DOCUMENT RESUME ED 029 348 By-Koplitz. Eugene D. Guidance in the Elementary School: Theory. Research. and Practice. Pub Date 68 Note- 389p. Available from-William C. Brown Company Publishers. Dubuque. Iowa (S4.50) EDRS Price MF-$1.50 HC-S19.55 Descriptors- Counseling. Counseling Programs. Counselor Functions. Counselor Role. Counselor Training. Developmental Guidance. *Elementary School Counseling. Elementary School Covnse fors. *ElementarySchool Guiriance.Elementary School Students. Emotional Development. Guidance Programs. Occupational Guidance. Parents, Research This book brings together articles, written during the 1960's. which focus on the theory. research. and practice of guidance in the elementary school. It is primarily intended for use in the preparation of elementary school counselors, teachers, and. administrators. The book has 10 parts. each containing several papers from the current literature: (1) conceptualized approaches to guidance inelementary schools. (2) guidance roles and functions of the counselor and other school personnel in elementary schools. (3) exploration of occupations at the elementary school level.(4) guidance for the social. personal. and emotional development of elementary school children.(5)counseling elementary schoolchildren,(6)counseling parents of elementary school children. (7) elementary school guidance programs in practice.(8) research related to guidance in elementary schools. (9) preparation progamsfor elementary school counselors. and (10) present status and future outlook(BP) A. a he in hool: Thecry,Research, and15ractice Eugene D. Koplitz A 41 ,41110riht 44 Guidance in the ElementarySchool: Theory, Research, andPractice A Book of SelectedReadings Edited by EugeneD.Koplitz Colorado State College "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGH p MATERIAL/ HAS BEEN ANTED 4 0_,0 TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE U.S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE NE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMISSION OF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER." WM. C. BROWNCOMPANY PUBLISHERS Dubuque. lowa ?v. Copyright © 1968 by Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers Library of Congress Catalog Card Number:68-15367 All rights reserved. No part of this bookmay be reproduced in any form or byany process with- out permission in writing from the copyright owner. SECOND PRINTING, 1968 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION& WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEWOR OPINIONS STATED DO NOTNECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDUCkTION POSITION OR POLICY. Printed in U. S. A. 11 Guidance in the Elementary School: Theory, Research, and Practice Artist Patricia R. Abbott Greeley, Colorado Photographers Bob Waters Greeley, Colorado Faculty Members Western Hills Elementary School, Denver preface This book represents an effort to bringtogether articles written during the 1960s which focus specifically ontheory, research and prac- tice of guidance in the elementaryschool. The growing interest in and the preparation of elementary schoolcounselors precipitated this project of bringing together the best writings ofthose persons who have dealt with problems related to guidance of youngchildren. This volume is intended primarily for use inthe preparation of ele- mentary school counselors,teachers and administrators. To better under- stand the need, methods and proceduresof elementary school guidance the selected writings in this book will aidthe student in his pursuit of excellence and success in elementary education.This book could serve as a basic text orsupplement to an introductory course inelementary school guidance or as a basis for departure in anadvanced seminar in counselor education. Persons teaching basic professional coursesin elementary education could also utilize these readings tosupplement and enrich their classes. By incorporating the most recentthoughts on the subject of guidance in elementary schools, studentswill gain important knowledge and insight into the fast-moving trends in thisfield. It should help them in carrying out their guidance role inthe classroom. This book is most appropriate for off-campus college classesand in-service training courses for elementary and secondary school personnel.The ideas expressed in the articles should help experiencededucators appreciate and understand more fully howguidance can aid in the development of thechild's poten- tialities. The specific theories advanced,the research findings reported and the practices cited should stimulate questionsand provocative dis- cussions. The book is organized into ten parts. InPart I, Conceptualized Ap- proaches to Guidance in ElementarySchools, focus is placed on various theoretical and philosophical positionsheld by various writers regarding guidance in the elementary school. In Part II,Guidance Roles and Func- tions of the Counselor and OtherSchool Personnel in Elementary Schools, Vi PREFACE discussions are presented concerning the important responsibilities of the various professional personnel who work in elementary schools. In Part III, Exploration of Occupations at the Elementary School Level, selected articles deal with attitudes and concepts of young children toward vari- ous jobs and occupations. Alsoincluded are reports dealing with the ways and means for introducing elementary school age children to the world of work. Part IV, Guidance for Social, Personal and Emotional Development of Elementary School Children, investigates the social forces and environments which affect the behavior of young children. Attention is also given to school performance, personality and attitudinal variables. Part V, Counseling Elementary School Children, is devoted to two research studies involving different approaches to counseling the young child. Part VI, Counseling Parents of Elementary School Children, deals with counseling procedures useful when working with parents of troubled and handicapped children. The ways to improve home-school relationships are also discussed. Part VII, Elementary School Guidance Programs in Practice, cites programs presently carried out in two sec- tions of the country: California and Illinois. In Part VIII, Research Re- lated to Guidance in Elementary Schools, findings are reported which have important implications for guidance and counseling at this age level. Part IX, Preparation Programs for Elementary School Counselors, pre- sents certain positions held regarding graduate programs in counselor education for elementary schools. In Part X, Present Status and Future Outlook, the present situation is described and the plans and hopes for the years ahead are discussed. For each article, acknowledgment is made to the author( s ) and pub- lisher. The editor wishes to express his very sincere appreciation for the privilege of reprinting these recent and significant papers which deal with the many facets of guidance in the elementary school. Gratitude is being expressed in a concrete manner by contributing a portion of the royalties to the American Personnel and Guidance Association to be used for professional purposes, and to an outstanding graduate student at Colorado State College who will pursue research in the field of ele- mentxy school guidance. Eugene D. Koplitz contents PART I Conceptualized Approaches to Guidance in ElementarySchools The Start of a Continuous Program Is Guidance in Elementary Schools 5 George E. Hill National-level Projection for Elementary School Guidance 12 Harold F. Cottingham The Elementary School Teacher Views Guidance 17 Duane Brown, Rolla F. Pruett A Teacher Looks at Guidance 30 Dorothy Watson For Elementary Schools: A Human Development Specialist? 36 Richard Hill Byrne An Approach for the Elementary School Counselor: Consultant or Counselor? 40 G. Roy Mayer An Outline for Elementary School Guidance: The Need, Philosophy, and Program 45 Frederick B. Gannon, Rodney L. Peterson Physical Facilities for Elementary School Counseling 49 Richard C. Nelson Why Guidance in Elementary Schools 54 E. Gordon Poling PART II Guidance Roles and Functions of the Counselor and other School Personnel in Elementary Schools The Counselor's Role in Elementary School Guidance 64 Harold F. Cottingham Guidance in the Elementary Schools 69 George E. Hill vii Viii CONTENTS The Elementary Counselor as Perceived by Elementary Principals 76 William P. McDougall, Henry M. Reitan The Principal's Responsibilities in the Guidance Program 86 Robert T. De Vries Elementary School Guidance: the Consultant 91 Louise Omwake Eckerson, Hyrum M. Smith PART III Exploration of Occupations at the Elementary School Level Occupational Information in the Elementary School 103 Dugald S. Arbuckle Occupational Information for Groups of Elementary School Children 114 Goldie Ruth Kaback The World of Work Through Elementary Readers 121 W. Wesley Tennyson, Lawrence P. Monnens Automation, Work, and Leisure: Implications for Elementary Education 126 Goldie Ruth Kaback Attitudes Toward the World of Work in Elementary Schools 132 John A. Wellington, Nan Olechowski Occupational Choice of Twelve-Year-Olds 136 Donald A. Davis, Nellie Hagan, Judie Strouf Children's Conceptions of Occupational Prestige 139 Barbara Gunn Children's Rankings of Occupational Prestige 148 Dale D. Simmons PART IV Guidance for Social, Personal and Emotional Development of Elementary School Children Social Forces and Guidance in the Elementary School 160 Walter M. Lifton Early Social Environment and School Adaptation 165 Martin Deutsch An Exploratory Study of
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