
·u.s. sIDRET BRITISH MCST SIDRET It should be roted that the estimates for Germaey aDd Austria, with the exception of medical aDd sanitary supplies, soap, and agricultural rehabilitation are based solely upon oaring for the displaced persons (including forced labor, prisoners of war, and re:f'ugees) f'ran other nations found. within their borders• 6. The estimates for the remaining oountries have been included in order to provide a more canplete picture. So far as the Subcarmi ttee is aware, there is as yet no decision as to the extent, if at all, the U.S. and the U.K. are to ass\Jlle responsibility for the supply of any of these - countries. Such remaining oountries are Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Ro1meni a and Bulgaria. 7. It must be clearly understood that acceptance or approvaJ. by the c.c.A.C. of the estimates stated for each of the several countries oovered does not invo?,.ve aey- camdtment by the War Department or the War Office that any of such countries are in fact to be f'urnished with either the quantities or the kinis of the indicated supplies. 8. THE SUPH.iI SUBCXJ.MMITTEE rec:omnends: .!• That the Canbined Civil Atf'airs Carmittee approve the • estimates, subject to the reservations contained in paragraph 3 and 7 above, and take note that necessary supplement84, infonna.tion is being prepared as to the extent to which such requirements can be met ani as to 1he sources of supply and to the shipping implications. -2- • U.S. SJOORET BRITISH .MOOT SlOORET 9 • SWMARI' OF ENCLOOURES: Enclosure •A• is a table of contents of the several Encloslll'es and relevant Appen:licea f'ollowing. Enclosure •B• presents the food est:ima.tes and states the special stipulationa made with respect thereto. Enclosure •ct- presents Clothing, am Footwear Requirements an::1 states the special stipulations with respect thereto, Enclosure •JJ' presents lledical and Sallitary Supplies {exclusive - of soap) and states the special stipula.tions with respect thereto. Enclosure •E- presents the estimates for Soap. • Enclosure•? presents the estimates f'or Fuels (Coal and Petrol­ • eun Products). Enclosure "~ presents estimates for the Rehabilitation of' Agriculture. It should be noted tha. t the question of the requirements tor fertilizer has been reserved for :f'Uture di.8cussion. -}- U.S. SECRET • BRITISH YOOT SIDRET ENCLOSURE •A" TABLE OF CONTm'1B ENCLOSURE •A•: Table of Contents APP.mDIX "A": Tota1 Estimates by Countries 6 ENCLa3URE •B•: Food Estimates 7 .APPENDIX •A•: Food Estimates by Countries . 8 ENCLOOURE •ct-: Clothing, FOotwear3 Textiles APPmDll • A.• : Clothing, Footwear, Textiles Es ti.ma tea by Countries 11 APPENDIX •B• : Infant Boys 0-.Z,. 12 - APPmDIX • Infant Girls 0-Z.. lJ ct- : APPmDIX •'fl' : Boys 5-14 14 APPENDIX •F,"I: Girls .5-llt- 15 APPENDIX •~ : Ken 15 8Ild over 1, APPENDIX • G" : Wan.en 15 am. over 17 APPmDIX "H": Blankets, Fimings, am. Piece Goods 18 ENCLOOURE •'II': Kedica1 am Sanita;:y; SupPliea 19 APPENDIX •A• : Yedical am Sanitary Supplies by Countries 21 APPmDll •B•: Basic Kedical Unit 22 ., ~n •c-: Supplementa1 Tropical Unit JO APPmDll •'II': SupplEmental Biological Unit 3l APPENDIX •g,,: Obstetrical Bag 32 APfflIDIX • :E'9 : Tracheotaey' Set 34- APPENDIX • G" : Hospita1 Units 35 AH?EJIDIX "H" : Basic Laboratory Unit 51 APPENDIX • 19 : Kalaria Sm-vey Laboratory- Unit 67 APPENDIX • J9 : Sanitation SuppJ.3' am Equipnent Units 70 APPENDIX •rt : Anti-Typhus Unit 71 APmIDll "L": Anti1a.l.aria SuppJ.3' am Equipnent Units 73 + • u. s. sroRET BRITISH MOOT SDJRET ENCIOOURE •A• (Cont) ~ mcLCSURE •E41: ~ 71+- APPENDIX •A•: Soap Estimates by Countries 15 .F.NCLCSURE •pt: Fuels 76 • APPENDIX •A•: Fuel Estimates by Countries n ffiCLCBURE • G•: Rehabilitation of Agriculture 78 APPENDIX •A• : Agricultural Es timatea by Countries 79 . APPENDIX •ga : Pesticides 80 AP.FENDll •c:a : Seeds 81 - APPENDIX •TJ" : Veterinary Supplies 85 AP.EENDll •Ft' : Bi.Mer Twine am Fai1a lblch1 nety 86 AHENDIX •pt: Fertilizer 87 -5- U.S. SIDRET ENCLOOURE •A• - APPENDIX •A• BRITISH KOST SIDRET TOTAL COLLA.mE fflTDLATES - EUROPE UNSCORCHED • {For Six lilonths, Beginning Earzy- in Year) N .A. = Not Availa.ble Thousands of lletric Tons MEDICAL & CLO'IHE3 ,SHOES AGRICULTURE COUNTRY OR ARFA FOOD SANITARr SOAP COAL PEOOLEUM TEXTILES REHA.Bn,rrATION TOTAL A• NORTHi'lES T EUROPE France 701.7 2.5 39.5 915.0 156.3 17.9 393.1 2,225.9 Belgiun (Incl. Luxembourg) 213.5 .6 8.1 - 67.0 4-.2 102.9 396.3 Holl.and 126.5 .7 6.i,. - 89.0 i,..6 7-4- 234-.8 Gel'm8.I\1 )Incl. Austria. 99.1 2.5 i...o - 5.2 2.6 113-4- Denmark ll.O .2 2.9 1,201+.o .54-.1- 2.0 8.5 1,282.7 No?'W'1q 128.6 .2 1.a 674-.0 39.0 1.6 2.8 848.0 Subtotal 1,279.8 6.8 62.7 2,793.0 405.5 35-4- 517-4- 5,101.1 \0' B. BAI.KANS ' Albania 6.3 .1 .1 - 5.6 .6 .2 12.8 Greece 378.2 2.2 i,..o Q"°9Q 200.0 29.3 3.7 15.9 '9"-, 633.3 Yugoslavia 312.0 2.5 4-.4- ,~-we 30.0 17.6 8.0 30.6 ~405.1 Subtotal 696.5 i,..8 8.5 ;;i,.e 230.0 52.5 12.3 J+.(,.7 *Y~~Q 1,051.2 c. ITAU: Ita.J,y 889-4- 2.8 7.3 1,500.0 209.6 23.0 i....6 2,636.6 Subtotal A ,B & C 2,865.7 14.3 78.5 1+,869.0 667.5 10.6 568.7 9,135.0 D. FASTEm EUROPE , Bulgaria 20.6 -4- .a 21.2 3.2 2.8 55.1 Czechoslovakia. 29.1 1.5 6.o - 10/+.5 6.9 21.0 175.0 • F1Dlam 58.5 .2 1-4- 356.0- 22.1 1.8 3.1 4-4-3.2 H~ N.A. .9 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 2.1 3.0 Polam 4-19.7 4-.1 8.8 22.5 17.2 4,7.1 519.7 Rounania N.A. 1.1 N.A. N.A.- N.A. N.A. 2-4- 3.5 Subtotal. 528.0 8.5 17.0 356.0 176-4- 29.1 84.-4- 1,299-1+ GRAND 'IOTAL 32394-.2 22.8 95.5 5,225.0 84-4-.0 99.7 653.1 102334--4- EOOLQSURE • A" AP.ffiNDIX •A• - Changes made by c.c.A.c. - - •• U.S. SIDRET BRITISH MOOT SE::RET COLIAFSE FOOD ESTDIATES APPEM>IX •A• sets forth a.greed food estimates. Hun.sar., and RU11ania have been anitted. because available data. to prepare estimates is wanting at this time. -1- U.S. SIDRET ENCLCSURE •W - APPENDIX •A• BRITISH MOOT SEJRET COLIAmE ESTIMATES :FOR FOOD - EUB)PE UNSCORCHED {For Six Months, Beginning Early in Year) Thousam.s of ){etric Tons OAT- FAT OR MEAT KFA.T &: FlSH COFFEE SOUP PEANUT lfiLlt TOTAL COUNTRY OR A.RF.A WHFAT MFAL CHEESE LA.RD CANNED VG STEW ·CANNED PUISES SUGAR GREEN DEHYD. BUTTER . EVAP. SALT FOOD A. NORmwEST EUR~ he.nee 421.5 1.3.9 20.0 10.0 63.2 28.2 13.9 27.0 46.1 1+9.0 8.9 701.7 Belgiun (Incl. - - Luxembourg) 129.1 1+.3 7.3 .3.5 19.1+ 8.7 1+.3 6.o 13.7 14.7 2.5 213.5 Holl.am 77.7 - 2.6 o.6 1.7 n.6 - 5.2 2.6 6.o 8.6 - 8.2 1.7 126.5 Genn8J'\V' )Incl. - - - Austria. 80.6 - 2.1 2.1 2.1 - - 1+ • .3 1.1 5./+6 - 1.3 - 99.06 Dem.ark 5.3 1.6 - - - - - - 1+.06 - - - - 10.96 NOI"W8'1' 100.0 7.5 1.1+ 0.9 lei+ - - - 10.0 2.91+ - 0.9 .3.6 - 128.64, Subtotal 811+.2 9.1 24, • .3 30.9 18.7 91+.2 1+6.J+ 31.9 51./+6 68.J+ 0.9 76.8 1.3.1 1,280.36 - I B. BALKANS '9 Albania 5.1 - - - - - o.6 0.1 - - 0.5 - 6.3 Greece .311.6 - 1+., o.6 8.6 - 8.6 10.7 10.0 1.12 1+ • .3 - 18./+ - 378.22 Yugoslavia. 276.3 2.8 1+.95 5.5 - 1./+ 6.9 5.0 1.12 - - a.o - 3n.97 Subtotal 593.0 - 7.1 5.55 14.1 - 10.0 17.6 15.6 2.31+ 1+.3 - 26.9 - 696./+9 c. ITAIX Ita.l;r 777.9 - 6.9 - - - 28.3 44,.6 - 28.2 - 3.5 - 889-4- Subtotal. A~ &: C 2,185.1. 9.1 38.3 36-1+5 32.8 91+.2 10.0 92 •.3 92.1 53.80 100.9 0.9 1.07.2 13.1 2,866.25 D. F.ASTERN EUROPE I Bulgaria 18.3 - 0.1 0.1 0.3 - - 0.4- 0.1 0.1 - 1.2 - 20.6 Czechoslovakia. 13.2 0./+ 2.2 0.1 - - 0.9 - 1.82 - - 9.9 - 29.12 Finl.am 50.0 - - - - - - - 5.0 2.91+ - - o.6 - 58.54- Pol.and 313.7 8.1 26.1 16.1 - - 20.1 0.9 1-l+O - - 33.3 - l+l.9.7 Subtotal 395.2 - 8.6 28.J+ 17.1 - - 21-1+ 6.o 6.26 - - 1+5.0 527.96 GRAND TOTAL 2,580.3 9.1 1+6.9 ~-85 1+9-9 91+.2 10.0 n3.7 98.1 6o.o6 100.9 0.9 152.2 13.1 3,394-.2i ffiCLOOURE •B• APPENDIX •A• • - I- • U.S.
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