THE TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Friday, November 19,1993 Vol XXVII, Number 49 KNITTING FUN I Student is victim of attack and robbery that TEMS applied a tight ban- dage to the wound to prevent fur- ther bleeding, although the sfu- dent “was not bleeding very badly and the wound wasn’t tembly bad.” TEMS members then drove the Gictim to Lawrence Memorial Hospital where he received fur- ther medical treatment. Lonero said that “the injury was not deemed serious.” Director of Public Safety John King said that he finds the incident “very upsetting,” and he said he is “concerned about it.” “I can understand how the com- munity might feel uncomfortable about an incident like this,” King said. However, he added that he feels that it is difficult to deter- mine who committed a crime of this type. photo by Greg Murphy ing “big starter jackets and baggy Lonero said that this is a “hei- pants, with their faces covered by nouscrime,” and said he is doing Students learn the joys of knitting each week in the Crafts House. “everything in [his] power to solve ment by the Department of Public it.” The incident is “a major con- Senate to recommend changes in threeSafety. males L~~~~~ “heldexplained a knife that to [the the cern, not only of the university student], took his property, and police, but of the whole university stabbed him in the thigh.” The community,” Lonero said. the admissions policy, World Civ. student’s walkman and wallet were According to King, this is “an by JOHN O’KEEF’E been of major concern to the sen- The second resolution involves taken in the assault. unusual incident for Tufts,” as he Daily Editorial Board ate and to the entire student popu- the senate’s recommendation that Lonero said that the incident is said that “robberies are not com- The Tufts Community Union lation in recent years as it directly the University expand its offer- “under full investigationnow with mon here.” However, he said that (TCU) plans to propose two reso- affects incoming classes. ings of the Race Awareness course the assistance of the Medford and he is doing his best to “keep pa- lutions at this Sunday’s senate Fee said that the University only which is currently taught through Somerville police.” trols vigilant and visible.” Addi- meeting, said TCUPresident John formally announced the with- the ExperimentalCollege. Accord- Michael Berg, a Resident As- tionally, King said that lighting in Fee. The first resolution will in- drawal of its need-blind admis- ing to Fee,the senate feels that the sistant in South Hall, said that the the area in which the robbery took volve the university’s lack of a sions sfatus last year, however, “it coursc should be made more ac- victim was brought to his room by place has been a safety concern, need-blind admissions policy and is likely that we’ve been without it cessible to students and that it the dorm’s proctor following the although the lighting has been re- the second will concern adding an for at least three years, maybe should be included as an alterna- incident. He said that the victim cently upgraded in that region. alternative class to the world civi- more.” tive to the current world civiliza- was able to walk into his room. A statement by the department lizations requirement. The meet- At a press conference on tions requirement and should be Berg then called the police, whom of public safety stated a warning ing, which is the next to last senate Wednesday, University President counted in partial fulfillment of he said “responded immediately to students to “walkin well-lighted meeting of the semester, will be John DiBiaggio said, ‘We figure the language requirement’s cul- to the call,” as did Tufts Emer- areas,” to “utilize the safety held in the Campus Center at 6 that our shortfall at this point from ture option. gency Medical Services (TEMS). shuttle,” to “walk with a friend,” p.m. being able to say that we are truly Senior senator Henry Ofori- According to Richard Hanson, and to “report any suspicious per- According to Fee, the resolu- need blind is about $1.5 million Atta, who co-authored the resolu- the TEMS member who was on sons or situations as soon as pos- tion on the admissions policy [annually].’’DiBiaggio suggested tion, said that there are only ap- secondary duty and responded to sible to the Tufts police.” strongly urges the administration that the additional money could be proximately 30 seats available the call, the victim “was more and the development office to de- raised through “the mechanisms each semester in the one section afraid than anything else.” Berg Anyone with information re- velop an action plan which will already in place.”The senate reso- which is offered. He added that agreed that the student was garding Wednesday’s incident allow the University to reinstate a lution, however, indicates that “scared” by the experience, “and should contact the Tufts police at need-blind policy. This issue has more action needs to be taken. see SENATE, page 9 understandably SO.” Hanson said 627-3030. Tufts police undergo trainingA 0. program on diversitv rJ by JESSICA ROSENTHAL lice officers, 15 officers from the program represents the “culmina- Law enforcement officials and the Tufts police, but King said Daily Editorial Board Boston University, Bentley Col- tion of the first phase of training,” working in a college environment that sometimes “a person might Fifteen Tufts police officersare lege, Boston College, and Salem he said. are exposed to a greater amount of not opt to complain about that.” currently participating in a cul- State police forces are participat- Additionally, King said that the diversity than are police officers “The Tufts police are one of, if tural diversity program for law ing in the program. same program the police are cur- working in some towns, he said. not the, best trained campus law enforcementofficers entitled “Cul- According to a course outline rently participating in was offered “I wanted the Tufts police to be enforcement organization in this tural Diversity: A Criminal Jus- provided by Michigan State, the at Wellesley College in August, better prepared to represent and area,” King said. He explained tice Perspective,” according to program focuses on “the chang- and ten members of the Tufts po- serve this community,” King said. that the police training is continu- Director of Public Safety John ing racial character of the US, lice participated in that program. King explained that the pro- ous, and the Tufts police partici- King. Presented by Michigan State diversity issues, and the implica- He said that sincethe officers were gram was not generated inresponse pate in in-service programs at University’s School of Criminal tions for law enforcement policy “impressed by the program’s qual- to an incident and is “not areactive Tufts, within the state, and outside Justice, Tufts is hosting the pro- and decision-making.” ity,’’ he wanted to send the remain- response, but a proactive one.” of Massachusetts. gram, which has been taking place King said that Tufts “officers ing members of the staff to the There have been no formal prob- since Wednesday and concludes have been involved in training in program, as well. Therefore, the lems renardinn multiculturalism see POLICE, page 10 today. the issues of diversity and sensi- program has been brought to Tufts. In addition to the 15 Tufts PO- tivity” for the past two years. This King said that he has received “overwhelmingly positive feed- back,” both from officers who par- Inside ticipated in the training in August Features ......................... P-3 and from those currently in the The real-life winter blahs are here, a program. look inside the Tufts Concert Board, “All Tufts police officers have and the missing Spiderman Underoos. had some kind of training in cul- tural diversity and sensitivity,” A&E ............................... P. 5 King said. The Addams Family sequel is grisly King added thathe felt that “the but great, a women’s art display at way the police are perceived in Aidekman, and serious stuff on Fox. society is important to help con- tribute to a safe and sound com- sports .......................... P. 7 munity.’’ Thus, he said that it is On guard! A fencing story, plus this important for police to gain “a week in the NBA, and a stunning Edi- stronger understanding of cultural .. tors’ Challenge: the Benguls, Doug? diversity.” Director of Public Safety John King; I. .................. .................... ,, .. THETUFTS DAILY E-mail problems a certain dynamics that appear whenever is- Israel’s tactics. I would also like to extend Elin M. Dugan an invitation to all who are interestedto join Editor-in-Chief sues pertaining to the Middle East conflict ploy by rifts CCS emerge. Always, and I mean always, a the Group Against Pro-Israeli Propaganda. Managing Editor: Caroline Schaefer To the Editor: Jewish student will take the initiative and Together we will expose and exterminate Associate Editors: Nadya Sbaiti, Marc Sheinkin People have been bitching about the blast the Arabs and/or the Palestinians. propaganda techniques on this campus once Editorial Page Editor: Stephen Arbuthnot recent cutbacks in e-mail usage. Students This is usually followedby one Letter to the and for all. Don’t call us. We’ll call you. Production Managers: Michael B. Berg, should understand what’s going on. Tufts Editor from the Arab side. Then, a week or Leah Schwartz, Ryan Otto Communication and Computer Services two later, an Arab student andor supporter Naif Al-Mutawa LA’94 (Academic Computer Service’s parent) has will come out and write an article opposing (Editor’s Nore: Al-Mutuwu is a Daily col- NEWS umnist.) Editor: David Meyers, Jessica Rosenthat a $9 million budget, roughly $1200 for the one written prior.
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