Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1970-80 The iH lltop Digital Archive 1-21-1977 The iH lltop 1-21-1977 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 1-21-1977" (1977). The Hilltop: 1970-80. 175. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080/175 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1970-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' i • •• • • ' • ' Hilltop Highlights : "Pb1 ver roncf'de, New; From Black Schools ... .. p2 nothing HUSA's N!w Office ......".. .... :, p2 ' \\'ithout a demand" Third World Ne"5 Foe ........ p3 law School Troubled .. ·........ p4 · Fredcrirk Douglas, Roots On TV ......................... p6 ' ''THE VOICE OF THF HOWARD COMMUNITY'' WHUR's Q;iet Storm ......... .. .. p7 Howard University, Washington D.C., 20059 ., I Vol'.. 59, No. 14 21 January 1977 ' ' SBA Questions Lack College of Medicine of Quality Education Acceptance of HU ' At HU Law School Grads ·oecreas~pg • • By Arlene Wailer i[ 8'1,'. Leila Brown dent body concerning the and Fred Hines ~ ' G rld Sc hool· Editor organization of the protest. there nevertheless seemed Hilltop Staffwriters $ to be a general consensus ' .. fhe law school is on a that ''something has to be The number of H oward undergraduate students who d ownward trend, and we • are admitted to the College of Medicine ha!\.fdecreased at · done," about the education 0 , ' need to arrest it," said God­ at the school. -0 a steady rate since 1970 despite the fact th~ the total fried Akorli, president of the , Specific complaints of the ~• enrollment has been on the rise since ttiat time, ac­ StU'dent Bar Association student body inclucle: the cording to annual reports from the Medical School. (SBA) Wednesday, at the law incompetence of ce rtair1 For the 1970-71 academic scti,bol, as he called for a facu!tY members and their school year, there were 397 Religion Move moratofiurn on classes. seriousness of purpose; students enrolled in the Med J!,he SBA, the formal stu­ failure of the school to ad ­ school compared to a total dent governing body and the h~re to university policies, of 474 1n the 1975-76 To New Building stusJents' official representa­ for example: tardy posting of academic year, the reports tive in dealing with the grades, failure of in!>trL1ctors said. Figures showing the faculty, initiated the mora­ to hand out syl lab i at the amount of graduating Delayed torium ih an effort to bring Rev. Martin Luther King , Sr., spoke at tl1e pre-inaugural prayer se rvice l1eld yesterday at the Lingcoln Memorial before start of each semester; the Howard students admitted the problems of the law an cst in1ated 50,000 people. The message he delivered came 13 years after that of h.is son when ''I Have a Orea m'' was given . admission of rnore ar1d more to the school indicate that in school to the""-ttent1on of " non-minority students iiito 1970 59 undergrads w ere ad ­ By Bonita Coleman the Board of 'Trustees. ' the school, the lack of ade­ mitted and in 1976 only 16 Hilltop Sl•ff writer quate financial aid arid tlie were accepted. Mrs. Frankie Freeman, a ' basis on which it is giveri; Dr. D avid B. Henso n, member of the Board, was King Sr. Tells Crowd 'Sheep Must Be Fed' The. Sc hool of Religion's lack of adequate classroom Assistant Dean for Student · present at the assernbly in scheduled move to the space; and the 11eglect of th e Affairs said the decline · in . newly leased Queen of· the school chapel, but was adrninistration to initiate any enrollment by Huward un­ unable to adequately res ­ Apostles building since mid­ adequate steps to reverse At Pre Inaugura l Prayer Ser.;ice Senior Remembers Junior dergraduates who seek to pond to students' questions December hae been delayed the poor bar results of enter the Med school is '' a " since she has just recently pending approval by the Howard la\v school gradu­ • function of the decreased been appointed to the N overn ber, 1976. always be, as far as I know, Board of Zone Variance ior a ates. By Brigette Rouson of the Lincoln Memorial. competitiveness in the ap­ Board. ' ' That's what the more of ' the least of these' change in zone instru ctio-n, Dean Charles Duncan res ­ Hilltop Sl.iff writer As one of the highlights of plication of Howard Mrs. Freeman, an attorney President-elect is all about,'' than all the rest'' said Dean Lawrence Jorles. ponded briefly to some of the Inaugural fe stivities, Rev. stu dents when compared to The father of slain civil The 0ew bu ilding, and a graduate of Howard the grievances at the en­ King appeared three hours said King. '' That's why he's other Black students.'·' University's School of Law, ' 'D addy King' ' returned rights leader Or. Martin however, is fully ~ prepared counter Wednesda y, but in­ before President jimmy Car­ up here. Because he said Reasons for the decrease stated she w ould take the yes terday morning to the that he was concerned." Luther King Jr. grew sen­ for the transition, but dicated that it \vas not his ter was S\vorn into office. in enrollment varied am ong · grievianies of the students to pla ce where his son timental as he addressed the because the permit to teach ''intention to debate Mr. King told the crowd what he King noted that in biblical the differenl: adminis trat ion delivered his mosl' Lincoln Memorial crowd. has n ot been secured the Board. Akorli." felt should be the Chief limes, Christ was said to officials, Dean Marion Mann The essence of the student memorable speech over,. a '' I stand here," he said, academ ic functions have not The Dean s1ated that he 1 Execu1ive's focus once he have told followers that of the College of Med icine complai11ts centers around decade ago. He came to ask '' with a bit of reluctance and started. · 1 ''agrees w ith the students' begins official out1es. failure to help their fellow saidO there are now rnore the quality of legal educa­ blessing fo r the new ''The sheep must be fed ," nien meant neglecting the timidity upon these This stand still is only in concern. .. about bar results,'' President . An estimated Med schools for H oward tion at the law sc hool. 0 Lord. hollowed .grounds. Quite 13 the academic area. Already but added that 11 will ''lake said theministcrfrom Carter's students to choose from. , ''T l1e fa culty n1embers are 50,000 peo'ple came out .in years ago, my son stood Howard gr~duate students some time to reverS f' this native Georgia wh o 1s ''So God prayeth, God Clarence Lee, Associate no! doing their job," stated tht=i cold to hear the Rev. ' prayeth, that our here, and delivered his great from v.?riOLIS H.U trend '', believed to l1ave heiJ)f'Cl per­ Pre~ine11t Dean of Liberal Arts, said the Akor!i 1n an SBA rneeting M.:1.rtin Luther King, Sr. \t speech on ' I Ha\'e a Dream.' professional schools have On the quest1011 of 1r1corn­ suade many of the lllatks will remember always ' the low Medic'al College Ad­ held Tuesday, where he out­ 1·hursday's p re- lnaugu;·al least of these,' " said Rev . Little did I kr1ow that I filled com!)letely the 34 petent fa culty mernbers, the who turned out at the'polls missions T~~ t {MCAT) scores li11ed the purpose of the prayer service on the steps would even be living to be eq uipped r(toms Dean stated that although he 'n record numbers i 11 King, ·•_ 'cau'se there will were the reason behind the three day in orator1um ar1d here today .... B4t God has his Dean J on~f said in seeking has requested spec1f1c·~ small number of Howard how it w ould 01)erate. way of leadi n·g us, and to negot i at ~ ·. the ' initial pur­ r1ame s of such individua ls, students who are gaining ad ~ Although there was sorne guiding us in paths that we cha se of th · uilding. he oor m1ss1on . di s a~reement ainong the stu - know not Qf." the univers· had any prior See LAW page 2 Lee went further,' ' HU Security Officers Continue Strike Applau se arid laughter k11owledge f this legal fac­ however, say that he is greeted King as he closed ti tor. The m e was further - '' absolutely~ in favor of get­ with a story of the country delayed bee use of- certain ting as man~y Bla ck students New Part Time Program at all in terms of patient accusi11g Howard of not doctor who had no degrees, set board rneeting_dates . The as poss i ble in med i cal ' By Brigette Ro~on care," although she admitted bargai ning in good faith'' be­ but healed well, and whose change in zone instruction sc hool ''bu?.,only if they are Hilltop St•ffwriter ' ' there is a little 1n - cau se of the developmer1t office sign when he could will be brought before the . " qualified.'' ' convenience. The union' s attorr1ey al so not be found proclaimed board meeting scheduled One Howard pre-med To Premiere At l "hc secu ri.Jy strike staged Both University and union called the University's ''Still in business.
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