27 Karstenia 42: 27- 28, 2002 Caloscyphaceae, a new family of the Pezizales HARRl HARMAJA HARMAJA, H. 2002: Caloscyphaceae, a new family of the Pezizales. - Karstenia 42: 27- 28 . Helsinki. ISSN 0453-3402. The new family Caloscyphaceae Harmaja is described for Caloscypha Boud. (Asco­ mycetes, Pezizales). The genus is monotypic, only comprising C. jiilgens (Pers. : Fr.) Boud. Characters belie ed to be diagnostic of the new family are treated, some of them being cited from the literature, others having been studied personally. Key words: ascospore wall , Caloscypha, carotenoids, chemotaxonomy, Geniculoden­ dron pyriforme, phylogeny, seed parasite Harri Harmaja, Botanical Museum, Finnish Museum ofN atural History, PO. Box 47, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland www.helsinki.fi/people/harri.hannaja/ The genus Caloscypha Boud., with its only spe­ void of carotenoid pigments, and the spores are cies C. fulgens (Pers. : Fr.) Boud., has usually multinucleate. The genus clearly deserves a fam­ been included in the family Pyronemataceae (Pe­ ily of its own. zizales). However, since a rather long time the Below, the new family Caloscyphaceae is de­ genus been considered taxonomically isolated scribed. The characters that appear to be diag­ without having close relatives (see e.g. Korf nostic at the family le el are given in the English 1972). This status was strengthened as the description; these are partly a matter of personal spores of C. fulgens were reported to belong to judgement. Detailed features of the genus Calo­ an infrequent kind as to their wall structure (Har­ scypha and its only species have been described maja 1974). As I also observed that the ascus wall e.g. by Eckblad (1968); see also Harmaja (1974) is often somewhat thickened upwards (up to 3.0 for some spore characters. mm in Melzer's reagent; unpublished until now), I even prepared a manuscript in the 1970's to de­ Caloscyphaceae Harmaja, familia nova scribe a new family for Caloscypha. After those times, two additional special characteristics of Familia ordinis Pezizales inter Ascomycetes. Caloscypha have been detected: (i) the nutrition Mycelium in seminibus coniferarum parasiti­ mode: Geniculodendron pyriforme G. A. Salt, cum. Apothecia vernalia, cupulata, hymenio pathogenic to the seeds of Abies, Picea and Pi­ luteo. Asci inamyloidei. Paraphyses saepe api­ nus, was found to be the anamorph of C. fit! gens ce attenuati, pigmenta carotenoidea continen­ (see e.g. Sutherland 1979), (ii) according to Land­ tes. Sporae hyalinae, uninucleatae, laeves, sine vik et al. ( 1997) the genus unexpectedly is phylo­ tunica secundaria cyanophiloidea, intus egut­ genetically distinct from the other cupulate, caro­ tulatae. Excipulum e textura intricata. - Typus: tenoid-containing taxa with uninucleate spores: Caloscypha Boud. of the three main lineages of the Pezizales the Family of Ascomycetes: Pezizales. Apothecia genus clusters with one that comprises the fami­ cupulate, hymenium deep yellow. Ascus wall in­ lies Helvellaceae, Morchellaceae and Tuberace­ amyloid. A proportion of the paraphyses taper ae (and obviously also Discinaceae and Rhiz­ apically. Carotenoid pigments present within the inaceae; see O'Donnell & al. 1997). In these fam­ paraphysis cells (Arpin 1968). Ascospores hya­ ilies, the apothecia are non-bright in colour, de- line, uninucleate (Berthet 1964 ), smooth, without 28 HARMAJA: CALOSCYPHACEAE KARSTENIA 42 (2002) a cyanophilic secondary wall at any stage of their Eckblad, F.-E. 1968: The genera of the operculate Dis­ de elopment (Harmaja 1974), without oil drops. comycetes. A re-e\aluation of their taxonomy, phy­ logeny and nomenclature. - Nytt Mag. Bot. 15: 1- Excipulum essentially of textura intricata. Myc­ 191. elium pathogenic to conifer seeds. Apothecia Harmaja, H. 1974: Obsenations on the presence of a occur in spring on forest ground. Phylogenetic cyanophilic peri spore in the spores of the Pezizales. ­ analysis suggests an affinity to the families Hel­ Karstenia 14: 123- 125. vellaceae, Morchellaceae and Tuberaceae (Land­ Korf, R.P. 1972: Synoptic key to the genera of the Pezizales. - t\Iycologia 64: 937- 994. vik&al. 1997). Landvik, S. , Egger, K.N. & Schumacher, T. 1997: To­ wards a subordinal classification of the Pezizales (As­ comycota). - Nordic J. Bot. 17: 403-418. O' Donnell, K., Cigelnik, E. , Weber, N. S. & Trappe, J. References M. 1997: Phylogenetic relationships among asco­ mycetous truffles and the true and false morels in­ Arpin, N. 1968: Les carotenoides des Discomycetes: es­ ferred from ISS and 28S ribosomal DNA sequence sai chimiotaxinomique. - Universite de Lyon, Villeur­ analysis. - l'v[ycologia 89: 48- 65 . banne. 170 pp. ; reissued 1969: Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Sutherland, J.R. 1979: The pathogenic fungus Caloscypha Lyon 38 (suppl.): 1- 169. fulgens in stored conifer seeds in British Columbia and Berthet, P. 1964: Essai biotaxinomique sur les Discomy­ relation of its incidence to ground and squirrel-cache cetes. - Joanny Lorge, Lyon. !57 pp. collected cones. - Canad. J. Forest Res. 9: 129- 132. .
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