PROMOTING NATIONAL SECURITY SINCE 1919 2011 GROUND ROBOTICS CAPABILITIES CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION Supported by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Ground Robotics Enterprise “Saving Lives, Saving $ – Are Robot Recruits the Answer?” LOEWS ROYAL PACIFIC ORLANDO, FL MARCH 22–24, 2011 Page 1 Page 1 WWW.NDIA.ORG/MEETINGS/1380 EVENT #1380 2011 GROUND ROBOTICS CAPABILITIES CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2011 4:00 pm-6:30 pm REGISTRATION OPENS 5:00 pm-6:30 pm NETWORKING RECEPTION Sponsored by: 5:50 pm-6:20pm “Indoor demos of cutting-edge robotics technologies”- Exhibit Hall QinetiQ, Black i Robotics & Recon Robotics WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2011 7:00 am-8:00 am REGISTRATION AND CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Sponsored by: 8:00 am WELCOME 8:05 am ADMINISTRATIVE COMMENTS uVADM Joe Dyer, USN (Ret) COO, iRobot & Robotics Division Chair, NDIA 8:10 am OSD INTRODUCTION uMr. Jose Gonzalez, Deputy Director, OSD Land Warfare & Munitions 8:15 am-9:15 am KEYNOTE SPEAKER uGen James Cartwright, USMC, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff 9:15 am-10:15 am GOVERNMENT CHIEF ROBOTICIST PANEL Moderator: Dr. Greg Hudas, Chief Technologist, RDECOM TARDEC Robotics uDr. Jim Overholt, Senior Research Scientist-Robotics, Tank and Automotive Research Center, U.S. Army uMr. Byron Brezina, Robotics Technologist Acquisition & Technology Department Naval EOD Technology Division, U.S. Navy uDr. Gill Pratt, Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office, DARPA uMr. Michael Bruch, Ground Vehicle Autonomy Lead, Office of Naval Research, USMC uDr. Jeffrey Wit, Senior Research Scientist, Air Force Research Laboratory, Robotics Research Group, USAF 10:15 am-10:30 am BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL Sponsored by: 10:30 am-11:00 am GUEST SPEAKER uMr. Scott Davis, Program Executive Officer for Ground Combat Systems, U.S. Army 10:30 am-11:00 am GUEST SPEAKER uMr. Jon Dudas, President of FIRST 11:30 am-12:30 pm FT. BLISS LESSONS LEARNED PANEL Moderator: MG Robert Brown, Commanding General, The Maneuver Center of Excellence uCol Daniel Pinnell, Commander, 2nd Brigade 1st Armored Division 12:30 pm-1:00 pm GUEST SPEAKER uLTG Michael Vane, Army Capabilities Integrations Center 1:00 pm-2:30 pm LUNCH & AWARD PRESENTATIONS Sponsored by: 2:30 pm-5:00 pm “Indoor & Outdoor demos of cutting-edge robotics technologies” ARA Segway Charles Rivier Analytics SPAWAR Harris Square-1 iRobot CMU/NREC MacroUSA Lockheed Martin Page 1 Robo-team Palfinger QinetiQ TORC 2011 GROUND ROBOTICS CAPABILITIES CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2011 3:40 pm-4:00 pm BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL & OUTDOOR DEMOS Sponsored by: 5:00 pm-6:30 pm GRAND RECEPTION Sponsored by: 6:00 pm-6:20 pm “Indoor demos of cutting-edge robotics technologies”- Exhibit Hall iRobot & Remotec THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 2011 7:00 am-8:00 am REGISTRATION AND CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST Sponsored by: 8:00 am OPENING REMARKS uVADM Joe Dyer, USN (Ret) COO, iRobot & Robotics Division Chair, NDIA 8:10 am-8:40 am GUEST SPEAKER uCapt Robert Allen, Tactical Operations, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office 8:40 am-9:20 am KEYNOTE SPEAKER uMr. Frank Kendall, Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, OSD 9:20 am-9:40 am JGRE UPDATE uMr. Rob Maline, Director, Joint Ground Robotics Enterprise, OSD 9:40 am-10:00 am BREAK IN EXHIBIT HALL 10:00 am-10:30 am GUEST SPEAKER uLtCol David Thompson, Project Manager, Robotic Systems Joint Program Office 10:30 am-11:15 am GUEST SPEAKERS uMr. David Heaven, National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board uMr. Tony Detrick, Technical Support Working Group 11:15 am-12:45 pm WARFIGHTER/USER PANEL Moderator: LtCol David Thompson, Project Manager, Robotic Systems Joint Program Office uMaj Patrick Reynolds, LCE Branch Head, Technology Division Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory uCapt Robert Allen, Tactical Operations, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office uEODCS Sean Robertson, Chair, JSEOD Equipment Review Board uCapt Thomas Eckel, USAF EOD uSFC Neal Feldman, Combat Engineer 12:45 pm WRAP UP uMr. Rob Maline, Director, Joint Ground Robotics Enterprise, OSD 1:00 pm CONFERENCE ADJOURNED Page 1 Page 2 2011 GROUND ROBOTICS CAPABILITIES CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION EXHIBITOR INFORMATION BY COMPANY: Air Force Research Laboratory 210 American Reliance, Inc. (AMREL) 112 AnthoTronix, Inc. 101 Applied Research Associates 306 ARDEC 620 Autonomous Solutions 213 Autonomoustuff 206 Black i Robotics 319 Broadcast Microwave Services 610 C4ISR Journal & Defense News 609 Charles River Analytics, Inc. 101 Chatten Associates, Inc. 101 Cobham Tactical Communications & Surveillance 209 Contineo Robotics 516 DARPA 601 Harris Corporation 618 HDT Engineered Technologies 402 IMT 220 iRobot Corporation 302 JAUS Tool Set 215 Kairos Autonomi 305 Lockheed Martin 108 Macro USA Corporation 101 MAS Zengrange Ltd. 514 Mesa Technologies 107 Morpho Detection- formerly GE security 611 National Robotics Engineering Center 221 National Robotics Training Center 315 Navy EOD Technology Division 612 Northrop Grumman Remotec 502 Oceaneering Space Systems 101 Oshkosh Defense 212 Packaging Strategies 219 Patco Electronics; Division of TRC 205 QinetiQ North America 520 Quantum 3D 111 RE2, Inc. 201 ReconRobotics, Inc. 202 Roboteam 616 Robotic Research, LLC 222 Robotics Technology Consortium - RTC 101 Schafer 109 Segway Robotics 313 Silvus Technologies 113 Simulator Systems International 622 SPAWAR 114 Square One Systems Design Inc. 101 SRI International 218 SRI International - Sarnoff 101 Stratom, Inc. 309 Tactical Defense Media inc. 216 The Boeing Company 613 Themis Computer 101 Think-A-Move, Ltd. 311 TORC 510 University of Michigan-GRRC 214 Vecna Technologies 317 Page 3 Virtus Advanced Sensors 101 2011 GROUND ROBOTICS CAPABILITIES CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION EXHIBITOR INFORMATION BY BOOTH #: Robotics Technology Consortium - RTC 101 AnthoTronix, Inc. 101 Charles River Analytics, Inc. 101 Chatten Associates, Inc. 101 Macro USA Corporation 101 Oceaneering Space Systems 101 Square One Systems Design, Inc. 101 SRI International – Sarnoff 101 Themis Computer 101 Virtus Advanced Sensors 101 Mesa Technologies 107 Lockheed Martin 108 Schafer 109 Quantum3D 111 American Reliance, Inc. (AMREL) 112 Silvus Technologies 113 SPAWAR 114 RE2, Inc. 201 ReconRobotics, Inc. 202 Patco Electronics; Division of TRC 205 Autonomoustuff 206 Cobham Tactical Communications & Surveillance 209 Air Force Research Laboratory 210 Oshkosh Defense 212 Autonomous Solutions 213 University of Michigan - GRRC 214 JAUS Tool Set 215 Tactical Defense Media Inc. 216 SRI International 218 Packaging Strategies 219 IMT 220 National Robotics Engineering Center 221 Robotic Research, LLC 222 iRobot Corporation 302 Kairos Autonomi 305 Applied Research Associates 306 Stratom, Inc. 309 Think-A-Move, Ltd. 311 Segway Robotics 313 National Robotics Training Center 315 Vecna Technologies 317 Black i Robotics 319 HDT Engineered Technologies 402 Northrop Grumman Remotec 502 TORC 510 MAS Zengrange Ltd. 514 Contineo Robotics 516 QinetiQ North America 520 DARPA 601 C4ISR Journal & Defense News 609 Broadcast Microwave Services 610 Morpho Detection - formerly GE Security 611 Navy EOD Technology Division 612 The Boeing Company 613 Roboteam 616 Harris Corporation 618 Page 3 ARDEC 620 Page 4 Simulator Systems International 622 2011 GROUND ROBOTICS CAPABILITIES CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION EXHIBIT HALL FLOOR PLAN Page 5 2011 GROUND ROBOTICS CAPABILITIES CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION EXHIBITOR PROFILES: Air Force Research Laboratory- Booth # 210: The Robotics Research Group of the Air Force Research Laboratory concentrates its research on developing systems that augment and support the warfighter for dull, dirty, dangerous, and impossible mission tasks. Research efforts are focused on the application of robotic technologies in response to existing and emerging USAF and DoD needs. American Reliance, Inc. (AMREL). - Booth # 112: AMREL uses their well-known ROCKY rugged, mobile, computing platforms to design and manufacture customized, interoperable solutions. Combat-proven AMREL computers are independently certified for MIL-STDs 810/461. By employing field-expedient swappable modules, AMREL’s patent- pending Flexpedient® Solutions enable one OCU to control multiple unmanned systems. Common control is here and now. Visit www.commoncontrol.com. Applied Research Associates - Booth # 306: Applied Research Associates (ARA) is an international research and engineering company with a broad range of expertise in defense technologies, civil engineering, computer software and simulation, systems analysis, environmental technologies, and blast testing and measurement. We also manufacture robotic vehicles and technical products for environmental site characterization and pavement evaluation. ARDEC - Booth # 620: ARDEC is an internationally acknowledged hub for the advancement of armaments technology and engineering innovation. Our mission is to develop, maintain, execute and manage integrated life cycle engineering processes required for the research, development, production, field support and demilitarization of munitions, weapons, fire control and associated items. Autonomous Solutions - Booth # 213: Autonomous Solutions has long been a leader in vehicle automation, payload development for EOD robots, and JAUS C2 software. While its main business continues to be vehicle automation for mining, agricultural, and military applications, the company also has programs in autonomous manipulation, long-range perception, and 3D world-building. Autonomoustuff - Booth # 206: Autonomoustuff is a leader in specialized high tech product distribution
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