VOL. 128 NO. 47 FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2020 LIFE DAVISCLIPPER.COM ABC 4 4 Opinion Utah 14 Life team: THE 19 Showcase more than 20 Sports just ‘fair DAVIS 21 Classifieds weather’ 23 Comics friends Clipper FightingFOR Change STORY ON PAGE 3 ROGER V. TUTTLE 2 FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2020 NEWS THE DAVIS CLIPPER THE DAVIS CLIPPER NEWS FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2020 3 Debate over BHS mascot continuing by Tom HARALDSEN American groups and spokespersons, including [email protected] Carl Moore, chair of PANDOS (peaceful advocates for Native Dialogue and Organizing Support) and BOUNTIFUL — Discussion continues over SLC Air Protectors (which deals with environ- whether Bountiful High School should change its mental rights and indigenous stewardships); and mascot, and the issue is still heating up. Late last T. E. Ranger, a former Chief of Staff and Division week, after two Bountiful High School graduates Director for the Navajo Nation. (See a story on started gathering petition signatures online to Moore and an op-ed from Ranger in this issue). have the school change its mascot from “Braves,” “We want the mascot changed, but as important another graduate began an online to us is to have a discussion petition to retain the name. about it,” Mykala Rogers Brett Baker, who posted on PETITIONS said on Tuesday, shortly BOUNTIFUL HIGH change.org under “Keep Bountiful before attending the GRADS MYKALA Brave” and graduated from the FORMED Davis Board of Education ROGERS, LEFT, AND MALLORY ROGERS lament school in 2014, said he “loved BY FORMER meeting. “Let’s start the name of the school's the culture and experience” at STUDENTS TO a conversation about mascot, and are working Bountiful High. this, take it to a bigger to get it changed. “I am seeing a lot of ‘cancel EITHER REMOVE scale. We just want a culture’ going on, and I’m very OR RETAIN decision that is a positive much against that,” he said. for all students at Bountiful and “Speaking to some of my Native 'BRAVES' NAME not offensive to Native American American friends, they support students or anyone else.” the movement to keep the name. The Board heard from a couple I just wanted to give people who are in favor of of people at Tuesday’s meeting during a short public keeping the mascot name a platform.” comments session, but the issue will most likely As of Wednesday at noon, his petition had have to be discussed at the school level before any gathered almost 5,400 signatures, which surprised action is taken, if necessary, by the district. In the him a bit. “I was expecting a few hundred, but meantime, both proponents and opponents of the the turnout has been great,” he said. His petition mascot name change will press on. is designed to be presented to members of the “Mallory and I are both passionate about this Bountiful City Council and Mayor Randy Lewis. issue,” Mykala Rogers said. “We want to see that the Baker said he plans to email members of the Davis conversation happens.” ROGER V. TUTTLE Board of Education as well. “When it comes to what’s offensive and what’s not, I can’t pretend to know what Native Americans feel is offensive. I just don’t think canceling the entire name (mascot) is necessary. I would like to talk about other things that are controversial—the costumes and outfits and face paint that some students have worn—that’s definitely a story I’m open to. I believe this could lead to more discussion about Native Americans and their history, which is being hidden away. They want to educate people on their culture, and perhaps raising this issue will help with that.” Meanwhile, fellow BHS graduates Mallory Rogers and Mykala Rogers (class of 2013, and not related), continue their own online petition efforts. Their petition, titled “Change Bountiful High’s Offensive and Racist Mascot,” had close to 4,500 signatures as of Wednesday morning. They have garnered support from a number of Native Thought of the Week from the desk of R. Gail Stahle, publisher “The golden opportunity you are seeking is in yourself. It is not in your environment, it is not in luck or chance, or the help of others. It is in yourself alone.” » Orison Sweet Marden 4 FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2020 NEWS THE DAVIS CLIPPER ClipperTHE DAVIS OPO INI N AI DM NISTRATION Better to wear a mask To the Editor R . Gail Stahle PUBLI SHER Dear Editor: [email protected] ext. 114 than spread a disease The recent assault on our history is dis- L orie Matern gusting to me in all of its forms. I read, and Off ICE MANAGER The opinions stated in reread, your article in the July 10th Clipper. My [email protected] this article are solely those of impression is the two authors of the petition ext. 115 the author and not of have no standing since neither of them claim to A DVERTISING The Davis Clipper. be Native Americans. The word “brave” was originally a verb and Brad Roghaar s Gov. Herbert Cyclops was made a noun when we used it to describe SALES REPRESENTATIVE [email protected] pleads for Utahns the warriors in the Indian race. It was a com- ext. 135 to wear masks pliment to them to use that name as a mascot. Aduring the rising by Bryan GRAY The Bountiful High Class of 1957 did not see it R ichard Stahle SALES REPRESENTATIVE coronavirus toll, we CLO UMNIST as denigrating. [email protected] should remember when The name should stand as a part of the ext. 137 Americans coupled into a Maverick for a quick purchase school’s history unless, or until, representatives patriotism with sacrifice. A 1943 of the Indian Nation come forward and say they EDITORIAL or a 30-second pick-up at my post article in a Grand County, Utah office box. Since I accept science over find it offensive. T om Haraldsen newspaper focused on tire restric- the ravings of talk radio hosts, I now On the other hand I do find that the cos- M ANAGING EDITOR tions so that rubber could be used wear a mask when entering any public tumes, face painting, etc. is insulting. [email protected] for the World War II effort. building or retail store. I wasn’t born ext. 126 “Ration book holders are not during World War II, but compared Kay S. Jensen Becky Ginos eligible to buy even used tires and to the war sacrifices, my effort is North Salt Lake Ass OCIATE EDITOR recaps unless they can show that they relatively easy. [email protected] ext. 118 use their cars for occupational or other What some call a “freedom fighter” essential purposes…This announce- I simply label a “disease spreader.” I L AYOUT/DESIGN ment is an appeal to motorists to don’t want someone else to suffer observe strict conservation measures because I couldn’t sacrifice (“Gee, it’s D evin Christ CREATIVE DIRECTOR to reduce speed to a minimum even so hot wearing a mask!”) for a brief [email protected] below the 35 mile per hour limit. With period inside of a store. hot weather such as we have now, In a recent interview, Oscar- R ebecca Jamieson CLAS S IFIEDS/LEGALS unless conservation measures are winning actress Charlize Theron spoke [email protected] strictly adhered about how she ext. 124 to, many cars handles her will be forced ...compared children when CIR CULATION off the road they complain Cindi Scott because there to the war that masks are [email protected] are insufficient uncomfortable. ext. 119 replacements.” sacrifices, She There is no “ responded, “I tell Clipper Publishing Co., Inc. shouting from my effort is them about all Circulation Dept. 801-295-2251 ext 119 or 120 “freedom fight- the emergency Volume 128 Number 47 ers” about their relatively easy. responders who Friday, July 17, 2020 constitutional wear masks THI E DAV S CLIPPER right to buy Goodyear tires. Americans every single day. And they’re doing ( ISSN 1061-1223) is published once weekly, on Friday, for $35 generally stood shoulder to shoulder physical work and saving lives and per year by Clipper Publishing in a unified fight against a common they’re not complaining about wearing Co., 1370 South 500 West, Btfl, UT 84010-8141. Periodicals enemy. masks, so we shouldn’t be complaining. Postage Paid at Bountiful, UT COVID-19 is indeed a common We know that masks save lives. And and at additional mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send address enemy, impacting employment, so we have a saying when we go out changes to The Davis Clipper, Circulation Dept. P.O. Box No. bank accounts, the stock market, and my little daughter, her little nose 267, Bountiful, UT 84011-0267. our retirement accounts and, most sticking from her mask…wear your importantly, public health. The science mask properly because you are trying is unwavering: Masks can cut the risk to save other people’s lives too, not just 1370 S 500 W Bountiful, UT 84010 of contracting the disease by some your own.” Ph: 801-295-2251 70%. It’s so sad that the advice from a Granted, wearing a mask is Hollywood actress is more on point ON THE COVER: Mallory inconvenient, and uncomfortable, and than the anti-science rants we often Rogers, left, and Mykala it took several weeks to join the mask receive from the White House. Rogers, both 2013 graduates brigade. Before then, I would don a Some will call me a “sheep” since of Bountiful High, want the mask when I entered a grocery store I’ve become a mask convert.
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