S6702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 5, 2016 Iowa; ViaSat in Carlsbad, California; and decades. This operation didn’t elimi- boring countries, and political corrup- Data Link Solutions in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. nate every terrorist, nor has it denied tion has stilted economic growth. There are no known offset agreements pro- safe haven to many who continue to Pakistan must demonstrate that the posed in connection with this potential sale. operate from Pakistan. But it has led commitment to fighting terrorism and Implementation of this proposed sale will require multiple trips to Finland involving to security improvements in the coun- improving conditions in the country is U.S. Government and contractor representa- try, and this area is now safer than not dependent on a single individual. In tives for technical reviews, support, and ever before. And importantly, the Pak- that spirit, I look forward to working training. istani Army is continuing to secure the with General Qamar Javed Bajwa, There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- gains it has achieved by building roads, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s selec- fense readiness as a result of this proposed border posts, schools, and healthcare tion to be the next Chief of Army Staff. sale. facilities across North Waziristan to By taking on all terrorist groups oper- TRANSMITTAL NO. 16–65 promote economic development and ating in its country, Pakistan will find Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of give citizens a more prosperous and that the United States remains willing Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the peaceful future. and able to assist in this fight and de- Arms Export Control Act In the south, General Sharif also velop an enduring strategic partner- Annex Item No. vii took on the task of clearing Karachi, ship. (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: one of Pakistan’s largest cities, of an I congratulate Pakistan on carrying 1. The Multifunctional Information Dis- array of terrorist organizations, crimi- out a second consecutive transition of tribution System Joint Tactical Radio Sys- nal groups, and even political corrup- power in the military, and I wish Gen- tem (MIDS–JTRS) is not classified but is tion. The results were equally impres- eral Sharif well as he enters a well- considered a COMSEC Controlled Item (CCI). sive, leading to a dramatic decline in earned retirement. He has vowed to There are no training devices, associated documentation, or services to be provided militant attacks and ending the kind serve Pakistan even after his retire- with the sale of these MIDS–JTRS units. No of targeted killings, kidnappings for ment, and I would expect nothing less. sensitive information is provided or associ- ransom, and extortion that had become f ated with this sale. a feature of life in the city. 2. All defense articles and services listed in Much of the credit for the success of SECRETARY KERRY’S REMARKS this transmittal have been authorized for re- these operations is due to General AT COP22 lease and export to the Government of Fin- Sharif and the service and sacrifice of Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, last land. tens of thousands of Pakistani soldiers year the world came together in Paris f who followed his lead. What was re- to support a truly historic agreement on climate change. And 2015 was also TRIBUTE TO GENERAL RAHEEL markable about General Sharif was not historic for another reason: It was the SHARIF only the commitment he demonstrated to rooting out terrorism, but also his hottest year in an observational record Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, today I efforts to improve economic develop- that stretches back to the 1880s. In wish to recognize the accomplishments ment, political life, and civic services fact, 15 of the 16 hottest years on the of General Raheel Sharif and to express for citizens throughout the country. He planet have occurred since 2000. Re- my gratitude to him upon his retire- recognized that failure to focus on the cently, July and August 2016 tied the ment as Pakistan’s Chief of Army root causes of radicalization, including global record for the hottest month, Staff. General Sharif has been a vital economic and political corruption, had and 2016 is on track to be the warmest partner for the United States in the exacerbated the growth of extremism year yet. The evidence on climate battle against terrorism. Since taking in Pakistan, and he showed foresight in change is overwhelming. Scientists office in November 2013, General Sharif seeking to remedy both cause and ef- have understood the fundamental phys- has continued to target terrorists oper- fect. ics for over a century. And the world ating within the borders of Pakistan. This is the kind of leadership that is agrees that we must take action to He has carried the fight to the north- imperative for the continued improve- curb dangerous carbon pollution and west frontier provinces of Pakistan, as ment of relations between the United reduce the effects of climate change. A well as promised to eliminate safe ha- States and Pakistan, which is impor- majority of the United States agrees vens for terrorists from the country tant for the stability of the entire re- that we must take action. completely. In taking these actions, gion, and for the national security of The swiftness with which the Paris General Sharif has demonstrated that both Pakistan and the United States. Climate Accord came into force dem- fighting against extremist groups is But despite the progress I witnessed onstrates the global commitment to firmly in the national security inter- firsthand when I visited Pakistan this addressing the serious concerns of cli- ests of Pakistan. past summer, the U.S.-Pakistan rela- mate change. It is also a testament to General Sharif comes from a military tionship has become strained. Among the leadership of President Barack family, with a long tradition of patri- other things, limitations on U.S. as- Obama and Secretary of State John otism and service to country. Among sistance to Pakistan and congressional Kerry. This year, the world again came his many brave military family mem- opposition to approve funding for the together at the United Nations Climate bers, his older brother Major Rana sale of defense articles have added to Change Conference in Marrakesh, Mo- Shabbir Sharif, who was killed in ac- tensions between our two governments. rocco, to begin forging the path to- tion, is regarded as the most decorated But even with these difficulties, U.S. wards a lower-emissions world and officer of the Pakistan Army, having and Pakistani leaders cannot allow am- clean energy future. And while there is received the three most coveted awards bivalence and suspicion to fester in our much work to be done, we are heading of the Army, and is fondly addressed as relationship. Our common interests in in the right direction. We have seen the the army’s ‘‘Superman.’’ This is a leg- counterterrorism, nuclear security, price of solar energy reach record lows acy difficult to live up to, but General and regional stability are too impor- and the rate of new solar installation Sharif has done so, honoring his broth- tant and too urgent. Both sides share reach record highs. We have seen er and family’s service, and continuing responsibility to improve U.S.-Paki- States, regions, and countries reduce to serve and protect his country and its stan relations, and the United States their carbon pollution while growing institutions. must continue to make clear its endur- their economies. These positive steps Since taking on the role of Chief of ing commitment to Pakistan’s sta- will not only curb carbon pollution, Army Staff, General Sharif has been at bility and economic growth. but also create good, well-paying clean the forefront of fighting the Taliban As we look to the future, there re- energy jobs. and other terrorist groups inside Paki- mains much to be done. While Pakistan Climate change is a challenge for the stan. In 2014, he initiated the launch of has made progress in its fight against entire world. Through the Paris Cli- Operation Zarb-e-Azb in North terrorism, the Haqqani Network con- mate Accord, the international com- Waziristan, a tribal area along the Af- tinues to operate within its border, in- munity has decided to face this chal- ghanistan-Pakistan border where mili- creasing cross-border attacks are car- lenge head on, and the United States tants had operated with impunity for ried out by armed militants on neigh- must continue to be the global leader. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:55 Dec 06, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05DE6.030 S05DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with SENATE December 5, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6703 Under the leadership of Sectary of world that surrounds us and the importance wide agreement for carbon-neutral growth. State John Kerry, the United States of preserving it for generations to come. Why is this so important? Because inter- has carried this mantle. In the speech As Jonathan mentioned, climate change is national aviation wasn’t covered by what we deeply personal to me, but it’s personal to did in Paris, and if that aviation was a coun- that Secretary Kerry delivered last everyone in this room. I know that. And we try, it would rank among the top dozen month in Marrakesh, Morocco, at the obviously want it to be just as personal for greenhouse gas emitters in the world. 22nd meeting of the Conference of Par- everyone in every room: men, women, chil- A few weeks later, I was pleased to be in ties to the United Nationals Frame- dren, businesspeople, consumers, parents, Kigali, Rwanda, when representatives from work Convention on Climate Change teachers, students, grandparents.
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