BETTING OfflHNIZED SSTEVEN T E v E N AANZOVIN N z o v N HowoW many times have you looked SSeeee HoHoww They Run for that scrap of paper with the Since a personal database (DB) is real­real crucial phone number on it or ly an everyday tooltool,, yoyou'veu've got to be Hsearched in every jacket pocket comfonablecomfortable with how it presents data for an important contact's business on the screen-whatscreen—what I call the data card? !ftheIf the answer is too often, you view. Most likely,likely, you'llyou'U want to need to get organized, get and your Mac­Mac choose a DB that corresponds to an intosh can help you do it—alongit- along with information format you're already fa­fa the right personal database program.program. miliar with. If you're used to looking Personal databases manage your at real estate listings in list formform,, for personal and business information­information— exampleexample,, you might want to choose the names,names, numbers, addresses, datesdates,, one of the DBs with a list-type data and lists that you refer to every day. to view. If you plan to use yoyourur DB pripri­ TheyThey're're not designed to provide the marily as an address bookbook,, choose one heavy-duty data massaging of a full-full­ that looks like a FiloFax FiloFax.. fledged relational database, such as Address Book Plus hashas the most 4th Dimension, but they're quick,quick, data-view flexibility,flexibility, offering listlist,, adad­ small,small, convenient,convenient, and much easier to dress book,book, and envelope and label use.use. Yet within withinthese limitations, views,views, among others. Dynodex letslets there's a wide range of capabilities. you see an address book view and a In this article,article, I'll compare five list view at the same time.time. RetrieverRetriever popular personal databases for thethe shows a list view only,only, but it has the Mac:Mac: Address BookBook Plus from Power best features for manipulating the Up Software, DynodexDynodex from PortfolioPonfolio view, with resizable and collapsible Systems, QuickDex from Casady & columns.columns. QuickDex is freeform—youfreeform-you Greene,Greene, Retriever from Exodus SoftSoft­ have a single 512-character5l2-<:haracter card that ware,ware, and Apple's venerable HyperHyper­ accepts any information in any order Card.Card. I looked at how each program you choose—andchoose-and you can see cards displays data on the screen, searches from up to eight differentdifferent QuickDexQuickDex for and sortssons records,records, imports and exex­ files at the same time.time. HyperCard has portspons data,data, prints,prints, and autodials. the most customizable data view;view; you FIVE PERSONAL DATABASE PROGRAMS THAT COST UNDER $ 100100 DECEMBERDEC E M B E R 19901 990 COMPUTE H-3M-3 cancanarrange arrange fields,fields,buttons, buttons,and andpic pic­ ment,ment,for for example,example, thethetext textto togo go intointo People'sPeople's ChoiceChoice turesturc-sin in anyanyorder orderwithin within thethesize size limlim­ eacheachfield field hashasto to endendwith witha atab, tab,and and IfIfallall you'reyou'relooking 100IG ng forforis isa aplace placeto to itsits ofofaa single singl ecard, card,but but youyouhave haveto to eacheach recordrecord hashasto tobe be delimiteddelimited bybya a storestorenames names andandnumbers numberswith withthe the acquireacquirethe the skillsslGlls totodo do so.so. carriagecarriagereturn. return. BeforeBeforeimporting, importing, youyou leastleastfuss, fuss, QuickDexQuickDexcancan't'tbe bebeat. beat. IfIf alsoalso havehave toto prepareprepare aa newnew DBDB filefile youyou needneeda a moremorestructured structuredenviron envi ron­ HideHide andand SeekSeek withwith thethe properpropernumber numberand and orderorder ofof ment,ment,however, however,Address Address BookBook PlusPlus TheTheone onething thingyou'll you'll dodo mostmostoften often namednamedfields. fie lds. OnceOnce you'reyou're setset up,up, thethe andandRetriever Reerieveroffer otTer manymanyof ofthe the feafea­ withwith aa databasedatabase isis searchsearch forfor aa specificspecific conversionconversion shouldshould gogo smoothly.smoothly. turestures ofofbigger biggerflat-file fl at-file databases,databases, butbut namename ororaddress. address. AllAll ofofthese these propro­ ImportingImportingand and exportingexportingto to andand atat lessless cost.cost. gramsgrams letlet youyo u enterentera a texttext stringstring andand fromfro m QuickDexQuickDex isis moremore ofofa a pain,pain, TheThe factfact thatthat RetrieverRetriever isis aaDA,DA, searchsearch forfor itit inin everyevery field;field;the the moremore sincesince itit usesuses aa customcustom filefile formatformat dede­ andand thusthus isis accessibleaccessible fromfrom anyany propro­ structuredstructured databasesdatabases alsoalso letlet youyou limitedlimited byby carriagecarriage returnsreturns andand asteraster­ gram,gram, isis aa bigbig advantageadvantage overoverAddress Address searchsearch onlyonly thethe specificspecific fieldsfields thatthat youyou isksisks insteadinstead ofoftabs tabs thatthat otherother BookBook Plus,Plus, unlessunless youyou havehave enoughenough namename oror havehave previouslypreviously marked.marked. databasesdatabases can'tcan't createcreate andand nono wordword RAMRAM toto runrun MuItiFinder.MultiFinder. It'sIt's alsoalso DynodexDynodex hashas thethe mostmost searchsearch opop­ processingprocessing mailmail mergermerger willwill recognize.recognize. easyeasy toto modifymodify thethe appearanceappearance ofofRe Re­ tions—find,tions- fi nd, findfind next,next, findfmd previous,previous, There'sThere's aa workaround,workaround, whichwhich involvesinvolves triever'striever's listlist display.display. OnOn thethe otherother matchmatch case,case, findfind andand changechange to,to, findfind movingmoving QuickDexQlIickDex filesfiles toto HyperCardHyperCard hand,hand, II likelike AddressAddress BookBook Plus'sPlus's widerwider inin markedmarked field(s).field(s), andand showshow aa listlist ofof byby usingusi ng thethe conversionconversion stackstack includinclud­ choicechoice ofofdata data views,views, andand itit hashas aa frequentlyfrequently searchedsearched forfor strings.strings. eded withwith QuickDexQlIickDex (Dynodex(DYllodex andand ReRe­ quicker,quicker, moremore responsiveresponsive feel.feel. UnlessUnless youyou likelike toto wastewaste time,time, trievertriever havehave similarsimilar stacks)stacks) andand thenthen DynodexDynodex isis alsoalso fast,fast, andand withwith itsits fastfast andand efficientefficient searchingsearching isis aa must.must. convertingconverting thethe addressaddress stackstack you'veyou've flexiblefl exi ble printingprinting options,options, it'sit's wellwell suitsuit­ ToTo testtest searchsearch speed,speed, II createdcreated aa 500-500- justjust mademade toto aa tab-delimitedtab-delimited texttext filefile eded toto peoplepeople whowho livelive byby aa FilofaxFilofax oror recordrecord texttext documentdocument (57K(57K inin size)size) usingusing HyperCard'sHyperCard's own ExportExport buttonbunon Day-Timer.Day-Timer. andand importedimported itit intointo eacheach database. onon thethe HyperCardHyperCard IdeasIdeas disk.disk. ThisThis isis AndAnd HyperCard,HyperCard, despitedespite itsits muchmuch OnOn mymy MacMac Ilex,IIcx, II diddid aa seriesseries ofoffivefive soso cumbersome,cumbersome, however,however, thatthat you'dyou'd largerlarger applicationapplication sizesize andand relativelyrelatively timedtimed searchessearches throughth rough allall fieldsfie lds forfor a be betterbener off usingusing HyperCardH)'perCard alone,alone, inefficientinefficient datadata view,view, cancan dodo muchmuch single four-characterfour-charactcr wordword inin thethe lastlast movingmoving address data with thethe ImportImport moremore than any of the the others—ifothers- if you'reyou're recordrecord and thenthen averagedaveraged thethe results.results. andand Export buttonsbuttons oror writing youryour willingwilling to taketake thethe timetime toto learnlearn thethe IfIf it'sit's fastfast access you'reyou're looking100IGng for,for, own scripts.scripts. HyperCardHyperCard isis alsoalso the necessarynecessary programming skills. QuickDexQuickDex isis the speed champ.champ. It only one of these programs thatthat ac ­ NoNo matter whichwhich programprogram youyou found thethe key word inin a fraction of a cepts graphics.graphics. choose, though, puttingpuning youryour personal second,second, fasterfaster than mymy stopwatchstopwatch rere­ data on youryour Mac will save youyou time,time, actionaction time.time. HyperCardHJlperCard is nearly as The Right Connections effort,effort, and lostlost opportunities.opportunities. fast,fas t, andand AddressAddress BookBook PlusPlus is acceptaccept­ If youyou needneed a personal database,database, ably quick aatt a little over a secon second.d. you'reyou're already likelylikely to be usingusing a Steven Anzovin is a freelance writer and ThThee tortoise of thethe bunch iiss Retriever,Retriever, paper-based personal organizer like a consultant based iinn Amherst,Amherst, Massachu­Massachu which took at lleasteast 16 times longer Filofax or Day-Timer. At lleasteast that's settssetts.. He'sHe's the author of ExploringExploring HHyperyper· Card and Macintosh Desktop Presenta than QlIQuickDexickDex to find thethe key word.word. thethe thinIGngthinking behind Address Book Card and Macintosh Desktop Presenta· tions, both from COMPUTE Books. b Sorting yoyourur records iinn a speci­speci Plus.PillS, QuiQuickDex,ckDex, anandd Dynodex.DYllodex. whwhichich
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