Sources for Headnotes Includes only sources not cited in notes to headnotes. General sources may only be cited once in notes. Maria Abdy Arthur H. Beavan, James and Horace Smith . A Family Narrative Based Upon Hitherto Unpublished Private Diaries, Letters and Other Documents (London, 1899); Boyle, Index; Feminist Companion. Lucy Aikin Humphrey Carpenter and Mari Prichard, The Oxford Companion to Children's Litera­ ture (New York, 1984); Anne Crawford et al., eds., The Europa Biographical Dictio­ nary of British Women: Over 1,000 Notable Women from Britain's Past (Detroit, 1983); DNB; Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th ed. (1891); Feminist Companion; Barbara Brandon Schnorrenberg, "Lucy Aikin," New Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, forthcom­ ing); William S. Ward, Literary Reviews in British Periodicals, 17g8-1820: A Bibliography with a Supplementary List of General (Non-Review) Articles on Literary Subjects, 2 vols. (New York, 1972). Jane Austen David Cecil, A Portrait of Jane Austen (New York, 1979); Margaret Crum, English and American Autographs in the Bodmeriana, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Catalogues, 4 (Cologny-Geneve, 1977), 17, 104; DNB; Feminist Companion; David Gilson, A Bibliog­ raphy ofJane Austen (Oxford, 1982), 370-71; idem, "Jane Austen's Verses," Book Collector 33, no. l (1984): 25-37; J. David Grey, ed., The Jane Austen Handbook (London, 1986), 392; Times Literary Supplement, 14 January 1926, 27; Janet Todd, ed., British Women Writers: A Critical Reference Guide (New York, 1989). Joanna Baillie Margaret S. Carhart, The Life and Work ofJoanna Baillie (New Haven, 1923); Sarah Tytler [Henrietta Keddie] and J. L. Watson, The Songstresses of Scotland, 2 vols. (London, 1871). Anna Letitia Barbauld Lucy Aikin, "Memoir; in The Works of Anna La:titia Barbauld, with a Memoir, ed. Lucy Aikin, 2 vols. (London, 1825); DNB; DLB ro9; Lonsdale, Eighteenth-Century Sources for Headnotes Women Poets; Henry Crabb Robinson, On Books and Their Writers, ed. Edith]. Morley, 3 vols. (London, 1938); Betsy Rodgers, Georgian Chronicle: Mrs. Barbauld and Her Family (London, 1958); Todd, Dictionary. Mrs. E.-G. Bayfield Feminist Companion; Literary Journal 3 (16 February 1804): 164; National Union Catalogue; William S. Ward, Literary Reviews in British Periodicals, 1789-1797: A Bibliography with a Supplementary List of General (Non-Review) Articles on Literary Subjects (New York, 1979). Elizabeth Bentley Allibone, Critical Dictionary; Critical Review, n.s., 3 (1791): 94-95; Feminist Compan­ ion; Landry, Muses of Resistance, 209-16; Gentleman's Magazine 92 (February 1822): 153; John MacKay Shaw, Childhood in Poetry; A Catalogue, with Biographical and Critical Annotations, of the Books of English and American Poets Comprising the Shaw Childhood in Poetry Collection in the Library of the Florida State University, 5 vols. (Detroit, 1967-68); [John Watkins and Frederic Shoberl], eds., A Biographical Dictionary of Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland; comprising Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes of their Lives; and a Chronological Register of their Publications, etc. (London, 1816). Matilda Betham Ernest Betharn, ed., A House of Letters. Being Excerpts from the Correspondence of Miss Charlotte ]erningham ... and Others, with Matilda Betham, etc. (London, 1905); M. Betharn-Edwards, Six Life Studies of Famous Women (London, 1880), 231-303; Feminist Companion; Todd, Dictionary. Susanna Blamire Chambers' Edinburgh journal II (1843): 238-39; Henry Lonsdale, The Worthies of Cumber­ land (London, 1873); Lonsdale, Eighteenth-Century Women Poets; Frederic Rowton, ed., The Female Poets of Great Britain: Chronologically Arranged (London, 1853; facs. reprint with critical introduction and bibliographical appendixes by Marilyn L. Williamson, Detroit, 1981); Walter Scott, The Letters of Sir Walter Scott, ed. Herbert]. C. Grierson, 12 vols. (London, 1932-37); Todd, Dictionary; Sarah Tytler [Henrietta Keddie] and]. L. Watson, The Songstresses of Scotland, 2 vols. (London, 1871). Countess ef Blessington The Literary Life and Correspondence of the Countess of Blessington, ed. R. R. Madden, 2 vols. (New York, 1855); Boyle, Index; DNB;]. Fitzgerald Molloy, The Most Gorgeous Lady Blessington, Beaux and Belles of England (New York, n.d.); Alfred Morrison, The Collection of Autograph Letters and Historical Documents formed by Alfred Morrison . The Blessington Papers (n.p., 1895); Michael Sadleir, Blessington-D'Orsay: A Masquerade (London, 1933). Sources for Headnotes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mary Ann Browne Allibone, Critical Dictionary; Boyle, Index; Feminist Companion; Mitford, Recollections, 222-27; Nineteenth Century Short Title Catalogue, 1816-1870, 2nd ser., vol. 6 (Newcastle­ upon-Tyne, l986);Jane Williams, The Literary Women of England (London, 1861), 547- 50. Lady Byron (nee Anne Isabella Milbanke) Malcolm Elwin, Lord Byron's Wife (New York, 1962); Harriet Martineau, "Lady Byron," Atlantic Monthly 7 (February 1861): 185-95; Ethel Colburn Mayne, The Life and Letters of Anne Isahella Lady Noel Byron, from Unpublished Papers in the Possession of the Late Ralph, Earl of Lovelace (New York, 1929); Joan Pierson, The Real Lady Byron (Lon­ don, 1992); James Soderholm, "Annabella Milbanke's 'Thyrza to Lord Byron;" Byron Journal 21 (1993) : 30-42. Dorothea Primrose Campbell Feminist Companion; Sarah ]. Hale, Woman's Record; or, Sketches of all Distinguished Women,Jrom the Creation to A.D. 1868. Arranged in Four Eras. With Selections from Author­ esses of Each Era, 3rd ed., rev. (New York, 1870). Ann Candler Gwenn Davis and Beverly A. Joyce, comps., Poetry by Women to 1900 : A Bibliography of American and British Writers (Toronto, 1991); DNB; Landry, Muses of Resistance, 273- 74, 278-80; "Memoirs of the Life of Ann Candler," including Candler's own long autobiographical letter of 13 April 1801, in Poetical Attempts, by Ann Candler, a Suffolk Cottager, with a Short Narrative of her Life, ed. [Elizabeth Cobbold] (Ipswich, 1803), l-17; Todd, Dictionary. Elizabeth Cobbold (nee Eliza Knipe) Elizabeth Cobbold, Poems by Mrs. Elizabeth Cobbold with a Memoir of the Author, [ed. Laetitia Jermyn] (Ipswich, 1825); European Magazine IO (1786): 290; Todd, Dictionary. Sara Coleridge Sara Coleridge, Memoir and Letters of Sara Coleridge, ed. [Edith Coleridge], 2 vols. (London, 1873); Earl Leslie Griggs, Coleridge, Fille: A Biography of Sara Coleridge (Lon­ don, 1940); Bradford Keyes Mudge, Sara Coleridge, A Victorian Daughter: Her Life and Essays (New Haven, 1989); review of Memoir and Letters of Sara Coleridge in Edinburgh Review 139 (January 1874): 44-68; Eleanor A. Towle, A Poet's Children: Hartley and Sara Coleridge (London, 1912); Mona Wilson, ''A Neglected Fairy Tale," in These Were Muses (1924; reprint, Port Washington, N.Y., 1970). Sources for Headnotes Hannah Cowley DLB 89; DNB; European Magazine 39 (April 1801): 176-77; Feminist Companion; Monthly Review 35 (June 1801): 175-79; Paul Schlueter and June Schlueter, eds., An Encyclopedia of British Women Writers (New York, 1988); Todd, Dictionary. Ann Batten Cristall Critical Review, n.s., 13 (1795): 286-92; DNB; Feminist Companion, 248; Basil Taylor, Joshua Cristal/ (London, 1975); Collected Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft, ed. Ralph M. Wardle (Ithaca, 1979), 172, 187-89, 194, 196, 379, 421-22. Catherine Ann Dorset Briti;h Critic 37 (January 18n): 67-68; DNB; European Magazine 56 (October 1809): 290; Gentleman's Magazine 77 (September 1807): 846-48; Stanley J. Kunitz and Howard Jay Craf, British Authors before 1800 (New York, 1952); Literary Panorama 3 (Febru­ ary 1808): 965-66; Monthly Magazine 24 (Jo January 1808): 629; Poetical Register 7 (1809): 596. Maria Edgeworth Marilyn Butler, Maria Edgeworth: A Literary Biography (Oxford, 1982); DLB n6; DNB; James Patrick Muirhead, The Life of James Uiitt, 2nd ed., rev. (London, 1859), 521; Todd, Dictionary. Susan Evance James Robert de Jager Jackson, Romantic Poetry by Women: A Bibliography, 1770-1835 (Oxford, 1993). Catherine Maria Fanshawe Mary Berry, Extracts of the Journals and Correspondence of Miss Berry,Jrom the Year 1783 to 1852, ed. Lady Theresa Lewis, 3 vols. (London, 1865); DNB; John Gibson Lockhart, Life of Sir Walter Scott, 5 vols. (Boston, 1901), 4:124-26; Mitford, Recollections, 157-68. Anne Grant (Mrs. Grant of Laggan) Mrs. Anne Katherine Elwood, Memoirs of the Literary Ladies of England, from the Com­ mencement of the Last Century, 2 vols. (London, 1843), 2 :66-97; George Eyre-Todd, ed., Scottish Poetry ef the Eighteenth Century, 2 vols. (London, 1896), 2:141; Memoir and Corre­ spondence of Mrs. Grant of La~an, ed. J.P. Grant, 3 vols. (London, 1844); Emily Morse Symonds [George Paston, pseud. J, Little Memoirs of the Eighteenth Century (London and New York, 1901), 237-96; Walter Scott, The Journal of Walter Scott, ed. W. E. K. Ander­ son (Oxford, 1972); idem, The Letters of Sir Walter Scott, 1808-1811, ed. Herbert John Clifford Grierson (London, 1932); George Ticknor, Life, Letters, and Journals, 2 vols., Sources for Headnotes 6th ed. (Boston, 1877), 1:274, 278-79;Jane Williams, The Literary Women of England (London, l86r), 519-43; James Grant Wilson, The Poets and Poetry of Scotland;Jrom the Earliest to the Present Time, 2 vols. (London, 1876), l :338-40. Elizabeth Hands Feminist Companion; Landry, Muses of Resistance; Todd, Dictionary. Mary Hays Analytical Review 25 (1797): 174-78; Olive Banks, ed., The Biographical Dictionary of British Feminists, 2 vols. (New York, 1985), r :215-17; British Critic 9 (1797): 314-15; Critical Review, n.s., 19 (1797): 109-II; Feminist
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