SCHOCKEN PUBLISHING HOUSE List of books 2019 Abani Chris Becoming Abigail Aeschylus Agamemnon Aeschylus Libation Bearers Aeschylus Persians Aeschylus Prometheus Bound Aeschylus The Persians Aeschylus Seven against Thebes Aeschylus Suppliant Aesop Aesop's fables Agnon S.Y. A Book, An Author, A Story Agnon S.Y. A City in its Fullness Agnon S.Y. A Guest for the Night Agnon S.Y. A Simple Story Agnon S.Y. At the Handle of the Lock Agnon S.Y. Chronicles of our Homes Agnon S.Y. Days of Awe Agnon S.Y. Days of Grace Agnon S.Y. From Foe to Friend Agnon S.Y. From Myself to Me Agnon S.Y. In Mr. Lublin’s Store Agnon S.Y. In the Prime of her Life and other Novellas Agnon S.Y. My Dear Estherlein Agnon S.Y. Only Yesterday Agnon S.Y. Present at Sinai Agnon S.Y. S.Y. Agnon - Critical Essays Of His Writings Agnon S.Y. Salman Schocken, Correspondence Agnon S.Y. Secrets of Wise Men Agnon S.Y. Shira Agnon S.Y. Tehila Agnon S.Y. The Baal Shem Tov Stories Agnon S.Y. The Bridal Canopy Agnon S.Y. The Hidden Zadik Agnon S.Y. The Fire and the Trees Agnon S.Y. The Sign Agnon S.Y. These and Those Agnon S.Y. Thus far Agnon S.Y. Wait And See Agnon S.Y. Within the Wall Agnon S.Y. Shmuel Yosef Agnon’s Work (9 Vols., published during his lifetime) Agnon S.Y. Shmuel Yosef Agnon Complete Work (23 Vols.) Agnon S.Y. Shmuel Yosef Agnon’s Posthumous Work (14 Vols.) Aharoni Ron Mathematics for Parents Allende Isabel Daughter of Fortune Allende Isabel Eva Luna Allende Isabel On Love & Shadows Allende Isabel My Invented Country Allende Isabel Paula Allende Isabel Portrait in Sepia Allende Isabel Stories of Eva Luna Allende Isabel The City of Beasts Allende Isabel The House of the Spirits 2 Allende Isabel The Infinite Plan Almog Shulamit Children’s Rights Almog Shulamit City, Law, Story Ambjørnsen Ingvar Blood Brothers Amichai Y. & Partouche D. Akhziv, Caesarea and One Love Amichai Yehuda Behind This a Great Happiness is Hiding / A Great Tranquility Amichai Yehuda Bells and Trains Amichai Yehuda God has Mercy on the Kindergarten Children Amichai Yehuda Jerusalem Poems Amichai Yehuda Love Poems Amichai Yehuda More Love Poems Amichai Yehuda Not for the sake of Remembering / Now in the storm Amichai Yehuda Not of this Time, Not of this Place Amichai Yehuda Now in the Storm Amichai Yehuda Open Eyed Land Amichai Yehuda Poems 1948-1962 Amichai Yehuda The Fist was Once an Open Palm and Fingers, Open Closed Open Amichai Yehuda The Hour Of Grace; For Man Thou Art and Unto Man Shalt Thou Return Amichai Yehuda Yehuda Amichai - Complete Poetry in 5 Vols. Anam Thamima A Golden Age Aristofanes Lysistrata Aristofanes The Assembly Women Aristofanes The Frogs Aristotle Ethics Assouline Pierre On Edge Assouline Pierre The Last of the Camondos Avital-Eppstein Gideon The Yom Kippur War: A Battle over the Collective Memory Barthes Roland Fragments of Amorous Discourse Baehr Arno Longing for my Vineyard Barthes Roland Fragments of Amorous Discourse Basinsky Pavel Leo Tolstoy Escape from Paradise Batthyany Sacha Crime in the Family Bayly Jaime Suddenly an angel Bell Quentin Virginia Woolf: A Biography Ben Bassat Avi Light Madness Ben Tov Arie The Red cross came too late Ben-Dov Nitza Their Praise Ben-Dov Nitza Written Lives: On Israeli Literary Autobiographies Ben-Dov Nitza War Life Ben-Rafael Zion & Seidman Daniel The Complete Guide of Fertility Ben Reuven Sara Like a Tree in a Dark Forest Berlitz Charles Doomsday 1999 A.D. Berlitz Charles The Burmuda Triangle Berlitz Charles Without a Trace Bernhard Thomas Extinction Bernhard Thomas Heldenplatz Bioy Casares Adolfo Plan of Escape 3 Birger Trudi Narrow Bridge Bisi Patrizia Daimon Bossi Fedrigotti Isabella Disappearance Brasme Ann-Sophie Breath Brecht Bertholt Conversations of Refugees Brecht Bertholt The Means that Must be Taken Broshi Aviva The Thread’s End Buber Martin Moses Buber Martin Tales of Hassidim Camilleri Andrea The Hunting Season Camilleri Andrea The Knight’s Move Carlson K. Stephanie A. Ziporyn T. The Harvard Guide to Women’s Health Chateaubriand François René Atala René Cohen Avner Israel and The Bomb Cohen A. and Susser B. From Accommodation to Escalation Cohen Avner Israel and the Bomb Collins & Lapierre Ô Jérusalem Cottonwood Joe Famous Potataoes Darwish Mahmud Beirut Diary David Anthony An Improbable Friendship David Anthony The sky is the Limit David Anthony The Patron De Montaigne Michel The Essays (Vol. 1) Deshen & Shokeid (eds.) The Inter Cultural Experience Deshen Shlomo With a Folding Cane Dinstein Yoram International Law Above the State? Djebar Assia Les Nuits de Strasbourg Dongala Emmanuel B. Little Boys Come from the Stars Doyle Melton Glennon Love Warrior Dykman Aminadav Russian Modern Poetry Dylan Thomas Under Milk Wood Einat Tomer Forbidden Language Eggerz Solveig Seal Woman Eldad Israel Lectures on Uri Zvi Grunberg’s poetry Eldar Avidan Dorit Choosing Life Elizur Y. & Minuchin S. Institutionalizing Madness Elizur Yoel Holding their own Erdman Paul E. The Billion Dollar Sure Thing Esterhazy Peter Helping Verbs of the Heart Euripides Andromache Euripides Children of Heracles Euripides Electra Euripides Hecube Euripides Helen Euripides Heracles Euripides Hyppolytus Euripides Ion Euripides Iphigenia at Aulis Euripides Iphigenia in Tauris Euripides Medea Euripides Orestes 4 Euripides Phoenician Women Euripides The Bacchae Euripides The Cyclops Euripides Trojan Women Euripides Suppliant Women Forrester Viviane The Economic Horror Forsyth Frederick The Day of the Jackal Forsyth Frederick The Fourth Protocol Forsyth Frederick The Odessa File Gaarder Jostein The Solitaire Mystery Gaarder Jostein Maya Gaarder Jostein Sophie’s World Galpaz-Feller Pnina Exodus – Reality or Illusion Gary Pnina An Israeli Love Story Gavalda Anna Hunting and Gathering Geffen Jonathan Hurts Less, Yet Painful Ghata Yasmine The Calligraphers’ night Ghazy Randa Four in a train Ginott Shai Landscapes of the Soul Ginott Shai Field of Vision Gitter Benno The Story of My Life Goodwin Michael, Burr Dan Economix: How and Why Our Economy Works (and Doesn't Work) in Words and Pictures Golan Arieh Idioms Dictionary Gold-Scharf Nili Not as a Pine Tree Goldstien Yossi Rabin (Biography) Goldstien Yossi Eli Hurvitz Goldstein Guy-Philippe Babel Minute Zero Golomb Jacob In Search of Authenticity Glowacki Jansz Good Night, Dzerzi Gordimer Nadine The Conservationist Goshen-Gottstein E. Recalled to Life Guo Xiaolu Twenty Fragments of A Ravenous Youth Gurdjieff G. Meetings with Remarkable Men Gurdjieff G.I. Beelzebub’s Tales to his Grandson Hagag Rivka The Queen of Samaria Ha Jin Waiting Hamsum Knut Hunger Hamsun Knut Mysteries Hamsun Knut Pan Hamsun Knut The Growth of the Soil Hamsun Knut Victoria Hamsun Knut Sult Handelzalts Michael A Book Handke Peter The Left-Handed Woman Har Shefi Avisar Fire Horses Hartman David Israelis and the Jewish Tradition Hayman Ronald Kafka: A Biography Heinz Graupe Moshe The Rise of Modern Judaism Hertzberg Arthur The Jews in America Hesiod Works And Days Hesse Hermann Demian 5 Hesse Hermann Der Steppenwolf Hesse Hermann Gertrud Hesse Hermann Knulp Hesse Hermann Narciss and Goldmund Hesse Hermann Peter Camenzind Hesse Hermann Rosshalde Hesse Hermann Siddhartha Hesse Hermann The Wonders of Writings Hesse Hermann Under the Wheel Hesse Hermann Wanderings Hochhuth Rolf Love in Germany Høeg Peter Borderliners Høeg Peter Smilla’s Sense of Snow Høeg Peter The Woman and the Ape Hofmann Corinne The White Massai Homer Odyssey Homer Iliad Hsu C. Emmanuel The Rise of Modern China Hughes Ted The Thought Fox Idel Moshe Eros and Kabbalah Idel Moshe Golem Idel Moshe Hassidim Idel Moshe Language, Torah and Hermeneutics in Abraham Abulafia Idel Moshe Kabbalah: New Perspectives Idel Moshe Rabbi Menahem Recanati The Kabbalist Irwin Robert The Arabian Nightmare Isaacs Alick A Prophetic Peace Isau Ralf The Circle of Dawn Jabès Edmond The Book of Questions Jacques Martin When China Rules the World Jenny Zoë The Pollen Room Kacer Kathy Hiding Edith Kafka Franz America Kafka Franz Description of a Struggle Kafka Franz Diaries 1910-1913 Kafka Franz Diaries 1914-1923 Kafka Franz Letters to Milena, A Letter to my Father. Kafka Franz Stories Kafka Franz The Castle Kahalani Avigdor The Heights of Courage Katzav Noam Last Days of Innocence Kenaz Yehoshua (ed.) Haaretz, The 75th year Kivity Jonathan The Ashtray Effect Kjearstad Jan The Discoverer Klein Ramy Beyond the Blue Horizon Knohl Israel The Messiah Before Jesus Koller Dov Handbook for Biology of Plants Kristof Agota The Third Lie Kristof Agota The Proof Küchler S. Lena My Hundred Children Küchler S. Lena My Mother’s Home 6 Kuhn Esti Like Touching the Moon Kumpfmüller Michael The Glory of Life Kurzweil Baruch Modern Israeli Literature Kurzweil Baruch The Novel Kuriniawan Eka Beauty is a Wound Landolfi Tommaso Two Old Maids Lannes H. Henriette This Fundamental Quest: The Journey of a Pupil of G.I. Gurdjieff Laor Dan S.Y. Agnon: A Biography Laqueur Walter The Terrible Secret Laqueur Walter & Breitman Richard Breaking the Silence Lawrence D.H. Aaron’s Rod Lawrence D.H. The Rainbow Laxness Halldor Iceland’s Bell Lee Min Jin Pachinko Leibowitz Yeshayahu Judasim, the Jewish People and the State of Israel Leibowitz Yeshayahu Saying of the Fathers Lem Stanislaw Space Ship Victory Lem Stanislaw Tales of Pirx the Pilot Lem Stanislaw The Futurological Congress Levinas Emmanuel Beyond the Phrase Levinas Emmanuel New Talmudique Lectures Levinas Emmanuel Nine Talmudique Readings Lewinsky Charles Melnitz Liebes Yehuda Ars Poetica in "Sefer Yetsira" Lieblich Amia An Aunt of Sorts Lieblich Amia Arak for breakfast Lieblich Amia In Spite of It All: The Story of a Binational Village Lieblich Amia Israeli Women in the New Family Lieblich Amia Kibbutz Gilgal Lieblich Amia Only Birds Lieblich Amia Deborah Lieblich Amia Tin Soldiers on Jerusalem Beach Lieblich Amia Look at Me! Longfellow H.
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