Providence College DigitalCommons@Providence Historical Catholic and Dominican Documents Special Collections 11-9-1907 Rubrical Pamphlet Series of the Dominican Rite Father L. F. Kearney, Prior Provincial (Imprimatur) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.providence.edu/catholic_documents Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Liturgy and Worship Commons Recommended Citation Kearney, Prior Provincial (Imprimatur), Father L. F., "Rubrical Pamphlet Series of the Dominican Rite" (1907). Historical Catholic and Dominican Documents. 8. https://digitalcommons.providence.edu/catholic_documents/8 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Collections at DigitalCommons@Providence. It has been accepted for inclusion in Historical Catholic and Dominican Documents by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Providence. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .... RUBRICAL PAMPHLET SERIES OF THE DOMINICAN RITE I Novcon~r 9th, I 907 Imprimatur: FR. L. F. KEARNEY, Prior Provincial IMMACULATE CONCEPTION COLLEGE W.uhlngton, D. C. ~N the hope of facilitating the study of our rubricst and securing greater uniformity in their observance, the first of a series of Rubrical Pamphlets is presented to the Dominican family of the United States. .. CHOIR. INCLINATIONS I Inclination of the Head Medium Inclination Profound Inclination The S[mplc Tndination of To make a Medium Inclina­ T he Profound Inclination the Head used in Choir, is tion, so incli ne the head and is made by inclining the head made by slightly inclining the body that the palms of the and body until the elbows head and body simultane­ hands may touch the knees. touch the knees. In making ously. I. A ~1edium Inclination this inclination, the arms may I. This brcli11atio11 should be should be made at every be crossed under the scapu­ made: "Gloria Patri" up to the lar, the right hand holding the edge of the left side of the 1. vVhenever in, or out of words "~irut erat": (1) in the Divine Office; (At the 1st scapular, and the left hand, Choir, we pronounce the name the edge of the scapular on Jesus, Mary, or St. Dominic, ·'Gloria Patri" of each Hour a unless a greater Inclination P rofouncllnclination is made.) the right. be prescribed. (2) in the ~I ass of the day; The Profortlld !~tclillatioll is 2. \Vheneyer mention is (3) in Prime, Terce, Sext, made: made of the slledditrg of the :\one, \'espers and Compline I. Towards the altar, by the :\lost Precious Blood. At oi the daily Office of the brethren, both on their first which mention in the Office Blessed Virgin; here. like­ entrance into Choir, and on of the Dead in the V. "Crea­ wise, a Profound Inclination the last departure thence; (if tor" of the R. ''Libera me," is made at the first of each the Blessed Sacrament is re­ the brethren should rise and Hour: (4) in Prctiosa; (5) in served in the choir, but not uneoYer their heads. Chapter; (6) in the Blessing exposed, both a Profound In­ 3. When the words "Gloria before meals and in the Grace clination and Genuflection on Patri et Filio et Spiritui after. one knee are made.) l 4 CHOIR INCLINATIONS I Prostration on the Form Venia Genuflections To make the Prostration The Venia is made hv ex­ To make a· Genuflection do on the Form one should first tending the body on the' floor three things: (1) stand er~ct; kneel down; then, crossing at full length upon the right (2) keeping the head and up­ the arms upon the form be­ side so that the left ankle rests pel- portion of the h,~d:v erect, fore him, he should rest his upon the right. It is cus­ bend the right knee until it head upon them. When no tomary to kiss one's scapular touches the ground; (3) as form is at ha nd, the arms both before and a[t('r making soon as the knee has touched should be crossed upon the this Prostration: the floor, again stand erect. knees instead. The Venia. sho·11ld be made: In some cases both knees l. Dur·i11g a feria/ office out­ sho uld touch the floor; but 1. By all the brethren in unless this be specially men­ side of Paschal time. the Prost ra­ the Choir on the Vigil of the t ion on the Form is made: tioned, only the right knee is Annunciation, when he who meant. 1. During every "Pater," reads the Martyrology pro­ "Credo" and ''C0nfitcor." nounces the words: "Amllln­ I. In the Divine Office a 2. During the "Pater" at the tiatio B. Mariae Virginis." Gell!lflection on both knees is end of Grace after meals, if 2. By all the brethren in the made: Prostrations were made in Choir on the Vigil of the Na­ 1. While the words "Venite the Honr immediately pre­ tivity of our Lord, when he * * * ante Deum" of the In­ ceding. who reads the Martyrology vitatorium are chanted or re­ 3. At the first "Gloria has pronounced the words cited. At the completion of Patri" after "Deus adjuto­ ·'Jesus Christus * * * factus this V crse, those who actually riunl." Homo." They should remain recited them should make a 5 CHOIR INCLINATIONS Inclination of the Head­ Medium Inclination­ Profound Inclination­ Continued Continued Continued Sancto" are said in Matins II. A l\'Icdium Inclination 2. Except wh<'n otherwise and Lauds of the Office of the is made during the recitation prescribed, whenever the Blessed Virgin, if recited in of the last stanza of any "Pater Noster," "Credo," or common; likewise, when they Hymn, and of the penultimate "Confiteor" arc said in the occur in the Divine Office, re­ Verse of the Canticle "Bene­ Divine Office, whcth<~ r in the cited privately. dicite." beginning. middle, or end, of the Hours; also, when they ·1. \Vhene\·er a Genuflection III. Those who chant or re­ on both knees is made. arc said in \'espcrs and Mat­ cite the ltl\"itatorium should ins of the Office of the Dead; 5. \Vhenever a brother, or make a Medium Inclination in the Blessing before meals; the Canto r, has begun or re­ towards each other after the during, or after Grace after cited a Psalm, Antiphon, or Verse, "Vc nitc ado r ~mus , " meals: in the Prcliosa; in anything similar. etc., and again after the the prayers for benefactors in 6. Whenever the Hebdom­ "Gloria Patri ;" li kewise, Chapter. adarian has finished reading after the "Gloria Patri" in any part of the Office pertain­ the RR. and in the Ant. at the 3. In the Office both of the till{ to his duties. especially, Asperges and in the Introit day, and of the Blessed Vir­ when he reads the words of the Mass. gin (except ~latins and "Dominum nostrum Jesum Lauds), at the first "Gloria IV. At every Blessing be­ Patri" of each Hour. Christum" at the end of any fore any lcction either in prayer. Choir, Chapter, o r at table; 4. ·At the first Collect in the 7. Towards the Crucifix of likewise at I he blessing of the Office up to the words "Qui the altar, unless a Profound prelate in Compline, a Me­ tecum." or "'Qui vivis," by all Inclination be prcscribe"d on dium Inclination should be except him who rea.!s the account of the presence of made by all except him who Collect; likewise, at the con­ the Blessed Sacrament, when- gi,·es the Blessing; likewise clusion of the last Collect in 6 CHOU~ INCLINATIONS Prostration on the Form Venia- Continued Genuflections- Continued - Continued prostrate until the Prior gives :Medium Inclination towards 1. [n the Prcces said in each the signal to rise. each other. J I our from the •· Pater nos­ 3. ln the Chapter of Faults, 2. In the Hymn "Tr: Deum" ter'' to the words ''Qui te­ before the accusations when during the e ntire Verse "Te cum'' of the prayer. the Prelate gives the signal. ergo quaesumus." Again, each one should make 5. During the Preces at the 3. During the entire first end of J\latins on Holy Thurs­ the \ ' enia after finishing his accusation. stanza of the Hymns: "Veni day, and of all the Hours of Creator,'· "Tantum Ergo,'' Good Friday and Holy Sat­ 4. \Vhcn the brethren arc '"0 Crux ave," "'Ave maris urday. reprehended by J:heir Prelate. stella," likewise at the words 6. In the Office of the Dead. 5. By him upon whom a '" Adsumus et nos cernui,'' (provided Prostrations were formal precept, office, or any "Te adorantes famuli,'' and made in the Hours of the other administration is im­ " Quos sanguine mcrcatus es." posed. Divi ne Office immediately 4. During the entire Anti­ preceding) from the "Pater 6. Before an altar or the phon, ·'Sub Tuum." N ostt•r" which is said after Crucifix in the Choir. or the Antiphon of the "Mag­ a Chapd, by those recei,·ing 5. During the "Salve Re­ nificat" and of the "Benedic­ the blc:ssing of travellers, gina,'' '"Pie Pater" with \' er­ tu~." up to t!w cnrl of the both on setting out and on sicles and Prayers and "Pa­ first Collect; likewise at the returning, while the psalms ter Noster.'' said :•fl<'r e:,ch of "Pater Noster" after the and prayers arc recited. the Hours. The Ilebdoma­ ·· Rcquiescat in pace."' 7. By those leaving their darian, however, stands while saying the V ersiclcs and 7. At the first Collect of the Convent for more than one Office : likewise at the end­ niSht, while they receive the Prayers. ing of the last Collect up to blc:ssing oi their Superior; 6.
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