Section A Population and Vital Statistics Information on New York State’s people — including population characteristics, births, deaths, marriage and divorce, and immigration. Highlights • New York State’s resident population was close to 19.4 million as of July 2010, a 2.11 percent increase since the 2000 Census. • Orange County grew 9.21 percent from 2000 to 2010 and was the fastest growing county in New York; meanwhile Hamilton County lost 10.09 percent of its population, the largest decline. • In 2010, 12.7 million New Yorkers were white, 3 million were black, 3.4 million were of Hispanic origin, and 1.4 million were Asian. • Two-thirds of the over seven million households in New York State as of the 2000 Census were family households; about 47 percent were husband-wife families. • There were 242.9 thousand births, 144.9 thousand deaths, 124.2 thousand marriages, and 56.8 thousand divorces in New York State in 2010. • In 2010, 149.5 thousand immigrants received legal, permanent resident status in New York State. A-1 Resident Population, Rank, Land Area, Density, and A-12 Population by Age and Sex, NYS: 2000 and 2010 Change in Population, US by State: 2000 and 2010 A-13 Older (60+) Population by Age Group, NYS by County: A-2 Births: 2008 and 2008, and Deaths: 2006-08, US by 2010 State A-14 Older (60+) Population by Age Group, Totals and Per- A-3 Marriages and Divorces, US by State: 1990, 2000, centages, NYS by County: 2010 and 2009 A-15 Older (65+) Population by Living Arrangements and A-4 Resident Population, NYS by County: 1920-2010 Older (65+) Householders, NYS by County: 2010 A-5 Resident Population, Rank, Land Area, and Density, A-16 Women Older (60+) by Age Group, Totals and Per- NYS by County: 2000 and 2010 centages, NYS by County: 2010 A-6 Resident Population by Land Area, NYS by Towns, A-17 Older (60+) Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, Villages, and Cities: 2000 and 2010 NYS by County: 2010 A-7 Resident Population, Total and Nonwhite, NYS by A-18 Number of Persons Below Poverty and Poverty Rates County: 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2010 by Age, NYS by County: 2007-11 A-8 Resident Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, A-19 Population (Sixty-Five years and Older) by Types of NYS by City: 2000 and 2010 Disability, NYS by County: 2009-11 Estimates A-9 Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, NYS by A-20 Population by Age and Disability Characteristics, NYS County: 2010 by County: 2011 A-10 Population by Race and Hispanic Origin, NYS by A-21 Disability Characteristics by Age, NYS: 2011 ea: 2000 and 2010 Metropolitan Ar A-22 Employment Status by Disability Characteristics, A-11 Population by Age, NYS by County: 2010 NYS by County: 2011 —1— A-23 Population with Disabilities by Poverty Status and A-46 Living HIV and AIDS Cases, NYS by County (Excluding Age, NYS by County: 2011 NYC): As of December 2010 A-24 Disability Status of the Civilian Non-Institutional A-47 Newly Diagnosed HIV and AIDS Cases by Region and Population Sixty-Five Years and Older by Poverty Year of Diagnosis, NYS: 2010 Status, NYS by County: 2009-11 A-48 Living HIV and AIDS Cases by Gender, Age, Race/ A-25 Disability Status of the Civilian Non-Institutional Ethnicity, and Risk Factors, NYS: As of December Population Sixty-Five Years and Older by Minority 2010 Status, NYS by County: 2009-11 A-49 Marriages and Dissolutions of Marriage, Including A-26 Households, Families, and Persons in Group Quarters, Rates, NYS, NYC, and Rest of State: 1968-2010 NYS by County: 2010 A-50 Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status A-27 Resident Live Births, Deaths, and Infant Deaths, by State of Residence, US by State: Federal Fiscal Including Rates, NYS: 1946-2010 Years 2004-12 A-28 Resident Live Births by Plurality, NYS by County: 2010 A-51 Nonimmigrants Admissions by Category of Admis- sion and State of Destination, US by State: Federal A-29 Resident Live Births by Birth Order, NYS by County: Fiscal Year 2011 2010 A-52 Persons Naturalized by State of Residence, US by A-30 Resident Live Births and Rates, NYS by County: State: Federal Fiscal Years 2004-12 2007-10 A-53 Primary Languages Spoken, NYS (Ages Five Years and A-31 Live Births by Mother’s Age, NYS by County of Resi- Older): 2010 dence: 2010 A-32 Resident Live Births by Month Prenatal Care Began, Figures NYS by County: 2010 A-1 Total Resident Population, NYS: 2010 A-33 Resident Deaths and Rates, NYS by County: 2007-10 A-2 Percent Change in Population, NYS: 2000-10 A-34 Resident Live Births by Mother’s Years of Education, A-3 Resident Population, Percent Black, NYS: 2010 NYS by County of Residence: 2010 A-4 Resident Population, Percent Asian, NYS: 2010 A-35 Deaths and Death Rates by Selected Causes, NYS: 2007-10 A-5 Resident Population, Percent White, NYS: 2010 A-36 Induced Abortions by Resident County and Woman’s A-6 Resident Population, Percent Two or More Races, Age, NYS: 2010 NYS: 2010 A-37 Spontaneous Fetal Deaths (All Gestations) by Mother’s A-7 Resident Population, Percent Hispanic, NYS: 2010 Age, NYS by Resident County: 2010 A-8 Resident Population, Percent Over Sixty-Five, NYS: A-38 Cases of Selected Communicable Diseases, NYS, 2010 Excluding NYC: 2001-10 A-9 Resident Population, Percent of Individuals Sixty- A-39 Deaths by Resident County and Age at Death, NYS Five and Over in Poverty, NYS: 2010 by County: 2010 A-10 Resident Population, Percent Disabled, NYS: 2011 A-40 Resident Induced Abortions by Years of Education, A-11 Living HIV and AIDS Cases by Race/Ethnicity, NYS: NYS by County: 2010 As of December 2010 A-41 Cancer Incidence and Mortality by Gender, NYS by A-12 Living HIV and AIDS Cases by Risk Factors, NYS: As County: Average 2005-09 of December 2010 A-42 Cancer Incidence and Mortality by Gender and Site A-13 Living HIV and AIDS Cases by Age Group, NYS: As of Cancer, NYS: Average 2005-09 of December 2010 A-43 Trends in Cancer Incidence Rates by Gender for A-14 Primary Languages Spoken (Excluding English), Selected Sites of Cancer, NYS: 1985-2009 by Five- NYS: 2010 Year Time Periods Glossary A-44 Trends in Cancer Mortality Rates by Gender for Selected Sites of Cancer, NYS: 1985-2009 by Five- Year Time Periods A-45 Cancer Incidence and Mortality by Age at Diagnosis/ Death and Gender, NYS: Average Annual Counts 2005-09 —2— TABLE A-1 Resident Population, Rank, Land Area, Density, and Change in Population United States by State — 2000 and 2010 April 1, 2000 July 1, 2010 Percent Resident Land Area3 Resident Change in State Population1 Rank2 (square miles)(r) Density Population Rank2 Density Population United States 281,424,602 X 3,537,438.5 79.6 308,745,538 X 86.0 8.04% Alabama 4,447,355 23 50,744.0 87.6 4,779,736 23 91.9 4.82 Alaska 626,931 48 571,951.3 1.1 710,231 47 1.2 9.47 Arizona 5,130,607 20 113,634.6 45.2 6,392,017 14 57.2 26.69 Arkansas 2,673,386 33 52,068.2 51.3 2,915,918 32 54.8 6.81 California 33,871,650 1 155,959.3 217.2 37,253,956 1 235.7 8.52 Colorado 4,302,015 24 103,717.5 41.5 5,029,196 22 47.6 14.82 Connecticut 3,405,604 29 4,844.8 702.9 3,574,097 29 722.7 2.81 Delaware 783,595 45 1,953.6 401.1 897,934 45 446.9 11.42 District of Columbia 572,053 50 61.4 9,316.8 601,723 50 9,639.0 3.46 Florida 15,982,813 4 53,926.8 296.4 18,801,310 4 339.9 14.68 Georgia 8,186,812 10 57,906.1 141.4 9,687,653 9 167.3 18.31 Hawaii 1,211,538 42 6,422.6 188.6 1,360,301 42 200.6 6.33 Idaho 1,293,955 39 82,747.2 15.6 1,567,582 39 18.4 17.76 Illinois 12,419,660 5 55,583.6 223.4 12,830,632 5 232.1 3.88 Indiana 6,080,522 14 35,866.9 169.5 6,483,802 16 177.8 4.87 Iowa 2,926,381 30 55,869.4 52.4 3,046,355 30 53.7 2.60 Kansas 2,688,816 32 81,814.9 32.9 2,853,118 33 34.2 4.21 Kentucky 4,042,284 25 39,728.2 101.7 4,339,367 26 107.5 5.61 Louisiana 4,468,968 22 43,561.8 102.6 4,533,372 25 101.3 -1.30 Maine 1,274,922 40 30,861.6 41.3 1,328,361 40 42.7 3.26 Maryland 5,296,516 19 9,773.8 541.9 5,773,552 19 576.4 6.36 Massachusetts 6,349,113 13 7,840.0 809.8 6,547,629 15 828.8 2.34 Michigan 9,938,492 8 56,803.8 175.0 9,883,640 8 176.1 0.65 Minnesota 4,919,492 21 79,610.1 61.8 5,303,925 21 65.6 6.12 Mississippi 2,844,666 31 46,907.0 60.6 2,967,297 31 62.6 3.30 Missouri 5,596,678 17 68,885.9 81.2 5,988,927 18 85.8 5.63 Montana 902,190 44 145,552.4 6.2 989,415 44 6.6 7.23 Nebraska 1,711,266 38 76,872.4 22.3 1,826,341 38 23.2 4.22 Nevada 1,998,257 35 109,826.0 18.2 2,700,551 35 23.7 30.12 New Hampshire 1,235,785 41 8,968.1 137.8 1,316,470 41 146.7 6.48 New Jersey 8,414,360 9 7,417.3 1,134.4 8,791,894 11 1,170.6 3.19 New Mexico 1,819,041 36 121,355.5 15.0 2,059,179 36 16.4 9.09 New York 18,976,816 3 47,213.8 401.9 19,378,102 3 412.8 2.71 North Carolina 8,046,500 11 48,710.9 165.2 9,535,483 10 189.3 14.61 North Dakota 642,195 47 68,975.9 9.3 672,591 48 9.3 -0.11 Ohio 11,353,160 7 40,948.4 277.3 11,536,504 7 280.5 1.17 Oklahoma 3,450,640 27 68,667.1 50.3 3,751,351 28 53.0 5.56 Oregon 3,421,437 28 95,996.8 35.6 3,831,074 27 39.5 10.77 Pennsylvania 12,281,052 6 44,816.6 274.0 12,702,379 6 277.8 1.36 Rhode Island 1,048,319 43 1,044.9 1,003.3 1,052,567 43 1,005.6 0.24 South Carolina 4,011,809 26 30,109.5 133.2 4,625,364 24 148.8 11.67 South Dakota 754,837 46 75,884.6 9.9 814,180 46 10.6 6.54 Tennessee 5,689,270 16 41,217.1 138.0 6,346,105 17 150.8 9.24 Texas 20,851,811 2 261,797.1 79.6 25,145,561 2 92.9 16.67 Utah 2,233,204 34 82,143.7 27.2 2,763,885 34 33.3 22.53 Vermont 608,826 49 9,249.6 65.8 625,741 49 67.2 2.04 Virginia 7,079,025 12 39,594.1 178.8 8,001,024 12 196.2 9.75 Washington 5,894,143 15 66,544.1 88.6 6,724,540 13 98.4 11.11 West Virginia 1,808,345 37 24,077.7 75.1 1,852,994 37 75.4 0.34 Wisconsin 5,363,708 18 54,310.1 98.8 5,686,986 20 103.6 4.93 Wyoming 493,782 51 97,100.4 5.1 563,626 51 5.5 7.88 r Revised.
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