T.C. DOKUZ EYLÜL ÜNİVERSİTESİ SOSYAL BİLİMLER ENSTİTÜSÜ MÜTERCİM-TERCÜMANLIK ANABİLİM DALI İNGİLİZCE MÜTERCİM-TERCÜMANLIK PROGRAMI YÜKSEK LİSANS TEZİ FROM MOVIE/SCRIPT TO NOVEL: TRANSLATED POPULAR CINEMA NOVELS IN TURKEY FROM 1944 TO 1957 Ceyda ÖZMEN Danışman Yrd. Doç. Dr. Müge IŞIKLAR KOÇAK 2010 Yemin Metni Yüksek Lisans Tezi olarak sunduğum “From Movie/Script to Novel: Translated Popular Cinema Novels in Turkey from 1944 to 1957” adlı çalışmanın, tarafımdan, bilimsel ahlak ve geleneklere aykırı düşecek bir yardıma başvurmaksızın yazıldığını ve yararlandığım eserlerin kaynakçada gösterilenlerden oluştuğunu, bunlara atıf yapılarak yararlanılmış olduğunu belirtir ve bunu onurumla doğrularım. Tarih 12/08/2010 Ceyda ÖZMEN İmza i ÖZET Yüksek Lisans Tezi Filmden/Senaryodan Romana: Türkiye’de Çeviri Sinema Romanlar (1944-1957) Ceyda ÖZMEN Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Mütercim Tercümanlık Anabilim Dalı İngilizce Mütercim Tercümanlık Yüksek Lisans Programı Dünyada çeviri üzerine yapılan çalışmalarda, film ve çeviri ilişkisi altyazı ve dublaj konularıyla sınırlı kalmakta; Türkiye’de ise filmler çeviri araştırmalarında çok az yer bulmaktadır. Her iki durumda da çeviri edebiyat ile sinema arasındaki yakın ilişki göz ardı edilmektedir. Bu tezin amacı, çeviri popüler edebiyat ve sinema arasındaki ilişkileri sorunsallaştırmak ve yabancı filmlerin çeviri popüler edebiyatı etkilediğini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Bu çalışmada, erken Cumhuriyet dönemi Türkiyesi’nde özel yayınevlerinin çoğunun seyircinin filmlere olan ilgisinden faydalanmak istediği ve bu amaçla bir çok çeviri sinema roman yayımladığı bulgulanmıştır. Çeviri sinema romanlar ile yabancı filmler arasındaki karmaşık ilişkinin incelenmesi için bir sınıflandırma önerilmiş ve farklı gruplar altına giren, farklı zamanlarda basılmış (1944 ve 1957) iki çeviri sinema roman, barındırdıkları karmaşık çeviri yapılarını analiz etmek için inceleme konusu olarak seçilmiştir. Bu romanları oluşturuldukları bağlamdan soyutlamamak için 1933 ve 1960 arasında yayımlanmış olan çeviri ve yerli popüler sinema romanlardan meydana gelen bir veri tabanı oluşturulmuş ve bu veri tabanının eleştirel incelemesi yapılmıştır. Tüm bunların sonucunda; Türkiye’de ilk defa yapılan bu çalışma, erken cumhuriyet döneminde yabancı filmlerin -Türkiye’de gösterilsin ya da gösterilmesin- çeviri popüler edebiyatı etkilediğini, Türk edebiyatına yeni bir tür –sinema roman- kazandırdığını ve Türk kültür repertuarına farklı çeviri ii tanımları getirdiğini ortaya koymuştur. Bununla birlikte, bu tez erken Cumhuriyet dönemi çeviri tarihi ile ilgili Türkiye’de yapılan çalışmaları tamamlayıcı nitelikte olup, çeviri sinema romanları çeviribilimin araştırma konusu olarak sunmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Çeviri Sinema Roman, Sinema Roman, Kültür Repertuarı, Popüler Edebiyat. iii ABSTRACT Master’s Thesis From Movie/Script to Novel: Translated Popular Cinema Novels in Turkey from 1944 to 1957 Ceyda ÖZMEN Dokuz Eylul University Institute of Social Sciences Department of Translation and Interpreting (English) Master’s Program Researches on the relationship between film and translation are mostly restricted to subtitling and dubbing in the world; as for Turkey, films are hardly subjects of translation studies. In any case, the close relationship between translated literature and cinema is disregarded. This thesis, by problematizing the relations between foreign films and novels, aims to reveal that foreign films are influential on translated popular literature. In the present study, it is discovered that in the early republican Turkey, many private publishers wanted to capitalize on the popularity of films and published numerous cinema novels. A classification is proposed for analyzing the complex relations between translated cinema novels and foreign films. Two translated cinema novels which fall under different groups and were published in different years (1944 and 1957), are taken as case studies with a view to explore the complex translation practices they harboured. In order to contextualize the novels, a database including translated and indigenous cinema novels published between 1933 and 1960 is established and its critical analysis is provided. As a result; this study, which will be the first in Turkey, concludes that in the early republican Turkey, foreign films –whether screened or not- influenced the translated popular literature; introduced a new genre –cinema novel- to Turkish literature and brought diverse aspects of translation into Turkish culture repertoire. Moreover; being complementary to the studies of iv translation which focus on the early republican Turkey, this thesis presents translated cinema novels as a reseach subject for translation studies. Key Words: Translated cinema novel, cinema novel, culture repertoire, popular literature. v FROM MOVIE/SCRIPT TO NOVEL: TRANSLATED POPULAR CINEMA NOVELS IN TURKEY FROM 1944 TO 1957 YEMİN METNİ i TEZ ONAY SAYFASI ÖZET ii ABSTRACT f iv TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ix LIST OF APPENDICES x ABBREVIATIONS xi INTRODUCTION a1 CHAPTER 1 A NEGLECTED FIELD OF RESEARCH: “CINEMA NOVELS” 1.1. CINEMA AND TRANSLATION STUDIES 9 1.1.1. Common Tendencies Regarding Films in the Studies of Translation 9 1.1.2. First Steps Towards a New Field of Study in Translation Studies 14 1.2. CINEMA AND LITERATURE 22 1.3. CINEMA NOVELS IN ODD CORNERS 27 1.4. CONCLUSIONS 39 CHAPTER 2 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND METHODOLOGY 2.1. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 42 2.1.1. Culture Repertoire: Culture-As-Goods and Culture-As-Tools 42 2.1.2. Making of Repertoire 43 2.1.3. Culture Repertoire and Culture Planning 46 2.1.4. Turkish Culture Repertoire and Translated Cinema Novels 47 2.2. METHODOLOGY 51 2.2.1. Why not Adaptation? 52 2.2.2. Why not Novelization? 55 vi 2.2.3. Towards a Methodology for Analyzing Translated Cinema Novels 63 A Proposed Classification for Translated Cinema Novels 68 2.2.4. Methodological Framework of the Thesis 82 2.3. CONCLUSIONS 82 CHAPTER 3 DESCRIPTION OF PATTERNS IN THE PRODUCTION OF CINEMA NOVELS IN TURKEY(1933-1960) 3.1. METHODS IN ESTABLISHING THE DATABASES 85 3.1.1. Sources of the Bibliographical Data 85 3.1.2. Selection Criteria of Cinema Novels and Notes on Establishing the Databases 87 3.1.3. The Relationship between Films and Novels: Cinema Novel or not? 88 3.1.4. The Nature of the Cinema Novels: Translation or Indigenous? 95 3.2. ANALYSIS OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL DATA 100 3.2.1. Translated and Indigenous Cinema Novels 101 3.2.2. Trends in the Source Cultures 113 3.2.3. Publishers and Series 121 3.2.4. Translators and Authors 149 3.3. CONCLUSIONS 155 CHAPTER 4 TWO CASE STUDIES: FROM MOVIE/SCRIPT TO NOVEL 4.1. TOOLS OF ANALYSIS 158 4.2. FROM MOVIE TO NOVEL: SENİ BEKLEYECEĞİM (1944) 160 4.2.1. Paratextual Analysis 161 Publisher and Translator 161 Epitextual Elements 162 Peritextual Elements 166 4.2.2. Textual Analysis 169 Translator’s Strategies 171 Additions 172 Omissions 179 Treatment of Proper Names 180 4.2.3. The Status of Seni Bekleyeceğim as a Cinema Novel 180 vii 4.3. FROM SCRIPT TO NOVEL: BABY DOLL (1957) 181 4.3.1. Paratextual Analysis 183 Publisher and Translator 183 Epitextual Elements 185 Peritextual Elements 188 4.3.2. Textual Analysis 191 Translator’s Strategies 192 Additions 193 Stylistic Additions 193 Explanatory Additions 198 Idiosyncratic Additions 200 Omissions 204 Omission of Religious and Supernatural Items 205 Omission of Dialogues 207 Omission of Foreign Cultural Elements 208 Treatment of Proper Names 208 4.3.3. The Status of Baby Doll as a Cinema Novel 209 4.4. CONCLUSIONS 211 CONCLUSION 214 REFERENCES 224 APPENDICES 237 viii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1: Representation of the Relationships between Literary Texts and Films 17 Table 2: Statistical Data on Cinema Sector (1938-1959) 108 Figure 1: Total Production of Translated and Indigenous Cinema Novels 102 Figure 2: Trends in the Distribution of the Translated and Indigenous Cinema Novels 110 Figure 3: The Number of Cinema Novels in Terms of Source Culture (1933-1960) 118 Figure 4: The Number of Cinema Novels in Terms of Source Culture (1939-1948) 119 Figure 5: Private Publishing Houses Active in the Production of Cinema Novels 124 ix LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: Translated Cinema Novels 238 APPENDIX 2: Indigenous Cinema Novels 286 APPENDIX 3: Translated Texts on Cinema 288 APPENDIX 4: Indigenous Texts on Cinema 289 APPENDIX 5: Back Covers of Juarez and Ölüme Kadar 292 APPENDIX 6: Front Cover and Title Page of Seni Bekleyeceğim 293 APPENDIX 7: Posters of the Films (Til’ We Meet Again and Baby Doll) 294 APPENDIX 8: Front Cover and Title Page of Baby Doll 295 APPENDIX 9: Back Cover of Baby Doll 296 x ABBREVIATIONS USA United Nations of America TR Turkey FR France EG Egypt DE Germany UK United Kingdom IT Italy AT Austria ES Spain SE Sweden HU Hungary RU Russia JP Japan AR Argentina GR Greece IMDB Internet Movie Database p. page number xi INTRODUCTION Cinema has been a popular form of entertainment and a field of art. The correlation between cinema and literature has been the subject of many scholarly studies. However, the studies have mainly revolved around the novels as sources of film scenarios and the exchange between these two media has been thought to be as a one- way affair: from novels to films. Hardly anyone has analyzed the opposite situation and taken an in-depth look at the influence of films on authors’ works. Little changes in the field of translated literature. While a great deal of translation scholars have studied on subtitling and dubbing in films; the influence of films on the “repertoire” of translated literature is a virgin area waiting to be unearthed (Even Zohar 1994; 1997a; 1997b; 2000; 2005a; 2005b).
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