FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST Request Number: F-2011-03980 Keyword: Road Policing Subject: Fatal Road Traffic Collisions Request and Answer: This is to inform you that the Police Service of Northern Ireland has now completed its search for the information you requested. The decision has been taken to disclose the located information to you in full. Question Could I request the following information? A chronological list of all fatal road traffic collisions that have occurred in Northern Ireland since the foundation of the PSNI in 2001, with the date, exact location, and number of fatalities detailed for each incident. Answer Please see the table provided below. Please note that 2011 data is provisional and subject to minor amendment. Information has been provided up until the end of August 2011. Information after this date is not yet available. Reported Injury Road Traffic Collision Statistics are regularly updated on the PSNI website and can be accessed using the following link; http://www.psni.police.uk/index/updates/updates_statistics/updates_road_traffic_statistics.htm If you have any queries regarding your request or the decision please do not hesitate to contact me on 028 9070 0164. When contacting the Freedom of Information Team, please quote the reference number listed at the beginning of this letter. If you are dissatisfied in any way with the handling of your request, you have the right to request a review. You should do this as soon as possible, or in any case within two months of the date of issue of this letter. In the event that you require a review to be undertaken, you can do so by writing to the Head of Freedom of Information, PSNI Headquarters, 65 Knock Road, Belfast, BT5 6LE or by emailing [email protected]. If following an internal review, carried out by an independent decision maker, you were to remain dissatisfied in any way with the handling of the request you may make a complaint, under Section 50 of the Freedom of Information Act, to the Information Commissioner’s Office and ask that they investigate whether the PSNI has complied with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. You can write to the Information Commissioner at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. In most circumstances the Information Commissioner will not investigate a complaint unless an internal review procedure has been carried out, however the Commissioner has the option to investigate the matter at his discretion. Please be advised that PSNI replies under Freedom of Information may be released into the public domain via our website @ www.psni.police.uk Personal details in respect of your request have, where applicable, been removed to protect confidentiality. Police Recorded Fatal Road Traffic Collisions since foundation of PSNI 4th November 2001 - 31st August 2011 2011 data is provisional and subject to minor amendment Date 1st Road Name 2nd Road Name Area Number of Fatalities 05-Nov-2001 GRANSHA RD STH GREEN RD Ards 1 06-Nov-2001 LATTONE RD CASHEL CROSS RD Fermanagh 1 11-Nov-2001 BISHOPS RD LEIGHERY RD Limavady 1 12-Nov-2001 DERRY RD WOODEND RD Strabane 1 26-Nov-2001 BALLYGAWLEY RD TULLYALLEN RD Dungannon and South Tyrone 1 29-Nov-2001 MONEYNICK RD LISMACLOSKEY RD Antrim 3 02-Dec-2001 MELMOUNT RD SEEIN RD Strabane 1 02-Dec-2001 SHAWS RD CORRIB AVE West Belfast 1 04-Dec-2001 CASTLE RD MAGHEREAGH RD Antrim 1 05-Dec-2001 ATLANTIC RD ISLANDTASSERTY RD Coleraine 1 05-Dec-2001 CLADY RD KILREA RD Magherafelt 1 05-Dec-2001 MANOO RD KESH RD Fermanagh 2 07-Dec-2001 FROSSES RD BALLYHENA RD Ballymoney 1 07-Dec-2001 POMEROY RD LURGANEDEN RD Cookstown 1 11-Dec-2001 LETTERBOY RD MANOO RD Fermanagh 1 12-Dec-2001 UPP NEWTOWNARDS RD FINVOY ST East Belfast 1 13-Dec-2001 POMEROY RD POMEROY RD Cookstown 1 15-Dec-2001 PLANTATION RD HUNTERS HILL RD Craigavon 1 16-Dec-2001 NEW RD BONDS RD Newry and Mourne 1 17-Dec-2001 PURDYSBURN HILL FORT RD Lisburn 1 18-Dec-2001 BELFAST RD GREYSTONE RD Down 1 20-Dec-2001 KILLYCLOGHER RD HAWTHORN RD Omagh 1 21-Dec-2001 DUNGANNON RD DUNGANNON RD R'BOUT Cookstown 1 23-Dec-2001 MOIRA RD LOWER RD Lisburn 1 27-Dec-2001 DUBLIN RD FORKHILL RD Newry and Mourne 1 11-Jan-2002 WOODBURN RD ALBANY DR Carrickfergus 1 17-Jan-2002 RATHFRILAND RD SHINN SCHOOL RD Newry and Mourne 1 17-Jan-2002 SHANKILL RD CARNAN ST North Belfast 1 18-Jan-2002 BALLYSALLAGH RD ESTATE RD North Down 1 22-Jan-2002 M2 M'WAY WESTLINK North Belfast 1 24-Jan-2002 FAVOUR ROYAL RD FAVOUR ROYAL RD Dungannon and South Tyrone 1 24-Jan-2002 MOIRA RD LISSUE RD Lisburn 1 26-Jan-2002 FROSSES RD GLENLOUGH RD Ballymoney 1 27-Jan-2002 BELFAST RD CREEVEHILL RD Fermanagh 1 29-Jan-2002 SCALLEN RD LISNAHANNA RD Omagh 1 31-Jan-2002 OLD PORTADOWN RD DRUMLIN DR Craigavon 1 04-Feb-2002 DUBLIN RD CLONTIGORA RD Newry and Mourne 1 06-Feb-2002 DUNLADY RD CARROWREAGH RD Castlereagh 1 07-Feb-2002 TATTYMOYLE RD RAHONY RD Omagh 1 08-Feb-2002 DRUM RD CORCHONEY LANE Cookstown 1 10-Feb-2002 CRUMLIN RD BRAEHILL RD North Belfast 1 17-Feb-2002 KATESBRIDGE RD BALLYRONEY RD Banbridge 1 18-Feb-2002 WARINGSFORD RD BARRONSTOWN RD Banbridge 1 19-Feb-2002 PORTAFERRY RD CUNNINGBURN RD Ards 1 21-Feb-2002 CURR RD CHURCH RD Omagh 1 22-Feb-2002 DRUMLEGAGH RD MULLAGH RD Strabane 1 01-Mar-2002 SPRINGFIELD RD WHITEROCK RD West Belfast 1 02-Mar-2002 YORK ST WESTLINK North Belfast 2 06-Mar-2002 ST PATRICKS RD MYRA RD Down 1 08-Mar-2002 CLONTIGORA RD JACKS RD Newry and Mourne 1 12-Mar-2002 DUNMINNING RD DUNEANY RD Ballymena 1 13-Mar-2002 KNOCK RD GLEN RD Castlereagh 1 15-Mar-2002 HAMILTONSBAWN RD DRUMADD RD Armagh 1 17-Mar-2002 MOY RD RHONE RD Dungannon and South Tyrone 1 22-Mar-2002 CLANABOGAN RD OLD CLANABOGAN RD Omagh 1 29-Mar-2002 ARDGLASS RD BALLEE RD Down 2 31-Mar-2002 DIVIS RD BUDORE RD Lisburn 1 31-Mar-2002 KILREA RD FRENCHES HILL Magherafelt 2 01-Apr-2002 MULLANAHOE RD BALLYMAGUIRE RD Cookstown 1 02-Apr-2002 UPP GRANSHA RD GRANSHA RD STH North Down 1 06-Apr-2002 BELFAST RD KILLYREAGH RD Fermanagh 1 07-Apr-2002 GROVE RD MOUNTVIEW RD Down 1 14-Apr-2002 LARNE RD CARRICKBURN RD Carrickfergus 1 21-Apr-2002 WHITEPARK RD CRAIGALAPPIN RD Moyle 1 22-Apr-2002 ANNAGHILLA RD ANNALOUGHAN RD Dungannon and South Tyrone 1 22-Apr-2002 KILGAD RD TULLY RD Ballymena 1 26-Apr-2002 RING RD CLOYFIN RD Coleraine 1 04-May-2002 MULLAHEAD RD BALLYLISK LANE Armagh 1 07-May-2002 DONEGORE HILL MOAT RD Antrim 1 09-May-2002 ARDLOUGH RD CARNMONEY RD Foyle 1 11-May-2002 FROSSES RD GLENLOUGH RD Ballymoney 1 16-May-2002 LISNEVENAGH RD VALLEY RD Ballymena 1 18-May-2002 MAGHERAMAYO RD GARGARRY RD Banbridge 1 19-May-2002 NEWRY RD BANBRIDGE RD Banbridge 1 21-May-2002 CARNMONEY RD MOBOUY RD Foyle 1 26-May-2002 STEWARTSTOWN RD LAGMORE AVE Lisburn 1 28-May-2002 BELFAST RD HILLHEAD RD Newtownabbey 1 05-Jun-2002 M1 M'WAY LOUGH RD Craigavon 2 07-Jun-2002 COMBER RD GRAHAMSBRIDGE RD Castlereagh 1 08-Jun-2002 BALLYMISCAW RD MOSS RD East Belfast 1 11-Jun-2002 CENTRAL PROM BRYANSFORD RD Down 1 12-Jun-2002 KNOCKBREDA RD ORMEAU RD South Belfast 1 15-Jun-2002 BALLYNURE RD TEMPLEPATRICK RD Newtownabbey 1 19-Jun-2002 DRONES RD PHARIS RD Ballymoney 1 23-Jun-2002 FINCAIRN RD MOBUOY RD Foyle 1 30-Jun-2002 MONEYBRANNON RD BALLYDEVITT RD Coleraine 1 02-Jul-2002 BELFAST RD STEWARTSTOWN RD Larne 1 03-Jul-2002 DROMORE RD GRACEYSTOWN RD Banbridge 1 04-Jul-2002 COMBER RD CAMBOURNE RD Ards 1 11-Jul-2002 CHURCH ST GLEBE RD Ballymena 1 12-Jul-2002 DUBLIN RD KELLYS RD Newry and Mourne 1 14-Jul-2002 BALLYNURE RD ASHLEY RD Newtownabbey 1 18-Jul-2002 HANNAHSTOWN RD RUSHEYHILL RD Lisburn 1 18-Jul-2002 MILLVALE RD RIVERSIDE CRES Newry and Mourne 1 19-Jul-2002 ANTRIM RD CHICHESTER PK NTH North Belfast 1 21-Jul-2002 PURDYSBURN HILL FORT RD Lisburn 1 22-Jul-2002 GLENPARK RD TIRCUR RD Omagh 1 22-Jul-2002 VICTORIA RD STONEYWOOD RD Foyle 2 25-Jul-2002 RAVENHILL RD RAVENHILL AVE East Belfast 1 27-Jul-2002 ST PATRICKS ST DERRYNOYD RD Magherafelt 1 30-Jul-2002 MAIN ST NEW ST Antrim 1 10-Aug-2002 INVER RD CASEMENT BRAE Larne 1 14-Aug-2002 BELFAST RD ASHGROVE RD Newry and Mourne 1 15-Aug-2002 COLINGLEN RD COLINWELL RD Lisburn 1 16-Aug-2002 TRENCH RD AGNATRISK RD Lisburn 1 20-Aug-2002 SAINTFIELD RD OLD SAINTFIELD RD Castlereagh 2 24-Aug-2002 BELFAST RD TURMORE RD Newry and Mourne 1 27-Aug-2002 FALLS RD GLEN CRES West Belfast 2 29-Aug-2002 GLENAVY RD HAMMONDS RD Lisburn 1 30-Aug-2002 MONEYSHARVIN RD KILREA RD Magherafelt 1 31-Aug-2002 SLEEPYVALLEY RD DEANS WALK Armagh 1 01-Sep-2002 MOY RD BALLYGASSOON RD Armagh 1 03-Sep-2002 DUNLUCE RD BALLYBOGY RD Coleraine 1 05-Sep-2002 KEADY RD NEWTOWNHAMILTON RD Armagh 3 05-Sep-2002 NEWTOWNARDS RD EAST BREAD ST East Belfast 1 08-Sep-2002 MONAGHAN RD KNOCKBANE RD Armagh 1 13-Sep-2002 DRAPERSTOWN RD KILCRONAGHAN RD Magherafelt 1 13-Sep-2002 DUNLUCE RD BALLYBOGY RD Coleraine 1 14-Sep-2002 ANTRIM RD CAVEHILL RD North Belfast 1 14-Sep-2002 BALLYGARVEY RD KNOCKAN RD Ballymena 1 14-Sep-2002 GREENCASTLE RD CROCKANBOY RD Omagh 1 14-Sep-2002 NEWCASTLE RD DRUMANESS RD Down 1 23-Sep-2002 KILLDARE ST HILL ST Newry and Mourne 1 25-Sep-2002 CASHEL RD SHINNY RD Coleraine 1 26-Sep-2002 ORMEAU RD KNOCKBREDA PK South Belfast 1 30-Sep-2002 DERRYLIN RD STRAGOWNA RD Fermanagh 1 12-Oct-2002 MOYARGET RD MAGHERAMORE RD Moyle 1 16-Oct-2002 MAIN ST AVONDALE DR Newtownabbey 1 21-Oct-2002 DUBLIN RD LOUGHEND RD Banbridge 1 25-Oct-2002 VICTORIA RD CLOUGHBOY RD Strabane 1 27-Oct-2002 WARRENPOINT RD OLD WARRENPOINT RD Newry and Mourne 1 28-Oct-2002 KINGS RD KINGSWAY DR Castlereagh 1 07-Nov-2002 DUNGANNON RD AUGHNAGER RD Dungannon and South Tyrone 1 17-Nov-2002 CHURCH RD TANNAGHMORE RD Antrim 1 17-Nov-2002 COOKSTOWN
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