GENETIC JOYCE STUDIES – Issue 10 (Spring 2010) Emendations to the Transcription of Finnegans Wake Notebook VI.B.14 Mikio Fuse, Robbert-Jan Henkes and Geert Lernout Most of the new sources were found during the Post Production Proofreading process on the jj-genetic discussion group, in the period January 2008 - June 2010. Wim Van Mierlo found Caradoc Evans and published his findings in Genetic Joyce Studies 7, Spring 2007. Dirk Van Hulle found the Dictionnaire and Diderot, Aida Yared was instrumental in finding the Soirées. All new newspaper sources were found by Mikio Fuse. Emendations of the items traced in newfound sources: by the discoverer of the source. All new MS/FW locations and all other emendations: by Mikio Fuse, unless otherwise indicated. All French quotes were translated by Geert Lernout and checked by Daniel Ferrer and Françoise Antiquaro. Ferrer and Antiquario also completed and corrected some of the new draft insertions. • Les Soirées - Jacques Boulenger & André Thérive, Les Soirées du Grammaire- Club, Paris, Librairie Plon, 1924 [Robbert-Jan Henkes, Mikio Fuse & Aida Yared] • Traveler’s Handbook for Normandy - Cook’s Traveler’s Handbook for Normandy & Brittany (1923) [Mikio Fuse] • Les Grandes Légendes - Édouard Schuré, Les Grandes Légendes de France, Paris, Perrin et Cie, 1921 (1892) [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • Les légendes du Mont-Saint-Michel - Étienne Dupont, Les légendes du Mont- Saint-Michel, Historiettes et anecdotes sur l’abbaye et les prisons, Perrin, Paris, n.d. (1924, Nouvelle édition) [Robbert-Jan Henkes] OR Joseph François Gabriel Hennequin, Esprit de L’Encyclopédie, ou recueil des articles les plus curieux et les plus intéressans de l’encyclopédie, en ce qui concerne l’histoire, la morale, la littérature et la philosophie (1822) [Mikio Fuse] OR Diderot - Encyclopédie, première édition, tome 5 [Dirk Van Hulle] • Dictionnaire - M. Sabbathier, Dictionnaire pour l’intelligence des auteurs classiques, Grecs et Latins, tant sacrés que profanes, contenant la géographie, l’histoire, la fable et les antiquités, vol. 14 (1773) [Dirk Van Hulle] 1 • Le Mont Saint-Michel inconnu - Étienne Dupont, Le Mont Saint-Michel Inconnu, D’après des documents inédits, Librairie Perrin et Cie., Paris 1912 [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • Les Gaulois - Albert Grenier, Les Gaulois, Collection Payot, 1923 [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • Annales, 1911 - Eugène Herpin, La Croix du Fief (article in the Annales de la société historique et archéologique de l'arrondissement de Saint-Malo, 1911) [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • Miscellanies - Edward FitzGerald, Miscellanies, London, MacMillan and Co, 1900 [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • Apocryphal New Testament - The Apocryphal New Testament, being the Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, Epistles, and Apocalyses, with Other Narratives and Fragments Newly Translated by Montague Rhodes James, Litt.D, F.B.A., F.S.A., Provost of Eton; Sometime Provost of King’s College, Cambridge, Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1924 [Robbert-Jan Henkes & Mikio Fuse] • Revue des Traditions Populaires - Yves Sébillot, Traditions et coutumes de Basse- Bretagne, X, Le mariage au pays Trégorrois, article in: Revue des Traditions Populaires, Recueil mensuel de mythologie, littérature orale, ethnographie traditionelle et art populaire, p.348-356, Paris 1904 [Robbert-Jan Henkes] [• La Bretagne et ses Traditions 2 - Paul-Yves Sébillot, La Bretagne et ses Traditions, les paysans, les pêcheurs, les métiers, le trépas, les mégalithes, les fontaines, les arbres, les fées, Maisonneuve et Larose 1998] [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • Selected Essays - Standish O’Grady, Selected Essays and Passages, Talbot Press, 1918 [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • The Megalithic Monuments - Zacharie Le Rouzic, The Megalithic Monuments of Carnac and Locmariaquer: Their Purpose and Age, with Five Views and One Map, translated by W.M. Tapp, Editions de La Bretagne Touristique, Saint-Brieuc, 1908 [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • Saint Vincent Ferrier - Matthieu-Maxime Gorce, Saint Vincent Ferrier (1350- 1419), Plon, Paris, 1924 [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • The Mongol in Our Midst - F.G. Crookshank, The Mongol in Our Midst, A Study of Man and His Three Faces, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co / New York, E.P. Dutton, 1924 [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • Gwynn, Leinster - Stephen Gwynn, Leinster, London, Blackie, 1911 [Mikio Fuse] 2 • Gwynn, Connaught - Stephen Gwynn, Connaught, London, Blackie, 1911 [Mikio Fuse] • Gwynn, Munster - Stephen Gwynn, Munster, London, Blackie, 1911 [Mikio Fuse] • Gwynn, Ulster - Stephen Gwynn, Ulster, London, Blackie, 1911 [Mikio Fuse] • Herbert Thurston, “The ‘Oscar Wilde’ Script in Its Bearing on Survival.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 49, March 1924, 14-28. [Mikio Fuse] • Aodh De Blacam, “Gaelic and Anglo-Irish Literature Compared.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 49, March 1924, 64-75. [Mikio Fuse] • Osborn Bergin (ed.), “Unpublished Irish Poems: XXV--On the Breaking Up of a School.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. 13, No. 49, March 1924, 85-90 [Mikio Fuse] • Daniel A. Binchy, “An Irish Ambassador at the Spanish Court--VI.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 49, March 1924, 115-28. [Mikio Fuse] • John J . Hannon., “Cosmology. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Matter. By Rev. John O'Neil.” Vol. 13, No. 49, March 1924, 166-8. [Mikio Fuse] • A. G., “Das Los Der Ohne Die Taufe Sterbenden Kinder. Ein Beitrag zur Heilslehre by W. Stockums.” Vol. 13, No. 49, March 1924, 170-2. [Mikio Fuse] • G. Van Gestel, “II: The St. Reinilda Congregation of Holland.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 49, March 1924, 130-39. [Mikio Fuse] • Paul Walsh, “Comments on the Foregoing Article--No. I.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, Vol. 13, No. 50, June 1924, 189-191 [Mikio Fuse] • Daniel. A. Binchy, “Comments on the Foregoing Article--No. II.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 50, June 1924, 191-94. [Mikio Fuse] • Thomas F. O’Rahilly, “Comments on the Foregoing Article--No. V.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 50, June 1924, 198-200. [Mikio Fuse] • W. F. Butler, “Irish Land Tenures: Celtic and Foreign.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 50, June 1924, 291-305. [Mikio Fuse] 3 • Aubrey Gwynn, “Some Recent Books about Lourdes.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 50, June 1924, 306-13. [Mikio Fuse] • E.K., “IRELAND AND WALES. Their historical and literary relations. By Cecile O’Rahilly.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 50, June 1924, 321-4. [Mikio Fuse] • T.C. “SAINT FRANCOIS DE SALES, DIRECTEUR D’AMES.” Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review Vol. 13, No. 50, June 1924, 331-2. [Mikio Fuse] • Battles and Enchantments - Norreys Jephson O’Conor, Battles and Enchantments, Retold from Early Gaelic Literature, Houghton Mifflin Company (Boston and New York) & The Riverside Press Cambridge, 1922 [Mikio Fuse] • L’âme nègre - Maurice Delafosse, L’âme nègre, Payot, Paris, 1922 [Robbert-Jan Henkes] • My People - Caradoc Evans, My People: Tales of the Peasantry of West Wales, London, Andrew Melrose, Ltd., London, 1916 (1905) [Wim Van Mierlo (See GJS 7.)] VI.B.14.003 (a) carence de pouvoir Note: Fr. Carence de pouvoir. Deficiency of power. Les Soirées 242: N’oubliez-pas que la multitude est suspendue à notre verdict, et que nous ne pouvons offrir, comme on dit en langue politique, l’exemple fâcheux d’une carence de pouvoir. [Don’t forget that the multitude depends on our judgment and we cannot give them the bad example, to use political parlance, of a deficiency of power.] VI.C.15.264(e) (b) les incises Note: Fr. Les incises. Embedded clauses. See (d). Les Soirées 243: Il y a dans les tours précités des incises presque admises par l’usage. Tels sont: reconnut, insista, et à la rigueur ponctua.” [...] “Vous savez que les incises de la conversation mise en récit doivent être essentiellement vagues et passer presque inaperçues. Elles se réduisent à des espèces de signes de ponctuation.” [In the above turns of phrase there are embedded clauses that are almost accepted in usage, such as: reconnut, insista, and even ponctua.” […] “You know that the embedded clauses in a narrated conversation must remain vague, they should hardly be noticed at all. They function almost like a sort of punctuation sign.] VI.C.15.264(f) 4 (c) Marmontel Note: Jean-François Marmontel (1723-99). Disciple of Voltaire, poet, critic, dramatist, author of the Contes moraux (1767-77), and four volumes of Mémoires (1800-05). He was frequently quoted by grammarians and critics of the nineteenth century. He might be the author of the quotation below. Les Soirées 244: C’est ainsi que nos aïeux usaient de dit-il, fis-je, répondit-il, avec une surabondance qui nous choque presque aujourd’hui. C’est Marmontel, je crois, qui prit l’habitude de les supprimer et de marquer la conversation par des alinéas et des tirets. [This is how our ancestors used dit-il, fis-je, répondit-il, with an abandon that is almost shocking today. It was Marmontel, I think, who had the habit to suppress them and to mark conversations by paragraphs and dashes.] VI.C.15.264(g) (d) s’emporta-t-il Note: Fr. S’emporta-t-il. He raged. The inversion of the subject is characteristic of an embedded clause. See (b). Les Soirées 244: Il arrive aussi que les verbes trop longs, mis en incise, soient cacophoniques. Songez qu’il y a pléthore de verbes de la première conjugaison, qui risquent d’envahir les autres. D’où ces horreurs: s’emporta-t-elle, lamenta-t-il. On dirait des noms de produits chimiques! [It also happens that verbs that are too long, when used in an embedded clause, become cacophonic. Especially when there is a plethora of words of the first conjugation, which risk to invade the others. Thus horrors like: s’emporta-t- elle, lamenta-t-il. They sound like the names of chemical products!] VI.C.15.264(h) (e) Fr. anti-verb Les Soirées 245: Le français, en effet, répugne à faire porter aucun accent sur le verbe.
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