EXTRACTS FROM PRELIMINARY CHECKLIST OF WORKS RELATING TO NEW ZEALAND POETRY" Supplementary Material Accompanying a Thesis Presented for the of Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature in the University of Canterbury by JOHN E, \'Il'EIR Harth, 1974. , I INTRODUCTION This supplement lists the published works of the five Ne'Vl Zealand whose are in my thesis "Five Ne~l Zealand A Bib and Critical Account of The entries begin with a list of the lished works of each poet. This is followed by his journal contributions and by items about him. Journal contributions are subdivided into poetry, fictional prose, non-fiction prose, drama (if applicable), reviews, and correspondence. Under each section the items are arranged alphabetically. Items about writers are from several sources: dictionaries) monographs, journal items~ reviews and theses. These are not separated in any way, and are simply alphabetically by the author of each critical item. reviews are interfiled alphabetically title. It has already been said that this is merely an extract from a much more extensive bibliography, now completed, a project on which I have been working for the last five years, The fuller bibliography begins with items about New Zealand literature. The second section is more fical concerned with New Zealand poetry. These two sections have been divided into monographs and theses, and journal articles. Under each section, items are alphabetically by author, or in the case of anonymous items, by title. It also contains a list of the one hundred and journals viewed ly it was intended that the should be comprehensive within Australia and Zealand but discovered references to overseas j were followed up included. items have been omitted entries " from the ) were included Olive Johnson's Fairburn Other material covered by the Bibliography includes Title Index to the poetry, a list of pseudonyms used by the poets and some supplementa,ry material ~ an index for the ..::;;;;;=:;;.;;;;.,;;;.;:;;,;;;;;,;;;.;;;.=;...;:;.=;...(1927-31), and Baxter I s contributions to the and the ~~~~~.=~~~ ~~~~~~~~~- The covered the full Bibl are: Fleur Adcock~ James K. Baxter, Ursula Bethell, Charles Brasch, Alistair Campbell, D' Arcy Cresswell, Allen C:urnow, Ruth Dallas ~ Basil Dowling, Eileen Duggan, A.R.D. Fairburn, Denis Glover, W. Hart-Smith, J.R. Hervey, Robin Hyde, Louis Johnson, H.K. R.A.K. Mason, W.H. Oliver, Keith Sinclair, Kendrick Smithyman, Charles Spear, Mary Stanley, Pat Wilson, Hubert Witheford. This project would never have been completed were it not for the generous labours of my Research Assistant, Miss Barbara Lyon) who has laboured over it quite cheerfully during the past two years. 4. 1. BETHELL. MARY URSULA 1874 - 1945 L Christchurch, Caxton Press~ From a garden in the Antipod~, by Evelyn Hayes (pseud.) London, Sid~lick and Jackson, 1929. 64 p. Rev. in Christchurch press, 12 Sept:. 1936. The glad returning and other poems by Evely~ Hayes (pseud.) London, A.H. Stockwell, 8 p. The haunted gallery. and other poems, by Evelyn (pseud.) London, A.H. Stockwell, 1932, 10 p. Time and 121acej poems by the author of from a garden in the Antipodes& Christchurch, Caxton Press, 1936" 36 p. Rev. in Tomorrow, 2 No. 33 (Oct. 1 ): 19-21 by W. DIA Cresswell; in Art in N Z., 9 No. 4, June~ 193'] : 219. 5. (2) Poems Ado in Stevens, J. (ed.) Contemporary verse ) : 278; also in School journal, Part 4 No.3, 1967 : 62. After dark Hogan, H.M., (1971) : 157. At the lighting of the lamps: I, II~ VI, in H.M. , ) By Burke's Pass in Stevens, J. verse (1952) : 289; ~45 (1945) : 70; (1951 A. Penguin book (1960) : 119. By the river Ashley, extract O'Sullivan, V. (1970) : 20; also in Curnow, A. Penguin book (1960) : 124. Canterbury river, in P.R. Smart, (1964) : 149 Catalogue, in Hogan, H.M., (1971) : 19S; Cloudy night, Marist messenger, 11 No. , November, 1940 : 13. Decoration~ O'Sullivan, V. (1970) 16; in Curnow, A, (1960) : 122 Detail, in Chapman, R. and .1. Bennett (1956) : 80; also in O'Sullivan, V. (1970) : 11; in School journal, Part ~No. 1, 1973 : 23. Dirge, in A book of N.Z, verse 1923~45 (1945) : 65 (1951 ed[ : 58); in Curnow; A. Penguin Book (1960) 1 Envoy!£ Time and place, in ~~~~;...".;""--;;.........;..;;; __ 1923-45 (1945) : 72; (1951 Erica, !!! 0' Sullivan, V, (1970) ; also in Curnow, A. Penguin Bo~ (1960) : 116. Evening walk in winter, O'Sullivan, V. (1970) Fall, O'Sullivan, V. (1970) : 12, Forest sleep, (1945) Fraicheur~ (1945) (1951 ed. : 6. Garden lion, Hogan, H.M., (1971) : 143. Grey day, in Hogan, H.:t-i.» (1971) : 160 In a hospital, in , H.M" sea (1971) : 56 Lever de (1970) also The long harbour, Akaroa~ in J.C, Reid (ed.) A boo~ of New Zealand (1964) : 89; also in Oliver~ W.H., Poetry in N.Z. (1960) : 7; in Chapman, R. and J. Bennett (1956) : 81; in A book of N.Z. verse 1923-45 (1945) : 67; (1951 ed. : 59); in 0' SuTHvan, v. (1970) : 14; in Curnow, A., Penguin bOok (1960) ; 117; in Hogan, H.M., Nowhere far from the sea (1971) : 74; in McKay, F. ,N.Z. poetry (1970) : 71; in O'Donnell, M.J., Antho1. of C'wealth verse (1963) : 281; Murdoch, P.W., Lines of life Bk .. .3 (1967) : 26-8, Looking down on Mesopotamia, in Chapman, R. and J. Bennett (1956) : 83. -- Midnight, O'Sullivan, V. (1970) 17. Morning walk~ in ~~~~~~~~~~~ __~ (1 ) : 72; (1951 ed. Night (1945) 75; 9th July, 1932, in A book of N.Z. verse 1923-45 (1945) : 79; (1951 ad. : 70) Nor'west evening, winter. N.Z. List. 1505, Aug. 9 1968 : 59; also in (1945) : 75; (1951 ""'::--~~~---.,;.::..--;;;..;....,-'--...;;....-- October morning, in A book of N.Z. verse 1923-45 (1945) 79; (19.51 ed. 70); in 0' Sullivan, ~V, (1970) : 18; in CUrnow, A., Peng~n book (1960) : 123. Pause, in Chapman, R. and J. Bennett (1956) : 79; in A book of N.Z. verse 1923-45 (1945) : 63; (1951 ed. : 56); in 0' Sullivan, V. (1970) : 10; School journa,l 1969, Part 4 No.3: 67. Response, in P.R. Smat't, (1964) : 117; in O'Sul Curno'Yl, A., 7. The small hours, .!n ;;;;;A~;;;.;;;,;~~.;;;;.::.:::;.::,~;;;.;::;.;;:;.;;;;...::.,;;. .;;;;;,;;;~,;;;~ (1945) : 78; (1951 ed. : 69); in Penguin book (1960) : 122. Soothsayer~ O'Sullivan, V. (1970) 11. J.e. Reid (ed.) also in R. Smart~ (1964) : 87; Stevens, J, Contemporary verse ) : N.Z. verse 1923-45 (1945) : 74; (1951 ~nnow~ A., Penguin book (1960) : 121; H.M., Nowhere far from the sea (1971) : in Murdoc~W., Lines of life Bk. 2 (1965) : 191. Spring on the plain, in A book of NeZ. verse 1923-45 (1945) : 72; (1951 ed. : 64). Spring snow and tui, in Chapman, R. and J. Bennett (1956) : 83. Time, in A book of NeZ. verse 1923-45 (1945) ; (1951 ad. : 56); in Curnow, A., Penguin book (1960) : 115; in McKay, F., (1970) : 73 Trance, in A book of NeZ. verse 1923-45 (1945) 65; (1951 ed--. : 57); in O'Sullivan, V. (1970) : 13. Warning of winter, in A book of N.Z. verse 1923-45 (1945) 69; (1951ed.: 62); in 0' Sullivan, V.~ (1970) : 15; Curnow, A., Peng'i:rln book (1960) : 120. Waves, in A book of N.Z. verse 1923-45 (1945) : 76; (1951 ed. -: 68). Weather, in Chapman, R. and J. Bennett (1956) 80. 8. (3) August, S.G. An Enzed gardener poet (NF) Aussie N.Z. sect. May 15, 1930 9. Baigent, Lawr~nce. The of Ursula Bethell Landfall 5 (1951) : 23-30. Brown, Denzil. The reI and the natural (NF). Student, Sept. 1948 : 7. Cresswell, D'Arcy. Ursula· Bethell Some persoo'e.l memories, Landfall 2 (1948) : 288. Cresswell, W.D'A. ~fuence cometh our strength (N.F) Tomorrow 2 No. 33, Oct. 14, 1936 : 19. Dowling, Basil. Extreme unction : in memoriam M.U.B. (p) Landfall 2 (1948) : 275. Dowling, Basil. Ursula Bethell as friend, as poet, by H.M. Cocks and B.C. Dowling (NF). Student. Oct. 194·5 : 3. Grave, S.A. The image of New Zealand in the poetry of Ursula Bethell (NF) Meanjin Q. 13: 381. Holcroft, M.H. Ursula Bethell : some personal memories Landfall 2 (1948) : 284. Lawlor. P.A. Bethell, Ursula Mary (1874-1945) his Books and bookmen (1954) : 181. Morton, Joyce M. Concerning Ursula Bethell (NF) Student. July, 1950 : 18. Morton, J .M. The poetry of Ursula Bethell. M.A. Thesis, University of New Zealand~ 1949. Notes. Landfall 1 (1947) : 7; 2 (1948) 244. Readings by Barbara Jefford (R), N.Z. List. 7315 July 17, 1953 : 7. Shaw, Helen. I am the dark; the poetry of Ursula. Bethell. Arachne, No • .3 : 25-29, December, 1951. Somerset, H.C.D. Ursula Bethell some personal memories (NF) Landfall 2 (1948):: 2 Summers, John. Ursula Bethell : some memories (NF) Landfall 2 (1948) : 290. 9. Walshe, J.W.B. Ursula Bethell. Adult Education Department [194-] 8 1. Whitehead, L.G. Ursula Bethell : some memories (NF) Landfall 2 (1948) : 294. Woollaston, M. T Reproduction of her in charcoal 1938. Landfall 2 948). 10. 2 DUGGAN. EILEEN MAY. 1894 - 1972 (1) (ed.) Hardy, Emmet. Blazing the trail in the Solomon~. Biographical note by Eileen Duggan pp. 11-13. Sydney, Rev T.J. Wade, St Patrick's Presbytery~ Church Hill~ 1935. 16 p. 24.7 x Issued on the Golden Jubilee of His Grace Archbishop Redwood. Unsigned. Cover ornamented in purple, red and gold with the Archbishop's crest. Centenary. Sisters of Mercy. Wellington% 1861-1961. 48 p. (intro.) Correspondence school book of verse. Wellington. Ptd. for the Education Dept.~ 1937. Introduction by Eileen Duggan. Episcopal diamond jubilee of His Grace Archbishop Redwood, S.M.
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