a 7.90 D European & Security ES & Defence 1/2016 International Security and Defence Journal Armoured Vehicles ISSN 1617-7983 • www.euro-sd.com • “Our citizens ask for a better Union” Future Soldier Systems Federica Mogherini on the future of Europe’s Foreign and Some 40 countries are conducting comprehensive force Security Policy in the light of new threats modernisation programmes COUNTRY FOCUS: AUSTRIA February 2016 Politics · Armed Forces · Procurement · Technology THE FUTURE OF EMBEDDED TRAINING CHOOSE MEGGITT. Flexible design for flexible training solutions The Meggitt Training Systems Simulation-Based Embedded Training Software Package, the first of its kind ET collective training solution distributed en mass to an Army, is installed in the Stryker Light Armoured Vehicle variant. This innovative software has been in-service for 10 years and can be found in three variants; Remote Weapons Station (RWS), Mobile Gun System (MGS) and the Antitank Guided Missile (ATGM). It provides simultaneous training with multiple networked Embedded Training or Standalone systems, with the potential to connect to an Instructor Operator Station (IOS). The Distributed fr-ca.meggitttrainingsystems.com Interactive Simulation (DIS) and High Level Architecture (HLA) meggitttrainingsystems.com compliant standards enable connectivity either wirelessly or through a wired network. In excess of 2000 fielded solutions have been delivered. Meggitt perfects the products that ensure the preparedness and safety of the forces that protect us. European-security-Canada-ad-2016.indd 1 11/18/2015 10:56:38 AM Editorial The OSCE is Facing Great Challenges On 1 January 2016, Germany took over the as well as the USA belongs to the OSCE. chair for a year in the Organisation for Se- How difficult this is, however, became ap- curity and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) parent during the Ukraine crisis. whose participating states include all Eu- Even starting a mere dialogue of the 57 ropean countries, the USA, Canada, the OSCE member states often appears to successor states of the Soviet Union, as well be an insoluble problem. This was the as Mongolia. The OSCE promotes humani- experience of a team managed by of the tarian, economic, ecological and technical German diplomat Wolfgang Ischinger. The co-operation and often sends election ob- group of ex-politicians, diplomats and sci- servers. The main executive body is the Per- entists was to undertake damage assess- manent Council. The Secretariat in Vienna ment of the Ukraine crisis and to explore has approximately 200 employees. More the possibilities of a dialogue on European than 2,500 additional people work for the security. However, they only agreed on organisation in missions and offices in 17 the fact that the situation offered “seri- countries. The annual budget amounted to ous risks”. Opinions suddenly differed €145 million in 2013. The predecessor of regarding how the crisis originated. Thus, the OSCE was the Conference on Security three different versions exist in parallel and Co-Operation in Europe (CSCE). The in the group´s report: that of the West, signature of the CSCE Final Act in Helsinki that of Russia, and that of the “states in- in 1975 contributed to detente in the East- between”. West conflict. In 1994, the CSCE was The OSCE is facing great challenges. renamed OSCE. At the time, in Paris the Besides the security situation, topics of states agreed upon the visionary concept business and the environment should be of a security community encompassing the more prominent under the German chair. continent from Vancouver to Vladivostok, The organisation is to position itself more which they still confirmed at an OSCE strongly on tolerance and media freedom summit in Istanbul in 1999. The states com- and to name deficits in the member mitted themselves not to pursue their own states. So that the OSCE can master security interests to the detriment of other all these challenges, German Foreign states in the OSCE, a topic which is more Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier wants important than ever today. to ensure that the organisation receives However, many people felt anxious in view more funds. However, to make sure that of the crises and wars within and on the the OSCE can do effective work, it must borders of Europe. Thus, new tensions be strengthened as an organisation. The developed, this time with many states of fact that the states in the OSCE call them- the former Warsaw Pact on the side of selves “participating states” rather than NATO. As a result, a renewal of the Treaty member states shows that they remain on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe stuck in the transition from Conference (CFE) failed, due to differences of opinion to Organisation. Yet to implement pro- regarding the stationing of Russian sol- posals, the German Government must diers in the Republic of Moldova and in convince each of the 57 OSCE states, be- Georgia. “Since the 2000´s, the OSCE has cause the principle of unanimity applies. experienced an erosion in the discharging All the same, there is a broad consensus of its obligations”, explained a high-rank- that the OSCE is important as a platform ing diplomat of the German Foreign Of- for dialogue on security issues. With its fice. However, the Ukrainian conflict acted chairmanship, Germany has the power to as a catalyst for the revival of the OSCE, some extent to create new trust and with because, principally, the OSCE has the in- it to make Europe safer again. struments to stem violent conflicts. Russia Henning Bartels February 2016 · European Security & Defence 3 Content Strategic Defence & Security Review 2015 “Make in India” After an almost uninterrupted series of reductions in Under the banner of an ambitious programme India is re- equipment and personnel since the end of the Cold War, inventing the basket of military diplomacy as the country the UK's SDSR 2015 heralds modest increases in force aims to transform itself from the world's largest arms numbers and capabilities. Page 13 importer into a defence manufacturing hub. Page 82 SECURITY POLICY 38 “Our acquisition role is expanding.” Interview with Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (retd.) Mike Lyden, 10 The Future of European Foreign and General Manager of the NATO Support and Procurement Security Policy Agency (NSPA) Federica Mogherini 13 United Kingdom Strategic Defence & Security ARMOURED VEHICLES Review 2015 41 To Buy and to Sell Conrad Waters Evolving Armoured Vehicle Markets in Europe and the 18 “Such expensive ultra-precision is often not Middle East needed at all...” David Saw Russian Air Campaign over Syria 45 Middle and Far East Will Stay the Most Georg Mader Attractive Defence Markets Nail Kurt COUNTRY FOCUS: AUSTRIA 46 The Driving Force 21 On Austrian Security and Defence Policy Tim Mahon Gerald Karner 51 Situational Awareness in Armoured Vehicles 24 Implementation of Austria’s National Security Tamir Eshel Strategy and Defence Policy 58 The Perfect Shield? Günter Höfler Armour Evolution and Development David Saw 28 “Rarely any applause...” Interview with Lt. Gen. Norbert Gehart, ARMAMENT & TECHNOLOGY Austrian General Staff section-III “Provision” 31 Austria’s Security and Defence Industry 63 Future Warriors Interview with Reinhard Marak, CEO, Soldier Systems and Other Technologies of the Future Austrian Defence & Security Industry Group Jan-Phillipp Weisswange 32 Silver Lining over Austrian Skies? 68 Understanding Individual Needs in Georg Mader Future Soldier Systems Tim Guest ARMED FORCES 73 Less than Lethal Weapons Jan-Phillipp Weisswange 35 Exercise Trident Junction Certifies NATO Response Force 78 Promoting European Armaments Cooperation Nicholas Fiorenza Florian Seiller, Wolfgang Sagmeister and Alois Preineder 4 European Security & Defence · February 2016 INDUSTRY & MARKETS 80 “We cannot compromise on safety or COUNTRY focUS: AUstria Pages 21-34 on the quality of testing.” Interview with Fernando Alonso Fernández, Airbus Defence & Space, Executive Vice President Military Aircraft 82 An Onerous Task The “Make-in-India” Initiative in the Defence Sector Jay Menon 86 “Investment in Democratisation” Interview with Paulo Amorim, Chief Executive Officer of Condor (Brazil) COLUMNS 3 Editorial VIEWPOINT FROM … 6 Periscope 17 Ankara: Hard Problems to be Solved 20 Masthead Cengizhan Çatal 88 Firms & Faces 76 New Delhi: Sand, Sea and Shells 90 Preview Jay Menon Periscope Italy Transfers Assets and engaging assets assigned by Participat- amounts now to more than 220 military air to EATC ing Nations to this European initiative. The transport aircraft representing over 60 % (df) Transfer of most of the Italian Air Force European Air Transport Command, located of all military air transport assets in Europe. air transport, air-to-air refuelling and aero- at Eindhoven (NL), implements the Pooling The members of EATC are Belgium, France, medical evacuation assets under the op- and Sharing concept in the sector of mili- Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands tary air transport, in line with the Common and Spain. Security and Defense Policy. Its objective is to improve and optimize the management GMLRS AW for of available resources, thanks to standard- the U.S. Army ized procedures and the employment of a (df) Orbital ATK has been awarded a €13 common fleet, larger than individual coun- million contract by Lockheed Martin to (Photo: Italian Air Force) tries’ ones, with considerable cost savings. produce its Guided Multiple Launch Rocket The Italian “Transfer of Authority” will be implemented for 31 assets, including C- 27J, C-130J, and KC-767 aircraft. The Italian erational leadership of the European Air Air Force can regain control of the aircraft Transport Command (EATC) has been for- based on national requirements thanks to mally implemented on January 12, 2016. the envisaged Revoke Transfer of Author- (Graphic: Orbital ATK) Inaugurated in 2010, EATC is the multina- ity mechanism. These 31 assets are now tional command tasked with managing part of the EATC multinational fleet, which System (GMLRS) Alternative Warhead (AW) for the U.S.
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