1961 - CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 10107 muntst conspiracy; to the Committee on MEMORIALS By Mr. PATMAN: Foreign Affairs. H .R. 7615. A bill for the relief of Clara B. By Mr. ALGER: Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memo­ Fry; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 448. Joint resolution expressing rials were presented and referred as fol­ By Mr. ROGERS of Colorado: declaration of will of the American people lows: H.R. 7616. A bill for the relief of Stephen and purpose of their Government to achieve By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ Patrick House, Ellen Myra Rachael House, complete victory over the forces of the world lature of the State of California, memorializ­ Thomas Stephen Rendall House and Jane Communist movement; to the Committee on ing the President and the Congress of the Ellen House; to the Committee on the Ju­ Foreign Affairs. United States relating to the Office of Saline diciary. By Mr. GARLAND: Water of the U.S. Department of the Interior; By Mr. MORRIS K. UDALL: H. Con. Res. 329. Concurrent resolution ex­ to the Committee on Appropriations. H.R. 7617. A bill for the relief of John W. pressing the sense of the Congress with re­ Also, memorial of the Legislature of the Schleiger; to the Committee on the Judi­ spect to the proposed trade by Cuba of pris­ State of California, memorializing the Presi­ ciary. oners for tractors; to the Committee on dent and the Congress of the United States By Mr. VINSON: Foreign Affairs. relative to optimum development of the Cen­ H.R. 7618. A bill authorizing the payment of certain moneys to N. M. Bentley in settle­ By Mr. MERROW: tral Valley Basin and San Francisco Bay ment of claim against the United States; to H. Con. Res. 330. Concurrent resolution ex­ region of California, including multipurpose the Committee on the Judiciary. pressing the sense of the Congress that the developm~nt of certain watersheds therein; By Mr. ZELENKO: to the Committee on Interior and Insular United States should withdraw from further H.R. 7619. A bill for the relief of Eleni negotiations with respect to atomic disarma­ Affairs. P apoulis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ment, and immediately resume atomic test­ H .R. 7620. A bill for the relief of Leslie ing; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. George Graham; to the Committee on the By Mr. PHILBIN: PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Judiciary. H. Con. Res. 331. Concurrent resolution re­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private H.R. 7621. A bill for the relief of Mr. Jan lating to restoration of freedom to captive bills and resolutions were introduced and Henryk Biel; to the Committee on the Ju­ nations; to the Committee on Foreign Af­ diciary. fairs. severally referred as follows: By Mr. ALGER: By Mr. BUCKLEY: H. Con. Res. 332. Con current resolution ex­ H .R. 7607. A bill for the relief of Angelo PETITIONS, ETC. pressing the sense of the Congress with re­ Pellicano; t o t he Committee on the Judi­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions spect to the proposed trade by Cuba of pris­ ciary. By Mr. J OHANSEN: and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk oners for tractors; to the Committee on: and referred as follows: Foreign Affairs. H .R. 7608. A bill for the relief of Mrs. By Mr. SHORT: Barbara Walker De Maso; to the Committee 178. By Mr. DOOLEY: Resolution of the on the Judiciary. H. Con. Res. 333. Concurrent resolution ex­ Civic and Business Federation, White Plains pressing the sense of the Congress with re­ By Mr. KING of California: (N .Y. ) Chamber of Commerce, urging that spect to the proposed trade by Cuba of H.R. 7609. A bill for the relief of Cesar the House Rules Committee adopt the Smith prisoners for tractors; to the Committee on Garcia ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. resolution (H. Res. 125) to amend rule XXI Foreign Affairs. · By Mr. LANE : of t he House of Representatives, so that no H.R. 7610. A bill for the relief of Joe Ka­ bill or joint resolution carrying appropria­ By Mr. KITCHIN: wakami; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tions or other language that would permit H. Res. 334. Resolution to create a select By Mr. McDONOUGH: the withdrawal of money from the Treasury committee to investigate personnel and pro­ H .R . 7611. A bill for the relief of Milagros without further action by the Congress * * * cedures in the Department of State of the Corteza Polvorosa; to t h e Commit tee on the shall be r eported by any committee not United States; to the Committee on Rules. J ud iciary. h avin g jurisdiction to report appropriations; By Mr. MONAGAN: By Mr. CLEM MILLER: to the Committee on Rules. H. Res. 335. Resolution disapproving Reor­ H .R . 7612. A bill for the relief of Otto 179. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Henry ganization Plan No. 6 t ransmitted to Con­ Bagai; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Stoner, Avon Park, Fla., relative to request-: gress by the President on June 12, 1961; to By Mr. O'HARA of Illinois: ing legislation permitting door-to-door solici­ the Committee on Government Operations. H .R. 7613. A bill for the relief of Andreas tation of "Madison's Notes," which is printed H. Res. 336. Resolution disapproving Reor­ Thies; to the Committee on the Judiciary. as a document, and which would permit ganization Plan No. 7 transmitted to Con­ Mr. O'HARA of Illinois (by request): easier purchases of and encourage reading gress by the President on June 12, 1961; to H.R. 7614. A bill for the relief of Rosina of these patriotic documents; to the Com­ the Committee on Government Operations. Thies; t o the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on House Administration. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Statement in Support of Appropriations last December, when there was heavy 1962, and I hope that your subcommittee snow on the ground, and during sub­ will take favorable action on them: Needed for the Water Resources of freezing weather, to ascertain the For the continuing study of navigation West Virginia facilities for the Big Sandy, River, W. Va., Ky., worthiness of each project. All of the and Va. This will permit certain economic projects for which appropriations are studies and continuing traffic and market EXTENSION OF REMARKS needed, and in behalf of which I testi­ surveys, $20,000. OF fied, are necessary for the economy and To complete the study of the Twelve-Pole welfare of West Virginia, and several Creek project. This will permit the restudy HON. ROBERT · C. BYRD are vital to our national defense and of the authorized East Lynn Reservoir, two additional potential reservoir sites, and a OF WEST VIRGINIA national well-being as well. I ask unanimous consent that my possible channel project at Wayne, W. Va. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES statement before the Public Works Sub­ This investigation is about 50 percent com­ plete, and the study is primarily for flood Monday,June12,1961 committee of the Senate Appropriations control, $18,000. Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. Committee be printed in the RECORD. For continuing the survey of Cheat River, President, on Thursday, June 8, 1961, I There being no objection, the state­ $70,000. was afforded the privilege of appearing ment was ordered to be printed in the For Deckers Creek, $1,600. before the Public Works Subcommittee RECORD, as follows: For Summersville Reservoir. This project of the Senate Appropriations Commit­ STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF APPROPRIATIONS is expected to be completed by the fall of tee, to testify in support of several items NEEDED FOR THE WATER RESOURCES OF WEST 1964, $9 million. VIRGINIA For operation and maintenance of the which are in the budget for fiscal year Bluestone Reservoir, $80,000. 1962, and which relate to the work of Mr. Chairman, I appreciate this opportu­ nity to appear before your distinguished sub:. For operation and maintenance of Sutton the Corps of Army Engineers in my committee. I have with me today repre­ Reservoir, $94,000. State of West Virginia. I might say to sentatives of the Ohio Valley Improvement To initiate planning on the Racine locks my distinguished colleagues that each of Association. I shall be very brief. · I am and dams, Ohio River, $75,000. the items which I supported I have per­ glad to support the !ollowtng· items which For the Opekiska lock and dam, Mononga­ sonally inspected. I made a special trip are in the budget request for fl.seal year 'hela River, $3 million. 10108 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE June 12 For the Pike Island locks and dam, nection therewith. My observations during By improving our nonmilitary defenses $14,600,000. that trip convinced me that it is absolutely and expanding our counter offensive efforts Mr. Chairman, there are two items which I imperative that we carry forward the mod­ economically, ideologically, culturally. particularly want to call careful attention ernization of the Ohio River system and that By more effectively mobilfzlng ·our man­ to at this time. One is the budget request of the Monongahela just as soon as it is power and resources, particulatly by provid­ for the Bellevllle locks and dam. The En­ physically possible. I witnessed the opera­ ing more opportunity for our citizens to gineers have indicated, during the recent tion of the old, outmoded, obsolete locks voluntarily serve our country in this time of hearings, that they have a capability of ef­ and dams on these two rivers, and I also crisis.
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