemann, 162, Newport Dr. a lecturer at the Universities of Buildings, Shaftesbury Avenue, EVENING DRESS OPTIONAL. Guy Plattet, W.C.2. Tickets on sale at Lausanne and Paris, has been appointed Professor of the door. All Swiss & friends welcome French Civil Law at the University of Lausanne. [a.t.s.] April 28th, 1950. TUE SWISS OBSERVEE 5445 Seven fire brigades and villagers from the mown- Answering a question in the First tain valley of Sierre (Ct. Valais) fought to check Swit- .Economics Chamber of the Swiss Parliament, M. zerlaiul's worst forest fire for 30 years. Witnesses said Rubattel, chief of the Federal De- the entire Gorbetsch mountain was " mass of flames." partaient of Public Economy, stated that the Govern- [a.t.s.] ment was aware of the necessity of building up reserves of food and raw materials in case it should be called upon to set up, for the third time, an emergency eco- In order to relieve the traffic congestion nomic régime.
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