Glacial archaeological heritage in Switzerland: opportunities and risks By Philippe Curdy, archaeologist, Aria S.A. Sion, [email protected] For more than 150 years, he last glacial maximum occurred the archaeological excavation of the discov- global warming has caused about 25 000 years ago. Subsequent- ery area and subsequently the organisation ly, prehistoric communities recolo- of a symposium, which was the prelude to melting of glacial masses at the tnised the Alps, using the resources availa- a fi rst major monograph in 19921. In one of poles and, even more strikingly, ble from the plains to the high mountains. the scientifi c contributions to that volume, These groups spread relatively quickly in Werner H. Meyer, archaeologist and profes- in the Alps. In the high moun- areas above the upper limits of the forest sor of medieval history in Basel, detailed tains, this phenomenon – which to regions amenable to hunting and gath- the discoveries made in Switzerland. Be- succeeded the cold period of ering, grasslands used by shepherds and lieving that the latter would continue to ac- their herds, and sites where raw materials cumulate, he urged researchers not to delay the Little Ice Age (14th–19th could be extracted. High-altitude passes in undertaking multidisciplinary cross-bor- centuries) – has exposed many were regularly used for transport and move- der approaches. In Switzerland, his appeal areas previously covered by ment from valley to valley. In deglaciated went unheeded until 20 years later, when, areas, mainly on the northern slopes of the following discoveries on the Schnidejoch ice. It is estimated that between mountains and above 2700 m, remains are (Berne/Valais) and archaeological excava- the middle of the 19th and the emerging that bear witness to these activi- tions carried out at the pass (2004–2007), ties, sometimes quite touchingly. research projects were launched in the Alps end of the 20th century, glacial of Valais (2011–2014) and Graubünden surfaces decreased by 50% in A «new» field of endeavour (2015–2016), in parallel with rescue oper- the Alpine massif. Archaeological At the end of the 20th century, following ations. the accumulation of discoveries resulting Glacial archaeology encompasses all objects, some of which are seve- from glacial retreat, steps were taken in periods from prehistoric to modern times. In ral millennia old and preserved several regions of the world to safeguard addition to hunting gear and weapons, fi nds and study these remains. These efforts gave include items related to transport and travel by freezing, are appearing in the rise to a new fi eld of research called glacial in the mountains: snowshoes, gaiters, shoes, open air. These fi nds are pro- archaeology, which deals with a heritage leggings, carrying equipment and pack foundly altering our understan- threatened with short-term extinction: or- saddles, as well as more distinctive pieces, Surveying on the Col ganic remains (wood, leather and textiles), including ornaments, coins and votive ob- Collon in 2017. In the ding of the use of high-altitude preserved by ice for millennia, are suddenly jects. In Switzerland, the oldest fi nd comes foreground, wooden being exposed to the open air and are at risk from Graubünden: at an altitude of 2800 m fragments, some of passes and the life of communi- of rapidly degrading. which were radiocarbon ties outside inhabited areas. 1 In the Alps, glacial archaeology is said Frank Höpfel, Werner Platzer, Konrad Spindler (Eds.). dated to the Iron Age Der Mann im Eis (Vol. I), (Veröffentlichungen der th th (7 –4 century BC). to have been born in 1991 with the disco- Universität Innsbruck, 187). Innsbruck: Universität ©Photo Philippe Curdy) very of Ötzi, the Neolithic Iceman in Tyrol, Innsbruck, 1992. 34 NIKE-Bulletin 3 | 2019 NIKE-Bulletin 3 | 2019 35 a.s.l., near Fuorcla da Strem Sut, in a rock that almost all of the discoveries were made Upper Theodul Glacier (Valais): the “Theodul fault freshly freed from the ice, a crystal by non-professionals and that collection mercenary”, discovered hunter retrieved an 8000-year-old pickaxe was not always carried out with suffi cient between 1984 and made from deer antler. Research carried out care to ensure proper preservation. 1990 by Annemarie on the site confi rmed that this rock crystal Julen Lehner and Peter deposit was already being exploited around A heritage under threat Lehner. The objects are the belongings of a 6000–5800 BC. Among the most spectacu- The artefacts released by melting ice are young man of wealthy lar modern remains are those of a farming at risk of rapid degradation; this extremely background who disap- couple from Valais, the Dumoulins, who fragile heritage, located in high mountains peared in the glacier disappeared in the Tsanfl euron Glacier in in sometimes inaccessible places, entails around 1600. 1942 and were recovered in 2017. delicate and costly sampling operations. © Musées cantonaux du Valais, Michel Martinez The preservation of these pieces and their A brief chronicle of some restoration require the commitment of spe- discoveries in the Swiss Alps cialised personnel and substantial infra- The fi rst references to glacial fi nds were structure, as evidenced by the Ötzi mummy. in a territory currently covered by more Schnidejoch (Berne/ made by alpinists: an article in the English These fi nds are often located near passes than 900 km2 of ice. From 2010 to 2014, Valais): bow, arrow magazine Alpine Club, published in 1854, and ridges, straddling a political border. In a project supported by the Swiss National quiver and arrows, dated to the Neolithic mentions the presence near the Theodul Switzerland, each canton is responsible for Science Foundation was carried out in the period (2900–2500 BC). Pass (Valais/Italy, Valle d’Aosta) of remains safeguarding the heritage located on its ter- Valaisan Alps. Based on the least-cost-path © Archäologischer Dienst des of men and mules with their cargo. In the ritory, and there are major disparities in the principle, this work has made it possible Kantons Bern, Max Stöckli and Badri Redha 1940s, Albert Nyfeler (1883–1969), a paint- fi nancial resources available for this type of to identify preferential routes through the er who lived in the Lötschental in Valais, undertaking. It would therefore be prudent massifs and to map the most critical loca- collected many objects near the Lötschen to think seriously about coordinating ef- tions from a glacial archaeological perspec- Pass: wooden bows, Roman coins, cross- forts, not only within Switzerland but also tive.2 The theoretical routes established bow bolts, fragments of leather, etc. Fifty in the border regions with Italy, Austria and by geographers have been compared with Upper Theodul Glacier years after they were retrieved, the bows France. (Valais): collection of were fi nally studied and radiocarbon dated As mentioned previously, a few research 2 Stephanie Rogers, Philippe Curdy, Muriel Eschmann- mule bones from the Richon, Ralph Lugon. «Glacial archaeology in the glacier, not far from to 2200–1700 BC. Even more recently, the projects have been initiated in Switzerland Pennine Alps, Switzerland/Italy, 2011–2014». Journal the Theodul Pass (3296 Archaeological Service of Canton Berne to identify the most vulnerable areas with- of Glacial Archaeology, 3.1, 2016, pp. 27–41. m, Valais/Italy, Valle has been collecting fragments of prehistoric d’Aosta). bows, a container made of birch bark, etc. © Sophie Providoli in the area. The «Theodul mercenary» (late- 16th century) with his personal belongings were discovered in the summer of 1984 by Annemarie Julen Lehner and her brother Peter Lehner of Zermatt (Valais), who over the years collected many objects and pub- lished some of them. In 1992, the «Porch- abella Glacier shepherdess», a 20-year-old woman who disappeared at the end of the 17th century, was recovered. The most sen- sational discovery was made in 2003: at the Schnidejoch, hikers collected prehistoric objects that would be the source of major rescue excavations by Bernese archaeol- Schnidejoch (2755 m, ogists (2004–2007) and, later on, by their Berne/Valais): archaeo- logists clear remains. Valaisan colleagues (2007–2010). The hun- On the right, a frag- dred or so wooden, leather and metal ob- ment of the Neolithic jects collected are evidence of the passage arrow quiver. of humans between 4500 BC and the early © Archäologischer Dienst des Kantons Bern, Urs Messerli Middle Ages. It is generally worth noting 36 NIKE-Bulletin 3 | 2019 NIKE-Bulletin 3 | 2019 37 data from historical documents (archival texts, etc.) and followed up with surveys in the fi eld. More than a hundred prehis- toric, ancient and modern tools, stakes and Mit TEC21, TRACÉS, Archi wooden fragments have been collected. In the Graubünden Alps, an approach that is also based on the archaeological potential und der gemeinsamen of ice patches has led to surveys in some 40 spots; at the same time, outreach efforts have been targeted to the population and Plattform www.espazium.ch hikers.3 F Despite this pioneering work, the are- Résumé as affected by melting are so extensive Depuis plus de 150 ans, le réchauffement schaffen wir Raum that ensuring proper management of them climatique provoque la fonte accélérée des D seems impossible. The situation is urgent. Resümee glaces. Dans les zones alpines, ce phéno- für baukulturellen Dialog. In the Valaisan Alps, for example, glo bal Seit über 150 Jahren beschleunigt die mène, qui succède à la période froide du warming is expected to result in major Klima erwärmung das Abschmelzen unserer Petit Âge Glaciaire (XIVe-XIXe siècle), a glacial retreat; it is expected that by 2060, Gletscher. In den alpinen Regionen hat die- conduit à la découverte d’objets archéolo- nearly 80% of the current surface will have ses Phänomen, das auf die Kälteperiode der giques en haute montagne, vieux pour cer- disappeared.
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