
DEPARTMENTOF THEINTERIOR BUREAU OFEDUCATION - e BULLETIN, 1929,No. 7 - ACCREDITED HIGHERINSTITUTIONS 411 1927-1928 By ELLA B.RATCLIFFE DIVISION OF HIGHEREDUCATION,BUREAU OFEDUCATION . OF ny%.,,, ...1,,,.. A.,. ...,#...._ , a I .1246 - ;Pk , irl.f I', ijih. e o lin /I- :.' I .. V 14 I I! . :, "%. :$11 al% ; IA 1... - 'k ill -Arai ,;4100 .. el%e 4,601 n LZ:' t e 4,--VA..° il ' I. t '1-11 " e 3 UNITEDSTATES GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON:1929 O ADDITIONAL COPIES Or THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED FROM TEE SUPERINTENDENT Or DOCUMENTS U.B.GOVERNM/CNT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D. C. AT 10CENTSPER COPY CONTENTS 6 . Pare Letter of transmittal MID MM. ..... .11= aNDaa. a:aa. a e .0* MEP MS,Im 4M. e '1 C e ea OP 00e ea. v Introduction _._.__ _ __ __ alormap411. AN. malo a 1 I. Colleges,junior colleges,andteacher-traininginstitutions: American CouncilonEducation _ _________ am. _ _ _ 0 ma ......... 3 Colleges__ _____ ... _ _.410.11....11maa.AP.= M..1........ 3 Junior al (Veges ..- A----.....'''' ' Ill.... ''' . .. 4 Normalscwols andttiachers colleges____ __ Am . a .,m. a._ ...a.40. MD an. mow..._ 5 Association ofAmerican Universities i _ _____ ____ .... a.lim a aaaa .. 7 Collegesand universitiesapproved . by thessociation,1927-28_ _ 10 Association ofCollegesand SecondarySchools ofthe MiddleStates and Maryland__ __ ___ ___ m '.. .. ,m, ow .aNaM 12 Association ofCollegesand SecondarySchools ofthe Southern States . __ ... ... _ _ _ _ __ _ _ .. _ _ ........... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _... _ _ ___ 13 Colleges ofarts and sciences at41. Mo 410 MD f= a.a.m. am N am.... aa, 15 Junior colleges _ _ _ _ ... ___._ 16 Teacher-trainingcolleges.________________________________ 18 Four-year nonnwmbercolleges. _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ .... _ _ _ __- ,_ ...... _ _ 20 North CentralAssociationof Colleges .. and SecondarySchools_am .m.va. a 21 Colleges anduniversities__--- , amm Ma.. an . emo 23 Junior colleges_ ___________________________________ 25 Institutionsprimarily for the trainingofteachers____ .., 26 NorthwestAssociation ofSecondaryand HigherSchools.__ _................. 28 Colleges _ ____ _ .... 28 Junior colleges _ __________________ _____ 28 Teacher-training _ institutions ' __' 28 . New EnglandAssociationof Collegesand SecondarySchools___ 28 _ American Associationof .Tunior Colleges_____.11M.raw am NMa a...a. 29 AmericanAssociation ofTeachersColleges______________________ 31 II. Colleges,schools,or departments ofbusiness,journalism, medicine, dqntistry,piarmacy, law,and libraryscience: AmericanAssociation ofCollegiate Schools of AMmia. Business__ MI. a a. aa aNa Oar 37 American Association ofSchools andDgpartmentsof Journalism___ 39 Councilon Medical Education, andHospitals ofthe American Medical Association______ _ _ _ _ _ __ Medical ... ... _ _ _ _ _ ..._ _ _ ......_ _ _... _ ________ 40 Dental Educational Council _ _ of America_ aim MD . M.411. GEM1M. w m ma 40. a 40. 41 American Asiociationof Collegesof Pharmacy 43° American BA m.a Association______ OW am 3- -..10 -___ _ _ ____ __ ___ _ _ 45 American LibraryAssociation.------- ---,.,,................b.................., 47 Index _ OD .... 41. p __...., . e 4EM .g S e 41. IN ....... _ AIM e e Mo e.11» ... ....... 49' III A LETTEROFTRANSMITTAL IP1 DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR, BUREAUOF EDUCATION, Washington,Aprq4,1929. SIR: Theaccompanyingmanuscript isarevisionof Baletin,1927, No.4 1prepared inresponse toawidespreaddelnand forinformation çoncerningthe standingof institutionsof higherlearning. in the Changes standardsemployedby thenationaland' regionalassocia- tions inaccrediting,approving,orclassifyinginstitutionstake place .rather frequently.Changes inthe listsof institutionsaccredited 6ccurMOrefrequently.It ist hepurposeof thismanuscriptto bring thestandardsand listsup todate."recommendthat itbe published as abulletinof the Bureauof Education. Respectfully submitted. WILLIAMJoiii;COOPER, Commissioner. TheSECRETARYOF THE, INTERIOR. ACCREDITEDHIGHERINSTITUTIONS Introduction This bulletincontains thelists ofinstitutions accredittd,approved, orclassified bynational andregional associationsconcerned withthe progressof highereduckttion ingeneraland specialfields. Severalassociationshaveundertakenthe accreditingof colleges, junior colleges,andteacher-traininginstitutions.While thestand- ards whichtheseorganizationsemploytend towarduniformity,some variation inthem existsdue,to the necessityof 'providingfor condi- tions peculiarto the sectionsof thecountry coveredby thedifferent organizations.Each listof colleges,juniorcolleges,andteacher- traininginstitutionsisthereforeaccompaniedby thestandard accordingto which theinstitutionshave beenjudged. In additionto these assodiations,thereareseveralothers which have drawnuprequirementsfor theseveraltypes/ .of collegiate institutions ana,althoughthey havenot attkmptedtoprepare accredited lists,their activitieshavehadconsiderableinfluenceon the standardsof highereducation.Therequirement8of these organizationsare,therefore, alsoincludedin thebulletin. Theaccreditingorclassifyingof schoolsof medicine,dentistry, pharmacy, law,and libraryscience iscarriedonbyasingleagency in eachfield'employingcommon standards forinstitutionsin all parts of thecountry.Thesestandards,althoughimportant,areof interesttoaélitivtlysmallgroupandareconsequentlyomitted. It is thoughttWat theaccreditedand classifiedlists ofprofessional schools willfurnish theinformationdesired bymostpersons. As collegiateschools ofbusiness andof journalismhavecothe into existence withincomparativelyrecentyearsand theirrelationto other divisionsof highereducation isnotsoclearlydefinedasis the casewith theolderprofessions, thestandardswhich theyhaveadopted formembershipin theirorganizationsaccompanytheir lists. l'hefollowingassociationsarerepresentedin thebulletin: .American CouncilonEducation. Associationof AmericanUniversities. -." almm, iEleeptionto this statement 71 is the "registering " and " fining."of professionalschools bythe Regentsof the Universityof the Stateof New York. ACCREDITED HIGHER INSTITUTIONS Association ofColleges and Secondary Schools of the Middle. States and Maryland. Association of Colleges anki. Secondary Schools of the Southern States. New England Association of Colljgcs and Secondary Schools. North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. American Association of Junior Colleges American Association of Teachers Colleges. American Association of Collegiate Schools of Businesg. American Association Of Schools and Departments of Journalism. CouncilonMedicalEducationandHospitals ofthe AmericanMedical Association Dental EducaOonal Council of America. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. American Library Association. For convenience in locating information concerning individual col- legesorschools,anindex oftheinaniof all the institutions contained in the bulletin is appefided. The Bureau of EdVcation desissis to empehasize the fact that the insti- tuttionelisted in this bulletinarenot accredited, Eippro %red,orclassified by the Bureau of Education.Inclusion in the bulletin does not imply national governmentalrecognitioni.The Bureau of Education does not accredit, approve, or classify anyeducational institution. 4 1.Colleges, JuniorColleges,and Teacher-TrainingInstitutions goo American CouncilonEducation Director. Charles R. Mann,26 Jackson Place, Washingtun,D. C. The followingstandards foraccreditingcolleges,inior colleges,and teacher-traininginstitutionsarerecommended bythe AmericanCouncil onEducationto national, regional, andState agenciesengaged in defining and accreditinginstitutions ofhigher learning.The council isnotanaccreditingagencyItspurposein drawingupstandards frand submittingthemto the accrediting bodieswas tobring about, sofaraspossible, theuseof uniformstandards.by theaccrediting agencies already inthe field.The list of" accreditedhigher institu- tions," which it hasseveral timespublished, isacomvilationof the 'listsof the Associationof AmericanUniversities, theAssociation of Colleges and SecondarySchools of -the MiddleStates and Maryland, the Associationof Colleves andSecondary SchoolsoftheSouthern States, thc NorteCentral 'Associationof Colleges andSecondary Schools,and theNorthwest Associationof Secondary.and Higher Schools.--- Colleges (Approved by thecouncil at its anima?meeting In !Mg,1922) Definition.The terni " college"asused below isunderstood to designateall institutions of highereducation whichgrant itonprofèssionalbachelor's degrees. The committeerecomn4nds tothe variousregional and national standardizing agenciesasconstituting minimumrequirements thefollowing principlesand standardswhich shouldbe observed inaccrediting colleges: 1.Altnissionof students.Acollege should demandfor admissionthe satisfactowy completion¿fa4yearpJèasecoiidaryschool approvedbyarecognized accreditingagency, -orthe equivalentof sucha course.The majorportion of tilt; seccimdary-schoolcourse accepted for admissionshould be Ninitely, corre- lated witht he curriculumto which the studentis admitted. 2.Gradúcailionrequirements.A college shouldrequire forgraduation the completion gfaminimum- quantithtiverequirement of 120semester hour's of credit (or theequivalent in term hours,quarter hours, points,inajors,orcourses) withfurther scholasticqualitative requirementsadapted, by eachinstitution to its conditions. 3.Faculty .The sizeof the facultyshould bearadefinite relationto the type of institution,the number ofstudents, and theumber ofcoursesoffered, Fora collegeof approximately,100students inasingle curriculumthe fac lty should .consistof at least eight headsof departments
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