Reviewed by Devon TorreY Bry- ant..................................14 reviewed by Kristin King.....17 These Shoes Fit reviewed by Heather McHale 17 Perfectly: The reviewed by William Forbes. 18 Doctor Comes to San Reviewed by Jamie Beckwith19 Reviewed by Leslie McMurtry Francisco 20 Art/photos and text By Steven Sautter..............................4 The Unbearable Portrait of a Hero of Lightness of Being the WorlD By Lee Wells........................4 By George Jackson................5 Umbrella Doctor Who Fiction By Matthew Kilburn...4 Season 10 It's World And Reviews We're All Living In It? Reviewed by Aya By Melissa Beattie..............30 Vandenbussche.....................7 reviewed by Jamie Beckwith..8 The Valeyard reviewed by Jacob Burger......9 Vainglorious? reviewed by Jon Arnold.......10 By Jamie Beckwith...............4 reviewed by Steven Sautter. 11 PDA for the PDAs reviewed by Aya Vanden- bussche.............................12 By Nick Mellish...42 reviewed by Lee Wells.........13 The Terrible Zodin How to Make a Fanzine EDITOR’S NOTE by Leslie McMurtr This has been a difficult editor’s note to write. For a long time, I was thinking was 44 going to be the last one—at least the last one I was editing, or before took a hiatus. Finding time to devote to even an occasional Lego Dimensions in issue grows more and more challenging. The Facebook group is thriving, so I’ve fre- Time, or a Reflection quently wondered if the pros of maintaining the magazine continue to outweigh the cons. Of on an Unpublished the “fanzine renaissance” of 2008, very few titles are still going. Review Yet I’ve enjoyed this latest season of more than many in recent times. By Tom Bowyer....48 Also, in preparation for a podcast interview with Tin Pod, I re-read the Fanzine Rack in Paul Castle’s Doctor Who - a Hero , of course, inspired , and re-reading what I’d said in the book, and for the Boys (and what other fanzine editors had said, made me think that perhaps the hours and hours spent on had been worth it. In any case, I’m the girls) planning to soldier on for a few more issues at By Jamie Beckwith..............50 least, to bring us up to our 10th anniversary (!) in November 2018. Enough about that. As usual, we have some excellent stuff to read this issue and some very classy art (much of it created by Steven Sautter!). I was shocked that for quite awhile we didn’t have any pieces on Jodie Whittaker, but in the end we managed to get a few words on the subject. I hope you will enjoy this issue of Thanks for reading! I remain, your editor, Leslie McMurtry The Terrible Zodin 3 These Shoes Fit Perfectly: The Doctor Comes to San Francisco Art/photos and text By Steven like, . they were schoolteachers in the ‘60s. Sautter And they’d be like (holds hands out in placating gesture and looking confused) “What’s happened? Why are people so rude about each other all When the Doctor talks, you listen. And so it the time?” I think they’d really be shocked by was as hundreds of people packed into a hall in the world and (gestures at himself) by the San Francisco’s Moscone Center to hang on Doctor! (laughs) There are so many [compan- Peter Capaldi’s every word. He came out to a ions] and one doesn’t like to . I think standing ovation, every bit the suave rock star Tegan’s pretty amazing. Janet Fielding. I think we know him to be. His talk covered a wide there’s something fun about her. Maybe it’s range of topics from his acting methods to because she’s Australian! It was very unusual whether he wants to follow in Hugh Laurie’s for the Doctor to have companions who footprints and start a band (“No!”). Sadly, I was weren’t British! So I think Tegan would be fab, unable to get all the questions so here are some yeah. edited highlights. A fan got up and said “Peter, you’ve given us Q: Would you be interested in coming back fans so much pleasure over the years, I wanted not just as the Doctor but as a different charac- to do something for you.” At which point he ter? pulled out a handmade TARDIS shaped ukule- Capaldi: Technically yes, but I think it’s proba- le or “Gitardis” as the moderator put it. Peter bly time for me not to be around was visibly touched by the gift and plunked out for awhile. There’s a whole new thing happen- a few notes. “That’s a really nice ukulele,” he ing, so I think it’s better if I stay in my said. timestream! Q: Were there any old monsters you wanted to A woman wearing a goat’s head got up to ask a see in the show? question, and Peter was very ex- PC: I always bring this up and peo- cited. “It’s the Daemon Azal!” He ple, I think, disbelieve it slightly, but was so excited, he didn’t even I just love the idea of . You know, focus on the question at hand! in the old days when they made they had no money at Q: What old companions would all and they made a show that lasted you like to have met? 54 years with no money and under PC: I think I’d like to bring back a lot of pressure and sometimes Ian and Barbara. (cheers from the with people not caring about it. And audience) Because they were so, the reason it’s lasted 54 years was The Terrible Zodin 4 that they filled it with the Zarbest? Oh that imagination. Some- the best t-shirt ever!” I times they didn’t have was too excited to tell the wherewithal to de- him I designed it liver what their imagi- myself1. On that high nation was telling note, we said goodbye them, what it wanted and went to go squee them to do. And when outside. they did the old classic show “ Z ,” it was an insect planet. They had no money, they had no time, so they made a planet full of ants, moths, and termites, which were just made of cloth and fiberglass, and tight trousers, bits of cotton wool and stuff. But I saw it when I was a child, and it burned itself into my imagina- tion. It lifted my imagination. So would have always liked us to go back to the Web Planet Portrait of a and seen the Menoptra and the Zarbi. If we could have made that with our technology the Hero of the way they wanted to make it originally. Yeah. World By George Jackson The early 21st century had seen turmoil across the globe: radicalized terrorist attacks, famine, poverty and humanity’s first fleeting encoun- ters with hostile extra-terrestrial life, which had led to much destruction (though curiously localized in the main to London). The worst of this despair was the year when nobody could die, and that in conjunc- After holding court, Peter went back down- tion with the Daleks dragging the planet half- stairs for his photo ops. We were quite lucky way across the stars and Cybermen behind to be among the first to get our picture taken. every sofa, everyone was convinced the end of He gave both me and my wife hugs and then the world would come through an exchange of we posed. He noticed I was wearing a rather nuclear war, with Turmezistan being the likely unusual shirt. “Hey, is that . .?” he asked. Yes, flashpoint. it was a Zarbi shirt. “What’s it say? Zarbi are But then out of the darkness came a 1 For your own Zarbi are the Zarbest shirt, visit hero. The world need a plain-speaking figure https://www.redbubble.com/people/kryten4k/works/2479 who could make Earth great again, and that 9337-zarbi-are-the-zarbest?asc=u . hero was Ramon Salamander. The Terrible Zodin 5 Salamander came from a very humble then redirecting it in controlled concentrated background. Born on 25 March 1968 in Meri- bursts at the Earth in a way that increased crop da, Yucatan to Alejandro Salamander and Olga growth by almost 500%. The global economy Rocca, Ramon was an exceptionally brilliant was transformed, and within a matter of years boy who showed a clear aptitude for the scienc- the turbulence of the early part of the century es. In 1987 he attended Universidad Autonoma was firmly forgotten as famine and hunger Chapingo in Texoco where he graduated with became a thing of the past. It’s unsurprising, first class honors in Agricultural Ecology. Stu- therefore, that Ramon Salamander swept to dents who were also there at the time recall victory as the first elected representative of Salamander as a charismatic but extremely Mexico to the World Zones Authority, with studious man, some would even say a workahol- many across the globe expressing their surprise ic. Salamander was passionately involved in that he did not stand for Controller of the student politics and a tireless campaigner Central American Zone. Many felt this was against child illiteracy. evident of Salamander’s modesty, though it was These passions bought Salamander to somewhat at odds with his meteoric rise. His the attention of the UN’s Food and Agriculture official biographer, Cole Hawlings, stated Sala- Organization, where he worked first in the mander had indeed considered running for regional office for Latin America and the Car- Controller but felt that, having not stood for ibbean in Santiago, Chile, where he led a task office before, a cautious approach was warrant- force that coordinated programs for sustaina- ed.
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