MILITARY AVIATION REVIEW APRIL 2014 ISSUE No. 317 EDITORIAL TEAM COORDINATING EDITOR - BRIAN PICKERING WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL”[email protected]” BRITISH REVIEW - MICK BOULANGER 27 Tudor Road, Heath Town, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 0LT TEL NO. 0770 1070537 EMail "[email protected]" FOREIGN FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (see Co-ordinating Editor above for address details) US FORCES - BRIAN PICKERING (COORDINATING) (see above for address details) STATESIDE: MORAY PICKERING 19 RADFORD MEADOW, CASTLE DONINGTON, DERBY DE74 2NZ E Mail “[email protected]” EUROPE: BRIAN PICKERING OUTSIDE USA: BRIAN PICKERING See address details above OUT OF SERVICE - ANDY MARDEN 6 CAISTOR DRIVE, BRACEBRIDGE HEATH, LINCOLN LN4 2TA E-MAIL "[email protected]" MEMBERSHIP/DISTRIBUTION - BRIAN PICKERING MAP, WESTFIELD LODGE, ASLACKBY, SLEAFORD, LINCS NG34 0HG TEL NO. 01778 440760 E-MAIL.”[email protected]” ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (Jan-Dec 2014) UK £40 EUROPE £55 ELSEWHERE £60 @MAR £20 (EMail/Internet Only) MAR PDF £20 (EMail/Internet Only) Cheques payable to “MAP” - ALL CARDS ACCEPTED - Subscribe via “www.mar.co.uk” ABBREVIATIONS USED * OVERSHOOT f/n FIRST NOTED l/n LAST NOTED n/n NOT NOTED u/m UNMARKED w/o WRITTEN OFF wfu WITHDRAWN FROM USE n/s NIGHTSTOPPED INFORMATION MAY BE REPRODUCED FROM “MAR” WITH DUE CREDIT EDITORIAL This issue will be a few days late due to the Easter Holiday break taking an extra two days out of the production schedule at the printers - however, the May edition should be back on schedule. Many thanks for the additional images sent in since my plea for more coverage from around the world in the last Editorial. This has been very pleasing and I trust it will continue as we get into the Air Show season in the Northern Hemisphere! There is an extra page of illustrations in the paper version of MAR this month as well as extra pages in the PDF version. While on the subject of Air Displays, photo coverage would be much appreciated of the more interesting or colourful participants and reports of the actual aircraft taking part would also be very welcome. Please try and report the following details in your show reports - LOCATION (ie static/flightlines/hangar/flying only/etc), SERIAL/CODE/TYPE/UNIT (as much detail as possible on these vital areas), MARKINGS/SCHEME (details of any special schemes or markings carried). Please send in your reports (even if they do not meet all the requirements listed) as they can be added to other reports to make the overall picture as accurate as possible. Finally, do please send in your report and do not assume that someone else will - if everyone assumed that we would end up with no report! COVER PHOTOGRAPH: Fond farewell! One of the two Tristars of 216 Sqn that flew the final operational sortie on March 24th - KC.1 ZD950 over ARA8 (Mark Young) Closing date for the May issue is 08.05.14 Brian Pickering 15.04.14 162 BRITISH REVIEW On 28th March 2014 an official disbandment parade took place at Lossiemouth, this was for 12 Sqn and 617 Sqn who officially dis- band on 01st April 2014. Sadly the poor weather on the day prevented a flypast by the BoBMF Lancaster. 617 Sqn will reform during 2018 when the Squadron moves to Marham to fly the Lightning II. For the record 12 Sqn reformed on 1st October 1993 and operated the Tornado aircraft for 21years both at Marham and Lossiemouth. 617 Sqn reformed on 1st January 1983 and operated the Tornado aircraft for 31years, again at Marham and Lossiemouth. In the beginning of the summer 2014 there will be a phased relocation of the two Typhoon Squadrons from Leuchars. One other Squadron will arrive at Lossiemouth, that being 2 Sqn from Marham who will convert onto the Typhoon. 15(R) Sqn will remain at Lossiemouth to fly the Tornado GR.4’s until 2018. Another disbandment parade took place at Brize Norton on 21st March 2014 when 216 Sqn disbanded, this being the end of the Tristar transport aircraft operations after more than 30 years service. Finally, the Official closing date for RAF Church Fenton was 31st March 2014 and the base is now up for sale......Mick Boulanger (Military movements is history, now and for our future) RAF BARKSTON HEATH - Military visitors noted during March: - 21 XZ731/643 Lynx HMA.8SRU 702NAS Military visitors noted during April: - 08 XZ642 Lynx AH.7 667 Sqn RAF BENSON - Residents noted during March: 28/78 Sqn Merlin HC.3/3A ZJ118/B ZJ120/D ZJ123/G ZJ128/M ZJ130/O ZJ133/R ZJ134/S ZJ135/T ZJ136/U ZJ137/W ZJ995/AD 33/230 Sqn Puma HC.2 XW229 XW231 ZA936 ZJ954 ZJ955 ZJ957 P2MF Puma HC.2 (Note P2MF stands for Puma 2 Maintenance Flight) XW204 XW214 XW216 XW235 XW237 ZA935 ZA939 Oxford UAS Tutors G-BYUJ G-BYVB G-BYVK G-BYVL G-BYWU G-BYXA G-BYXL Withdrawn/Stored Puma aircraft XW198 XW210 XW222 XW223 XW226 XW236 ZA937 Residents notes during February 28/78 Sqn Merlin HC.3/3A ZJ130/O has departed 28/78 Sqn Benson on 03.03 to MDMF Culdrose on 03.04 ZJ131/P has returned from overhaul at MDMF Culdrose and is now back with 28/78 Sqn Benson on 03.04 ZJ134/S has returned from overhaul at MDMF Culdrose and is now back with 28/78 Sqn Benson on 24.03 ZJ998/AE has returned from overhaul at MDMF Culdrose and is now back with 28/78 Sqn Benson on 27.03 P2MF Puma HC.2 XW204 has transferred from 33/230 Sqn Benson to P2MF Benson for maintenance BIGGIN HILL - Military visitors noted during January: - 09 ZJ120/D Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn * 20 ZD480/J Sea King HC.4 845NAS * 021 C-295M Polish AF 13. ELTr “PLF034” ZJ173 Apache AH.1 3 Regt 10 ZJ135/T Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn * 30 016 C-295M Polish AF 13. ELTr “PLF034” 16 022 C-295M Polish AF 13. ELTr “PLF038” BOURNEMOUTH HURN AIRPORT - Military visitors noted during March: - (With thanks to BAEG) 04 ZE416 A-09E ETPS “BDN10”* 18 ZD709/078 Tornado GR.4 Marham Wg “MRH60”* 05 555 A.320-214CJ RAFO 4 Sqn“MJN522”dep th ZD574/DB Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “SHF500”* 502 C-130H RAFO 16 Sqn “MJN292” 19 ZJ246/46 Squirrel HT.2 670 Sqn “AA706”* 06 ZD747/095 Tornado GR.4 Marham Wg “MRH42”* 20 QQ101 RJ100 ETPS “Tester78”* 10 502 C-130H RAFO 16 Sqn “MJN292” 24 110/XP TBM700A FrAF ET00.041 “Ctm1296” 13 ZJ782 AS.365N3 658 Sqn “1AM13” ZD948 Tristar KC.1 216 Sqn “Fagin11”* ZJ781 AS.365N3 658 Sqn “1WT18” 27 ZD259/DA-451 Lynx HMA.8SRU VAHS “Navy Test99” ZA705/AN Chinook HC.4 Odiham Wg “SHF567”* QQ101 RJ100 ETPS “Tester78”* 16 ZJ955/P/Spl Puma HC.2 33 Sqn/230 Sqn “Matador1” 31 ZJ130O Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn “SHF315/6”* BOSCOMBE DOWN - Several aircraft have been confirmed as still being located at Boscombe Down - Gazelle AH.1s XX372, XX399 and XZ349 are all here as a spares source. Lynx ZD559 which was thought to be a Lynx AH.5X standard. It has been confirmed that it was converted to a Lynx AH.7 standard at Fleetlands and certified as such on 01.07.1992. The aircraft is currently being used for ground instructional use with the Appren- tice School. 163 Merlin HM.2s ZH826, ZH829, ZH831 and ZH837 are all confirmed as being located here. Puma HC.2s XW224, XW232/F-ZWDE and ZA940/F-ZWBZ are all confirmed as being located here. Puma HC.2 XW216 has departed Boscombe Down during January to P2MF, Benson. Sea King HAS.5 XZ575 and Mk.4X ZB506 are confirmed as still being in store at Boscombe Down. BAC 1-11 Srs479FU ZE432 has recently been cut into three sections on the scrap section. Also present in the same area is Andover C.1 XS646 which has had its forward fuselage cut off and has been loaded aboard a JARTS lorry for onward transportation to an unknown location. RAF BRIZE NORTON – Additional Military visitors noted during February and then March:- February 13 U.20-2/01-406 Cessna 550 Armada Esc 004 “AME8412” 04 ZJ228 Apache AH.1 4 Regt 14 ZA674 Chinook HC.2 Odiham Wing ZJ217 Apache AH.1 4 Regt ZH900 Chinook HC.3 Odiham Wing 05 ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn 15 CE-02 ERJ-135LR BD 15 Wg “BAF686” 07 G-BYVZ Tutor 1 EFTS 18 ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1259” G-BYXB Tutor Bristol UAS ZZ502 Avenger T.1 750NAS ZJ191 Apache AH.1 4 Regt ZZ395 Wildcat AH.1 652 Sqn “Recon21” 08 ZA731 Gazelle AH.1 BATUS (aboard ZZ177) XW229 Puma HC.2 33/230 Sqn “Matador1” ZB671 Gazelle AH.1 BATUS (aboard ZZ177) ZJ955/P/Spl Puma HC.2 33/230 Sqn “Matador2” 18 ZJ238/Y Griffin HT.1 60(R) Sqn XW231 Puma HC.2 33/230 Sqn “Matador3” 19 XZ651 Lynx AH.7 657 Sqn 19 G-BYXB Tutor T.1 Bristol UAS “U01”* 28 ZJ223 Apache AH.1 4 Regt ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn March F-WWMZ A.400M Airbus Military 01 ZJ209 Apache AH.1 3 Reg 20 ZR322 A-109E 32(TR) Sqn B-583 C-130J-30 RDAF Esk721 “DAF5241” n/s 21 ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “KRF10 03 ZA674 Chinook HC.2 Odiham Wing /RRR1147” ZJ216 Apache AH.1 3 Regt 22 ZG919 Lynx AH.9A 9 Regt “AA961” dep 24th ZJ179 Apache AH.1 4 Regt + ZJ184 ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “NOH40” 131/XQ TBM.700A FrAF ET 00.065 “CTM3827” 24 58-0034/D KC-135R 100 ARW 351 ARS 04 111/XM TBM.700A FrAF ET 00.065 “CTM3827” “Quid74”* ZJ215 Apache AH.1 4 Regt + ZJ179 63-8025/D KC-135R 100 ARW 351 ARS 06 1295/SU-BKU C-130H-30 Egyptian AF 16 Sqn “Quid38”* “EGY1502” n/s 27 ZD476/WZ Sea King HC.4 845NAS ZJ137/W Merlin HC.3 28/78 Sqn ZJ208 Apache AH.1 3 Regt + ZJ173 07 B-537 C-130J-30 RDAF Esk 721 “DAF5274” 28 ZJ208 Apache AH.1 3 Regt ZE376 Lynx AH.9A 667 Sqn ZK455/O King Air 200 45(R) Sqn “CWL73” ZF537 Lynx AH.9A 657 Sqn + XZ222 31 ZJ910/BV Typhoon FGR4 29(R) Sqn “Typhoon49” 09 ZE700 BAe 146 CC.2 32(TR) Sqn “RRF10/KRF10” M-517 EH101-512 RDAF Esk722 “DAF3175” 12 ZG918 Lynx AH.9A 9 Regt + ZG919 (trail with JATEU) ZD703 BAe 125 CC.3 32(TR) Sqn “RRR1573” Residents notes 24/30/47 Sqn Hercules C.4/C.5 ZH865/865 returned to 24/30/47 Sqn Brize
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