Monroe MONRO35 C0MMUNIT7 COIXJ VOLUME 27 NUMBER 28 DOCTRINE MAY 15,1989 Kormalos, Love elected to head 89-90 senate By Holly Kozelsky caught the student body's interests Another driving force in Korma- what a group of students wanted. and concerns, Dan Allinger attributed los's campaign was a smokers' Kormalos's first plans for office By a 130 vote margin, Student the higher turnout. "There was more protest, which gained him the are to meet with administration and Senators John Kormalos and Joseph of a concern this year with [issues backing of both smokers and non- students to get an idea of the issues to Love have been voted in as Student such as] child care and parking. Also, smokers alike. Kormalos, in protest of be faced next year. But for now? Association president and vice both [Kormalos and opponent Kathy the smoking section of the Cafeteria "Take a vacation!" he laughs. president, respectively. They will Hennelly] campaigned hard and which is often considered too small to Kormalos will spend the join Dion Raymond as student showed a lot of enthusiasm." accommodate its smokers. Kormalos remainder of this semester working representative, Board of Trustees, The race was close, with Hennelly organized a group of approximately closely with Allinger to receive some and Debbi LaFave, Melody Martinez, and vice presidential running mate 50 students to smoke cigarettes in the training. Allinger is trying to help Tim Miller and Stacey Penlon as Ralph Tetta appearing to have the Cafeteria, outside of the smoking Kormalos avoid many of the senators to serve as the student edge at first. Kormalos's success is area. The protest was interrupted by problems that he has faced due to a government from commencement on attributed, in part, to his the appearance of several Public lack of advisorship in the Senate. June 6, 1989, to commencement day campaigning during the two days of Safety officials. Allinger is also currently trying to 1990. elections, rather than the week After the smokers' strike, recruit a faculty member to serve the Six hundred sixty-six students before that Hennelly and Tetta Kormalos was approached by a non- Senate as advisor. turned out to vote in the May 8 and 9 concentrated on. smoker who said that though he The present members of the Senate elections, over 200 more than partici- "That's how you get people to the would not benefit from any addition will join the future members in the pated in the 1988 elections. polls," Student Association President to the smokers' lounge, he was Old/New Senate Workshop to train "A lot more hype this year" Dan Allinger explained. impressed by Kormalos's stand for for the year ahead. Tribunes end season undefeated, number one seed By Chris Thorns victorious from this tourney but were with a 4.43 ERA. Sophomore out- Fry was assisted by the batting of a bit reprehensible because as assis- fielder Jim Wintermute backed up Stefano with a two for three outing, It is the ninth inning for the MCC tant coach Jack Christensen puts it, Robinson with great work in the out- one home run, and one RBI. men's baseball team. The Tribunes "Baseball's a funny game." The re- field and hitting three out of four, a During the second game Jim head into post season play sporting a sults of this tourney were unavailable triple, a home run, and three RBIs at Wintermute hit three baseballs and 27-0 record, a seventh place ranking to this editor at the time of composi- the plate. Also helping out were batted in three runners. Bill Guzik in the nation, a coach with 511 wins, tion. sophomore outfielder Rocky Stefano, went two for four, hit a homer, and an undefeated starting pitching staff, The last two double headers of the who hit the ball each of the three had two baserunners cross home plate and a murderers row of hitters who season were four reasons out of 27 why times he was at bat for a home run because of his diligence with a bat. aren't afraid to spare the lumber. the Team of Champions of the People and three runs batted in; second year Freshman pitching sensation picked Over the weekend the MCC Men of of MCC were so highly placed in the man Brian Stevens by hitting two for up his sixth win with seven Spring entered the NJCAA Region III tournament. On Thursday, May 4, the four with a three run homer and four strikeouts as MCC won 9-1. tournament, held in Jamestown, N.Y., Tribunes traveled to Niagara CC and RBIs; and major league baseball So the Tribunes have ended their as the number one seed. Their oppo- scored 32 runs as opposed to their foe's draftee Bob Hurlbutt batted two for regular season and had an obviously nents, in order of placement, will be 0. four with two doubles and three RBIs. successful one. They outscored their 17-5 Broome CC, 15-9 Jamestown, 19- In the first game out of the two In the second game the freshmen of opponents 318-63. Batted on average 13 CCFL, 9-8-1 Hudson CC, and 10-9 sophomore Ken Robinson threw a one MCC took control as Eric Knapp .389 as opposed to their opponent's Mohawk Valley CC. The Tribunes hitter, walked two, and struck out handcuffed Niagara and Kevin .199. Wintermute led all MCC were obviously favored to emerged six, for the W to up his record to 3-0 Neenan smacked a grand slam home sluggers with a .555 average, Stevens run in the first inning. The game fell broke the two year home run record under the league's 10 run rule as MCC with 12 home runs, and Hurlbutt bat- ran the score to 15-0 after five in- ted across home plate 43 times. In the Doctrine staffs illegal drinking nings. Catcher Kevin O'Connell went pitching department, Fry was the two for two for the day with a home strikeout leader with 44 in 33 innings jeopardizes future of newspaper run and three RBIs. Also contributing and Cole had the lowest earned run to the victory were Kevin Harrison average. and Brian Stevens as they hit two This may be the end of the regular home runs each. By Carl Rosenfield Public Safety has so far been unable season but it looks to be the beginning to determine who purchased or On Saturday, May 6, a team from of a spectacular post season and pos- On Thursday, April 20, three Mon- brought in the alcohol and are contin- Hilbert Junior College came to MCC sibly a trip to the NJCAA World Se- roe Doctrine staff members were uing their investigation. According to and attempted to do something no one ries in Grand Junction, Colorado, on found with alcoholic beverages in the Gigliotti, those involved may face dis- else could do - beat the Tribs. Alas, May 28-June 3. They have a lot of MD office. These individuals were ap- ciplinary probation or possible our team overcame the challenge and fielding, pitching, and hitting to do won both games of a doubleheader 5-0 proached by Public Safety officers and suspension. in the meantime, but as Coach Chris- asked for their student ID, then ques- and 9-1. tensen says, "Baseball's a funny tioned individually about the incident. According to one staff member, In the first contest Brian Fry game." Questioning allegedly revealed that Gigliotti has stated that no one will be pitched a one hitter and struck out 10. two other staff members had been in- arrested in connection with the alleged ; volved in the incident before the Pub- purchase of alcohol for minors. An- • lie Safety officers arrived. All five staff other member said that Gigliotti has members were further interrogated by told those involved that, if the identity I both Public Safety investigator Martin of the individual who purchased the INSIDE THIS ISSUE... Gilmore and Ronald Gigliotti, associ- alcohol is not discovered, all of those . ate vice president of student affairs. involved will be considered suspect Most members were charged with and face the same punishment. violating either numbers 8 or 13 of the If those involved are put on proba- Unknown Comic revealed 2 * Student Conduct Codes. These num- tion or suspended from school their bers designate the possession or con- involvement with the Monroe Doc- Lady Tribs end good year 3 sumption of alcoholic beverages on trine would be terminated, though one . campus, and performing any action member of the staff stated that that breaks any law of New York state, Gigliotti may look into a way for some Golfers advance to nationals 4 Monroe county, or the town of to still contribute to the publication if Brighton. probation was implemented. 2. Monroe Doctrine. May ID, nyoa. FEATURES MONROE DOCTRTPil Newman becomes known comic on campus This stand-up hour filled with laughs and did not laugh. Not by any fault of pitted Lima native (something which similar between Yoko Ono and h By Chris Thorns Caputo's - you can't laugh too well Ethiopians. Answer was, "They *r he didn't seem proud of) Dirck Van when you're stuffing your face. Voorhis, the robust Jim Caputo, and both living off dead Beatles." You're hungry. You decide to take Then vice presidential candidate, Yes, you guessed it, Mr. Newmai a trip down to Building 3, past the Jeff Newman (or lovingly referred to Sir El Ralphio, the Farceur of Fan- as "Poppy") against each other since emerged victorious on the night as th S.A.
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