6824 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD~HOU$E JUNE 27 Mr. McKELLAR. , 1-hope he will- take Carl Amandus Brandt Washington,_D. C., offere~ the foliov?ing his problem to a higher power and come Edward Haviland Lastayo prayer: to a conclusion .which will be just and Armistead Davis Mead, Jr. Lawrence Joseph Carr Our Father, which art in Heaven, we right. Laurence Knight Ladue thank Thee that we can be here today to Mr. CHAVEZ. Yes. I suggest also that Eugene McGinley give of the best of our abilities to the solv­ he read the speech delivered by President Frederic Lord Hayden ing of national problems which confront Truman in San Francisco yesterday. It Walter Robertson Agee us. might help the prayer. Louis Wilson Maddox We thank Thee that men and women Mr. McKELLAR. I am quite sure ·it George Stanley Smith Robert Whitney Burns have always been helped when they have would. called upon Thee. We thank Thee, dear Mr. CHAVEZ. Last evening the major­ John Henry Woodberry Vincent Joseph Esposito Father, that we are aware of the fact ity leader gave notice to the Senate of the John Forest Goodman that in ancient times men were directed possibility of holding a session tonight. · Frank Sayles Bowen, Jr. by Thy Spirit. Thou didst lead Abra­ Mr. McKELLAR. There cannot be a Gordon Edmund Textor ham; Thou didst open the way for Jacob; meeting of the Senate tonight. The ma­ Milton Wylie Arnold Thou didst lead and strengthen Elijah. jority leader [Mr. BARKLEY] has be~n , Edward Lyman Munson, Jr. The rays of Thy love and leadership ever · called to Chicago, where he expects to Orlen Nelson Thompson John Simpson Gut hrie shone before the footsteps of Paul. Thou make a speech tonight at 8 o'clock. He didst lead Thine own Son to the peaks will return in the morning. He will not William Wesley Wanamaker Charles Moore Walson of glory. We thank Thee, Lord, that be present in Washington tonight. William Preston Corderman Thou art a God who will help to guide us Mr. CHAVEZ. I am afraid that would Harry McKenzie Roper if we call upon Thee. interfere with the extended explanation Edwin William Chamberlain We are thankful, dear Lord, that Thou of the FEPC which the Senator from Mis­ Yantis Halbert Taylor hast brought us to this Nation in a day sissippi is making, but I wished to give Leonard Dickson Weddington like this. In the Old Book we read the him an opportunity to consume the time Andrew Daniel Hopping Warren Henry McNaught message, ''Esther, thou didst come to the between now and 6 o'clock tomorrow Woods King kingdom for such a day as this"; and in morning. I was hoping that the Senate F. Trubee Davison the New Book we read the message, "In would hold a night session. Hugh Meglone Mil ton 2d the fullness of time God sent forth His Mr. BILBO. I will be glad of the op­ Elliott Carr Cutler Son." We believe that we have been portunity to remain here if the Senator Franlt Richard Denton called by Thee to undertake tremendous from New Mexico will also remain. Harold Ross Harris responsibilities · in this most critical Edward Reynolds RECESS period of our Nation's life. Each one of Harry H. Vaughan us, dear Father, has a sense of destiny in Mr. McKELLAR. I move that the To be major generals our hearts. Senate take a recess until 12 o'clock noon Edward Peck Curtis Our Father, as we look to the duties of tomorrow. John Merryman Franklin this day and of the days ahead, we pledge The motion was agreed to; and <at 4 APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE Thee of our every talent and ability. We o'clock and 46 minutes p. m.) the Senate UNITED STATES will reach out our hands and place them took a recess until tomorrow, Thursday, To be second lieutenants, Air Corps, with in Thine and will abide by the leadership June 28, 1945, at 12 o'clock meridian. rank from June 5, 1945 of Thy Spirit. We know that Thy pres­ Elmer Resides Haslett ence near us will quicken our own think- · OONFIRMATIONS Bernard Moran James ing and will empower our wills. Executive nominations confirmed by APPOINTMENTS, BY TRANSFER, IN THE ARMY OF Help us to so carry on for this Nation the Senate June 27 <legislative day of THE UNITED STATES and for the world in which we live that ,June 25), 1945: TO FINANCE DEPARTMENT the life of the individual on this planet Capt. Joseph Cobb Stancook will become a happier, finer experience; TEMPORARY APPO!NTMENTS IN THE ARMY OF that poverty and ignorance and suffering THE UNITED STATES TO SIGNAL CORPS will sink into the background, and that To be lieutenant generals Lt. Col. Chester Arthur Carlsten · the happiest. day that man has ever Matthew Bunker Ridgway TO C'.,AVALRY known will come to pass in this earth. Alvan Cullom Gillem, Jr. Firs_t Lt. John Fuller Davis, Jr. And may the glory for this achieve­ Troy Houston Middleton Willis Dale Crittenberger TO INFANTRY ment be not ours primarily, and those Nathan Farragut Twining Lt. Col. Wiiliam Leonard Ritter who labor with us, but may the glory and Charles· Philip Hall First Lt. William Robert Hughes the honor and the praise be Thy Son's John Reed Hodge First Lt. Joseph Barry Yost whose we are and whom we serve. A_men. Raymond Stallings McLain TO Affi CORPS LeRoy Lutes The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Robert Charlwood Richardson, Jr. Second Lt. David Mortimer Falk terday was read and approved. John Edwin Hull MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Ennis Clement Whitehead A message from the Senate by Mr. To be major gen erals Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced Ewart Gladst one Plank HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the Senate had passed, with amend­ L auris Norstad WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1945 ments in which the concurrence of the Clovis Ethelbert Byers House is requested, a bill of the House of Donald Weldon Brann Lawrence Carmel Jaynes The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and the following title: Ray Tyson Maddocks was called to order by the Speaker pro H. R. 3199. An act making appropriations Edward Micha el Powers tempore, Mr. McCORMACK. for the Department of Labor, the Federal Security Agency, and related indepen dent Stanley Lonzo Scott DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO George Hen ry Decker agencies, for the fiscal year ending June 30, TEMPORE Harold Mark M~Clelland 1946, and for other purposes. To be brigadier generals The SPEAKER pro tempore laid before The message also announced that the Joseph Pringle Cleland the House the following communication Senate insists upon. its amendments to George Irving Back which was read by the Clerk: the foregoing bill, requests a conference Orlando Clarendon Mood WASHINGTON, D. C., June 27, 1945. with the House on the disagreeing votes James Thomas Loome I hereby designate the Honorable JOHN W. of the two Houses thereon, and appoints Francis Hill McCORMACK to act as Speaker pro tempore Mr. McKELLAR, Mr. MEAD, Mr. TYDINGS, Robert Quinney Brown today. Rinaldo Van Brunt . Mr. MURDOCK, Mr. HAYDEN, Mr. BURTON, SAM RAYBURN. Mr. BALL, and Mr. WHERRY to be the con­ George William Rice PRAYER James Clyde Fry ferees on the J)art of the Senate. George Allan Miller Rev. J. Warren Hastings, minister of The message also announced that the Harvey Edward the National City Christian Church, Senate had pas~ed, with amendments in 1945 CONGltESSIONAL ·RECORD-HOUSE 6825 which the· concurrence of the House is Page 4, line 19, after "antemeridian", in­ I expect the chairman to explain the requested, a bill of the House of the fol· sert ": Provided, That such differential for Senate amendments. · lowing title: . night duty shall not be included in comput· 1ng any overtime compensation to which the ·Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. H. R. 3035. An act to reclassify the salaries ofilcer or employee may be entitled." Speaker, reserving the · right to object, of postmasters, ofilcers, and employees of the Page 13, line 19, strike out "finances" and :will the gentleman explain the amend­ Postal Service; to establish .. uniform pro:­ insert "finance." ments? ~edures for computing compensation; and Page 16, strike out lines 22 to 25, inclusive, Mr. BURCH. Mr. Speaker, there is for other purposes. ' and insert "Unless otherwise assigned as pro­ only one amendment that amounts to vided herein, the postal cashier shall be anything. The other ones are clarifying The message also ·announced that the superintendent of postal finance, and at Senate insists upon its amendments to offices with receipts less than $20,000,000 the amendments. The bill, passed here a the foregoing bill, requests a conference money-order cashier shall be superintendent .day or two ago for Federal employees as with the House on the disagreeing votes of money orders." · a whole, made 260 days the time . for of the two Houses thereon, and appoints Page 26, line 23, strike out "$3,100" where calculating overtime payment for em­ Mr. McKELLAR, Mr. HAYDEN, Mr. BAILEY, 1t occurs the second time and insert "$3,400." ployees. In the House bill, H. R. 3035, Mr. REED, and Mr. LANGER to be the con­ Page 36, · line 5, strike out all after which passed some days ago, that was ferees on the part of the Senate. "months." down to and including "em­ 253 days. The Senate amendment ployees." in line 7. The message also announced that the changes that to 260 days or 2,080 hours. Page 36, after line 14, insert: That is practically the only change.
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