Index A Botucatu Formation, 259, 260, 262, 264 Adamawa Plateau, 274 Bouenza Formation, 44 Aeolian Dekese Formation, 262 Bouenza Subgroup, 51 AfricaArray East African Seismic Experiment (AAEASE), 7 Bukoban Supergroup of Tanzania, 48 AfricaArray Tanzania Basin Seismic Experiment (AATBSE), 7 Bunkeya Subgroup, 49 Africa’s bimodal topography, 318 Airborne electromagnetic (AEM) method, 348 Akwokwo Tillite, 53 C Alolo dark shales, 376 Calonda Formation, 170 Alolo Formation, 252 Cameroon highlands Alto-Chiloango Group, 44 Fongo-Tongo—Bamile`ke` Plateau, 286, 291 Alto Garcas Formation, 252 landforms, 286, 291 Amazonian Shield, 248, 250 magmatism and planation surfaces, 286, 290 Amygdaloid basaltic pillow lavas, 60 South Cameroon Plateau, 286 Angola Plateau, 271, 294–296, 303 volcanic rocks, 286 Antarctic Shield, 250 Cape-Karoo Basin (CKB). See also Regional correlations, Southwest Arac¸uai-West Congo Belt, 42 Gondwana Archean cratons, 19–20, 248 Gondwana and Pangea Aruwimi Group amalgamation, 248, 249 age of, 374 break-up, 248, 250–252 Alolo dark shales, 376, 387 phanerozoic map, 250 Biano Groups, 375 tectonic subsidence analysis, 262, 263 Haute Lueki Group, 126 Upper Ecca and Beaufort Groups, 259 Inkisi Group, 375 Cape Supergroup, 247, 262–264 Neoproterozoic quartzitic sandstones, 118 CAR. See Central African Republic (CAR) Oubanguides Belt, 252 Carboniferous Itarare´ Group, 253 Pre-Mesozoic Sequences, 168 Carboniferous-Permian and Triassic sequences. See Karoo-like West Congo Belt, 374 Sequences Asande Rise (North Equatorial Plateau), 319 Carboniferous-Permian Lukuga Group, 253 Australian Shield, 250 CAS. See Central Africa Shield (CAS) Average Organic matter analytical values, 384 Cassange Group, 112, 259, 264 Azanian Craton, 248 Cenomanian Kwango Group, 375 Cenomanian-Turonian age, 138 Cenozoic events, CRS, 329 B Cenozoic Kalahari Group, 219, 247 Bairdestheria, 187 Cenozoic landscape evolution Bamile´ke´ Plateau, 286 Central CB deposits, 304 Banalia Formation, 252 Congo Cuvette (see Congo Cuvette landforms) Banalia Group, 44, 252 landforms evolution, 300–304 Bangui basin, 98, 106 Late Miocene: Pediment X, 303 Bas-Congo Kimpangu kimberlite field, 367–368 Late Miocene–Present-day: Pediments Y and Z, 303 Bate´ke´ Plateaus, 275, 279, 282, 286, 295, 300, 317 planation surfaces analysis, 274–275 Bauru Group, 247 sedimentary record, 274 Beaufort Group, 259, 262, 264 sedimentary rocks, 275–283 Bembe Group, 344 topographic evolution and uplifts, 304–305 Biano Group, 252 Cental Africa (CA) Biano Plateau, 294 CAS and CS, 396, 399 Biano Subgroup, 50 CrNiPgeTi, 400 Bimbo sandstones, 46 CuZnPbBa, 400 Bokungu Group, 259, 262, 375 DRC, 394 Bomu Craton, 6 geological domains, 398 Bottom hole temperatures (BHT), 230 gold, 400 M.J. de Wit et al. (eds.), Geology and Resource Potential of the Congo Basin, Regional Geology Reviews, 407 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-29482-2, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 408 Index Cental Africa (CA) (cont.) Jurassic-Cretaceous sequences, 259 metallogenic fingerprints, 403 Late Cretaceous fluvial sedimentation, 259 mineral deposits, element groups, 396 location of, 163, 164 mineral potential, 404 Lukuga Group, 253, 256 SnSb, 400 Middle Cretaceous Loia and Bokungu Groups, 375 UTHREE, 400 Neoproterozoic-lower Paleozoic sequences Central African Atlantic Swell, 294–296 Fouroumbala-Bakouma and Bangui basins, 98, 106 Central African Republic (CAR) geological setting, 98–100 Fouroumbala-Bakouma Basin, 45, 46 gravity anomalies and modelling, 105–106 Lower Diamictite Formation, 53 Katangan and Zambian basins, 98, 100, 106 Sembe`-Ouesso Basin, 46 Mbuji-Mayi basin, 98, 100, 106 Ubangui Basin, 46 redbeds, 100–101 Central Africa Shield (CAS), 20, 248–250, 252, 253, 263 Rodinia supercontinent, break-up of, 98, 106 CA, 398 seismic refraction data, 102 CrNiPgeTi, 400 seismic-stratigraphic sequences, 102–104, 106–107 CS, 396, 401 Sembe´-Ouesso basin, 98 CuZnPbBa, 400 siliciclastic and carbonate sequences, 100, 106 eastern margins of, 33 tectonism, 104–105 fingerprints, 397–398 well data, 97, 102 formation of, 23, 24 West Congo basin, 98, 106 gold, 400 Neoproterozoic, Paleozoic and Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary mineral potential, 404 sequences, 371, 373 northern margin of, 30 north-east facing terrain, 317 Precambrian basement, 25 Oubanguides Belt, 252 SnSb, 400 Pangea and Gondwana break-up, 248, 250–252 UTHREE, 400 petroleum systems, 388 Central Angola Mobile Belt (CAMB), 21 Precambrian mineral-rich basement terranes, 393 Central CB regional correlations, 253 age-dating, 304 regional geomorphological structure Mbandaka-1 borehole, 116 central zone, 323 Paleogene to Middle Eocene, 304 Cuvette Central, 319, 320 planation surface, 286 deep sea Congo Fan, 319 relative stratigraphy, 304 erosion-transport-deposition, 319 Samba borehole, 115 southern reaches, 320 sediment infill, 304 topographic enhancement, EARS, 321 sedimentological analysis, 272 topography, 321 seismic refraction data, 118–120 TRM, 323 stratigraphic wells, 102 western and eastern highlands, 319 Upper Cretaceous sequence, 158 western region, 321, 322 CKB. See Cape-Karoo Basin (CKB) sedimentation, 373 Clarens Formations, 259 seismic reflection profiles, 97 Conchostracans southeastern margin, 252 Congestheriella, 186–187 stratigraphic records, 245, 247 Euestheria sambaensis, 186 subcircular, 245 Paraleptestheria, 186 surface area of, 163 Pseudestherites, 185, 186 tectonic setting, 165, 167 Stanleyviella, 186 tectonic subsidence analysis, 262, 263 Congestheriella, 186–187 Triassic sequences, 259 Conglomerate, 170 U-Pb detrital zircons geochronology, 259 Congo Basin (CB). See also Regional correlations, Southwest Upper Jurassic Stanleyville Group, 259 Gondwana Upper Kwango Group, 259 aeolian sequence, 259 Congo Cuvette landforms Carboniferous-Permian Lukuga Group, 253 Angolese Plateau, 287–288, 294–295 Cenozoic development, 318 Cameroon Highlands, 286–289, 291 Congo Shield (CS), 398, 399, 403 Cenozoic evolution, 271–272 crescent shaped CR, 316, 317 East African Dome, 291–292, 294, 297–298 depositional successions, 247 elevation of base, 271 development, 373 geomorphologic analyses, 271–273 drainage patterns (see Drainage patterns) incised valleys and channels, 284 DRC and eastern Lake region, 393 Kamina/Kasai/Lunde/Kwango Plateaus, 293, 294 first order geomorphology, 318 pediment system, 286 geological map, 163, 165, 246 piedmont, 284 geological structures, 167 planation surfaces, 284–285, 326 Gondwana and Pangea amalgamation, 248 regional chronology and dating, 296–298, 300 gravimetric and magneticfield surveys, 97 relative chronology, 286 ITCZ, 317 South Cameroon–North Gabon Plateau, 295–296 JNOC, 372 Ubangian Rise, 287–288, 291 Index 409 Congolese Cratons, 22 weathering profile, 281 Congolese surface (C), 286 Dekese Formation, 259, 264, 375 Central CB, 297 Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) definition, 286, 303 Haute Lueki Group, 114, 115 erosion, 300 Itombwe basin, 46–47 etchplain, 284–285 Katanga Basin, 48–50 iron duricrusts, 285 Katanga Province (see Katanga Kundelungu kimberlite field) Paleogene, 298 kimberlites fields (see Kimberlites fields, DRC) pediplain, 284 Likki-Bembe` Basin, 46 Congo River System (CRS) Lindi Basin, 44, 45 Cenozoic events, 329 lower Kwango River geographical setting, 316 diamond-bearing gravels (see Diamond-bearing gravels, lower Neogene events, 330–332 Kwango River DRC) phylogenetic age estimates, geomorphic events, 332 geophysics (see Geophysics, lower Kwango River DRC) Congo Shield (CS), 20 Lukuga Group, 113–115 Congo Supergroup, 247 Malagarazi-Bukoban basin, 46–47 Continental Drift, 245, 248 Sangha-Comba-Lower-Congo basins, 42–44 Corumbataı´ Formation, 259 Sankuru-Mbuji-Mayi-Lomami-Lovoy Basin (See Sankuru-Mbuji- CRS. See Congo River System (CRS) Mayi-Lomami-Lovoy Basin (SMLL)) Cryogenian sequences, 30–31 Dendritic drainage patterns, 320 Cuango Shield, 344 Cuvette Central, 318, 325 Cuvette Centrale Northern Oubangui System, 318, 325 geological map of, 163, 165 Upper Malagarasi System, 318, 325 geological structures, 167 Devonian Parana´ Group, 247, 252 Kiri and Lonkonia highs, 167 Diamond-bearing gravels, lower Kwango River DRC location of, 164 alluvial sediments, 341 oil and gas exploration programs, 164 catchment area, 342 stratigraphic sequences diamond, records, 341–342 diamonds and kimberlites, 170 geology Kalahari and younger sediments, 168, 170 conglomerates, planar and cross-bedded, 346 Mesozoic and Cenozoic cover sequences, 168 Cuango Shield, 344 pre-Mesozoic sequences, 167–168 gneisses and Proterozoic sediments, 346 Cuvette Craton, 20 kaolinite-iron oxyhydrate clay, 347 Kiongo Formation, 346 Kwango Group, 346 D Mid-Pleistocene hand axes, 347 De BeersGroup, 363 raised terrace deposits, 347 Dekese boreholes sands of Kalahari Group, or the ‘serie des sables ocre, 346 coarse-grained unit, 281 ‘schisto-calcaire’ meta-sediments, 344 fine-grained sandstones unit, 281 ‘Schisto-Gre`seux Series,’ 345 J–K sequences silcretes or ‘gre`s polymorphes, 346 aeolian facies successions, 143, 148 south-western DRC and northern Angola, 345 conglomerates facies, 143, 146 geomorphology fine-grained facies and shales, 143, 146 abandoned channel, 348 fluvial-delta facies succession, 143, 151 lower Kwango River, 350 paleosols, 143, 146 Palaeozoic fluvial-glacial sediments, 347 sandstone facies, 143, 146 trap site development, influence of river, 347–348 sequence-stratigraphic analysis, 143, 145, 146 Upper Kwango aeolian sediments, 348 shallow marine facies, 143, 147 geophysics (see Geophysics, lower Kwango River DRC) Karoo-like sequences locality map, 342 litho-and bio-stratigraphic
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