AaBbCc 123456 MUNICI PAL COUNCI L L O RS 2 0 19 Òepee HeÀeTb[sMeve ner He#eefvejHes#e keÀece keÀjCeejer mJe³ebmesJeer mebmLee Deens. osMee®³ee Founded in 1998, the PRAJA Foundation is a non-partisan jep³ekeÀejYeejele menYeeieer nesC³eemeeþer veeieefjkeÀebveer me#ece JneJes ne J³eeHekeÀ GÎsMe voluntary organisation which empowers the citizen to participate in governance by providing knowledge and enlisting people’s meceesj þsTve 1998 ceO³es Òepee®eer meg©Jeele Peeueer. veeieefjkeÀebveer celeoeveeHegjlee®e participation. PRAJA aims to provide ways in which the citizen efJe®eej ve keÀjlee jepekeÀer³e¢<ìîee DeefOekeÀ me¬eÀer³e JneJes, jep³ekeÀejYeej DeefOekeÀ can get politically active and involved beyond the ballot box, HeejoMe&keÀ Je pevelesuee GÊejoe³eer DemeeJee ³ee ¢<ìerves ceeefnleer Je %eevee®ee mlej thus promoting transparency and accountability. Gb®eeJeC³eemeeþer Òepee mebmLesves efJeefJeOe GHe¬eÀce neleer Iesleues Deensle. Concerned about the lack of awareness and apathy of the mLeeefvekeÀ mJejep³e mebmLeeb®³ee keÀecee®eer ueeskeÀebvee ceeefnleer vemeles DeeefCe cnCetve l³eebvee local government among citizens, and hence the disinterest ³eeefJe<e³eer keÀceeueer®eer DeveemLee Jeeìles. ns ef®e$e yeoueues Heeefnpes Demes mebmLesuee Jeeìles. in its functioning, PRAJA seeks change. PRAJA strives to create awareness about the elected representatives and their ueeskeÀebleerue Goemeerve YeeJevee yeoueC³ee®³ee nsletves Òepeeves DeeHeues ueeskeÀÒeefleefveOeer constituencies. It aims to encourage the citizen to raise his/ Je l³eeb®es celeoejmebIe ³eeefJe<e³eer peeie=leer keÀjC³eeme meg©Jeele kesÀueer Deens. ³eeletve her voice and influence the policy and working of the elected veeieefjkeÀebveer DeeHeuee DeeJeepe GþJeeJee DeeefCe ueeskeÀÒeefleefveOeeRvee DeeJeM³ekeÀ les efveCe&³e representative. This will eventually lead to efforts being directed I³ee³euee Je keÀeces keÀje³euee Yeeie Hee[eJes, ³eemeeþer pevepeeie=leer keÀjC³eeJej Deece®ee by the elected representatives towards the specified causes of Yej Deens. keÀeueeblejeves ³ee Òe³elveeletve meeJe&peefvekeÀ efnlee®³ee ¢<ìerves cenÊJee®³ee public interest. cegÐeeJej meecetefnkeÀ keÀece GYes jenerue. The PRAJA Foundation also strives to revive the waning cegbyeF& ns SkeÀ mepeie DeeefCe me¬eÀer³e veeieefjkeÀeb®es Menj JneJes; ³ee¢<ìerves veeieefjkeÀ spirit of Mumbai City, and increase the interaction between the citizens and the government. To facilitate this, PRAJA has DeeefCe mejkeÀej ³eeb®³eele HejmHejmebJeeo Ie[JeC³ee®ee Òepee mebmLes®ee Òe³elve Deens. created www.praja.org, a website where the citizen can not www.praja.org l³eemeeþer ³ee mebmLes®³ee JesyemeeF&ìJej efJeMes<e Dee@veueeF&ve megefJeOee only discuss the issues that their constituencies face, but can GHeueyOe kesÀueer Deens. ³eeefþkeÀeCeer veeieefjkeÀ DeeHeu³ee celeoejmebIeeleerue ÒeMve lej also get in touch with their elected representatives directly. ceeb[t MekeÀleele®e, efMeJee³e mebyebefOele ueeskeÀÒeefleefveOeeRMeer mebHeke&Àner keÀª MekeÀleele. The website has been equipped with information such as: ³ee JesyemeeF&ìJej Òel³eskeÀ celeoejmebIe, efleLeues veiejmesJekeÀ DeeefCe lesLeerue þUkeÀ the issues faced by the ward, the elected representatives, the mecem³eeb®eer ceeefnleer Deens. veeieefjkeÀ DeeHeu³ee mecem³ee ceeb[t MekeÀleele DeeefCe responses received and a discussion board, thus allowing an SkeÀceskeÀebMeer mebJeeoner meeOet MekeÀleele. informed interaction between the citizens of the area. PRAJA’s goals are: empowering the citizens, elected Òepee®es O³es³e ë veeieefjkeÀ, ueeskeÀÒeefveOeer DeeefCe mejkeÀej DeefOekeÀ me#ece representatives & government with facts and creating JneJesle ³eemeeþer JeemleJe ceeefnleer Heg{s DeeCeCes DeeefCe veeieefjkeÀeb®es peerJeveceeve instruments of change to improve the quality of life of Gb®eeJeC³eemeeþer keÀe³e&#ece yeoue Ie[JeCes, ns Òepee®es O³es³e Deens. DeefOekeÀ the citizens of India. PRAJA is committed to creating a HeejoMe&keÀ, GÊejoe³eer DeeefCe keÀe³e&#ece meceepe efvecee&Ce JneJee ³eemeeþer transparent, accountable and efficient society through ueeskeÀmenYeeieeves keÀece keÀjC³eemeeþer mebmLee Je®eveye× Deens. people’s participation. MUMBAI REPORT CARD MUNICIPAL COUNCILLORS 2019 1 he´cegKe efJeMues<eCe TABLE OF CONTENTS DeO³ee³e He=<þ ¬eÀceebkeÀ Chapter Pg. No. Òepee®eer ìerce 4 The Team 5 ueeskeÀÒeefleefveOeeR®es ÒeieefleHegmlekeÀ keÀe Heeefnpes DeeefCe keÀmes Heeefnpes? 6 Why was a Report Card needed and what does it contain? 7 ÒemleeJevee 8 Foreword 10 $eÝCeefveos&Me 12 Acknowledgements 13 veiejmesJekeÀeb®³ee keÀeceefiejer®es Jemlegefve<þ cetu³eceeHeve 14 Assessing the performance of Municipal Councillors objectively 15 ¬eÀceJeejer iegCe leeefuekeÀe 16 Ranking Score Sheet 16 cegK³e efJeMues<eCe 130 Key Analysis 130 keÀe³e&He×leer The Methodology (1) ceeHeob[-cetu³eceeHeve ceespeHeÆer 153 (1) Matrix – Scale of Ranking 164 (2) De@HeÀer[sJnerì Üejs peenerj kesÀuesueer ceeieerue (YetlekeÀeueerve) ceeefnleer 156 (2) Parameters for Past Records as per Affidavit 167 (3) ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe DeeefCe meefceleer yewþkeÀeleerue keÀeceieerjer mebyebOeer cetu³eceeHeve IeìkeÀ 156 (3) Parameters for Present Performance in the Corporation and Committee Meetings 168 159 (4) pevecele ®ee®eCeervegmeej ueeskeÀeb®eer celes/¢<ìerkeÀesve (4) Parameters for People’s Perception as per Opinion Poll 172 163 (5) vekeÀejelcekeÀ iegCeebkeÀvee®es IeìkeÀ (5) Parameters for Negative Marking 176 2 MUMBAI REPORT CARD MUNICIPAL COUNCILLORS 2019 3 ìerce THE TEAM efJeMJemle ceb[U ceekexÀì efjme®e& Spevmeer Board of Trustees Market Research Agency Hansa Research nbmee efjme®e& Nitai Mehta efveleeF& cesnlee DeMeeskeÀ oeme Managing Trustee, Praja Foundation; Ashok Das keÀe³e&keÀejer efJeéemle, he´pee HeÀeGb[sMeve, GÐeespekeÀ Entrepreneur J³eJemLeeHekeÀer³e meb®eeuekeÀ, nbmee efjme®e& Managing Director, Hansa Research megcebieueer iee[e Sumangali Gada Anjan Ghosh mebmLeeHekeÀ efJeéemle, he´pee HeÀeGb[sMeve; GÐeespekeÀ Debpeve Iees<e Founder Trustee, Praja Foundation; Senior Vice President, Hansa Research Jeefjÿ GHeeO³e#e, nbmee efjme®e& Entrepreneur Devegpe YeieJeleer – Anuj Bhagwati And the rest of the Hansa team including efJeéemle, he´pee HeÀeGb[sMeve; GÐeespekeÀ DeeefCe nbmee ìerce®es Flej meom³e efì^mìve ye´ieBPee, Trustee, Praja Foundation; Entrepreneur Tristan Braganza, Ann Benny, Tarun Shroff, Dee³ejerme ce[sje De@ve yesvveer, le©Ce Þee@HeÀ, pee@S ®e¬eÀJeleea, GlHeue Hee$ee, Joy Chakraborty, Utpal Patra, Harish Singh, Iris Madeira Bhaskar Bhadra and Sushil Gaud. efJeéemle, he´pee HeÀeGb[sMeve; efMe#eCeefJe<e³ekeÀ meuueeieej, njerMe eEmen, YeemkeÀj Yeêe DeeefCe ®ebêe efmebn. Trustee, Praja Foundation; meWìj HeÀe@j efmeJnerue meesmee³eìer®³ee meuueeieej meom³e Education Consultant, Board of Advisor’s Centre for Civil Society Praja Team peceeue ceskeÀueeF& Òepee®eer ìerce Jamal Mecklai efJeéemle, he´pee HeÀeGb[sMeve; HejkeÀer³e ®eueveefJe<e³ekeÀ meuueeieej efceefuebo cnmkesÀ Trustee, Praja Foundation; Milind Mhaske Director meb®eeuekeÀ, he´pee HeÀeGb[sMeve Foreign Exchange Consultant efJeJeskeÀ Demejeveer Priyanka Sharma Capacity Building Head efJeéemle, he´pee HeÀeGb[sMeve; GÐeespekeÀ efÒe³eebkeÀe Mecee& Vivek Asrani Research and Data Head ke@ÀHeeefmeìer efyeu[eRie He´cegKe, he´pee HeÀeGb[sMeve Trustee, Praja Foundation; Entrepreneur Yogesh Mishra meuueeieej ³eesiesMe efceÞee mebMeesOeve DeeefCe [eìe He´cegKe, he´pee HeÀeGb[sMeve Advisors to Praja And rest of the Praja Team including [e@. meer. Deej. ÞeerOej Ashwini Agavne, Aviral Dubey, Avinash ceekexÀì efjme®e& He´esHesÀMeveue DeeefCe he´pee®es Flej keÀce&®eejer heg{eruehe´ceeCes - Dr. C. R. Sridhar Rokade, Balwant Kirar, Benaifer Reporter, DeeqMJeveer DeieeJeCes, DeefJejue ogyes, DeefJeveeMe jeskeÀ[s, Market Research Professional Bandita Bisht, Eknath Pawar, Ganesh [er. Sce. megKeìCekeÀj yeueJeble efkeÀjej, yesvee³eHeÀj efjHeesì&j, yebefolee efyemle, Jadhav, Ganesh Phulsundar, Guruprasad D. M. Sukhtankar Kamble, Harshil Suresh, Jennifer Spencer, ceepeer ceneveiejHeeefuekeÀe Dee³egkeÌle, cegbyeF& Je Dee³eSSme SkeÀveeLe heJeej, ieCesMe peeOeJe, ieCesMe HegÀuemebgoj, Former Municipal Commissioner, Kshitija Gidaye, Mahesh Bhaskar, Meghna (efveJe=Êe), ceepeer cegK³e meef®eJe ceneje<ì^ Meemeve iegjÀHe´meeo keÀebyeUs, neq<e&ue megjsMe, pesefveHeÀj mHesvmej, Mumbai and Former Chief Secretary, Bandelwar, Neha Kori, Nilam Mirashi, Oe´gJe cegvêe ef#eeflepee efie[³es, censMe YeemkeÀj, cesIevee yebosueJeej, Government of Maharashtra vesne keÀesjer, veeruece efcejeMeer, efveuesMe keÀoce, HeuueJeer Nilesh Kadam, Pallavi Kakaji, Pooja Verma, GÐeespekeÀ Dhruv Mundra Pragati Watve, Prasna Padmanabhan, keÀekeÀepeer, Hetpee Jecee&, he´ieleer JeeìJes, He´mevee HeodceveeYeve, Entrepreneur Radhika Uppal, Rakesh Pote, Rajesh, kesÀ. Sce. Sme. (ìerìg) DenuegJeeefue³ee jeefOekeÀe GHHeue, jekesÀMe heesìs, jepesMe, ªhesMe kegÀceej, Rupesh Kumar, Sangeeta Patwa, Sarika mebieerlee HeìJee, meeefjkeÀe vee³ej, meeF&efkeÀjCe kewÀjcekeÀeW[e, K. M. S. (Titoo) Ahluwalia veeruemeve DeesDeejpeer-ceeie&®es ceepeer DeO³e#e DeeefCe meerF&Dees Former Chairman & CEO Nair, Saikiran Kairamkonda, Shraddha Þe×e iegjJe, MegYece efmebn, mìsHeÀer PesefJe³ej, mJeefhveue A.C. Nielsen ORG- MARG Gurav, Shubham Singh, Steffi Xavier, cegmleHeÀe [e@keÌìj þeketÀj, efJeyesMe keÀekeÌkeÀeHeesFue, efJeÐee leebyeesUer DeeefCe Swapneel Thakur, Vibesh Kakkapoil, Vidya keÀe³eos efJe®eejkeÀ (mee@efueefmeìj) Mustafa Doctor Tamboli and Vipul Gharat. efJehegue Iejle. Advocate jepeve cesnje Rajan Mehra GÐeespekeÀ Entrepreneur efJeve³e meebIeer Vinay Sanghi GÐeespekeÀ Entrepreneur 4 MUMBAI REPORT CARD MUNICIPAL
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