
,. 00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIV, NO 119 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1987 Palau CQmp~ South Korea Leader Agrees Government Prepares For To Meet With Opposition Rescheduled Plebiscite By Barry Renfrew rocks at polIce m VICIOUS street battles ASSOCIated Press Writer around at least four major Seoul col­ By Howard Graves "In past plebISCIteS and general leges PolIce fired volley after volley Associated Press Writer electIons, an average of 70 percent of SEOUL, South Korea - In a ma­ of tear gas those who requested absentee ballots Jor turnaround, PreSIdent Chun Doo­ About 2,500 students clashed WIth KOROR, Palau - Palau's gov­ dIdn't get them here 10 tIme to be hwan agreed to meet WIth the OppOSI­ pohce 10 the central CIty of ChonJu ernment pressed ahead Monday WIth counted," he Said tIOn to try to end fierce ann-govern­ and stormed a polIce statIOn Hun­ plans for a June 30 referendum on an Ngrraked saId that under a specIal ment protests, a top offiCIal saId to­ dreds of students clashed wIth polIce agreement WhICh proposes to Palau law for thIS referendum, ab­ day 10 the streets of the southern CIty of strengthen the Island nation's future sentee ballots must be receIved at least The statement came as thousands Kwangju and about 1,000 students WIth the Uruted States two days after the ddte of the of students clashed WIth not polIce bnefly seIzed part of a hIghway on PresIdent Lazarus Salu rescheduled plebISCIte near college campuses 10 Seoul 10 the CheJu Island oft the south coast the nationwIde vote after a special Now that the appedh court has 13th day of large-scale protests In recent ddYs, the OppOSItIOn has Palau appeals court ruled that It could ruled the servIce stations Illegal, the Scattered VIolence was reported else­ demanded dlTect talks between KIm not be held Tuesday as scheduled government hds deCIded to establIsh where In the country, but most and Chun as a precondItIon to negotI­ On Sunday, the court ruled refer­ pollIng places 10 overseas areas, protests were peaceful atIons on callIng off the protests that endum offICials had vIolated electlon WhICh would permit Palauans to cast Yonhap, the Korean news agency, began after the D.!mocratIc JustIce procedures by settmg up so-called therr ballots on election day reported that about 20,000 students Party nommated Roh as ItS preSIden­ voter servIce statlons for absentee Each ballot box WIll have three took part 10 demonstratIons at 58 um­ tIal candIdate ballots to be cast by Palau cItIzens speCial padlocks One WIll belong to verSItIes throughout the country The OpposItlon began a dnve to lIvmg 10 Guam, HaWaII, SaIpan and the preSIdent's offIce, one to the na­ Roh Tae-woo, chaIrman of the force drrect electIons some U S West Coast cltIes tIonal congress d'1d one to the electIon governmg DemocratIc JustIce Party, Roh saId nothmg today about the The proposed compact of Free As­ commISSIon saId after a meetlng WIth Chun that key OPPOSItIon demand that the gov­ soclatlon must receIve at least 75 per­ Ngrraked saId each of the overseas the preSIdent agreed to meet WIth KIm ernment repeal ItS A pnl 13 declSlon to cent voter approval because It con­ ballot boxes WIll then be e~corted Young-sam, head of the ReuruficatIon suspend talks on polItIcal reform until tams provlSlons WhIch conflIct WIth back to Koror by offICldl~ represent- DemocratIc Party Chun also after the 1988 Seoul OlymPICS Chun Palau's nuclear-free constitution 109 the three groups promIsed to conSIder the release of contends the delay IS necessary to WhIle declImng to predIct whether He saId the cost of thlS procedure polItIcal detamees, Roh saId safeguard natIonal stabIlIty and the that goal can be reached, Saln saId WIll be about $150,000, or triple the He dIdn't say when the meetmg games He has saId elecnons later thIS Monday, "I have confIdence 10 the cost of the ploposed voter servIce would take place year WIll be held under the electoral mteillgence of Palau voters and I be­ statIons "I recommended It IS deSIrable that college system, whIch opponents heve the people are ready to make a He also saId that the overseas voter the preSIdent meet pohtical elders and charge favors the government party decIsIOn It's Important not to stand 10 turnout may drop because of OppOSItIOn leaders to work out settle­ "The preSIdent also promIsed to the way of a properly conducted elec­ Palauan<;' mabilIty to get to pollIng ments," Roh told reporters gIve maXImum conSIderatIon to pre­ tIOn" statIons dunng a workday KIm has saId he would meet WIth condItIOnS set by the ReumficatIon Referendum CommISSIoner John Ngrraked estImated there are 2,000 Chun If all those de tamed smce na­ DemocratIc Party mcludIng the release o Ngrraked was cntlcal of those regIstered voters hvmg outSIde Palau, tIonWIde protests began June 10 are of Impnsoned people and the hftIng persons who brought suIt asking that and predIcted about 1,500 may vote released PolIce say more than 8,000 of house arrest order for KIm Dae­ the overseas ballotmg procedure be on June 30 people have been arrested Most have Jung," saId Roh declared Illegal because of potentlal "The (appeals) court dIdn't concern been freed or sentenced to bnef KIm Dae-Jung, who heads the op­ voter fraud Itself WIth the cost or where our terms, but at least 300 face tnal on pOSItiOn WIth KIm Young-sam, has "There was no eVIdence for actual money WIll come from," Nglraked major charges been under house arrest smce Apnl 8 abuse or fraud," he saId saId KIm has also demanded freedom The government has saId more Nglraked Said, "The three leaders He Said 602 Palauans cast absen­ for fellow OppOSitIOn leader KIm Dae­ than 8,000 people have been arrested of the compact OppOSItlOn group have tee ballots last Saturday on Guam Jung, who has been under house ar­ smce dIsturbances erupted June 10, succeeded 10 mconvemencmg those rest 10 Seoul smce Apnl 8 WIth many sentenced to bnef JaIl Palauans who wIshed to partICIpate 10 Contmued Page 4 Students hurled fIrebombs and terms by summary courts a cntlcal polItIcal exercIse" Saln saId that under the votmg procedure that was declared Illegal, absentee ballots would have been Syrian Commander Vows To Free Hostage placed 10 a sealed envelope and then By Farouk Nassar But the ChnstIan-controlled VOIce Lebanon, and MaJ Gen Izzat Zeldan, put 10 a second envelope AsSOCiated Press Wrller of Lebanon radIO saId that the kid­ commander of the 7,500-strong Syn­ "There was no way to tamper WIth napers were demandIng a guarantee an army contmgent 10 Moslem west those ballots," Salu saId BEIRUT, Lebanon -Syna's nul­ that West Germany would not extra­ Berrut, attended the meenng Nglraked defended the voter ser­ Itary mtellIgence chIef 10 Lebanon dIte Mohammed Ah Hamadl to the The three generals then held a 10- VIce statlon concept for ItS efflclency, was quoted today as vowmg to free Umted States HamadI, a Lebanese, mmute meetmg WIth Lebanese De­ economy and expedItIOUS means for kIdnapped Amencan JournalIst IS accused of hiJacklOg a TWA Jet to fense Mlmster Adel Osseiran, who absentee ballotlng Charles Glass and the son of BeIrut 10 1985 and kIllIng a U S said afterwards Assad has ordered Both men saId because of Palau's Lebanon's defense mlmster "at all Navy dIver Synan troops 10 BeIrut to "do the ut­ remoteness, It takes several days for costs" The broadcast Said the Hamadl most" to release hIS son and the two maIled ballots to reach Koror for "I am here 10 BeIrut to free them," guarantee was the kIdnappers' malO other captIves tabulatlon Bng Gen Ghazi Kenaan was quoted COndItIOn But Lebanese polIce and Osselran, who heads a promment "The maIlIng tIme IS erratic," saId as saymg by the state-run BeIrut Ra­ sources close to the Synan command Shute conservatIve clan, has repeat­ Salu "It can take anywhere from 10 dIO "The problem WIll be resolved at In west BeIrut demed that such a de­ edly accused Hezbollah, or the Party to 15 days for maIl from the U S all costs and I belIeve that WIll be ac­ mand had been made of God, of stagIng the abductIon malO land to reach Koror complIshed soon " HamadI, who was arrested at the "[ am very OptImIStIC," Osselran Frankfurt an-port on Jan 13, IS want­ told The ASSOCIated Press "I expect ed lo the UnIted States on charges of the release of All, Charles and the Dies At 88 murder and aIr prracy dnver soon" Fred Astaire West Germany has not announced Fourteen kidnappers grabbed By George Garlles lIttle" Ballet star MIkhaIl Barysh­ ItS declSlon on the extradItIOn, but the Glass, 36, Ah Osseiran, 40, and hIS Associated Press Writer mkov praIsed hIS "perfectIon," and newspaper DIe Welt of Bonn quoted dnver Sulelman Salman, a pohceman songwnter Irvmg Berhn Said, ''I'd umdentIfled sources today as sayIng who doubles as a bodyguard, on a LOS ANGELES - Fred AstaIre, rather have Fred Astalre SlOg my the government had deCIded not to coastal hIghway 10 the Shute suburb whose debonaIr elegance and flow- songs than anyone else " grant the U S extradItIOn request of QuzaI, a Hezbollah stronghold 10 a 109, graceful style made hIm the most For hIS part, the lean hoofer from Two West Germans were kId­ southern sector of west BelTUt acclaImed dancer 10 mOVIe hIStory, the MIdwest who was famous for napped 10 BeIrut In January by No group has claimed responsIbIl­ dIed today of pneumoma He was 88 whIte ne and taIls but hated formal at­ Moslems who have demanded Ity for the Iadnappmgs He dIed at Century City Hospital at tIre was lIkely to credIt producers or HamadI's freedom Glass, of Los Angeles, IS the first
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