Following tradition Azerbaijan – land of music festivals Lala HUSEYNOVA PhD in Arts THE LAND OF FIRE… AZERBAIJAN HAS BEEN KNOWN AS SUCH FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL, AND THERE ARE MANY REASONS FOR THAT. BUT WE WILL TALK ABOUT A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FAME THAT THIS DEVELOPING AND FASCINATING LAND IS GRADUALLY EARNING ITSELF. THE LAND OF MUSIC FESTIVALS – tHIS IS HOW AZERBAIJAn’S CURRENT MUSICAL AND CUL- TURAL REALITIES CAN BE DESCRIBED IF WE WERE TO PARAPHRASE THE WELL-KNOWN PHRASE. least one traditional mu- sic festival is conducted in AtAzerbaijan every season. The participants and guests of the second “Space of Mugham” interna- tional festival, held over the spring holidays of Novruz (the first was held in 2009), are convinced that it was one of the most successful international projects on the traditional music of the East. This has largely been pos- sible thanks to the initiator and main sponsor of the festival, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation led by its President, the Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, Mehriban Aliyeva. As was the case during the first festival, the 34 www.irs-az.com Azerbaijan – land of music festivals capital Baku became a venue for a re- The festival was joined by vocalists the energy of life, but also the blos- cord number of music events for the and instrumentalists from Azerbaijan som of art and creative inspiration. eight days (14-21 March) of the festi- and foreign countries, including the The upcoming summer season is val. Art enthusiasts had the opportu- USA, Canada, France, Peru, Ecuador, promising to be no less interesting in nity to see the world’s first Mugham Turkey, Uzbekistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, terms of music events. The resort city operas by Uzeyir Hajibayov, “Leyli India and China. Another scientific of Gabala, once the capital of the Cau- and Majnun” and “Asli and Kerem”, symposium under the auspices of casian Albania, one of the oldest cul- as well as “Shah Ismayil” by Muslim UNESCO, as well as the second in- ture centers of the Caucasus located in Magomayev. Khanende (vocal per- ternational contest of young per- a fascinating mountainous terrain full formers of Mugham) performed all formers of the traditional music of historical sites and fashionable ho- seven main Azerbaijani Mughams of the East, were also held within tels, will be entertaining guests from (Rast, Shur, Segah, Chargah, Bayati- the festival framework. In other around the world for the third time Shiraz, Khumayun and Shushter). Also words, the festival program was un- this year. It is no coincidence that participating in the festival were for- precedentedly extensive, as each day this city, a center of a multiethnic eign representatives of performing saw four to five different events. Open region symbolizing an intercultur- arts featuring traditional music, mod- master-classes from outstanding al dialogue, has been selected by ern compositions by Azerbaijani and performers, Azerbaijani khanende the Heydar Aliyev Foundation as a Middle Eastern composers, including Alim Gasimov and Egyptian per- venue for a major festival joined by even Jazz-Mugham. Thus, the artistic cussionist Habib Yammini, were a the already prominent and young concept of the festival, carefully devel- novelty of the festival. It is worth indi- musicians from many countries. A oped by the project’s art director, the cating that this year’s festival was held contest of young pianists held within chairman of the Union of Compos- during the Novruz holidays, while the the framework of the first festival in ers of Azerbaijan and the UNESCO festival’s culminating point, the final 2009 revealed a number of young Artist of Peace, Firangiz Alizade, concert at the Heydar Aliyev Palace, and talented musicians. The concerts embodied the amazing diversity of was held on the day of vernal equinox of symphonic and chamber music of Mugham. which symbolizes not only renewal of two festivals in Gabala have featured www.irs-az.com 35 Following tradition crets of natural silk production are still cherished. It was in this truly Oriental city with a magnificent Palace of She- ki Khans that the first international music festival with the symbolic name of “Silk Way” was held from 27 June to 1 July 2010. Organized by the Union of Composers of Azer- baijan, the festival was joined by the best musicians from Azerbaijan, Ko- rea, Norway, Finland and Canada. The various musical compositions played in places that are considered histori- cal monuments created a very special atmosphere around the festival. Such places included the picturesque park of the Palace of Sheki Khans with cen- tennial plane-trees, the caravansary architectural complex, the ancient Alban church in the mountainous vil- lage Kish, etc. Speaking about Azerbaijan’s mu- sic festivals, it is worth indicating that the opening of the concert season on 18 September every year, on the birthday of prominent clas- sic of Azerbaijani music Uzeyir Hajibayov which is traditionally marked as a nationwide holiday, the Day of Music, is in itself the be- ginning of a major music festival. In 2010, this festival was held interna- tionally because it overlapped with Uzeyir Hajibayov’s 125th birthday an- niversary. The program of the 10-day festival included various stage shows, concerts of orchestra music, band and solo performances by Azerbai- jani and foreign artists held in the best concert halls of Baku, Sumgayit such celebrities as the London Royal Grieg, M. Falla, F. Mendelson, K. Saint- and Agjabadi, the great composer’s Philharmonic Orchestra, the Israeli Saens, F. Shubert, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, home town. The festival was joined Symphonic Orchestra, the Azerbai- G. Garayev, M. Magomayev, etc. could by numerous foreign guests, includ- jan State Symphonic Orchestra, as be heard at the foot of the mountain ing the “Orfeon” chamber chorus well as renowned musicians such every morning. The crystal-clear air (Turkey), the “Tang” quartet (Sin- as Yuri Bashmet, Dmitri Yablonskiy, and the natural acoustics became a gapore), the “Amaltea” band (Swit- Farhad Badalbeyli, Boris Berezovskiy, wonderful background to this realm zerland), the CIS youth symphonic Rauf Abdullayev, Emilio Pons, Chloe of music on the unforgettable days of orchestra led by V. Spivakov, as well Hanslip, Oksana Yablonskaya, Murad the festival. as soloists A. Gindin, S. Kudryakov, Adigezalzade, etc. Classical music of Not far from Gabala there Sheki, A. Saykin (Russia), D. Liveli, G. Veen U. Hajibayov, P. Tchaikovsky, G. Bizet, one of the most ancient cities of the (Holland), N. Reksrot (Germany), A. S. Rahmaninov, G. Verdi, F. Amirov, E. Great Silk Way where centuries-old se- Bankas, N. Cogan (Canada), conduc- 36 www.irs-az.com tors A. Markin (Russia) and I. Gadjiyev (Canada). The biggest event of the autumn music season in Baku is certainly the traditional jazz festival. It would be no exaggeration to say that jazz festivals have a special holiday at- mosphere about them. The level of contact established between those on the stage and the audience at jazz concerts is not observed in any other art form. There is a true holiday of engagement and involvement, dis- covery of new names and styles. The history of Baku jazz festivals dates back to the 1960s, while the first festival was held in 1967. The latest festival, conducted on 16-30 October 2010, will be remembered by a whole participants included the “Shakatak” Artur Dutkievich (Poland) and Alex- constellation of well-known names. jazz band (United Kingdom), the “Jaz- ander Montti (Jamaica), Omar (United Concerts were held at the best halls zamor” band, the “Vijay Iyer” trio (USA), Kingdom), trumpeter Eric Vloemans of the capital – the Heydar Aliyev Pal- the “Arena” jazz orchestra (Azerbaijan), (Holland), as well as Azerbaijani ace, the Baku Mugham Center, the soloists Diana Rives (USA), guitarist Al jazzmen Rain Sultanov (saxophone), Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Hall Di Meola (USA), Matt Bianco (United Salman Gambarov, Jamil Amirov, Emil named after M. Magomayev and the Kingdom), Aziza Mustafazade (Azer- Afrasiyab oglu, Isfar Sarabski (piano). Baku Jazz Center. The list of festival baijan), pianists Keiko Matsui (Japan), Every winter, in mid-December, www.irs-az.com 37 Following tradition leading musicians of the world de- coming to Baku on New Year’s eve talented musicians awarded with scend on Baku to revere the memo- for four years now. Over this period scholarships of the Rostropovich ry of outstanding maestro Mstislav the festival has featured such foreign Foundation show their skill as well. Rostropovich in his native country. artists as the Moscow chamber or- Also within the said festivals the The traditional Rostropovich music chestra “New Russia”, the chamber Galina Vishnevskaya Opera Center festival is considered one of the most band “Soloists of Moscow” conducted conducts performances at the Azer- prestigious events very much looked by Yuri Bashmet, the Israeli philhar- baijan Academic Opera and Ballet forward to by the people of Baku and monic orchestra conducted by Zubin Theater. As part of the latest Rostropo- visitors of the Azerbaijani capital alike. Mehta, the British chamber orchestra vich festival, the Center performed Bi- It is worth pointing out that the initia- conducted by Christian Badea, Eu- zet’s famous “Carmen” opera much to tive of conducting such festivals in gene Kohn, Maxim Vengerov, violin- the delight of the audience. Baku was made by maestro himself. ists Pinchas Zukerman, Sergey Krylov, Yet another festival of modern mu- It was on his suggestion that the Andres Mustonen, Yuri Revich, Ray sic dedicated to outstanding Azerbai- 100th birthday anniversary of the Chen, cellists Natalia Gutman, Denis jani composer Gara Garayev started in outstanding 20th century compos- Shapovalov, David Geringas, Xavier Baku on 2 April 2011… er and a great friend of Azerbaijani Philips, Amanda Foresight, pianists The article dwells upon interna- music, Dmitri Shostakovich, was Eliso Virsaladze, Alexander Korsantia, tional music festivals held in Azerbai- marked by a major international Mikhail Lidskiy, Rudolph Buchbinder, jan every spring, summer, autumn and festival in Baku in 2006.
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