Rhode Island Hazardous Substance List

Rhode Island Hazardous Substance List

Rhode Island Hazardous Substance List Source: T - ACGIH F - NFPA49 C - IARC Alphabetical Order C.A.S. ACGIH NFPA IARC CHEMICAL NAME 13010-47-4 C 1,-(2-Chloroethyl)-3-cyclohexyl-1-Nitrosourea 76-11-9 T 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro-2,2-difluoroethane 76-12-0 T 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro-1,2-difluoroethane 79-34-5 T 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane - skin 76-13-1 T 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 79-00-5 T F C 1,1,2-trichloroethane - skin 594-72-9 T 1,1-Dichloro-1-nitroethane 74-34-3 T 1,1-dichloroethane 57-14-7 T 1,1-dimethylhydrazine (udmh) 96-18-4 T 1,2,3-trichloropropane 120-82-1 T 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 106-88-7 F 1,2-Butylene oxide 107-15-3 T F 1,2-Diaminoethane 96-12-8 C 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 106-93-4 T F C 1,2-Dibromoethane - skin 107-06-2 T F 1,2-Dichlorethane 540-59-0 T F 1,2-Dichloroethene 540-59-0 T F 1,2-Dichloroetylene 1615-80-1 C 1,2-Diethylhydrazine C 1,2-Dimethyl hydrazine - skin 106-99-0 T F 1,3-Butadiene 118-52-5 T 1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin 542-75-6 T F 1,3-Dichloropropene (cis and trans) 542-75-6 T F 1,3-Dichloropropylene 110-56-5 F 1,4-Dichlorobutane 123-91-1 T F C 1,4-Dioxane 1120-71-4 1-3-Propane sultone 110-53-2 F 1-Bromopentane 106-89-8 T F C 1-Chloro,2,3-epoxy-propane 600-25-9 T 1-Chloro-1-nitropropane 97-00-7 F 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene 543-59-9 F 1-Chloropentane 112-30-1 F 1-Decanol 111-27-3 F 1-Hexanol 141-79-7 T F 1-Isobutenyl methyl ketone 108-03-2 T F 1-Nitropropane 71-41-0 F 1-Pentanol 110-58-7 F 1-Pentylamine 111-40-0 T F 2,2'-Diaminodiethylamine 111-44-4 F 2,2'Dichlorodiethyl ether 75-99-0 T 2,2-dichloropropionic acid 556-52-5 T 2,3-Epoxy-1-propanol 93-76-5 T 2,4,5-T 95-95-4 F 2,4,5-trichlorophenol 88-06-2 F C 2,4,6-trichlorophenol 118-96-7 T F 2,4,6-Trinitro Toluene 479-95-8 T 2,4,6-Trinitrophenyl-methylnitramine 94-75-7 T 2,4-d (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) 97-02-9 F 2,4-dinitroaniline 584-84-9 T F 2,4-Tolylene diisocyanate 108-83-8 T 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone 108-83-8 T 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone 128-37-0 T 2,6-Ditert. butyl-p-cresol 141-43-5 T F 2-Aminoethanol 504-29-0 T 2-Aminopyridine 123-73-9 T F 2-Butenal 111-76-2 T 2-Butoxyethanol - skin 126-99-8 T 2-Chloro-1,3-butadiene 1929-82-4 T 2-Chloro-6-(trichloromethyl) pyridine 107-07-3 T 2-Chloroethanol 110-80-5 T 2-Ethoxyethanol - skin 111-15-9 T 2-Ethoxyethyl acetate - skin 97-95-0 F 2-ethylbutanol 123-66-0 F 2-Ethylbutyl acetate 103-11-7 F 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate 110-43-0 T 2-Heptanone 591-78-6 T 2-Hexanone 75-86-5 F 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropaneitrile 75-86-5 F 2-Hydroxy-2-methylpropanenitrile 141-43-5 T F 2-Hydroxyethylamine 999-61-1 T 2-Hydroxypropyl acrylate - skin 109-86-4 T 2-Methoxyethanol - skin 110-49-6 T 2-Methoxyethyl acetate - skin 75-85-4 F 2-methyl-2-butanol 75-69-4 F 2-methyl-2-propanol 108-10-1 T F 2-Methyl-4-pentanone 96-17-3 F 2-methylbutyraldehyde 102-81-8 T 2-N-Dibutylaminoethanol - skin 79-46-9 T F 2-nitropropane 6032-29-7 F 2-Pentanol 107-87-9 T 2-Pentanone 119-90-4 C 3,3' Dimethoxybenzidine 91-94-1 T C 3,3'-dichlorobenzidine - skin 119-93-7 T C 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 95-76-1 F 3,4-dichloroaniline 148-01-6 T 3,5-Dinitro-o-toluamide 2148-01-6 T 3,5-Dinitro-o-tolumide 106-95-6 F 3-Bromopropene-1 106-96-7 F 3-Bromopropyne 107-05-1 T F 3-Chloropropene 106-35-4 T F 3-Heptanone 109-78-4 F 3-Hydroxypropanenitrile 584-02-1 F 3-Pentanol 101-14-4 T 4,4'-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) - skin 101-77-9 T 4,4-Methylene dianiline - skin 96-69-5 T 4,4'-thiobis (6-tert-butyl-m-cresol) 92-67-1 T C 4-aminobiphenyl 123-42-2 T 4-Hydroxy-4-methyl-2-pentanone 150-76-5 T 4-Methoxyphenol 92-93-3 T 4-nitrobiphenyl 104-90-5 F 5-Ethyl-2-methylpyridine 104-90-5 F 5-Ethyl-2-picoline 541-85-5 T 5-Methyl-3-heptanone 194-59-2 C 7H-Dibenzo(c.g.)carbazone 3383-96-8 T Abate 75-07-0 T F acetaldehyde 64-19-7 T F acetic acid glacial 108-24-7 T F Acetic Anhydride 67-64-1 T F acetone 75-05-8 T F acetonitrile 98-86-2 F acetophenone 75-36-5 F acetyl chloride 110-22-5 F Acetyl peroxide 74-86-2 T F acetylene 540-59-0 T F Acetylene dichloride 79-27-6 T F acetylene tetrabromide 107-02-8 T F Acrolein 100-73-2 F Acrolein dimer 79-06-1 T acrylamide - skin 79-10-7 T F acrylic acid 107-13-1 T F C Acrylonitrile - skin 124-04-9 F Adipic acid 111-69-3 F Adiponitrile 23214-92-8 C Adriamycin 1402-68-2 C Aflatoxins 309-00-2 T F Aldrin -skin F Alkylaluminums 107-18-6 T F allyl alcohol - skin 106-95-6 F Allyl Bromide 107-05-1 T F Allyl chloride 2937-50-0 F Allyl Chlorocarbonate 2937-50-0 F Allyl chloroformate 106-92-3 T Allyl glycidyl ether (AGE) - skin 2179-59-1 T Allyl propyl disulfide 107-11-9 F Allylamine 1344-28-1 T alpha-Alumina 532-27-4 T alpha-Chloroacetophenone 100-44-7 T F alpha-Chlorotoluene 98-83-9 T alpha-methyl styrene 7429-90-5 T F Aluminum (Dust or Powder),metal & oxide, welding fumes, 7446-70-0 F Aluminum chloride (anhydrous) 1344-28-1 T Aluminum oxide - "inert" particulate 61-82-5 T C amitrole 7773-06-0 T Ammate 7664-41-7 T F Ammonia - anhydrous 7789-09-5 F Ammonium bichromate 12124-97-9 F Ammonium bromide 12125-02-9 T F Ammonium chloride - fume 7789-09-5 F Ammonium dichromate 12125-01-8 F Ammonium flouride 6484-52-2 F Ammonium nitrate 7790-98-9 F Ammonium perchlorate 13446-10-1 F Ammonium permanganate 7773-06-0 T Ammonium sulfamate 7783-20-2 F Ammonium sulfate 110-66-7 F Amyl mercaptans 1002-16-0 F Amyl nitrate 110-58-7 F Amylamine 62-44-2 C Analgesic mixtures containing phenacetin or phenecetin 62-53-3 T F aniline & homologues - skin 29191-52-4 T Anisidine (o-, p-, isomers) - skin 7440-36-0 T Antimony and compounds, as Sb. 7647-18-9 F Antimony Pentachloride 7783-70-2 F Antimony pentaflouride 1315-04-4 F Antimony pentasulfide 1315-04-4 F Antimony red 1309-64-4 T Antimony trioxide 86-88-4 T antu 140-57-8 C Aramite 7440-37-1 T Argon 7440-38-2 T C Arsenic and soluble compounds (as As) 7784-34-1 F Arsenic chloride 1327-53-3 T Arsenic trioxide production 1303-33-9 F Arsenic trisulfide 7784-34-1 F Arsenious chloride 7784-34-1 F Arsenous chloride 7784-42-1 T Arsine 1332-21-4 T C Asbestos 8052-42-4 T F Asphalt (petroleum) 50-78-2 T aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) 1912-24-9 T Atrazine 492-80-8 C Auramine 115-02-6 C Azaserine 446-86-6 C Azathioprine 86-50-0 T azinphos-methyl - skin 151-56-4 T F Aziridine 6923-22-4 T Azodrin 13477-00-4 F Barium chlorate 10022-31-8 F Barium nitrate 1304-29-6 F Barium peroxide 7440-39-3 T Barium soluble compounds (as Ba) 1304-29-6 F Barium superoxide 114-26-1 T Baygon 55-63-0 T baytex 17804-35-2 T Benomyl 56-55-3 C Benz (a) anthacene 225-51-4 C Benz (c) acridine 100-52-7 F Benzaldehyde 71-43-2 T F C benzene - skin 100-52-7 F Benzenecarbonal 92-87-5 T C benzidine 205-99-2 C Benzo (b) fluoranthene C Benzo (j) fluoranthene 50-32-8 T benzo[a]pyrene 100-52-7 F Benzoic Aldehyde 98-08-8 F benzotriflouride 98-88-4 F benzoyl chloride 94-36-0 T F benzoyl peroxide 100-44-7 T F Benzyl chloride 7440-41-7 T F C Beryllium (as Be) 126-99-8 T beta-Chloroprene - skin 91-59-8 T C beta-Naphthylamine 57-57-8 T beta-propiolactone F Bichromates 141-66-2 T Bidrin 92-52-4 T biphenyl 54-28-8 C bis(chloromethyl)ether 154-93-8 C Bischloroethyl nitrosourea 542-88-1 T bis-Chloromethyl ether 1304-82-1 T Bismuth telluride 7778-54-3 F Bleaching powder 35400-43-2 T Bolstar 1303-96-4 T Borates, tetra, sodium salts 17702-41-9 T F Boron hydride (Decaborane) 19287-45-7 T F Boron hydride (Diborane) 1303-86-2 T Boron oxide 10294-33-4 T Boron tribromide 7637-07-2 T F Boron triflouride 314-40-9 T Bromacil 7726-95-6 T F Bromine 506-68-3 F Bromine Cyanide 7789-30-2 T F Bromine pentaflouride 7787-71-5 F Bromine triflouride 75-25-2 T bromoform - skin 55-98-1 C busulfan 106-99-0 T F Butadiene-1,3 123-72-8 F Butanal 106-97-8 T F Butane 109-79-5 T Butanethiol 107-92-6 F Butanoic acid 25167-67-3 F Butenes 109-79-5 T Butlyl mercaptan 7784-34-1 F Butter of arsenic 141-32-2 T F Butyl acrylate 136-60-7 F Butyl benzoate 111-76-2 T Butyl cellosolve 142-96-1 F Butyl ether 614-45-9 F Butyl Perbenzoate (tertiary) 107-71-1 F Butyl peroxyacetate, ter.(75% sol'n in benzene or mineral sp 927-07-1 F Butyl peroxypivalate (tert.) (75% sol'n in mineral spirits) 109-73-9 T F Butylamine - skin F Butyllithium in hydrocarbon solvents 123-72-8 F Butyraldehyde (normal and iso) 107-92-6 F Butyric acid (normal) 7440-43-9 T C Cadmium - dusts and salts - as Cd.

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