University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of September 2005 Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: S Mary Ann Basinger Maggenti University of California-Davis Armand R. Maggenti University of California, Davis Scott Gardner University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/onlinedictinvertzoology Part of the Zoology Commons Maggenti, Mary Ann Basinger; Maggenti, Armand R.; and Gardner, Scott, "Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology: S" (2005). Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology. 6. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/onlinedictinvertzoology/6 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Armand R. Maggenti Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology 800 sagittal triact (PORIF) A three-rayed megasclere spicule hav- S ing one ray very unlike others, generally T-shaped. sagittal triradiates (PORIF) Tetraxon spicules with two equal angles and one dissimilar angle. see triradiate(s). sagittate a. [L. sagitta, arrow] Having the shape of an arrow- sabulous, sabulose a. [L. sabulum, sand] Sandy, gritty. head; sagittiform. sac n. [L. saccus, bag] A bladder, pouch or bag-like structure. sagittocysts n. [L. sagitta, arrow; Gr. kystis, bladder] (PLATY: saccate a. [L. saccus, bag] Sac-shaped; gibbous or inflated at Turbellaria) Pointed vesicles with a protrusible rod or nee- one end. dle. saccharobiose n. [Gr. sakchar, sugar; bios, life] Sucrose. salient a. [L. saliens, leaping] Projecting outward; prominent. sacciform a. [L. saccus, bag] Having the shape of a sac or saliva n. [L. saliva, spit] The secretion of the salivary glands pouch; saccular. that moisten the mouth parts, the food, and begins diges- tion; in many invertebrates it also contains active consti- saccule n. [L. dim. saccus, bag] 1. A small sac or pouch. 2. tutents. Sometimes applied to a small invagination of the cuticle. salivarium n. [L. saliva, spit] 1. (ARTHRO: Chelicerata) In sacculus n. [L. dim. saccus, bag] (ARTHRO: Insecta) In Lepi- Acarina, the chamber in the buccal cone into which the doptera, the inner basal process of the coxite of male ex- salivary ducts open. 2. (ARTHRO: Insecta) The small cavity ternal genitalia. behind the hypopharynx and between it and the labium saccus n. [L. saccus, bag] (ARTHRO: Insecta) In Lepidoptera, into which the salivary duct opens. an internal, midventral, cephalad invagination of the vin- salivary canal (ARTHRO: Insecta) 1. In Hemiptera, the mouth culum. apparatus having separate food and salivary canals; the sacoglossa n. [Gr. sakos, shield; glossa, tongue] (MOLL: Gas- posterior of the two situated between the opposed styliform tropoda) In Opisthobranchia, having a single toothed maxillae, through which salivary fluids are secreted by a radula. salivary pump. 2. In Diptera, a canal extending the length saddle n. [A.S. sadol] 1. (ANN: Oligochaeta) In Lumbricidae, of the hypopharynx for passage of saliva from the salivary the clitellum incomplete ventrally, extending from the back pump; the salivary outlet canal. to below the lateral setae. 2. (ARTHRO: Insecta) In Diptera, salivary chromosomes (ARTHRO: Insecta) In Diptera, a large sclerite on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the polytene chromosomes found in the interphase nuclei of 10th abdominal segment of larval Culicidae and some other the salivary glands of the larvae. nematocerous insects. see annular. salivary ducts (ARTHRO: Insecta) In Diptera, tubes through Saefftigen's pouch (ACANTHO) An elongate genital pouch of which saliva passes from the salivary glands; anteriorly males inside the genital sheath, continuous with the spaces fused forming the common salivary duct opening into the of the bursal cap, that functions to inject fluid for eversion salivary pump. of the bursa. salivary gland 1. (ARTHRO: Insecta) Glands that open into the sagittae see penis valves mouth, esophagus or at the beginning of the alimentary sagittal a. [L. sagitta, arrow] Of or pertaining to the vertical canal, that secrete a digestive substance. see labial gland, median anteroposterior plane in a bilaterally symmetrical esophageal glands, peptonephridia. 2. (MOLL: Cephalo- animal. see parasagittal. poda) In Sepia and Octopus the second salivary glands se- 801 Maggenti and Gardner Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology 802 crete proteolytic enzymes. simple organic nutrients from surrounding medium. salivary pump (ARTHRO: Insecta) A modified salivarium into saprozoite n. [Gr. sapros, rotten; zoon, animal] An animal which the common salivary duct opens at the base of the that lives on dead or decaying organic matter. see sapro- hypopharynx. phyte. salivary syringe see salivary pump sarcobelum n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; belos, sting] (MOLL: Gastro- saltation n. [L. saltare, to leap] An evolutionary process that poda) In Pulmonata, a glandular node projecting into the proceeds by leaps and bounds through the production of prepuce from the junction of the penis sheath and propuce. mutants that differ greatly from the progenitor(s). see sarcode n. [Gr. sarx, flesh] Protoplasm. anamorphosis. sarcolemma n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; lemma, covering] An outer Saltatoria n. [L. saltare, to leap] A name commonly misap- membrane enclosing the nucleated sarcoplasm in which the plied to grasshoppers, crickets and their allies. muscle fibers are embedded. saltatory a. [L. saltare, to leap] Adapted for leaping. see fur- sarcolysis n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; lyein, to loosen] Phagocytosis of cula. muscles. saltigrade a. [L. saltare, to leap; gradus, step] Leaping sarcolyte n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; lytos, broken] (ARTHRO: Insecta) movement as in insects and spiders. In Diptera, spherical bodies filled with muscle fragments in sanguine a. [L. sanguis, blood] Having the color of blood. the blood of the pupae during metamorphosis. sanguinivorous a. [L. sanguis, blood; vorare, to devour] sarcomere n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; meros, part] Any one of a series Feeding on blood. of units occurring at regular intervals along a muscle fiber, each unit encompasses the actin and myosin filaments; in sanidasters n.pl. [Gr. sanidion, small board; aster, star] (PO- most invertebrates each sarcomere is set-off by Z discs. RIF) Rod shaped streptasters; a small rod-like spicule with sarcomeric a. see I-bands, T-tubule. spines at intervals. sarcophagous a. [Gr. sarx, flesh; phagein, to eat] Feeding on sapphirine a. [Gr. sappheiros, sapphire] Sapphire blue. flesh. saprobe see saprobiont sarcoplasm n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; plasma, formed or molded] saprobic a. [Gr. sapros, rotten] Living on decaying organic The undifferentiated protoplasm of a muscle cell; between matter. the myofibrils. saprobiont n. [Gr. sapros, rotten; bios, life] Living in an envi- sarcoplasmic reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum in striated ronment rich in decaying organic matter and low in oxygen. muscle fibers; surrounding the myofibrils. saprobiotic a. sarcosomes n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; soma, body] Former name for saprophagous a. [Gr. sapros, rotten; phagein, to eat] Feeding mitochondria in muscle cells. on dead or decaying animal or plant materials. sarcostyle n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; stylos, pillar] (CNID: Hydrozoa) saprophyte n. [Gr. sapros, rotten; phyton, plant] A plant that The dactylozooid on a column; nematophore. lives on dead and decaying organic matter; sometimes in- sarcotheca n. [Gr. sarx, flesh; theke, case] (CNID: Hydrozoa) correctly extended to include animals as well as plants. The sheath of a sarcostyle; nematotheca. saprophytic a. see saprozite. sarothrum see scopa saprozoic nutrition 1. Feeding on decaying organic matter. 2. Deriving sustenance by absorption of dissolved salts and saw n. [A.S. sagu, saw] (ARTHRO: Insecta) a. In Symphyta, 803 Maggenti and Gardner Online Dictionary of Invertebrate Zoology 804 transverse ridges provided on the fused 2nd valvulae. b. In scalloped a. [OF. escalope, shell] Indented, cut at the edges Diptera, the anterior serrated plate of the spiracular appa- into rounded hollows or segments of circles; crenate. ratus of Mansoniini larvae. scalp n. [Dan. skalp, shell] (MOLL) A bed of shellfish, especially saw bristles (ARTHRO: Crustacea) A heavy row of setae be- of mussels or oysters. tween the molar and incisor process on the gnathal lobe of scalpellum see lancet the mandible. scalpriform a. [L. scalprum, chisel; forma, shape] Chisel- saxicavous a. [L. saxum, rock; cavus, hollow] Said of rock- shaped. boring mollusks. scanning electron microscope (SEM) A microscope with an saxicolous a. [L. saxum, rock; colere, to inhabit] Living among electron beam that scans the specimen producing an image rocky or stony areas. of the surface on a florescent screen. scabellum n. [L. scabellum, footstool] (ARTHRO: Insecta) In scansorial a. [L. scandere, to climb] Adapted for climbing or Diptera, the distal basal portion of the halteres. clinging. scabrous a. [L. scaber, rough] Rough; rugged; with little rigid scape, scapus n. [L. scapus, shaft] 1. A stem or shaft. 2. (AR- points or minute irregularities. THRO: Chelicerata) A structure associated with the epi- scalariform, scalaroid a. [L. scalaris, ladder; forma, shape] gynum of some female Arachnida, partially covering
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